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Alley Cat (DOS)

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Title Screen

Alley Cat

Developer: Synapse Software
Publisher: IBM
Platform: DOS
Released in US: 1984

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Alley Cat is a classic among old computer gamers, where you are a tomcat trying to reach a high score with several minigames and who has to attract a potential mate. Nearly everything is out to prevent you from reaching your goal, though, even other cats. Good luck.

Build Date

Near the very beginning of the game's code, there's a build date. This can be found at 1F in ALLEYCAT.EXE.


Developer Message

Hidden in the game is a small biblical quote, sourced from Numbers 6:24 with a small tweak. It's found at 2B0 in ALLEYCAT.EXE.


(Source: breech)