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Archipelagos (Atari ST)
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Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Astral Software
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Archipelagos |
Developer: Astral Software
Archipelagos is one of the more unique strategy games, where the player traverses procedurally generated worlds to cleanse the islands of boulders and obelisks.
Source Code Fragments
Several huge chunks of the game's code was included on the disk. They can be found in the .stx dump at the addresses listed below.
w d1,d2 and.w #$0007,d2 AND blue component move.b d2,(a1)+ stick it in palBt2 addq.l #1,a1 dbf d0,ptp_l1 rts ******************************************************************* RGB lea palBt2,a0 asl.w #2,d7 TO col lea (a0),a6 lea 0(a0,d7),a5 RGB2 lea RGBincs,a4 lea permRGB,a3 moveq #15,d2 for 16 cols.. rgb_l1 moveq #0,d4 move.b (a5),d4 RED component of col swap d4 in high word moveq #0,d1 move.b (a6),d1 target RED component swap d1 move.l d1,(a3)+ sub.l d1,d4 red difference asr.l #5,d4 16 steps on col change move.l d4,(a4)+ moveq #0,d4 move.b 1(a5),d4 GREEN component of col swap d4 in high word moveq #0,d1 move.b 1(a6),d1 target GREEN component swap d1 move.l d1,(a3)+ sub.l d1,d4 green difference asr.l #5,d4 16 steps on col change move.l d4,(a4)+ moveq #0,d4 move.b 2(a5),d4 BLUE component of col swap d4 in high word moveq #0,d1 move.b 2(a6),d1 target BLUE component swap d1 move.l d1,(a3)+ sub.l d1,d4 blue difference asr.l #5,d4 16 steps on col change move.l d4,(a4)+ addq.l #4,a6 add.l #4,a4 add.l #4,a3 dbf d2,rgb_l1 rts ******************************************************************* tBsub movem.w d6-d7,-(sp) lea currntpal,a2 lea currntRGB,a0 lea RGBincs,a1 moveq #15,d6 15 cols tBs_l1 move.l (a1)+,d0 add.l d0,(a0)+ move.l (a1)+,d0 add.l d0,(a0)+ move.l (a1)+,d0 add.l d0,(a0)+ move.b -11(a0),d7 RED into d7 lsl.w #4,d7 shove up or.b -7(a0),d7 or in GREEN lsl.w #4,d7 shove up or.b -3(a0),d7 or in BLUE move.w d7,(a2)+ new col addq.l #4,a0 addq.l #4,a1 dbf d6,tBs_l1 movem.w (sp)+,d6-d7 rts ******************************************************************* tBsub2 movem.w d6-d7,-(sp) lea currntpal,a2 lea currntRGB,a0 lea RGBincs,a1 moveq #15,d6 15 cols tBs_l2 move.l (a1)+,d0 sub.l d0,(a0)+ move.l (a1)+,d0 sub.l d0,(a0)+ move.l (a1)+,d0 sub.l d0,(a0)+ move.b -11(a0),d7 RED into d7 lsl.w #4,d7 shove 8240+2,a1 display registers move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ..set reg move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d7,spl_l1 cmp.w #32,d6 beq spl_o1 move.w d6,d7 subq.w #1,d7 spl_l2 bsr tBsub2 jsr wait_fly lea currntpal+2,a0 pal addr lea $FF8240+2,a1 display registers move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ..set reg move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d7,spl_l2 lea permRGB,a0 pal addr lea currntRGB,a1 display registers move.w #$3F,d0 for 16 colours spl_l4 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ..set reg dbf d0,spl_l4 next reg add.w #6,d6 cmp.w #32,d6 ble spl_l3 spl_o1 move.w aimcol(pc),d0 get final (logical) col no. moveq #0,d1 make up screen fill words moveq #0,d2 in d1,d2 btst #0,d0 test bits for colour and set beq spl_o2 d1 & d2 accordingly move.l #$FFFF0000,d1 spl_o2 btst #1,d0 beq spl_o3 move.w #$FFFF,d1 spl_o3 btst #2,d0 beq spl_o4 move.l #$FFFF0000,d2 spl_o4 btst #3,d0 beq spl_o5 move.w #$FFFF,d2 spl_o5 lea screen1,a0 bsr spl_s1 lea screen2,a0 bsr spl_s1 move.w -2(a0),skycol rts * fills pic frame part of screen with d1,d2 as long words spl_s1 lea 16+8*160(a0),a0 top lh corner of pic frame move.w #171,d4 172 pix rows spl_l9 moveq #15,d3 16 16blocks in 256 pix spl_l8 move.l d1,(a0)+ fill with colour move.l d2,(a0)+ dbf d3,spl_l8 lea 32(a0),a0 dbf d4,spl_l9 next pix row rts ******************************************************************* to_black bsr pal_to_perm move.l #dievbl,$70.w lea palBt2,a0 lea (a0),a6 lea zero,a5 bsr RGB2 lea permRGB,a0 pal addr lea currntRGB,a1 display registers move.w #$3F,d0 for 16 colours spl_l6 move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ..set reg dbf d0,spl_l6 next reg move.w #31,d7 spl_l7 tst.b volflag did we want fade ? beq tun_o5 tst.b jingle else jingles always on bne tun_o7 tst.b mustate is music off ? beq tun_o5 tun_o7 move.w d7,d0 asr.w #1,d0 move.b d0,snd+$191 tun_o5 bsr tBsub jsr wait_fly lea currntpal,a0 pal addr lea $FF8240,a1 display registers move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ ..set reg move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ move.l (a0)+,(a1)+ dbf d7,spl_l7 clr.b volflag move.w -2(a0),skycol bclr #0,$FFFFFA07.w ; lea altscreen,a0 ; bsr tbl_s1 lea screen1,a0 bsr tbl_s1 lea screen2,a0 bsr tbl_s1 rts tbl_s1 move.w #7999,d0 tbl_l1 clr.l (a0)+ dbf d0,tbl_l1 rts ******************************************************************* pal_to_perm jsr wait_fly lea palBt2,a1 lea $FF8240,a0 moveq #15,d0 ptp_l1 move.w (a0)+,d1 get colour 0 move.w d1,d2 lsr.w #8,d2 and.w #$0007,d2 red component move.b d2,(a1)+ move.w d1,d2 lsr.w #4,d2 and.w #$0007,d2 green component move.b d2,(a1)+ move.
ca_o1 move.b #4,(a2)+ bra ca_o2 ca_o1 move.b #6,(a2)+ ca_o2 dbf d0,ca_l4 dbf d2,ca_l3 lea 128(a2),a2 dbf d3,ca_l2 ca_out rts ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- rand_block bsr make_block bsr create_arch bsr gen_vars move.w Nstones,noofstones move.w Nbeggs,noofeggs rts pony movem.l d0-d7/a0-a6,-(sp) move.w #0,d0 move.w rcount,d1 moveq #0,d4 move.w countar,d4 bsr print_num addq.w #1,rcount movem.l (sp)+,a0-a6/d0-d7 rts ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * create arch creation data block make_block move.w currntlvl(pc),d0 asl.w #2,d0 add.w #5000,d0 move.w d0,ran2 seed for level creation = lvl+5000 bsr randx moveq #40,d2 bsr rand_range add.w #20,d2 move.w d2,noofisles noofisles = 20 to 60 bsr randx moveq #100,d2 bsr rand_range add.w #100,d2 move.w d2,isle_f1 isle_f1 = 100 to 200 asr.w #1,d2 move.w d2,isle_f2 isle_f2 = 50 to 100 bsr randx moveq #32,d2 bsr rand_range add.w #15,d2 move.w d2,ip1 ip1 = 15 to 47 ave 31 move.w d2,d3 bsr randx moveq #32,d2 bsr rand_range add.w d3,d2 add.w #15,d2 move.w d2,ip2 ip2 = ip1+15 to ip1+15+32 ave 62 move.w d2,d3 bsr randx moveq #32,d2 bsr rand_range add.w d3,d2 add.w #15,d2 cmp.w #100,d2 blt mb_o1 moveq #100,d2 mb_o1 move.w d2,ip3 ip3 = ip2+5 to ip2+5+15 (or 100) ave 93 move.w #100,ip4 ip4 = ip3 to 100 bsr randx move.w #80,d2 bsr rand_range add.w #10,d2 move.w d2,mergeprob move.w currntlvl(pc),d0 asl.w #2,d0 add.w #12345,d0 move.w d0,level_seed move.w noofisles,d0 mulu #3,d0 sub.w #20,d0 move.b d0,archparms move.b d0,archparms+1 move.b #$FF,d1 sub.b d0,d1 move.b d1,d0 lsr.b #1,d0 move.b d0,archparms+2 move.b d0,archparms+3 move.w #1,archparms+4 move.w #0,archparms+10 move.w #0,archparms+16 move.w #0,archparms+22 rts ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * generate variables,trees,eggs,etc. etc. gen_vars move.w #31,Ntrees bsr randx moveq #6,d2 bsr rand_range addq.w #1,d2 move.w d2,Nbeggs no. of eggs = 1 to 7 bsr randx moveq #4,d2 bsr rand_range addq.w #4,d2 move.w d2,Nbboys no. of bboys = 4 to 8 bsr randx moveq #6,d2 bsr rand_range add.w #4,d2 move.w d2,Nstones no. of stones = 4 to 10 bsr randx and.w #$00FF,d0 move.w d0,theta lsl.w #1,d0 move.w d0,mse_angle move.b isle_seeds(pc),heroY move.b #128,heroY+1 move.b isle_seeds+1(pc),heroX move.b #128,heroX+1 moveq #0,d6 bsr randx cmp.b #220,d0 bcs gv_o1 moveq #1,d6 asr.w Nstones gv_o1 move.w d6,eat_or_pois move.w Nbeggs,d3 addq.w #1,d3 move.w timing(pc),d1 mulu #60*20,d1 divu d3,d1 move.w d1,Leggcntr move.w #600,eggcntr move.w #$F00,poodist move.w #10,d0 move.w #20,d1 tst.w eat_or_pois bne gv_o2 asl.w #1,d0 asl.w #1,d1 gv_o2 move.w d0,podfreq move.w d0,podcnt move.w d1,powecnt move.w d1,powe_lev move.w level_seed(pc),ran2
eYrange+1 x range of that block move.b 1(a0),isleXrange+1 y range of that block clr.b isleXrange ... as words clr.b isleYrange move.w 2(a0),archpos top lh corner offset gapend movem.w (sp)+,d6-d7/d0 rts ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- sea_it lea maz,a1 move.w #$FFFF,d0 ca_l5 move.b #4,(a1)+ dbf d0,ca_l5 rts ;-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- * compact arch data to arch c_to_a lea maz,a1 move.l screen,d1 eor.l #$8000,d1 move.l d1,a0 lea (a1),a2 moveq #-1,d1 ca_l1 move.b #4,(a2)+ dbf d1,ca_l1 tst.b d0 bne ca_out lea 64*256+64(a1),a2 moveq #127,d3 ca_l2 moveq #3,d2 ca_l3 move.l (a0)+,d1 moveq #31,d0 ca_l4 lsl.l #1,d1 bcs
dc.w 20*256 mse x/y (absolute) Xpos dc.w 128*256 dc.w 0 theta ;screen dc.l $78000 jmp start htab incbin hts.bin sinAtab incbin TANTAB dcb.w 100,$7FFF tant equ sinAtab+722 angfact equ 4 trees equ 32 bboys equ 2 badegg equ 2 d2ntab incbin D2N.BIN dcb.w 20,$8000 atm1 MACRO move.w 0(a0,d2),d3 cmp.w d3,d0 bcs.s atn\@ add.w d1,d2 current+inc bra.s atn2\@ atn\@ sub.w d1,d2 current+inc atn2\@ asr.w #1,d1 inc+inc/2 ENDM clear_icons move.l screen(pc),d7 add.l #160*20+16,d7 move.l d7,a0 move.w #160,d2 moveq #$00000000,d0 move.l #$0000FFFF,d1 move.w #92,d3 ci_l6 REPT 16 move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ ENDR add.w d2,d7 move.l d7,a0 dbf d3,ci_l6 rts move.l screen,d7 move.l d7,a1 add.l #32000,a1 add.l #113*160,d7 ci_l2 move.l (a1)+,a0 cmp.l #0,a0 beq ci_out cmp.l #-1,a0 beq ci_l2 move.w #160,d2 move.l #$FFFF0000,d0 move.l #$FFFFFFFF,d1 move.l a0,d3 bclr #31,d3 bne ci_o1 bclr #30,d3 bne ci_o2 ci_l1 move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ add.w d2,d3 move.l d3,a0 cmp.l d7,d3 blt ci_l1 bra ci_l2 ci_o1 move.l d3,a0 ci_l3 move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ add.w d2,d3 move.l d3,a0 cmp.l d7,d3 blt ci_l3 bra ci_l2 ci_o2 move.l d3,a0 ci_l4 move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ add.w d2,d3 move.l d3,a0 cmp.l d7,d3 blt ci_l4 bra ci_l2 ci_out move.w #160,d2 moveq #0,d0 moveq #0,d1 move.l screen,d3 add.l #144+160*20,d3 move.l d3,a0 ci_l5 move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d1,(a0)+ add.w d2,d3 move.l d3,a0 cmp.l d7,d3 blt ci_l5 rts dyer move.w (a2)+,sprtyp move.l screen,a3 lea 186*160+176/2(a3),a3 tst.w sprtyp bne dyr_o1 lea (a3),a4 move.b #0,d0 move.b #-1,d2 move.w #95,d1 dyr_l5 move.b d2,(a4) move.b d0,2(a4) move.b d0,4(a4) move.b d0,6(a4) lea -160(a4),a4 dbf d1,dyr_l5 dyr_o1 move.w (a2)+,d3 number in sequence move.w #0,d0 sequence pointer move.w #160/2,d6 x start posn move.w #160,d7 x end posn move.w #0,d1 (x posn) AND 15 move.w #8,d5 trunk width move.w #1,d2 y posn for full height move.w #96,d4 trunk height move.w #300,countup dyr_l1 movem.l d0-d7/a1-a3,-(sp) bsr wait_fly asl.w #1,d0 move.w 0(a2,d0),sprnum ; move.l screen,d0 ; eor.l #$8000,d0 ; move.l d0,a2 ; lea 186*160+160/2(a2),a2 lea -8(a3),a4 tst.w sprtyp bne dyr_o2 lea -96*160(a4),a4 dyr_o2 move.w #48,d3 dyr_l2 move.w #5,d0 dyr_l3 clr.l -(a4) dbf d0,dyr_l3 ; lea -160+24(a2),a2 lea -160+24(a4),a4 dbf d3,dyr_l2 bsr dyersb1 movem.l (sp)+,a1-a3/d0-d7 btst #7,keydat beq dyr_out bsr wait_fly btst #7,keydat beq dyr_out bsr wait_fly btst #7,keydat beq dyr_out bsr wait_fly btst #7,keydat beq dyr_out bsr wait_fly btst #7,keydat beq dyr_out bsr wait_fly subq.w #1,countup beq dyr_out addq.w #1,d0 cmp.w d3,d0 bne dyr_l1 clr.w d0 bra dyr_l1 dyr_out rts dyersb1 movem.w d2/d6,-(sp) bra dyersb line_atXY jsr XYtoxy(pc) tst.w d2 beq lXY_out bmi lXY_out3 movem.w d2/d6,-(sp) move.w #179,d3 sub.w d2,d3 d3=pix row (from screen top) lsl.w #2,d2 lea htab(pc),a3 move.w 0(a3,d2),d4 d4 = height move.w 2(a3,d2),d2 d2 = trunk width ( tw ) move.w d2,d5 d5 = width ; subq.w #1,d4 mulu tree1ht(pc),d4 swap d4 asr.w #1,d2 sub.w d2,d6 wp = wp - tw/2 add.w #64,d6 ; tst.w d6 ; bmi lXY_out move.w d6,d1 and.w #$FFF0,d6 lsr.w #1,d6 d6=[16pix] block no. * 8 bytes per [16pix] .. yes, I know ; add.w #16,d6 black border sub.w #16,d6
not begg. Maybe stone bne.s XY_o11 move.w #18,sprnum move.w d1,stoneposn record stone's current posn bra XY_o5 XY_o11 cmp.w #5,d0 not stone. Maybe obelisk bne.s XY_o12 move.w #16,sprnum bra XY_o5 XY_o12 cmp.w #6,d0 Maybe poo bne.s XY_o15 lea pooanim(pc),a6 move.w pooP(pc),d6 ; and.w #$07,d6 move.b 0(a6,d6),sprnum+1 bra XY_o5 XY_o15 cmp.w #7,d0 Maybe palm bne.s XY_o5 move.w #22,sprnum moveq #0,d0 move.w #$C000,tree1ht 3/4 size trunk XY_o5 move.w d1,stoneposn sprite's current offset move.w d0,sprtyp save spr type 0=tree 1=bboy etc cmp.w #$06,d0 Poo ? bne.s XY_o13 lea POOblk-16(pc),a6 moveq #16,d6 XY_l3 add.l #16,a6 move.w 2(a6),d0 pooY move.b 0(a6),d0 pooX cmp.w d1,d0 that poo's posn equal to currnt offset ? beq.s XY_o20 dbf d6,XY_l3 nop XY_o20 move.w 0(a6),d1 yes - get X,Y coords in d1,d0 move.w 2(a6),d0 bra XY_o14 * d1 is a cell offset from maz. Turn it into true coords in d0,d1 XY_o13 move.w d1,d0 and.w #$00FF,d1 mmove.w d3,d7 asl.w #7,d7 asl.w #5,d3 add.w d7,d3 mulu #160,d3 move.w d1,d7 and.w #15,d1 d1=pix posn in block ( wp ) add.w d6,d3 ext.l d3 add.l screen(pc),d3 move.l d3,a3 a3 = absolute screen addr ( ps ) ; move.w sprnum,d0 ; and.w #$FFFE,d0 tree ? dyersb tst.w sprtyp bne lXY_out2 out if not add.w d1,d5 start x + width = end x add.w d5,d7 ; cmp.w #256,d7 ; bge lXY_out bclr #4,d5 into next [16block] bne lXY_o2 asl.w #1,d1 *2 asl.w #1,d5 lea Lmasktab(pc),a2 move.w 0(a2,d1),d3 get lh mask move.w 0(a2,d5),d5 get rh mask not.w d3 or.w d5,d3 move.w d3,d7 swap d3 move.w d7,d3 ; not.l d3 move.w #160,d2 move.l a3,d1 d1 is copy of ps lXY_l2 ; or.l d3,(a3)+ ; or.l d3,(a3)+ and.l d3,(a3)+ and.l d3,(a3)+ sub.w d2,d1 ps=ps-160 ie next pix row move.l d1,a3 dbf d4,lXY_l2 bra lXY_out2 rts lXY_o2 asl.w #1,d1 *2 asl.w #1,d5 lea Lmasktab(pc),a2 move.w 0(a2,d1),d3 get lh mask move.w 0(a2,d5),d5 get rh mask not.w d3 move.w d3,d7 swap d3 move.w d7,d3 move.w d5,d7 swap d5 move.w d7,d5 ; not.l d3 ; not.l d5 move.w #160,d2 move.l a3,d1 d1 is copy of ps lXY_l1 ; or.l d3,(a3)+ ; or.l d3,(a3)+ ; or.l d5,(a3)+ ; or.l d5,(a3)+ and.l d3,(a3)+ and.l d3,(a3)+ and.l d5,(a3)+ and.l d5,(a3)+ sub.w d2,d1 ps=ps-160 ie next pix row move.l d1,a3 dbf d4,lXY_l1 bset #31,d1 move.l d1,a3 lXY_out2 move.w d6,d7 movem.w (sp)+,d6/d2 move.l a3,-(sp) jsr sprite_engine(pc) move.l (sp)+,a3 tst.l d4 beq lXY_o4 move.l d4,a3 lXY_o4 rts clr_bords move.w #160,d2 moveq #0,d0 move.l screen,d3 add.l #160*20+144,d3 move.l d3,a0 move.w #92+68,d1 lXY_l3 ; move.l d0,144(a0) ; move.l d0,148(a0) ; move.l d0,152(a0) ; move.l d0,156(a0) move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ move.l d0,(a0)+ add.w d2,d3 move.l d3,a0 dbf d1,lXY_l3 rts lXY_out lea maze,a1 move.w stoneposn(pc),d3 bclr #7,0(a1,d3) moveq #-1,d3 move.l d3,a3 lXY_out3 rts ;**************************************************************** XYtoxy lea iQbuff(pc),a1 move.w iconQ(pc),d1 move.w -2(a1,d1),d1 next sprite item lea maze,a1 move.b 0(a1,d1),d0 what's on it's cell ? lsr.w #4,d0 and.w #7,d0 just look at sprite bits bne.s XY_o4 tree ? lea treeposns(pc),a2 ok let's find out which tree exactly move.w Ntrees(pc),d2 subq.w #1,d2 XY_l1 cmp.w (a2)+,d1 by searching through treeposns beq.s XY_o3 until we find it dbf d2,XY_l1 bra XY_o5 maybe none found (shouldn't) XY_o3 move.w 2*trees-2(a2),tree1ht this is it. Get its current height move.w -2*trees-2(a2),d2 get its current anim frame lea treeanim(pc),a2 move.w 0(a2,d2),sprnum put in sprnum (the one to draw) bra XY_o5 and carry on XY_o4 cmp.w #1,d0 not tree. Maybe bboy ? bne.s XY_o7 move.w #30,sprnum lea 0(a1,d1),a2 yes - a2 point to that cell lea bboyblk(pc),a1 a1 points to bboy info move.w Nbboys(pc),d3 for each bboy... subq.w #1,d3 XY_l2 cmp.l bboyP(a1),a2 search for same addr beq.s XY_o6 add.l #bboyblksize,a1 dbf d3,XY_l2 bra XY_o5 XY_o6 move.l a1,bboyuse aha found it bra XY_o5 XY_o7 cmp.w #2,d0 not bboy. Maybe pod bne.s XY_o8 move.w #14,sprnum cmp.w podposn(pc),d1 currently opening pod ? bne.s XY_o16 lea podanim(pc),a2 move.w podP(pc),d3 yes - where in anim ? bpl.s XY_o18 end ? move.w #$8000,podposn yes - mark it move.w #14,sprnum & draw ordinary pod bra XY_o5 XY_o16 cmp.w podoff(pc),d1 currently closing pod ? bne XY_o5 lea podcanim(pc),a2 move.w podcP(pc),d3 yes - where in anim ? bpl.s XY_o18 end ? lea maze,a1 and.b #$0F,0(a1,d1) or.b #$80,0(a1,d1) move.w #$8000,podoff yes - mark it moveq #-1,d2 pretend off screen so not drawn rts XY_o18 move.w 0(a2,d3),sprnum bra XY_o5 XY_o8 cmp.w #3,d0 not bboy. Maybe badegg ? bne.s XY_o9 move.w #6,sprnum bra XY_o5 XY_o9 cmp.w #4,d0
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Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with uncompiled source code
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by Astral Software
Games > Games by platform > Atari ST games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Britannica Software
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Logotron
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1989
Games > Games by release date > Games released in June