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Bookworm HD

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Title Screen

Bookworm HD

Also known as: Bespelled, Bookworm
Developer: Monti Games[1]
Publisher: Pogo.com
Platform: HTML5

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Bookworm HD is a sudden revival of Bookworm in HD from scratch, with all the classic music intact and no IAPs shoehorned in! Sounds like a win-win, right?

...Then you realize you need Club Pogo.

To do:
Document the cheat menu and program date.

Upsell Popup

A popup locking out the ability to use Bonus Tiles without Club Pogo, which would possibly be used if the game was free. It displays the following text and prevents you from spelling words that would award them:

Chain bonus tiles. Hightligh letters. Upgrade dictionary allowing more than 8 letters. 

Aside from "Highlight" being spelled incorrectly (doubly amusing given the sentence right afterward), it suggests not being possible to chain Bonus Tiles despite still being able to.

Internal Project Name

The game internally refers to itself as sphinx.[2]
