Bayonetta/Unused Rooms
This is a sub-page of Bayonetta.
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The Wii U and PlayStation 3 ports of Bayonetta contain over 100 unused rooms, primarily in the st0 folder. These .dat files include not only early versions of locations visited in the final game, but also rooms used for testing during development. Some of them even include non-model data, such as audio, animations, and effect textures. Additionally, a handful of prototype rooms can also be found in the st1, st2, st3, and st4 folders.
- 1 st0
- 1.1 r001, r005, r007
- 1.2 r002
- 1.3 r003, r021
- 1.4 r004
- 1.5 r006
- 1.6 r008
- 1.7 r009
- 1.8 r00a
- 1.9 r00b
- 1.10 r00c
- 1.11 r00d
- 1.12 r00e
- 1.13 r00f
- 1.14 r010
- 1.15 r011
- 1.16 r012
- 1.17 r013
- 1.18 r014
- 1.19 r015
- 1.20 r016
- 1.21 r018
- 1.22 r019
- 1.23 r01a
- 1.24 r01c
- 1.25 r01d
- 1.26 r01e
- 1.27 r01f
- 1.28 r020
- 1.29 r022
- 1.30 r023
- 1.31 r024
- 1.32 r025
- 1.33 r026
- 1.34 r027
- 1.35 r028
- 1.36 r02a
- 1.37 r02b
- 1.38 r030
- 1.39 r032
- 1.40 r033
- 1.41 r034
- 1.42 r035
- 1.43 r036
- 1.44 r037
- 1.45 r038
- 1.46 r039, r095
- 1.47 r040
- 1.48 r041
- 1.49 r050
- 1.50 r051
- 1.51 r052
- 1.52 r053
- 1.53 r054
- 1.54 r055
- 1.55 r056
- 1.56 r057
- 1.57 r058
- 1.58 r059
- 1.59 r060
- 1.60 r061
- 1.61 r062
- 1.62 r063
- 1.63 r065
- 1.64 r066
- 1.65 r067
- 1.66 r068
- 1.67 r069
- 1.68 r070
- 1.69 r080
- 1.70 r090
- 1.71 r091
- 1.72 r092
- 1.73 r093
- 1.74 r094
- 1.75 r096
- 1.76 r09c
- 1.77 r09d
- 1.78 r09e
- 1.79 r0a1
- 1.80 r0c0
- 1.81 r0d0
- 1.82 r0e1, r0e2, r0e3, r0e4
- 1.83 r0f0
- 1.84 r0f1
- 1.85 r0ff
- 2 st1
- 3 st2
- 4 st3
- 5 st4
- 6 PS3-Exclusive Rooms
- 7 References
r001, r005, r007
A test room with a few objects scattered around, and four images on the the walls. On one wall is an image of SMPTE color bars. On another wall is a series of three locations-- the Vidyasagar Setu, a sunflower field, and the Louvre.
r001.dat is the largest file in st0 by a wide margin due to the amount of effect models and textures it contains. Many effect textures match those found in the final's core.dat, but a few are unused, including semi-transparent skulls and light effects.
Contains some leftover effect data.
r003, r021
A debugging room with a large rectangular platform, a staircase, and a sloped surface.
These files include five animations for Affinity-- swooping down, hovering for a few moments, and landing. Additionally, there is a single animation of Bayonetta leaping in the air and landing in her breakdance pose. All of these animations can be seen in the final game.
Contains empty .eff and .scr files.
The exterior of a building along with a fountain. It leads into a group of bare trees upon a flat plane of grass. Its skybox is an image of waterfalls.
Five cubes oriented in a cross shape on a flat plane. Their textures read "+Z", "-Z", "+Y", "-Y", "+X", and "-X", each communicating their placement upon the plane.
Contains an empty .eff file.
Contains a T-shaped hallway that may be an early version of Vigrid station's exit. Five misaligned meshes of stained glass are present, four of which are called "ev_door". Presumably, their proper location is within the semicircular gaps above the wooden doors. The fifth one is a ring-shaped mesh meant to be embedded in the ceiling.
Several art pieces are in the room, such as stained glass depictions of budding flowers, and images of Saint Leopold. There is also a statue of the Virgin Mary cradling an infant Jesus, which can be found in many other prototype rooms. It is based on a statue originally carved by French sculptor Henri Bouriché.
Contains 5 planes oriented horizontally, each with a wall, 4 cubes, and 3 spheres. Written above each plane is "SCR03", "SCR02", and "SCR01". "SCR02" is repeated thrice, with the one on the far right also labeled "HDRIR".
A hallway utilizing the same exterior as r006. Across from the fountain is a statue of the Virgin Mary. Rather than trees, this room instead has a descending staircase.
The grey stone walls and floor, fountain, and stairway are reminiscent of those found at the start of Chapter VI: The Gates of Paradise. In fact, on the wall next to one of the entryway arches is a single lantern. This tiny detail managed to be retained all the way to the final version of the level!
Contains 36 kilobytes of effect data.
Contains a model of a cube on a flat plane. It also has a second submodel identical to the first.
Contains 32 kilobytes of effect data.
An early version of the first area of Chapter I, Vigrid's station. There is a single railway line rather than two. Other features include a room hidden behind a breakable wall, a hole above the track patched with wooden boards, and posters for various media. There is also a waterway to the right of the track.
The file contains audio, most of which matches the final's-- apart from one file, which is the same sound effect that plays as the stone bridge lowers in the 2007 prototype.
A curved pathway leading through a cloud-covered town. Beside this model is a circular arrangement of houses with a statue in the middle. It seems to be a combination of both r013 and r016.
Contains effect data for some shrubbery.
The circular arrangement of houses found in r011. A statue sits atop the fountain, behind which is a staircase leading to a building labeled "START". The words "R011 BOSS ROOM HAKO" are above the building in the background.
Contains empty .eff and .sev files.
A rectangular room with textures of materials such as water, dirt, and concrete on the walls and floor. It may be for testing audio affected by these varying surfaces, such as footsteps.
The pathway portion of r011, but slightly more detailed. There is water surrounding the city, as well as a different skybox.
The clouds have been disabled in this render to improve visibility.
Three houses surrounded by rocky walls. It uses the same skybox as r016.
Contains 24 kilobytes of effect data, and a whopping 6 megabytes of collision data-- many times larger than the average .col file.
A version of the Prologue graveyard with three distinct levels. The top level has a coffin on one end, while the middle has a Virgin Mary statue. These levels are connected to each other by curved pathways. The jagged mass of rocks to the left of the coffin is a single mesh that is for some reason named "church".
Another T-shaped hallway like r00a that resembles Vigrid station's exit. Gone are the clouds and Virgin Mary statue, but the statue's shadow remains baked into the floor's texture.
A hallway similar in structure to r00c, but lacking the statue and lampposts. It has a different skybox, and background geometry similar to Vigrid's in the final.
Another three-doored building exterior leading into a group of bare trees. Essentially the same as r006, but with baked-in lighting.
Likely an early version of Chapter IX: Paradiso - A Remembrance of Time. This appears to be a surreal version of the stairway leading to Vigrid's fountain plaza.
The station exit is replaced by a tree, and its doorway is a reflective sphere. A tree with a reflective sphere in place of its leaves is floating in mid-air. Two models of the Umbran Clock Tower are embedded within the ground, upon one of which is yet another sphere. A massive tree is protruding from the opposite side of the area. This design aspect is revisited in r02b.
Hidden off to one side is a separate model of the original fountain area.
A flat plane with text that reads "R020" and a downward-pointing arrow.
A flat plane with text that reads "R022" and a downward-pointing arrow.
A flat plane with text that reads "R023" and a downward-pointing arrow.
A flat plane with text that reads "R020" and a downward-pointing arrow.
A flat plane containing a portal and many meshes named "MIRROR_test". These meshes appear reflective depending on the light direction, and the cubemap used for the reflection is the "Garden of Light" Paradiso area found in Chapter III.
A room filled with objects of varying sizes labeled with measurements. Likely used to compare the scale of models against one another.
Some buildings surrounded by rocky walls and water. The pathway leading to the fountain in the center seems to emerge directly from the water. The blue building with a gold circular motif on its gable is called "station", meaning it could be an early version of Vigrid station.
Its cubemap seems to have been created using a room similar to r016.
An early version of some sort of plaza. There are umbrella-covered tables, trash bins, grouped seats like those found in r010, signboards, and a bus. On one side of the area is a large structure with steps that seem to be taken from the testing rooms.
Again, the blue building is called "station", so this area may be the entrance or exit to said station. The large building on the opposite end of the area is called "house".
The maps on the signboards in this room are taken from real-life locations.
A version of Vigrid's fountain square that is covered in clouds and overgrown by plants. The passageway that would have led to the bridge to the city has a different design. Alfheim islands are floating in the background. Lastly, for some reason, there are a few empty holes in the ground.
The stairway portion of the Vigrid fountain square. The stairs lead into an enormous tree protruding outwards. This room also has holes in the floor.
A tunnel with a texture covering one of its entryways. The texture reads "Mission 03-2 start". This texture is also found in r050, the lava surfing segment.
Completely empty.
A skybox of a sunset.
A model of interconnected pipes and a valve.
A model of Vigrid's fountain square, very close if not matching its final design. Vigrid Station is textureless, and all the trees lack leaves.
The bridge leading into Vigrid city. The city itself is unfinished; there are merely textureless blocks in the place of buildings. One portion in the center of the city closely resembles an area seen in the 2007 prototype.
The city portion of r036, separated into its own file.
Only seems to contain collision data.
r039, r095
The same testing room as r003 and r021, minus the ramp.
A stone statue of an angel. It made its way into the final game, placed atop the Jubileus statue alongside other angels.
Isla del Sol after the battle with Father Balder. The Ithavoll Building has been destroyed and the sun is setting.
A series of lava-filled subway tunnels. The passageways are marked with textures describing what event will take place at that location. In the center is an early Vigrid station like that in r010. This is more than likely the scrapped lava-surfing stage mentioned by Kamiya in his developer commentary series.
Another early Vigrid station, also with textures labeling important areas.
This version contains a tall, cylindrical room in which the player would solve a puzzle by rolling a ball onto a switch.
A strange, reversed audio file of a person whispering is also present.
An extremely primitive Isla del Sol. Specifically, this appears to be the shoot-em-up portion, occurring inside the city rather than over the sea. The city is shaped like an infinity sign, a symbol thematically relevant to Bayonetta. However, this shape may simply have been the easiest way to repeat the flight path, in order to create the illusion of a longer stage.
Flat textures of Fortitudo's early concept art float in the air, presumably marking where enemies would spawn.
An early rocket ascending from Earth. Atop the rocket is an early, never-before-seen design for the Jubileus statue. It takes inspiration from the Statue of Liberty, which would make an appearance thirteen years later in the third game.
The early Jubileus statue surrounded by various asteroids in space.
Jubileus inside of a sphere with angelic patterns across it, likely an early version of her boss fight arena. Tubes around the interior of the sphere connect to her body. When creating Jubileus, the developers envisioned her as still being young and inside her "womb",[1] which is likely what this imagery is meant to evoke.
Jubileus descending back to Earth, surrounded by shards of her "womb". The skybox is tinted red.
A square room with lava covering the walls and floor. There are flat rocky paths along the walls. The pink circular textures in this room indicate areas where enemies would spawn infinitely. These areas would have to be blocked in order to stop them. A smaller rectangular room is hidden by the lava, containing another pink spawn indicator.
An early version of the first area in Chapter IX: Paradiso - A Remembrance of Time. Cubes are suspended in the air around the starting point. The floating platforms used to navigate to the fountain area also use the cubes' texture instead of angelic ones. The passageway that would normally lead to the bridge has been replaced with more pieces of the floating Clock Tower. In the final, this area is a small room with an Umbran Resting Place.
A flat plane with a large circular hole in it floating above a smaller circle. These meshes are called "sea". The moon can also be seen in the background.
An early version of Crescent Valley. Every model uses the same brick texture, apart from the platforms that break in the final, which are a solid red color. The entire area is floating outside of its skybox, which is a cloudy sky.
More test pieces from Crescent Valley, this time with a different brick texture. The meshes are named "hyou_bridge_test".
The graveyard seen in the 2007 prototype.
A convex, circular model of a portion of Earth.
The interior of some kind of machinery, likely either the inside of the Valkyrie's turbines or the top of the Ithavoll Building.
The courtyard area of Vigrid. Seems similar to the final game.
The interior of the train Bayonetta rides into Vigrid. Seems similar to the final design.
An early version of Crescent Valley, like r060. The broken bridge section is missing.
A single ornate chair atop a vast plane.
Contains a very small .cut file.
Contains an effect file with an image of SMPTE color bars.
Contains collision data.
An early design for the stairway leading to Vigrid's fountain. The stones around the fountain are differently-designed and the area as a whole is much larger.
Contains 8 kilobytes of data.
Contains effect textures for raindrops.
A flat, rocky plane inside a skybox with a blue sky and grassy mountains.
The same area as r094, but it now contains a rectangular colosseum with two platforms inside of it. Possibly an early version of Fortitudo's boss battle arena.
An early version of Vigrid's catacombs. In the center of the room are metal walkways and support beams.
A tiny portion of an early Vigrid city, with some houses of varying colors scattered about. Behind one of the buildings is a semi-transparent sphere bearing a stone brick texture.
A work-in-progress version of Chapter III: The Burning Ground. The lava is represented by flat orange textures. The church is missing and the houses lack roofs. In addition, the colosseum's design is less detailed.
A bunch of Vigrid's background geometry, two parallel rows of houses connected by archways, and the Arc de Triomphe. There is no collision in this room.
This odd room does not match the game's artstyle at all. This a leftover room from MadWorld-- a game developed and published only on the Nintendo Wii. When forced to load in-game, the map does not fully load and has no collision.
This seems to be an extremely early version of the Witch Walk segment inside the Ithavoll Building's peak. Interestingly, a texture depicting Buddha is included. This could represent Jubileus, but it is still odd since to the game primarily draws on Christianity for its enemy ideas and imagery.
r0e1, r0e2, r0e3, r0e4
The same test room as r003, but these also contain a few effect models.
A flat white circle with alpha transparency around its outside edge.
A black triangle called "r0f1_dummy". This file contains idle animations for all of Bayonetta's summons, including the Little Devils and Queen Sheba. There is also a 4-frame animation for Bayonetta where she is t-posing.
Vigrid's city plaza. Appears close to the final model.
A flat triangle called "kanoke_dummy", including textures for Bayonetta's coffin used in pre-rendered flashback scenes. Effect models of the moon and a rock are also present. Its effect textures are of smoke, a normal map for animated water, and angelic text. This angelic text translates to various descriptors for Vigrid.
The lake area where Antonio Redgrave discovers Bayonetta's coffin, seen in pre-rendered flashbacks. Contains effect textures of raindrop impacts. The Wii U version is missing its textures, and the PS3 version's model materials do not display properly.
An empty file.
An empty file.
40 kilobytes of effect data.
An early Vigrid plaza that's missing textures. The stairs are straight, and there is no elevated platform next to them. A baked-in shadow for a tree is in the center of the area.
The path leading into the city, just beyond the Golem wall. Seems close to final.
A black cube.
Bits of rocks and pointed stalagmites emerging from the ground.
An early version of Fortitudo's colosseum. It is broken into pieces. Above it is the Earth, surrounded in a blue aura.
The same skybox used in r15a, but lacking any color. The earth is gone and replaced by clouds. May be some sort of skybox for Purgatorio, given its greyscale hue.
Completely empty.
Completely empty.
Completely empty.
The Vigrid church that Bayonetta finds Cereza in during Chapter I. Its floor is missing.
Completely empty.
An work-in-progress version of the Valkyrie's interior.
The design is blocked out using simple geometry.
PS3-Exclusive Rooms
To do:
Not only does the PlayStation 3 port contain all of the files listed above, it even has some files not found in the Wii U version.
An enormous file, the size of which rivals r001. It crashes the model viewer. Contains effect data and models.
Contains model and effect data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
A flat plane with a tile texture on it. The file also contains textures for grass, dirt, and a version of the tiles with transparency.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
The measurement test room (r026), but with three more models-- a realistic dog called "Dog_hiRez", a large female model laid flat on the floor, and a male model called "mocap_rig".
A sphere with grasslike texture, as well as materials for other plant and stone textures.
Early Vigrid station tunnels. The alcove where the key is found is missing, and in the place of the Golem wall is a pink square with text on it.
More early Vigrid station tunnels. There is a key difference in its design-- after the long gap filled with water is a small square room containing a hallway entrance. This segment's design is also present in r051.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
This file contains cubemap image data in the .DDS format, unlike any other file in this port. The cubemap depicts the area inside Vigrid station that the player reaches after ascending upon the Golem elevator. This version of the area seems to be absent from the model files.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model and effect data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
The collapsed bridge area at the start of Chapter II. Seems close to the final.
Early Vigrid plaza. A statue of a woman (using Bayonetta's model) is in the center, alongside a wooden table and wicker baskets.
The staircase here is identical to the one seen in the 2007 prototype.
A primitive Vigrid with red text at locations of importance. There are two simple-looking colosseums, the furthest of which would likely be loaded in as you progress through the tunnels attached to it.
Some points of interest include an area labeled "lava surfing", a building labeled "pavilion" where the church is in the final, and a placeholder model for the runaway tram.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer. Shares mesh names with r11b.
The pathway into Vigrid city, consisting more of shrubbery than buildings.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.
A variety of buildings, probably intended for the Prologue car ride with Enzo.
Contains model data, but cannot be opened in a model viewer.