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ATV Quad Kings (Nintendo DS)

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Title Screen

ATV Quad Kings

Developer: Beyond Reality
Publishers: Storm City Games (US original), Enjoy Gaming (EU/US rerelease)
Platforms: Nintendo DS, DSiWare
Released in US: March 2, 2010 (DS), June 19, 2014 (DSiWare)
Released in EU: October 14, 2010 (DS)

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Menu

Elementary, my dear Cactus.
This needs some investigation.
Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page.
Specifically: There's another debug variable, DebugMenuItem, which doesn't seem to do anything when adjusted.

The file Game.ini contains a variable, DebugMenu, that controls a hidden debug menu option displayed at the bottom of the main menu. The best way to activate it is to open the ROM with a hex editor, then go to address 258400 and replace its 0 with a 1. (The .ini file exists in the DSiWare version as well, though changing the value (located at 2D9E40) will cause the game to freeze upon startup.)

ATVQuadKings DS DebugMenu.png

Left and Right change the selected level, while Up and Down move the menu's cursor.

  • Test Level - Play the selected level. It is possible to select a 19th level - an extended circuit in Spain - using the controls listed above, but doing so will freeze the game.
  • Unlock All - Unlocks every gameplay mode, level, and vehicle in the game.
  • Reward Screens - Displays the Milan Coliseum unlock screen, followed by the unlock screens for every trophy and their type (gold, then silver, and finally bronze).
  • Podium - Displays the game's credits sequence.
  • Demo Mode - Starts playing through an infinite loop of all of the game's levels. The player can control the quad bike like normal, though the level will end and return to the debug menu (and the next level) after ten seconds have passed.
  • Back - Return to the main menu.
(Source: Original TCRF research)