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Antonball Deluxe/Unused Sprites

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This is a sub-page of Antonball Deluxe.

The sprites in this game that aren't attached to any objects range from mysterious to outright confusing. These are their stories.

Alternate Pinholes

To do:
Record different pinholes.

Two alternate pinholes exist when fading to another menu or level.

The first is an alternate version of Anton's head with eyes and a smiling mouth (titled spr_pinhole1). This was likely cut due to the face suddenly appearing on screen, giving it a not as smooth transition.

Unused Used
PC-Antonball-spr pinhole1-1.png PC-Antonball-spr pinhole-1.png

The other pinhole is just a basic white square (titled spr_pinhole2).

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr pinhole2-1.png

Alternate Vinyl Covers

There are some alternate vinyl covers with different names.

A cover for a vinyl titled Cool Tapes (spr_cooltapes). The cover reads "COOL TAPES, REAL COOL GUY", and uses a stock image of a man that you can see in full here.

PC-Antonball-spr cooltapes-1.png

An alternate cover for Danthony's Orb, where all the 4 frames of Danton blink. This cover exists under the same name as the used cover (spr_danthonysorb), but there's no code for the game to make use of the next sprite index, leaving this unused.

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr danthonysorb alt-1.png

An alternate cover for Polar March, in which the dog had its face stretched. Just like Danthony's Orb, this cover exists under its own filename (spr_polar).

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr polar alt-1.png

A cover for a vinyl titled Shambling. It shows a timer from Antonblast and has an alternate cover where the clock was redrawn.

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr shambling-1.png Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr shambling-2.png

Antonball Classic Sprites

A seemlingly complete set of sprites from Antonball Classic are in the game, even simple object highlighters and duplicates that are used under a different sprite name. Each sprite ends with _CLASSIC, but why they're all here is unknown.

Autosaving (spr_autosave)

PC-Antonball-spr autosave-1.png

An icon for when the game autosaves. GameMaker games usually autosave almost instantly, so this wasn't necessary.

Ballbusting Summitsphere Ball (Sprite792)


A big spinning red ball with the Summitsphere logo on it. Its purpose is unknown, though it could've been used on the company splash screens.

Cutscene 2 Sheets

Two prop sheets for the 2nd cutscene (Antonball ending) exist in the final game, leading from cutscenes 3 to 5.

All of the sprites in spr_cs_anton675 match their in-game counterparts, except for the oil drop, which is nowhere used.

PC-Antonball-spr cs2 anton675-1.png

spr_cs2_sheet is a different story. Some interesting differences can be spotted from this sheet alone, mostly showing that this cutscene was intended to be longer.

PC-Antonball-spr cs2 sheet-1.png

Ant on Ball Poster

The Ant on Ball poster was supposed to appear again, to a point that it's even in this scene's tileset. It was never used.

Scene 4 Differences

Scene 4 has many differences going on, such as different brick pattern placements, a brown outline for the sidewalk, and a non-aligned shot for the hole. A mockup shows what this scene could've looked like if it was kept like this.

Sheet Final
Windows-AntonballDeluxe-Cutscene2 Scene4 Mockup-1.png Windows-AntonballDeluxe-Cutscene2 Scene4-1.png

Sweat Frames

Anton's sweat appears in this sheet in frames 2 and 4. In the cutscene, it's in frames 1 and 2.

Missing Shadows

Anton's shocked animation is missing some shadows on his shoulders.

Sheet Final
Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr cs2 antonside shock1 Sheet-1.gif Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr cs2 antonside shock1-1.gif

Cut Anger Reaction

An unused animation is below Anton's shocked reaction, in which he angerly waves his fist.

PC-Antonball-fistwave spr cs2 sheet-1.gif

Sewer Fall Differences

Anton has tighter overalls, longer hair, different shading on his beard and a different expression when falling down.

Sheet Final
PC-Antonball-alt spr cs2 antonfall-1.png PC-Antonball-spr cs2 antonfall-1.png

Cut 6th Scene

An unused 6th scene exists, in which Anton can be seen once again in the Boiler Sewers, this time pissed.

PC-Antonball-alt spr cs1 underground-1.png

Early Character Select Screens

Two mockups for an early character select screen exist, one with (spr_character_select_background) and without (spr_character_select_background2) a background. Note the different question mark icons and more availible grids, having space for 28 characters.

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr character select background-1.png Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr character select background2-1.png

Early Cutscene 4 Stageview (spr_cs4_stage)

A shot of cutscene 4 shot 3 (Punchball ending) without Annie or Brulo in frame. The stage floor itself is a little bit darker.

Unused Used
Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr cs4 stage-1.png Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr cs4 hand it over Complete-1.png

Early Lottery Machine (spr_lotterymachine_OLD)

An early version of the Lottery Machine. It's pre-assemlbed and has mostly different shading on the handle and the machine itself.

Unused Used
PC-Antonball-spr lotterymachine OLD-1.png PC-Antonball-spr lottery complete-1.png

Early Vs. Level Select Assets

Various assets exist for an early version of the Vs. Antonball stage select screen. This early version is only present in the Steam 2020 demo, albeit with some sprites not present in that demo.

Level icons (titled spr_levels). Only 3 out of 9 levels have an icon, with the rest reusing the question mark icon. Interestingly, Beach Brawl was supposed to be set at daytime, possibly reusing tiles from Antonland. Dot Matrix was also selectable from this menu, instead having to press a button combination to play it.

PC-Antonball-spr levels-1.png PC-Antonball-spr levels-2.png PC-Antonball-spr levels-3.png PC-Antonball-spr levels-4.png

The highlight for selecting a level (titled spr_level_select) is also present.

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr level select-1.png

Originally, selected levels would show a banner on the bottom unique for each level. spr_level_selected would show up if the level hadn't been unlocked yet.

PC-Antonball-spr level selected-1.png

And speaking of banners and Dot Matrix, here's a banner of Dot Matrix - the only one that exists in the final game (titled spr_levelpreview_dotmatrix). It shows both Anton and Classic Anton in the same shot.

PC-Antonball-spr levelpreview dotmatrix-1.png

Game Logos

Three different Antonball logos that were once used in the SAGE 2020 and Steam 2020 demos. The objects that these sprites were attached to have since been deleted.

Knocked Over Nina (spr_cs4_nina_fallen)

PC-Antonball-spr cs4 nina fallen-1.png

A sprite meant for the 4th cutscene (Punchball ending). It's identical to spr_cs4_danton_nina_knocked, but without Danton.

Punchball Cutscene Sprites(?)

Various...concept...pieces...(?) of the Punchball ending cutscene. It seems that the circle on the left is supposed to be Annie and the circle on the right Brulo.

Trump On A Shell (hi)

A very low-res image of Donald Trump riding a Koopa shell in Shifting Sand Land from Super Mario 64. Moving on.


One of the developers also posted a higher quality version of this image, which you can see here.

Two Chungus, Two Furious

The big chung himself, Big Chungus, exists in the game's data (titled spr_bigchungus and spr_anton_chungus). Both sprites were used early on for a placeholder player object that no longer exists. spr_anton_chungus also has 4 duplicate frames for some reason.

PC-Antonball-punchball spr anton chungus-1.png PC-Antonball-punchball spr bigchungus-1.png

White Square (spr_white32)

Just a white square. It's not even used by any objects.

Windows-AntonballDeluxe-spr white32-1.png

(Source: Original TCRF research)