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Brawl Stars/Version Differences/Global Launch

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This is a sub-page of Brawl Stars/Version Differences.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • List off the rest of the versions up until Version 27.
  • Provide screenshots for map changes and such.

Version 14

Version 14 was released in softlaunched countries on the 5th of December, 2018, and was eventually made public in all territories on the 12th of December, 2018. Some notable differences can be Brawler remodels, more modern UI, map width changes and Leon, a new Legendary Brawler at that time.

New Brawler: Leon

Leon is the third Legendary Brawler that was released. While also sporting a sick chameleon hoodie, he was extremely annoying to play against until Version 15.


  • Main attack: Shoots four projectiles with a light spread that deal less damage depending on how far they have traveled.
  • Super: Self-invisibility for 10 seconds, until Leon attacks again or gets damaged. He can also be spotted while holding the Brawl Ball during invisibility, or briefly when picking up objects like Bounty stars, Power Cubes or Gems.

Balance Changes (Power Level 1)

Version Release


  • Main attack and Super damage: 280 -> 300


  • Super charge rate decreased to 8 daggers from 9 daggers (including poison)


  • Base HP increased: 5000 -> 5200


  • Base HP increased: 4200 -> 4400


  • Reload speed decreased: 2.0s/ammo -> 1.8s/ammo

Penny Reworks:

  • Main attack projectile speed reduced by 6%
  • Cannonballs shot from Penny's Old Lobber no longer hit randomly


  • Increased Super charge rate from 12 -> 13 cards

Spike Reworks:

  • Main attack spike projectiles are no longer shot in random directions
  • Decreased spike projectile range from 5 -> 4.33 tiles

Darryl Rework:

  • Super range: 23.3 tiles -> 7 tiles
  • New Star Power: Darryl shields himself whenever he uses his Super, reducing damage by 30% for 3.5 seconds
  • Super charge rate decreased from 13 projectiles -> 11 projectiles
  • Main attack damage/projectile decreased: 360 -> 260
  • Super damage decreased: 640 -> 400
  • Base HP decreased: 5000 -> 4000
  • Super now charges automatically after 20 seconds

December 7th, 2018 Patch


  • Leon is revealed from invisibility while staying within a 4 tile radius from enemy Brawlers
  • Leon now has a visual indicator during invisibility, which only triggers if he is spotted in the 4 tile radius (also applies to NPC robots and spawnables) or while holding the Brawl Ball

Brawlidays Environment

Screenshot of the environment, restored in a modded variant of Version 29.

Since Version 14 started with the Brawlidays event, there was a limited-time environment exclusive to this version. The surroundings are covered with snow and spruce trees, igloos and footsteps can be seen on both sides of the team spawns and Brawlers walk on ice without sliding off of it. Literal black magic, I tell you!
This environment also had some exclusive in-game music, listed down below.




The environment's files, models and all, were removed from the game in the March 2020 update. No reasoning is currently known for this change, however it might have been done to reduce the game's filesize itself.

Brawler Remodels

To do:
Provide screenshots of Brawler remodels, or renders of them.

Shelly's character icon and model were changed. In addition, her Bandita Skin has also seen some model changes.

Old Icon Current Icon
BS Shelly Icon Old.png BS Shelly Icon Current.png

Nita got remodeled, along with her Panda Nita retexture. Bruce got the same treatments as well.

Bull got remodeled, along with his Viking Bull Skin.

Barley got remodeled, along with his Golden Barley Skin.

Brock got a remodel and a change to his character icon (and in general, his character design). The same rules apply to his Beach Brock Skin.

Old Icon Current Icon
BS Brock Icon Old.png BS Brock Icon Current.png

Dynamike got a remodel and a change to his character icon (and in general, his character design).

Old Icon Current Icon
BS Dynamike Icon Old.png BS Dynamike Icon Current.png

Colt, while still sporting his old model, got his character icon changed.

Old Icon Current Icon
BS Colt Icon Old.png BS Colt Icon Current.png

Ditto for Mortis, Jessie and Penny. While Mortis received a new model for his Top Hat Mortis skin, it's reused for his base skin by removing the hat as an object in skin_confs.csv.

Old Icon (Mortis) Current Icon (Mortis)
BS Mortis Icon Old.png BS Mortis Icon Current.png

Mortis received a substantial increase in picture quality.

Old Icon (Jessie) Newer Icon (Jessie)
BS Jessie Icon Old.png BS Jessie Icon Newer.png

Jessie's character icon was redesigned to better fit her current design (at the time).

Old Icon (Penny) Current Icon (Penny)
BS Penny Icon Old.png BS Penny Icon Newer.png

Penny was zoomed out, and details in her face were changed, such as her grin.

Map Changes

Maps have been changed to be rendered in real-time 3D, rather than being built from 2D sprites like all other Supercell games. This change in dimensions has also affected the map width to be changed by 4 tiles horizontally - 2 tiles on the left and the right. In addition, map previews have also been added, viewable by pressing the "i" button on the gamemode banner.

Modifier Changes

Life Leech got a few changes:

  • Player based healing (e.g. Mama's Hug, Medical Use) got reduced by 75%.
  • If a player dies from poison and Life Leech ticking at the same time, the opponent who poisoned the player will be fully healed.

A new modifier, Healing Mushrooms, was added. The modifier consists of randomly spawning mushrooms that heal players whenever they're in the radius.