Aviary Attorney/Unused Scripts/Demo Leftovers and Other Scripts
This is a sub-page of Aviary Attorney/Unused Scripts.
Demo Leftovers
In March 2015, a playable demo version of Aviary Attorney appeared at the convention EGX Rezzed. Although this demo was never released to the public, some scripts that seem to belong to it are still present in the final game's files.
Presumably, this script would have run upon starting the demo.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [[["Music"],[0]], [["Sparrowson"],[". . ."]], [["Turn"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Turn"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Oh. Hello there. I see you're playing the Aviary Attorney demo."]], [["Sparrowson"],["This snippet of gameplay picks up some way into the first chapter of the game."]], [["Sparrowson"],["The story so far is that a delicate bourgeois kitten named Lady Caterline has been accused of murdering Monsieur Grenwee, a froggy landlord."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Defense attorney Jayjay Falcon and his lackey Sparrowson (that's me) have taken on Lady Caterline's case. We vowed to prove her innocence!"]], [["FadeIn"],["Falcon"]], [["Falcon"],["Who on Earth are you talking to, Sparrowson?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["N-nobody."]], [["Falcon"],["Well, we don't have time for your monologuing. There is only one day until Lady Caterline's trial."]], [["Falcon"],["We should visit the scene of the murder, [Corneille Hall], and see if we can talk with the Baron who hosted the event."]], [["Falcon"],["If we have time, we could also visit [Robinio's Studio] to see if we can collect a picture from the photographer who also attended."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Right! I'm on your tail, Falcon!"]], [["Next"],["Map"]] ]}
1courtdemo1.json and 1courtdemo2.json
For some reason, these two files have identical contents.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [[["Music"],["LoopTrialOpening"]], [["Wait"],[2]], [["Zoom"],["In"]], [["Judge"],["Alright, settle down everyone, settle down. Is everybody here?"]], [["Falcon"],["Jayjay Falcon, present. The defense is ready, your honor."]], [["Rabbington"],["Uh, um, Rupert Rabbington, present. The ready is prosecution, your honor."]], [["Rabbington"],["Oh, uh, darn, that's not it. Oh gosh, where are my notes?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Ha! I knew it."]], [["Falcon"],["Knew what?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Rupert and I went to Paris Law School together. He was in all of my classes."]], [["Falcon"],["Oh. Was he smart?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Pfft. No. He always scored the second worst marks in the class."]], [["Sparrowson"],["I can only assume that he bumbled through the final exams on the luck of his two rabbit's feet."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Unless he's improved considerably, you might already have this trial in the bag."]], [["Falcon"],["That's good to know. But say, Sparrowson, if Rupert scored the second lowest marks in the class, then who scored the lowest?"]], [["Sparrowson"],[". . ."]], [["Turn"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Turn"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Sweatdrop"],["0Sparrowson"]], [["Sparrowson"],["I choose to exercise my right to not self-incriminate."]], [["Rabbington"],["Ah, here it is. ~Ahem~ The prosecution is ready, your honor."]], [["Judge"],["Everything seems to be order, so let us begin! The court is now in session for the trial of Dame Caterline Demiaou."]], [["Judge"],["Prosecution, please call your first witness to the stand."]], [["Rabbington"],["Oh gosh, are we there already? Okay, uh..."]], [["Rabbington"],["I choose to call the officer in charge of the murder investigation, Inspector Volerti, to the witness stand."]], [["Judge"],["Inspector Volerti, please approach the stand."]], [["Pan"],["Volerti"]], [["FadeIn"],["Volerti"]], [["Volerti"],[". . ."]], [["Rabbington"],["Monsieur, no, um, Inspector, please state your, uh, name for the record."]], [["Volerti"],["I am Inspector Juste Volerti. Servant to the law. Bastion of justice amongst the gutter rats of society."]], [["Volerti"],["I have enforced the law for over twenty years, and will continue to for another twenty, God be good."]], [["Volerti"],["My call to justice started when I was but a chick-"]], [["Judge"],["Let's stick to the questions, Inspector."]], [["Volerti"],["Of course, your honor."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Oh, great. I was hoping we could have one of those bumbling, cuddly officers, but instead we're stuck with lawful-goody two-shoes."]], [["Sparrowson"],["I bet this guy would turn in his own mother if he saw her littering."]], [["Falcon"],[". . ."]], [["Rabbington"],["So, uh, Inspector, is it true that you are the lead investigator on this case?"]], [["Volerti"],["That is correct. I was also among the first to arrive at the scene of the crime."]], [["Rabbington"],["Then perhaps you can walk us through what you witnessed upon your arrival?"]], [["Volerti"],["Absolutely."]], [["Volerti"],["We were alerted and brought to the scene by one of the housemaids of Baron Cocorico."]], [["Volerti"],["At the scene of the crime, we found Dame Caterline Demiaou."]], [["Volerti"],["She was standing over the corpse of Monsieur Grenwee with his blood on her paws."]], [["Rabbington"],["Well, that sounds like an open-and-shut case in my humble opinion. No, uh, no more questions, your honor."]], [["Music"],["Stop"]], [["Pan"],["Falcon"]], [["Sweatdrop"],["0Falcon"]], [["Falcon"],["B-bloodied paws?! Nobody told me that detail!"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Keep it together, Falcon. You're about to be given the opportunity to cross-examine the witness."]], [["Sparrowson"],["That's your opportunity to find flaws in the Inspector's testimony."]], [["Falcon"],["Of course. I know this."]], [["Judge"],["You may begin your cross-examination, Monsieur Falcon."]], [["Pan"],["Volerti"]], [["Scroll"],[0]], [["Music"],["LoopCrossExamine"]], [["Narrator"],["Use a cross-examination to find flaws in a witness testimony."]], [["Narrator"],["Select a statement that you find suspicious, and Falcon will press the witness for information."]], [["Narrator"],["Ask the right questions to bring the truth to light."]], [["Narrator"],["Avoid pressing for pointless details - the judge and jury don't like having their time wasted."]], [["Flag"],[7]], [["Narrator"],["Select a statement to question."]], [["ExamineMode"],[0]], [["Option"],["14\"We were alerted and brought to the scene by a housemaid of Baron Cocorico.\""]], [["Option"],["15\"At the scene of the crime, we found Dame Caterline Demiaou.\""]], [["Option"],["16\"She was standing over the corpse of Monsieur Grenwee with blood on her paws.\""]], [["Flag"],[14]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector, you say you were alerted to the scene by a housemaid."]], [["Volerti"],["That is correct."]], [["Flag"],[13]], [["Option"],["08What was her name?"]], [["Option"],["09Could she have been the murderer?"]], [["Option"],["10Nevermind."]], [["Flag"],[8]], [["Falcon"],["What was her name?"]], [["Volerti"],["The housemaid's name was Regine Felange. We found her running from Corneille Hall with tears in her eyes."]], [["Volerti"],["We questioned her extensively, but her story matched witness reports to the letter."]], [["Volerti"],["As far as the police are concerned, Regine Felange is not a suspect."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm."]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the housemaid?"]], [["Option"],["13Yes."]], [["Option"],["07No."]], [["Flag"],[9]], [["Falcon"],["Could the housemaid have been the murderer?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Um, uh, I object! Falcon, you can't go around accusing people of murder willy-nilly!"]], [["Volerti"],["I must agree. I saw and heard nothing that made me suspect the housemaid."]], [["Rabbington"],["Falcon, do you have any reason to suspect that the housemaid was a murderer?"]], [["Option"],["11I do."]], [["Option"],["12I do not."]], [["Flag"],[11]], [["Falcon"],["I do. You see... the housemaid may have, uh... well..."]], [["Rabbington"],["Now you're just speculating! Judge, judge!"]], [["Judge"],["Monsieur Falcon, please don't make serious accusations if you don't have any evidence."]], [["Favor"],[-1]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the housemaid?"]], [["Option"],["13Yes."]], [["Option"],["07No."]], [["Flag"],[12]], [["Falcon"],["Well... no, I don't. I was just exploring the possibility."]], [["Rabbington"],["Hmph."]], [["Volerti"],["In any case, I saw and heard nothing that made me suspect the housemaid of murder."]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the housemaid?"]], [["Option"],["11Yes."]], [["Option"],["07No."]], [["Flag"],[10]], [["Falcon"],["I have no more questions about the housemaid."]], [["Goto"],[7]], [["Flag"],[15]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector, you say you found Dame Caterline at the scene of the crime."]], [["Volerti"],["Correct. The suspect was standing right beside the victim's body."]], [["Flag"],[22]], [["Option"],["17Was there anybody else there?"]], [["Option"],["18When you say \"standing right beside\"..."]], [["Option"],["19Nevermind."]], [["Flag"],[17]], [["Falcon"],["Was there anybody else there?"]], [["Volerti"],["Definitely not. We combed the garden, and it came up empty."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm. (That seems pretty definitive...)"]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the location of Dame Caterline?"]], [["Option"],["22Yes."]], [["Option"],["07No."]], [["Flag"],[18]], [["Falcon"],["When you say \"standing right beside\"..."]], [["Volerti"],[". . ."]], [["Falcon"],["Would you say the two were less than one meter away?"]], [["Volerti"],["I would say around three feet."]], [["Falcon"],["Feet? I'm not familiar with American measurements. How many feet are in a meter?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Well, there are twelve inches in a foot, and two-and-a-half centimeters to an inch, so..."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Wait, I need a pen and paper."]], [["Falcon"],["Twelve inches to a foot? That's just plain silly."]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Judge"],["MONSIEUR FALCON! Is this going anywhere?"]], [["Option"],["20Yes."]], [["Option"],["21No."]], [["Flag"],[20]], [["Falcon"],["Yes, your honor. The metric system is going towards a unified system of measurements for the entire world."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Assuming those stubborn-ass Americans don't drop the ball, that is."]], [["Judge"],["I meant for the trial. Does this line of questioning have any purpose in the context of the trial?"]], [["Falcon"],["Not in any form whatsoever, your honor."]], [["Judge"],["Then stop wasting our time!"]], [["Favor"],[-1]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the location of Dame Caterline?"]], [["Option"],["22Yes."]], [["Option"],["07No."]], [["Flag"],[21]], [["Falcon"],["No, your honor. I was just trying to form a clear picture."]], [["Judge"],["Let's not dwell on the petty details. Move it along, Monsieur Falcon."]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the location of Dame Caterline?"]], [["Option"],["22Yes."]], [["Option"],["07No."]], [["Flag"],[19]], [["Falcon"],["Nevemind. I'll ask something else."]], [["Goto"],[7]], [["Flag"],[16]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector, you say Dame Caterline had blood on her paws..."]], [["Volerti"],["Correct. Blood clung to her fur like guilt to a convict."]], [["Flag"],[23]], [["Option"],["24Whose blood was it?"]], [["Option"],["25How much blood was there?"]], [["Option"],["26Nevermind."]], [["Flag"],[25]], [["Falcon"],["How much blood was there on the Lady's paws, Inspector?"]], [["Volerti"],["Enough for it to be clear that she had dirtied her hands on the victim's body."]], [["Volerti"],["We noticed blood under the suspect's nails, around her finger tips, and even a little around her mouth."]], [["Rabbington"],["Her mouth!? How vile."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm. (The Inspector's answer seems pretty definitive...)"]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the blood on Dame Caterline's paws?"]], [["Option"],["23Yes."]], [["Option"],["26No."]], [["Flag"],[26]], [["Falcon"],["Nevemind. I have no more questions about the blood."]], [["Nani"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Falcon, I know it's good to back out when you think a line of questioning might not go anywhere..."]], [["Sparrowson"],["...but sometimes you have to take a risk."]], [["Falcon"],["What are you saying?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Something about the Inspector's blood description doesn't sit right with me."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Put pressure on the Inspector - maybe something will come up."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm."]], [["Goto"],[7]], [["Flag"],[24]], [["Falcon"],["Whose blood was it?"]], [["Volerti"],["HA! What a question. It was Monsieur Grenwee's, of course."]], [["Falcon"],["...Are you sure?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Um, uh, I object! This line of questioning is absurd!"]], [["Rabbington"],["There was only one murder victim that night, Falcon."]], [["Rabbington"],["The blood on Dame Caterline's paws could have only belonged to one person - Monsieur Grenwee!"]], [["Rabbington"],["Judge, judge! Falcon's trying to delay the trial by asking pointless questions!"]], [["Judge"],["I'm afraid the prosecution may have a point, Monsieur Falcon."]], [["Judge"],["We don't have any magical way to tell whose blood belongs to whom, so we can only draw conclusions from what the evidence tells us."]], [["Judge"],["In this case, bloodied paws over a bloodied victim speaks for itself."]], [["Judge"],["Unless you have a reason to suspect that the blood is in fact not Monsieur Grenwee's, you may not proceed with this line of questioning."]], [["Judge"],["Do you have such a reason?"]], [["Flag"],[3]], [["Option"],["01I do."]], [["Option"],["02I do not."]], [["Flag"],[2]], [["Falcon"],["I do not, your ho-"]], [["Nani"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Wait! Falcon, you're on to something."]], [["Falcon"],["I... I am?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Yes, I can sense it. Look through your evidence, maybe there is something there that can give you a clue."]], [["Falcon"],["Uh... I'm not sure where this is going, but I'll try anyway."]], [["Judge"],["Please don't waste our time, Monsieur Falcon."]], [["Favor"],[-1]], [["Judge"],["Alright, let's try again."]], [["Judge"],["Monsieur Falcon, do you have a reason to suspect that the blood on Dame Caterline's paws did not belong to Monsieur Grenwee?"]], [["Goto"],[3]], [["Flag"],[1]], [["Falcon"],["I do, your honor."]], [["Falcon"],["Actually, I have more than suspicion - I have evidence that the blood on Dame Caterline's paws had nothing to do with the murder!"]], [["Rabbington"],["This is foolish time-wasting, uh, Falcon."]], [["Rabbington"],["Show us. Show us this evidence that demonstrates how Dame Caterline bloodied her paws."]], [["Flag"],[5]], [["PresentEvidence"],["0406Steak"]], [["Flag"],[4]], [["Falcon"],["Take a look at this."]], [["Rabbington"],["What's this? Falcon, what does this have to do with blood on the Lady's paws?"]], [["Falcon"],["Well, you see, uh..."]], [["Sparrowson"],["You picked the wrong piece of evidence, didn't you?"]], [["Falcon"],["Yeah. I messed up."]], [["Favor"],[-1]], [["Rabbington"],["Stop wasting time, Falcon. Show us this evidence that demonstrates how Dame Caterline bloodied her paws."]], [["Goto"],[5]], [["Flag"],[6]], [["Show"],[4]], [["Music"],["Stop"]], [["Falcon"],["On the evening of the murder, Dame Caterline..."]], [["Speedlines"],[0]], [["Falcon"],["...ate a bloody-rare steak."]], [["StopSpeedlines"],[0]], [["Hide"],[0]], [["Judge"],["Is this true, Monsieur Rabbington?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Uh, well I, um, in a manner of, uh, speaking, I suppose steak may have been on the, uh, menu..."]], [["Falcon"],["Then, Inspector, would you acknowledge the possibility that the blood on the Lady's paws did not belong to the victim, but to the steak?"]], [["Volerti"],[". . ."]], [["Volerti"],["Well..."]], [["Pan"],["Rabbington"]], [["Sweatdrop"],["1Rabbington"]], [["Rabbington"],["W-wait, don't, ah, answer that Inspector!"]], [["Volerti"],["...It is a possibility."]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Rabbington"],["Noooo..."]], [["Favor"],[2]], [["Falcon"],["Then, Inspector Volerti, would it be possible that you arrested an innocent bystander simply for being a messy eater?"]], [["Volerti"],[". . ."]], [["Volerti"],["HA! You almost caught me there, Monsieur Falcon. I applaud your deductive skills."]], [["Volerti"],["But there is another key piece of information that links Dame Caterline to the victim."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Oh, uh, Judge, it sounds like the witness is going to amend his testimony."]], [["Judge"],["That's fine. Please proceed with your testimony, Inspector."]], [["Volerti"],["When the coroner examined the body, the cause of death was immediately obvious."]], [["Volerti"],["There was a finely-made slash across the belly of Monsieur Grenwee."]], [["Volerti"],["The coroner stated that it could only have been made by a sharp instrument... like a cat's claw."]], [["Rabbington"],["So, uh, Inspector, are you saying that the , coupled with the ?"]], [["Volerti"],["That is correct. We scoured the garden extensively. There was no trace of a blade."]], [["Falcon"],["Uh oh, this isn't good..."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Come on, Falcon! You found a flaw in the previous testimony. You can do it again!"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Just think logically: do we have any evidence that clashes with the Inspector's explanation?"]], [["Pan"],["Volerti"]], [["Scroll"],[0]], [["Flag"],[37]], [["Narrator"],["Select a statement to question."]], [["ExamineMode"],[0]], [["Option"],["44\"When the coroner examined the body, the cause of death was immediately obvious.\""]], [["Option"],["45\"There was a finely-made slash across the belly of Monsieur Grenwee.\""]], [["Option"],["46\"The coroner stated that it could only have been made by a sharp instrument... like a cat's claw.\""]], [["Flag"],[44]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector, I want to ask you about the coroner."]], [["Volerti"],["Go on."]], [["Flag"],[43]], [["Option"],["38Who was the coroner?"]], [["Option"],["39Did you watch the coroner's examination?"]], [["Option"],["40Nevermind."]], [["Flag"],[38]], [["Falcon"],["Who was the coroner?"]], [["Volerti"],["His name is-"]], [["Rabbington"],["W-wait, wait, wait Inspector. Don't answer that."]], [["Rabbington"],["How exactly is this relevant to the trial, Falcon?"]], [["Falcon"],[". . ."]], [["Option"],["41I have a reason to doubt the coroner's integrity."]], [["Option"],["42It's not relevant."]], [["Flag"],[39]], [["Falcon"],["Did you watch the coroner's examination yourself?"]], [["Volerti"],["I did not. However, I did see the body at the scene of the crime, and the report matched what I witnessed to the letter."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm. (That sounded pretty definitive.)"]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the coroner?"]], [["Option"],["43Yes."]], [["Option"],["37No."]], [["Flag"],[41]], [["Falcon"],["I have a reason to doubt the integrity of the coroner who wrote the report on Monsieur Grenwee."]], [["Falcon"],["I believe that he is a hack and a fraud who dropped out of medical school, faked his diploma, and made up the entire report."]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Nani"],["Volerti"]], [["Volerti"],["What?!"]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Rabbington"],["I... impossible!"]], [["Judge"],["Monsieur Falcon, this sounds very serious. If this is true, it could undermine the entire investigation."]], [["Judge"],["Please, tell us what evidence you have for all these accusations."]], [["Falcon"],[". . ."]], [["Falcon"],["Uh... Sparrowson. What do I say now?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Why are you asking me?! You were the one who went on a tangent without any evidence!"]], [["Falcon"],["Oh. I got carried away, huh."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Quite."]], [["Judge"],["Monsieur Falcon! Don't make such serious accusations without evidence!"]], [["Falcon"],["...Sorry, your honor. It won't happen again, your honor."]], [["Favor"],[-2]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the coroner?"]], [["Option"],["43Yes."]], [["Option"],["37No."]], [["Flag"],[42]], [["Falcon"],["It's not directly relevant. I was just gathering the necessary details to form a clear picture."]], [["Rabbington"],["Well, uh, maybe you should ask something that IS directly relevant."]], [["Judge"],["I must agree with the prosecution. Don't dilly-dally on unimportant details, Monsieur Falcon."]], [["Falcon"],["Understood, your honor."]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the coroner?"]], [["Option"],["43Yes."]], [["Option"],["37No."]], [["Flag"],[40]], [["Falcon"],["I'll ask something else."]], [["Goto"],[37]], [["Flag"],[45]], [["Falcon"],["A slash across the belly, you say..."]], [["Volerti"],["Indeed. I saw it myself at the crime scene."]], [["Flag"],[52]], [["Option"],["47Describe it."]], [["Option"],["48Are you sure it was the cause of death?"]], [["Option"],["49Nevermind."]], [["Flag"],[47]], [["Falcon"],["I'm having trouble picturing the severity of the wound. Could you describe it for us?"]], [["Volerti"],["I can. After all, I saw the body for myself at the scene of the murder."]], [["Volerti"],["It was a single, unbroken gash from the frog's right breast to his left hip."]], [["Volerti"],["Blood oozed from the wound, pooling on the ground like a thick and creamy tomato soup."]], [["Volerti"],["Intestines hanged limply from the dead frog's torso, like spaghetti from an Italian's plate-"]], [["Falcon"],["Th-that's enough, Inspector. Thank you for the vivid picture."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Why am I hungry, all of a sudden?"]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the cut on Monsieur Grenwee?"]], [["Option"],["52Yes."]], [["Option"],["37No."]], [["Flag"],[48]], [["Falcon"],["Are you sure that Monsieur Grenwee was killed by the slash?"]], [["Volerti"],["What are you saying?"]], [["Falcon"],["Well, would it be possible that the frog was killed by something else, and the slash was made after the frog's death?"]], [["Rabbington"],["I, uh, object! Monsieur Falcon, do you have any evidence to back up this line of thinking?"]], [["Option"],["50I do."]], [["Option"],["51I do not."]], [["Flag"],[50]], [["Falcon"],["Yes. Yes, I do have evidence."]], [["Falcon"],["Not at hand, you see. But I'm sure some exists. Somewhere. Maybe."]], [["Rabbington"],["So you DON'T have evidence, and decided to blindly speculate? Judge, judge!"]], [["Judge"],["Monsieur Falcon, please don't waste our time!"]], [["Favor"],[-1]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the cut on Monsieur Grenwee?"]], [["Option"],["52Yes."]], [["Option"],["37No."]], [["Flag"],[51]], [["Falcon"],["No. I have no evidence. I was merely questioning the Inspector to see if it was a possibility."]], [["Rabbington"],["Hmph. Well, go on then Inspector."]], [["Volerti"],["The coroner's report states that the only visible wound on Monsieur Grenwee was the slash across the torso."]], [["Volerti"],["There was no evidence of a head injury or bone breakage. As far as we can tell, the slash is the only possible cause of death."]], [["Falcon"],["Thank you, Inspector."]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the cut on Monsieur Grenwee?"]], [["Option"],["52Yes."]], [["Option"],["37No."]], [["Flag"],[49]], [["Falcon"],["Nevemind. I'll ask something else."]], [["Goto"],[7]], [["Flag"],[46]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector, you stated that the slash may have been caused by a cat's claw..."]], [["Volerti"],["Correct. It was a very fine cut."]], [["Flag"],[53]], [["Option"],["55Could it have been another cat?"]], [["Option"],["54Could the cut have been made by a weapon?"]], [["Option"],["56Nevermind."]], [["Flag"],[55]], [["Falcon"],["Is it possible that the cut on Monsieur Grenwee may have been caused by another cat at the banquet?"]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Caterline"],["Monsieur Falcon! What are you saying? That my dear papa and maman were the murderers!?"]], [["Falcon"],["N-no, that's not what I meant at all..."]], [["Volerti"],["There were only three felines at the banquet. There was Dame Caterline, the defendant..."]], [["Volerti"],["Seigneur Purrtoir Demiaou, the defendant's father, and Lady Rose Demiaou, the defendant's mother."]], [["Volerti"],["I suppose it's within the realm of possibility that one of them executed the murder."]], [["Volerti"],["However, I don't think that's particularly likely because neither of them were seen near the victim at the time of the incident."]], [["Volerti"],["So no... only one kitty is a suspect here."]], [["Falcon"],["Th-thanks, Inspector..."]], [["Narrator"],["Do you have another question about the \"cat's claw\" statement?"]], [["Option"],["53Yes."]], [["Option"],["56No."]], [["Flag"],[56]], [["Falcon"],["Nevemind. I have no more questions about the cat's claws."]], [["Nani"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Sparrowson"],["No, Falcon! You were onto something!"]], [["Falcon"],["I... I was?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Think a little."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Put pressure on the Inspector - maybe something will come up."]], [["Falcon"],["Hmm."]], [["Goto"],[7]], [["Flag"],[54]], [["Falcon"],["Could the cut have been made by something else? Like, say, a knife or sword?"]], [["Volerti"],["Normally I would say so. But in this instance, no such weapon was found at the crime scene."]], [["Falcon"],["But if, hypothetically, such a weapon were to exist..."]], [["Rabbington"],["Uh, excuse me Falcon! It's fine to ask about possibilities, but we don't care for your, uh, pointless hypotheticals."]], [["Rabbington"],["If you don't have evidence that a weapon was used, don't blindly speculate!"]], [["Flag"],[33]], [["Option"],["31But I do have evidence."]], [["Option"],["32I don't have evidence."]], [["Flag"],[32]], [["Falcon"],["I don't have any evidence."]], [["Rabbington"],["Hmph. Well then maybe you ought to-"]], [["Falcon"],["Or rather, my lack of evidence is all the evidence I need."]], [["Falcon"],["You see, something was missing from Corneille Hall. Something that could indeed have been used as the murder weapon..."]], [["Goto"],[35]], [["Flag"],[31]], [["Falcon"],["But I do have evidence, Rabbington."]], [["Falcon"],["You see, something was missing from Corneille Hall. Something that could indeed have been used as the murder weapon..."]], [["Flag"],[35]], [["PresentEvidence"],["3436Silverware"]], [["Flag"],[34]], [["Falcon"],["This! This was the weapon used to kill Monsieur Grenwee!"]], [["Rabbington"],["Uhh... What am I supposed to be looking at here?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["You would have a hard time killing someone with that, Falcon."]], [["Sparrowson"],["I mean, I suppose you could ram it down their throat... but that's not quite what you were trying to prove, right?"]], [["Falcon"],["Wait, hold on. I think I chose the wrong piece of evidence."]], [["Favor"],[-1]], [["Rabbington"],["Stop, uh, wasting time, Falcon. Show us this alleged missing murder weapon already."]], [["Goto"],[35]], [["Flag"],[36]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector, I do believe you were approaching the investigation from the wrong angle."]], [["Volerti"],["Oh?"]], [["Falcon"],["Instead of looking for what you could find at the crime scene, you ought to have paid attention to what was absent."]], [["Rabbington"],["What, uh, what are you blabbering about, Falcon? Get to the point!"]], [["Falcon"],["I spoke to a housemaid of Corneille Hall just yesterday. She informed me that a theft took place on the evening of the murder."]], [["Show"],[4]], [["Falcon"],["Somebody stole a set of silverware."]], [["Sweatdrop"],["1Rabbington"]], [["Rabbington"],["And, uh, what, uh, what of it, Falcon?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Surely you're not suggesting that somebody killed the victim with a fork? Hehe, or maybe a spoon?"]], [["Falcon"],["Obviously not. We already established that steak was on the menu. So what I'm saying is..."]], [["Speedlines"],[0]], [["Falcon"],["Monsieur Grenwee was sliced open with a steak knife."]], [["StopSpeedlines"],[0]], [["Falcon"],["Inspector Volerti, just moments ago you acknowledged that a knife or sword could have made the cut on the victim."]], [["Falcon"],["Would a sharpened steak knife have sufficed?"]], [["Volerti"],["...Perhaps."]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Rabbington"],["Gahhh..."]], [["Favor"],[2]], [["Judge"],["What is the meaning of all this?"]], [["Judge"],["Bloody steak? Misplaced silverware?"]], [["Judge"],["Inspector, was your investigation so lax that you overlooked these basic facts?"]], [["Shake"],[0]], [["Volerti"],["Lax?! MY investigation? Judge, I assure you I am the most thorough investigative officer on the force."]], [["Judge"],["Then it is amazing that the Paris police manage to solve any crimes at all."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Wrecked."]], [["Rabbington"],["Oh dear."]], [["Judge"],["Be on your way, Inspector. Perhaps do a little inspecting for your next case."]], [["Volerti"],[". . ."]], [["Volerti"],["Fine. So be it. Messieurs, until next time..."]], [["Judge"],["Prosecutor, do you have another witness?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Well, uh, in a manner of speaking... No."]], [["Judge"],["No? You have no other witnesses to call upon at all?"]], [["Rabbington"],["Well, uh, we do, but you see, none of them were available to attend the trial at such short notice."]], [["Judge"],["Tsk tsk. What a mess."]], [["Judge"],["I suppose we have no choice. Court is adjourned. We will resume tomorrow to-"]], [["Judge"],["Uh, your honor. It's a saturday tomorrow."]], [["Judge"],["That can't be helped. Then we will resume in three day's time-"]], [["Judge"],["Prosecutor."]], [["Rabbington"],["Yes, your honor?"]], [["Judge"],["Get your act together."]], [["Rabbington"],["Y-yes, your honor?"]], [["Next"],["OutsideCourt"]] ]}
Apparently, the end of the demo was just after the first day of the trial.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [ [["Turn"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Turn"],["Sparrowson"]], [["Sparrowson"],["Wow! That was quite something. Falcon really blasted the Inspector's testimony apart."]], [["Sparrowson"],["It's hardly the end of our story, of course, but I am afraid that it is the end of our demo."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Wait until the full game to see dozens of places to explore, plenty of colorful characters to meet, and four sprawling cases to solve."]], [["Sparrowson"],["Thank you very much for playing!"]], [["FadeIn"],["Falcon"]], [["Falcon"],["Are you talking to yourself again, Sparrowson?"]], [["Sparrowson"],["M-maybe."]], [["Next"],["GameOver"]] ]}
Other Scripts
Blank Files
There are a handful of text files in the game's resources that are completely empty, and only identifiable as former script files by their names:
- 2court.txt
- 3catacombdeep2.json
- 3catacombdark.json
- 4epretrial.json
- 4evolerti.json
- 4fconcorde3.json
- prefight2.json
- renard1.json
Two versions of a meeting at the Place de la Bastille, one with the proper formatting and one without.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [[["Music"],["Mendelssohn1"]], [["Volerti"],["Ha! What chance! It seems that fate has drawn us tOLDOLDOLDwo together again, Falcon."]], [["Volerti"],["Do you know what this place is, Falcon?"]], [["Falcon"],["Of course. It's the Place de la Bastille."]], [["Next"],["Map"]] ]} Officer: What chance! Sparrowson: I don't think it was fate, officer. We were just out of pan au chocolates. Officer: Tell me Falcon, do you remember what happened on this spot 18 years ago? I remember. Remind me. Falcon: I remember. Rich and poor stood shoulder to shoulder and cried, "no more oppression! Equality for all!". Officer: Hah! What a romanticized view of events. I was there that day, Falcon. It wasn't a rallying cry of equality. It was naive, privileged students and gutter trash
The only music track in the game derived from a Berlioz composition is Volerti's theme, so he might've been the intended speaker here.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [[["Music"],["BerOLDOLDOLDlioz"]], [["Narrator"],[""]], [["Narrator"],["\"Keep up the rate of fire\""]], [["Narrator"],["\"Keep up the rate of fire\""]], [["Next"],["Map"]] ]}
Though quite a few early scripts reference it, getting a Game Over isn't possible at all in the final game.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [[["Music"],[0]], [["Narrator"],["And so our story comes to an early end."]], [["Narrator"],["Falcon and Sparrowson drank for three days straight, and awoke with respectably large "]], [["Narrator"],["Falcon learned that "]], [["Narrator"],["Sparrowson learned that "]], [["Narrator"],["And the player learned that thoughtless decisions can have terrible consequences."]], [["Next"],[0]] ]}
An odd scene from Renard's perspective (with slightly different spellings of his and Kwark's names). Perhaps this was part of the "free bonus chapter on the extended adventures of Renard Vulpes" that was promised in the game's Kickstarter campaign?
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [ [["Vulpes"],["I am looking for a Mr Hare, I was told he was staying here."]], [["Krowrk"],["And who are you?"]], [["Option"],["01Paranormal investigator, Reynard Vulpes."]], [["Option"],["02I am officer Reynard Vulpes of the Calais Police."]], [["Option"],["03Reporter Reynard Vulpes of the Daily ...."]], [["Flag"],[1]], [["Krowrk"],["Ha, another one of you nutters."]], [["Vulpes"],["Another one?"]], [["Krowrk"],["Like I told your friends, you aren't getting through."]], [["Vulpes"],["Please sir, this is important, there was another sighting."]], [["Flag"],[2]], [["Mousey"],["Are you sure you should be lying to this man, Mr Vulpes?"]], [["Vulpes"],["Shush little one, everything will be ok."]], [["Krowrk"],["The Calais Police huh?"]], [["Vulpes"],["Yes, I was sent down here to investigate the mass ghost hysteria going on in this city."]], [["Krowrk"],["It's ok, I already solved the case, long ears is down in the cells, awaiting execution."]], [["Vulpes"],["Execution for such a petty crime?"]], [["Krowrk"],["People like him need to be stopped before this city goes out of control like the last time."]], [["Vulpes"],["Oh, I'm sure they do."]], [["Mousey"],["You don't believe that Mr Vulpes, you don't believe that!"]], [["Krowrk"],["I'll take you down to the cell, but he's only got half an hour."]], [["Vulpes"],["I understand."]], [["Goto"],[9]], [["Flag"],[3]], [["Vulpes"],["I'm here to write an article on the lunatic you are holding here."]], [["Mousey"],["Are you sure you should be lying to this man, Mr Vulpes?"]], [["Vulpes"],["Shush little one, everything will be ok."]], [["Krowrk"],["Which one, I have ten of them! Ha!"]], [["Vulpes"],["A Mr Hare, I'm told he was the one scaring the people Tuileries Palace gardens."]], [["Krowrk"],["Ahh, the stuttering, long eared lunatic."]], [["Vulpes"],["How crazy is this one? Is he dangerous?"]], [["Mousey"],["You know he isn't Mr Vulpes, you know he isn't!"]], [["Krowrk"],["Dangerous enough to be executed in half an hour, hehe."]], [["Vulpes"],["Wow that bad? I'd love to meet this lunatic, this is a story I can't miss!"]], [["Krowrk"],["I'll take you down to the cell, but he's only got half an hour. I doubt you will get anything out of this one."]], [["Vulpes"],["I don't suppose I will, but I will try."]], [["Goto"],[9]], [["Flag"],[9]], [["(Jail cell)"],["0"]], [["Krowrk"],["You slime ball, you have a visitor."]], [["Vulpes"],["Thank you Mr Krowrk, we can take it from here."]], [["Krowrk"],["Remember, half an hour."]], [["Fade Out"],["Krowrk"]], [["Hare"],["H-Half an hour? H-Half an hour until w-what?"]], [["Mousey"],["Don't tell him Mr Vulpes, he will just break down if we do."]], [["Option"],["04Tell him the truth"]], [["Option"],["05Lie"]], [["Option"],["06Avoid the question"]], [["Flag"],[4]], [["Vulpes"],["You have been sentenced to execution, it's happening in half an hour."]], [["Mousey"],["No, don't say that! You've done it now Mr Vulpes."]], [["Vulpes"],["The truth is always best way little one."]], [["Hare"],["B-But I'm innocent."]], [["Vulpes"],["I'm sorry, but we don't have much time, I need to ask you about what you saw."]], [["Hare"],["..."]], [["Mousey"],["I told you! He won't talk now!"]], [["Hare"],["I don't want to d-die."]], [["Option"],["07No one wants to die"]], [["Option"],["08Can you tell us what you saw?"]], [["Flag"],[7]], [["Hare"],["C-can you save me?"]], [["Vulpes"],["No, I had to lie to get in here, this is as far as I can go."]], [["Goto"],[8]], [["Flag"],[8]], [["Hare"],["I-I can't. N-No, I won't. Un-Unless you help me."]], [["Vulpes"],["There really isn't anything I can do. I'm just one fox against the world."]], [["Hare"],["I... I... Y-You s-save m-m-me and I'll t-talk."]], [["Option"],["10I can't save you."]], [["Option"],["11I will save you."]], [["Flag"],[10]], [["Vulpes"],["I can't save you, but you can help save others by telling me what you know."]], [["Flag"],[11]], [["Vulpes"],["Yes, I will do whatever I can to save you, but first, you have to tell me what you know."]], [["Mousey"],["You can't promise that Mr Vulpes, you can't say that!"]], [["Hare"],["Y-You l-lying to m-me, I c-c-can hear the l-little on-one."]], [["Mousey"],["I'm sorry Mr Vulpes, no one ever hears me."]], [["Vulpes"],["It's ok little one. You are right Hare, I lied to you, I am sorry."]], [["Hare"],["..."]], [["Vulpes"],["But we still need your help."]], [["Hare"],["N-No. L-leave m-me a-alone."]], [["Vulpes"],["Please, it's for the good of the city."]], [["Hare"],["..."]], [["Mousey"],["I'm sorry Mr Vulpes."]], [["Vulpes"],["Don't be my dear Mousey, you didn't know his large ears could hear you."]], [["Mousey"],["I'm sorry for what's happened to you Mr Hare."]], [["Vulpes"],["Come little one, we must leave, we don't want to see this."]], [["Flag"],[5]], [["Vulpes"],["The end of my visiting time, the officer thinks I will go insane if I stay cooped up down here for too long."]], [["Hare"],["I-Is t-that the t-truth l-little one?"]], [["Mousey"],["Eeek! He heard me!"]], [["Hare"],["My e-ears may l-look silly, b-but they c-can be useful."]], [["Option"],["12Tell the truth"]], [["Option"],["13Lie"]], [["Flag"],[12]], [["Mousey"],["I'm sorry Mr Vulpes, I can't lie to his face."]], [["Vulpes"],["That's ok little one, neither can I."]], [["Goto"],[4]], [["Flag"],[13]], [["Mousey"],["Yes, it's the truth, that Krowrk doesn't want us here."]], [["Vulpes"],["Can you tell us about what you saw?"]], [["Hare"],["W-who are y-you?"]], [["Vulpes"],["My name is Reynard Vulpes, and this is little mousey (camera pans to mouse and back). We are Paranormal Investigators."]], [["Hare"],["Y-You believe w-what I saw?"]] ]}
A short scene from Volerti's perspective. "Webber" might've been an early name for Officer Beck.
{"c2array":true,"size":[1000,2,1],"data": [[["Music"],["Mendelssohn1"]], [["Volerti"],["Merde! There's rioting on this street too. "]], [["Webber"],["Inspector Volerti sir, you're needed outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs!"]], [["Volerti"],["Hm? Why's that?"]], [["Webber"],["We're supposed to be protecting the building, but our commanding officer hasn't shown! The unit is faltering!"]], [["Volerti"],["I'm not a guard or soldier. Pull yourself together and lead the group yourself."]], [["Webber"],["But you're the only one with real combat experience!"]], [["Volerti"],["...Tch. Fine, lead the way."]], [["Urchin"],["Eat merde, royalist pigs!"]], [["Urchin"],["Get out of our way! We don't have any beef with you!"]], [["Urchin"],["Get out of our way!"]], [["Volerti"],["What a mess."]], [["Webber"],["Should... should we open fire, Inspector?"]], [["Volerti"],["Don't be stupid! A handful of gutter rats throw insults and your first thought is to slaughter them? Show a little restraint."]], [["Webber"],["Then... what should we do?"]], [["Option"],["14Stand your ground."]], [["Option"],["15Affix your bayonets."]], [["Option"],["16Retreat."]], [["Flag"],[14]], [["Volerti"],["We need to stand our ground. We must act as an inpenetrable wall."]], [["Webber"],["But-"]], [["Volerti"],["Everybody! Form up! Stand your ground! Show them the power of French stoicism."]], [["Urchin"],["Hey, look! They've made a formation!"]], [["Urchin"],["But their weapons aren't readied. That's our chance - push forward!"]], [["Volerti"],["Everyone! Hold!"]], [["Webber"],["There's too many of them! Inspector, we'll be overrun!"]], [["Volerti"],["No! You hold your damn ground!"]], [["Urchin"],["They aren't budging!"]], [["Urchin"],["Keep pushing! With enough force, they'll lose their footing!"]], [["Goto"],[17]], [["Flag"],[15]], [["Volerti"],["We must keep them at bay."]], [["Webber"],["But-"]], [["Volerti"],["Everybody! Affix your bayonets and form up! Keep your weapons pointed, but don't run the rioters through."]], [["Urchin"],["H-hey, look! They got their bayonets out!"]], [["Urchin"],["Who's pushing at the back? Cut it out! I don't wanna be skewered!"]], [["Volerti"],["You see, soldier? Their morale is wavering."]], [["Webber"],["But they're still pushing forward!"]], [["Volerti"],[". . ."]], [["Goto"],[17]], [["Flag"],[16]], [["Volerti"],["This is a dangerous place. We'll have to fall back and regroup."]], [["Webber"],["But-"]], [["Volerti"],["Everybody! Retreat to the Ministry's entranceway!"]], [["Goto"],[17]], [["Flag"],[17]], [["Webber"],["I... I didn't mean to..."]], [["Urchin"],["Bastards! Everybody charge! Kill the lot of them!"]], [["Volerti"],["Hold your fire! Hold your-"]], [["Next"],["Office"]] ]}