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Brawl Stars

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Title Screen

Brawl Stars

Developer: Supercell
Publisher: Supercell
Platforms: Android, IOS
Released internationally: December 12, 2018
Released in CA: June 14, 2017 (Softlaunch)
Released in CN: June 9, 2020

AnimationsIcon.png This game has unused animations.
CharacterIcon.png This game has unused playable characters.
MinigameIcon.png This game has unused modes / minigames.
GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
TextIcon.png This game has unused text.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.
Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

DevelopmentIcon.png This game has a development article
PrereleaseIcon.png This game has a prerelease article

<Sanky> please suggest an unused sprite with a clock or something
This game is still under active development.
Be aware that any unused content you find may become used or removed in the future. Please only add things to the article that are unlikely to ever be used, or went unused for some time. If they do get used, please remove them from the page and specify in the edit summary!
This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
  • Add more unused/removed sounds.
  • Document Hoverboard, Animal and Homer (unfinished concept brawlers that were the original concepts for Tick, Bea and Rosa(?)).
  • Document unused static and normal animations for brawlers, found in some updates.
  • Add more unused text, either removed from texts.csv entirely or still left unused.
  • There may be more unused models.
  • Document Debug menu.
  • Document Deleted1, Deleted2 and ProtectKing gamemodes (not much code is left from del1 and del2 but it would be interesting to cover them)

Brawl Stars is a MOBA developed by Supercell. It currently has over 80 characters, including a vest-wearing cactus, grave-digging bats and a killer biker crow.

Oh, and if I'd stop to explain... I'd be a goner.



Read about development information and materials for this game.
Development Info
Read about prerelease information and/or media for this game.
Prerelease Info


BS China App Icon.png
Regional and Language Differences
Did someone say "daily Mega Box limit"?
Brawl Stars Anniversary Skin Icon.png
Version Differences
Over 5 years of balance changes, remodels and one Bea texture change for some reason.
BS Debug button.png
Debugging Material
Cool stuff here!

Unused Graphics

Smiling Pin

Brawl Stars Default diffuse(1).png
An image of an old pin from older versions, with a poorly drawn yellow smiley face on it, found inside assets/badge under the name default_diffuse. According to one of the developers in a Q&A, this is an easter egg for dataminers to find.

Debug Font

A Debug font located in assets/font as debug.png. This appears in every Supercell game. The characters from assets\font\debug.png are used by assets\font\debug.fnt.


Brawl Stars texture.png
This is the texture stored in assets/sc as debug.sc and debug_tex.sc. These images were taken from version 29.258 (early december of 2020).

The exports debug_menu_button and debug_menu_text seem to not have a texture / sprite associated with them. The animation associated with debug_menu repeats the same texture for 120 frames.

debug_button debug_input_window debug_menu debug_menu_bottom debug_menu_item debug_menu_item_small debug_menu_wide preview_menu
Brawl Stars debug button.png Brawl Stars debug input window.png Brawl Stars debug menu animation is this 120 times.png Brawl Stars debug menu bottom.png Brawl Stars debug menu item.png Brawl Stars debug menu item small.png Brawl Stars debug menu wide.png Brawl Stars name is invalid.png Brawl Stars preview menu.png

Kakao game sdk watermark img.png
An odd image of a title screen for what seems to be a Korean racing game called "Friends Racing". Oddly enough, this image seems to be removed from the files.

Sweating Sad Pin

Brawl Stars Sweating Sad Pin.png
An unused Pin graphic found in an older version of the ui_tex.sc file. It consists of a default sad Pin with extra sweat added.

Skin Donation Banners

Star Shelly Banner Wizard Barley Banner Brawl Stars Support Banner
BrawlStarsPreregShellyBanner.png BrawlStarsSCIDBarleyBanner.png BrawlStarsSupportGraphic.png

These three banners were used in older versions for the following purposes:

  • The Star Shelly banner was displayed when the player played Brawl Stars before 2019. It also displayed a messsage reading "You have unlocked a new skin! Thank you for playing Brawl Stars in 2018".
  • The Wizard Barley banner was displayed when the player connected their Brawl Stars account to Supercell ID. It also displayed a message reading "You have unlocked a new skin as reward for connecting your account to Supercell ID".
  • The Brawl Stars Support banner was displayed when the player received a Skin or item from the Brawl Stars Support team.

These banners were used until the Retropolis update, which added an Inbox system which made these graphics (and their respective messages) redundant. Oddly enough, these graphics are still floating around in the game's ui_tex.sc file today.

World Finals Lobby Background

Brawl Stars World Finals BG.png

A yellow background that was only used for about an hour during Season 4 - Holiday Getaway.

Unused Textures

Old Surge Texture

Old Texture New Texture
BS Surge OldTex.png BS Surge NewTex.png

Surge's old texture, which can be seen in his update's Brawl Talk. Some differences include smaller and more rotated eyes, a more drawn on mouth, his face is lower and parts of the texture are more united. It was accidentally given out to the public in the following major update, where it replaced his normal texture. This was fixed in an optional patch.

Old G-Force Janet Texture

Old Texture New Texture
BS G-Force Janet OLD.png BS G-Force Janet.png

G-Force Janet old texture, was never shown in any Brawl Talk. Some differences include darker colors, less detailed helmet & gun texture and parts of the texture are more united. The texture was added in version 46 and can still be found laying around the files in current versions of the game.

Dionysus Angelo texture (v56 characters_0.zktx)

BS-characters 0 v56.png

For some odd reason, Dionysus Angelo's texture can be found in this face spritesheet file. It may have been used to position the face onto the model.

Unused Models

Egg Pam

Front view Back view Side view #1 Side view #2 Top view Bottom view Isometric view
BSEggPamFrontview.png BSEggPamBackview.png BSEggPamSidev1.png BSEggPamSidev2.png BSEggPamTopview.png BSEggPamBottomview.png BSEggPamIsometricview.png

Found in the Version 27 files, there is a SCW model of Egg Pam (blandly named eggpam_geo.scw), alongside a winning animation of some sorts. These were included by the developers as a joke in a Tweet on April Fools' 2020 on the official Brawl Stars Twitter account, made after the popularity of the "EGGBO" submission on the Brawl Stars "The BO-Nanza" campaign on Supercell Make, consisting of users modeling and creating Skins for Bo in hopes that they'll get implemented in the game.

The model does not have a texture in the files. This is most probably because Pam received a remodel in this version.

Sombrero Hat Darryl

Front view Back view Top view Reveal Teaser
BSSombreroDarrylFrontview.png BSSombreroDarrylBackview.png BSSombreroDarrylTopview.png BSSombreroDarrylTeaserImage.jpg

This is found in the Version 5 files, inside a SCW animation file (named barrelbot_charge.scw) the model was first shown in the teaser image for Darryl's release, and later as video. The model does not have a texture in the files, custom textures were made for the images shown above.

Unused Animations


This animation consists of Shotgun Shelly wiping something off her cheek, cocking her shotgun and looking both ways. The animation was introduced in Version 43.

Unused Data

Unused Files
Unused Files
The raw unused data.

Star Powers

Name Brawler(s) In-game Name Description Info
ShotgunGirl_unique_3 Shelly BUCKSHOT BARRAGE Shelly's Super range and shot speed is increased by <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c>, with a tighter shot spread. This is an unused third starpower for Shelly.
BullDude_unique_3 Bull, Sandy SANDSTONE Sandy is now immune to knockbacks, slows and stuns. This is an unused third starpower for Bull. From the name and description we know that this third starpower for bull was moved over to Sandy and then removed from the game later. So this is also directly an unused starpower for Sandy. The TID for this starpower's name is "TID_SPEC_ABI_IMMUNE_TO_CC". From this we know that the starpower would make Bull immune to knockbacks, slows and stuns. It's unlikely that there was a special condition for this immunity to trigger, as that tends to be included in the name of the TID.
DeadMariachi_unique_3 Poco MUSICAL CLEANSE Poco's attacks remove all slow, stun, poison and burn effects from any teammates they hit. This is an unused third starpower for Poco.
Baseball_unique_3 Bibi STICKY BUBBLE GUM Bibi's Super slows down enemies for <c00cc00><VALUE1></c> seconds! This is an unused third starpower for Bibi.
Whirlwind_unique_3 Carl SMASHING SPIN Carl's Super now destroys cover and obstacles. This is an unused third starpower for Carl.
Undertaker_unique_3 Mortis JUST TOO FAST When Mortis dashes, all damage he takes is reduced by <c00cc00><VALUE2>%</c> for <c00cc00><VALUE1></c> seconds. This is an unused third starpower for Mortis.
Luchador_unique_3 El Primo GROW STONGER When El Primo charges up his Super, also charge up Growth bar. When Growth bar is full, increase maximum health by <c00cc00><VALUE1></c>. Bonus is lost when El Primo is defeated. This is an unused third starpower for El Primo.
Gunslinger_unique_3 Colt BULLET PROOF VEST Vest protects first <c00cc00><VALUE1></c> damage. When Colt is defeated he gets a new vest. Vest health is shown by the yellow bar. This is an unused third starpower for Colt.
Mechanic_unique_3 Jessie WALK THE DOG Scrappy now follows Jessie. This is an unused third starpower for Jessie.
RocketGirl_unique_3 Brock SHIELD When Brock's Super is fully charged (and he doesn't use it) he gains a shield that reduces <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c> of all damage he receives. This is an unused third starpower for Brock.
TntDude_unique_3 Dynamike RELEASE THE BIRD Dynamikes bird joins the fight! This is an unused third starpower for Dynamike.
Sniper_unique_3 Piper (left empty in the files.) When using her Super, Piper can spot all enemies hidden in bushes from the air. This is an unused third starpower for Piper.
Ninja_unique_3 Leon This is an unused third starpower for Leon. The name and description were replaced by the name and description of Gene's Spirit Slap starpower on newer versions. The TID is "TID_SPEC_ABI_DAMAGE_ULTI", from this name it is very likely that with this third starpower leons super would deal damage. This could work in a damage buff, but likely works by dealing damage to brawlers when leon is standing on / close to them.
Cactus_unique_3 Spike SPIKY OUTBREAK When Spike falls below <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c> health, he starts shooting out spikes that do <c00cc00><VALUE2></c> damage each! This is an unused third starpower for Spike.
5c30416c4151f4134432e80b50e194bfee88342f 4f7b8a8fb970bd4cb356d59fd76bb5fb64e5797a BUCKSHOT BARRAGE Shelly's Super range and shot speed is increased by <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c>, with a tighter shot spread. TID: "TID_SPEC_SUPER_RANGE".
6ac02880272aaeaadac71ba48d4b89e889a07607 4f7b8a8fb970bd4cb356d59fd76bb5fb64e5797a BUCKSHOT BARRAGE Shelly's Super range and shot speed is increased by <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c>, with a tighter shot spread. TID: "TID_SPEC_SUPER_RANGE".
6ec42df0c615b2d98f9f7fc900a5a4a1c37c5f6e 07220d24fa2e06c356cad4e7c6037d70b265010e BUCKSHOT BARRAGE Shelly's Super range and shot speed is increased by <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c>, with a tighter shot spread. TID: "TID_SPEC_SUPER_RANGE".
06a226dbc7ddbcf3f8e97cb995f5cf645a2d3aff 07220d24fa2e06c356cad4e7c6037d70b265010e BUCKSHOT BARRAGE Shelly's Super range and shot speed is increased by <c00cc00><VALUE1>%</c>, with a tighter shot spread. TID: "TID_SPEC_SUPER_RANGE".


Name Brawler Info
Baseball_Proto Bibi The TID known as "TID_ACCESSORY_PROTO" for this gadget is missing. "TID_ACCESSORY_PROTO" links to the text stored in "texts.csv" that gives the gadget a name.
Driller_Proto Jacky Same as previouse gadget.
119d51e112ac047a90d534ac9bf4f7ad52481f51 Shelly Unused copy of her "Clay Pigeons" gadget.


In-game name Description Brawler Info
SYNERGY wip Larry & Lawrie There was a fake reddit post floating around telling people that supercell during one update added in a description for this hypercharge. This is a lie and never happened.
FLASH MOB Melodie gains full notes instantly when activating her Chorus. Melodie Already-released on December 10th, 2024. Different behavior.
BLOSSOMING Flourish projectiles now bounce, and Lily fully recharges her Super from take downs Lily


Weapon skill is the base attack and ultimate skill is the super. These brawlers are probably there to replace removed characters, as the dev team would have to change a lot of things in the game to change the position of the characters in the database by one line.

Name In-game name Weapon skill Ultimate skill Info
07220d24fa2e06c356cad4e7c6037d70b265010e Shelly ShotgunGirlWeapon ShotgunGirlUlti This brawler seems to be a copy of Shelly.
4f7b8a8fb970bd4cb356d59fd76bb5fb64e5797a Shelly ShotgunGirlWeapon ShotgunGirlUlti This brawler seems to be a copy of Shelly.
49c039b18c82880638cd3ba472dc5db3e8cc6f8b Shelly ShotgunGirlWeapon ShotgunGirlUlti This brawler seems to be a copy of Shelly.
4028aae4a6bbbdea17608222005fefc028ff7c45 Shelly ShotgunGirlWeapon ShotgunGirlUlti This brawler seems to be a copy of Shelly.
037424c2385e031824f496c787e2ab8f473b70f8 Shelly ShotgunGirlWeapon ShotgunGirlUlti This brawler seems to be a copy of Shelly.
f12191a373cbc743d1f7554b27999006a017d2eb Shelly ShotgunGirlWeapon ShotgunGirlUlti This brawler seems to be a copy of Shelly.

Unused Environments


This environment can be found in beta versions of the game and is quite small compared to the others. Due to the size of the map we can safely assume that this map was meant to be used back when Brawl Stars was played vertically.

BS Town Level.png

Unused Text

Text strings that are either unfinished or unused.

To do:
Add in all of the text strings related to Brawl Boxes

Brawl Box strings

For context, Brawl Boxes were the main method of obtaining Brawlers and resources, being introduced during the game's soft launch in 2017 and getting gutted in 2022. They were later replaced with Starr Drops in 2023, and were temporarily brought back during the Classic Brawl event in July of 2024.

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_GATCHA_ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_GOLD Collect 100 Tokens to get a Brawl Box! Informs the player that they need to collect more Tokens.
TID_GATCHA_INFO <c0000ff>Brawl Boxes</c>\n\nOpen Brawl Boxes to find Brawlers, Power Points, Coins or Token Doublers. A short description for a Brawl Box.
TID_HERO_INFO_STAR_POWER_CAN_DROP Star Power can now be found in Brawl Boxes Informs the player that Star Powers can now drop from Boxes. Used when Brawlers only had one Star Power each.
TID_HERO_INFO_ACCESSORIES_CAN_DROP Gadget can now be found in Brawl Boxes Ditto, never used.
TID_HERO_LIST_DO_GATCHA Open Brawl Box Unknown.
TID_GATCHA_SCREEN_BOX_COUNTER_BONUS BONUS Brawl Boxes contained bonus items (Event Tickets, Token Doublers and Gems). This may have been used when viewing the results screen.
TID_TEAM_GATCHA_BLOCKED Cannot open a box while ready! Brawl Boxes and Big Boxes were available at all times before being reworked into Brawl Pass rewards. This string shows up when the player tries to open a Brawl Box while ready in a team.
TID_GATCHA_TEMPORARILY_DISABLED Opening Brawl Boxes is temporarily disabled Self-explanatory.
TID_SHOP_HERO_OF_RARITY_TITLE <c<COLOR>><NAME></c> BRAWLER Before being reworked into random shop offers, Brawler Boxes would unlock a random Brawler of a specific rarity.
TID_SHOP_HERO_OF_RARITY_BOX Brawler Box Before being reworked into random shop offers, Brawler Boxes would unlock a random Brawler of a specific rarity.
TID_SHOP_GATCHA_BOX_PURCHASE_ERROR_3 Cannot purchase any more boxes today May have been used as a limit.
TID_SHOP_STAR_BOXES STAR BOXES Before Brawl Boxes (and Star Points) were removed, the Star Shop would offer a Big Box and a Mega Box at the end of each Trophy Season.
TID_SHOP_OFFER_TITLE_0 FREE BOX Title for a random daily shop offer (in this case, being a free Brawl Box).
TID_SHOP_OFFER_TITLE_6 BRAWL BOX Title for a random daily shop offer. Small boxes never had a price tied to them when these daily offers were introduced.

Skin strings

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_1_AVAILABLE Celebrate Brawlidays with this festive skin! When tapping on a Skin's theme icon in the Brawler menu, a string related to its theme in the Catalog will show up. This string showed up when the Santamike, Red Nose Nita and Lil Helper Penny skins were first introduced in 2018.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_3_AVAILABLE Celebrate Brawl-o-ween with this festive skin! This string showed up when the Witch Shelly, Calavera Piper and Werewolf Leon skins were first introduced in 2019.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_2_AVAILABLE Celebrate Lunar Brawl with this festive skin! This string showed up when the Royal Agent Colt, Lion Dance Brock and Dumpling Darryl skins were first introduced in 2019.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_2_NOT_AVAILABLE Lunar Brawl skin This string showed up after the LNY 2019 skins went off sale for the first time.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_5_AVAILABLE Celebrate Lunar Brawl with this festive skin! This string showed up when the Virus 8-Bit, Heroine Bibi and Street Ninja Tara skins were first introduced in 2020.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_5_NOT_AVAILABLE Lunar Brawl skin This string showed up after the LNY 2020 skins went off sale for the first time.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_LUNAR_BRAWL_2019 LUNAR BRAWL 2019 This string is no longer used since the Catalog features past and current Lunar Brawl skins under the same theme.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_LUNAR_BRAWL_2020 LUNAR BRAWL 2020 This string is no longer used since the Catalog features past and current Lunar Brawl skins under the same theme.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_LUNAR_BRAWL_2021 LUNAR BRAWL 2021 This string is no longer used since the Catalog features past and current Lunar Brawl skins under the same theme.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_LUNAR_BRAWL_22 Celebrate Lunar Brawl with this festive skin! This string showed up when the Orochi Edgar, El Tigro and Sway Master Barley skins were first introduced in 2022.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_8_NOT_AVAILABLE This skin will be moved to the Archive soon! Caveman Frank, Boom Box Brock, Spicy Mike, Touchdown Bull and Rockabilly Mortis were once marked as Archive skins in 2020, which meant that they weren't part of the normal Shop rotation. The Archive was later scrapped altogether in favor of having these Skins available for purchase at any moment via the Catalog.
TID_SKIN_INFO_CAMPAIGN_9_NOT_AVAILABLE Archive Skin - not in the regular skin rotation! Caveman Frank, Boom Box Brock, Spicy Mike, Touchdown Bull and Rockabilly Mortis were once marked as Archive skins in 2020, which meant that they weren't part of the normal Shop rotation. The Archive was later scrapped altogether in favor of having these Skins available for purchase at any moment via the Catalog.

Brawl Pass-related strings

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_BRAWL_PASS_CANNOT_PURCHASE_BRAWL_PASS_FOR_PAST_SEASON (no text, since the TID does not exist in texts.csv) Intended to inform the player that they cannot purchase a past season's Brawl Pass. String appears when tapping the Past Season and the Activate button at the same time in the Brawl Pass menu (before they were reworked).
TID_BRAWLPASS_PURCHASE_ERROR_4 "Sorry, this Brawl Pass is no longer available!" Intended to inform the player that a Brawl Pass is no longer available for purchase, however this string goes entirely unused due to the string above being "used" instead.
TID_BRAWL_PASS_BUY_PROGRESS_LABEL BUY A TIER Possibly a title for confirmation of buying a Brawl Pass tier. The string that is used instead reads "ADVANCE TIER?".
TID_QUEST_PLAYAGAIN_CONDITION \nWITH A TEAM MATE Possibly an early Quest description for the "PLAY <NUM> MATCHES IN A TEAM" Quest, which is used instead.
TID_BRAWL_PASS_OLD_BOXES_BUTTON OPEN OLD BOXES This button would show up when a player has Brawl Boxes from before the Brawl Pass was introduced. This box bank feature would later be removed with the removal of Brawl Boxes from the game in 2022.
TID_BRAWL_PASS_TAIL_INFO Once you've completed the Brawl Pass, you will earn a Big Box for every <NUM> tokens! Before Boxes were removed, the player would earn a Big Box. This was replaced by Credits, Coins and Power Points, and later replaced by a random Starr Drop.
TID_BRAWL_PASS_INFO_TEXT_GENERIC Earn tons of extra rewards, including:\n\n<BRAWLER>- the new Chromatic Brawler!\n\nTIMED EXCLUSIVE SKIN: <SKIN_1>!\n\nTIMED EXCLUSIVE and COOL PINS for <BRAWLER>\n\nTIMED EXCLUSIVE SPRAYS\n\nEXTRA COINS and POWER POINTS!\n\nEXTRA QUESTS to complete your Brawl Pass faster!\n\nEXCLUSIVE CHROMATIC NAME for the duration of the season! Before Brawl Passes were reworked, this string would show up when the player pressed the info button on the "GET BRAWL PASS!" prompt.
TID_BRAWL_PASS_INFO_TEXT_17 Earn tons of extra rewards, including:\n\n<BRAWLER>- the new Chromatic Brawler!\n\nTIMED EXCLUSIVE SKIN: <SKIN_1>!\n\nTIMED EXCLUSIVE and COOL PINS for <BRAWLER>\n\nTIMED EXCLUSIVE SPRAY & PROFILE ICON\n\nEXTRA COINS, POWER POINTS & BLING!\n\nEXTRA QUESTS to complete your Brawl Pass faster!\n\nEXCLUSIVE CHROMATIC NAME for the duration of the season! Same as the string above, used when Bling was introduced in 2023.
TID_BRAWL_PASS_CANNOT_UPGRADE_ALREADY_UNLOCKED (no text) This string appears when the player presses the "UPGRADE" button in the Brawl Pass menu while already owning a Brawl Pass Plus. Normally, when owning it, the "UPGRADE" button is hidden off-screen and can only be pressed when forcing the game to be played in portrait mode.

Tutorial related strings

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_TUTORIAL_7 Good job! We've got the <ce662f9>GEMS</c>, let's head towards the exit! Most likely meant to show up after you collect all the gems in the Tutorial. A similar string did get used around 2018 for the same purpose, however by the time 2019 came around, it never went used.
TID_TUTORIAL_8 Hitting enemies charges your Super. Use the <cff9900>yellow control</c> to attack the enemies with your Super! A string intended to inform the player that attacking enemies charges up your Super. This never goes used, since TID_TUTORIAL_GOOD_JOB_3 is the actual text shown. It doesn't seem to be a leftover from any old Tutorial.
TID_TUTORIAL_10 Attacking targets charges up the Super attack meter. My Super is ready now!\nTap the Super button! Same case as TID_TUTORIAL_8.
TID_TUTORIAL_11 The <cff6633>orange bars</c> show your ammo. I'll reload as fast as I can! A string informing the player what your ammo is represented by. This never goes used, and TID_TUTORIAL_GOOD_JOB_2 is used instead.
TID_TUTORIAL_12 We've got the GEMS, let's head towards the exit! Same case as TID_TUTORIAL_7.
TID_TUTORIAL_555 Nice, keep going! Pretty bland string. No purpose for it seems to exist.

Brawl Stars Beta strings

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_ERROR_POP_UP_LOGIN_NOT_ALLOWED Brawl Stars Beta is not yet available in your country. Check back later! Old string that informed the player that Brawl Stars' Beta was not available in their country. Since the beta ended, it has remained in texts.csv, unused. It's supposed to be accompanied by TID_ERROR_POP_UP_LOGIN_NOT_ALLOWED_TITLE and TID_ERROR_POP_UP_LOGIN_NOT_ALLOWED_BUTTON, saying "Login Failed" and "Okay" respectively.
TID_ERROR_POP_UP_LOGIN_NOT_ALLOWED_ANDROID You must download Brawl Stars Beta from Google Play Store (only available in selected countries). Rooted devices are not currently supported. Check back later! A string intended to inform the player that Brawl Stars' Beta can only be downloaded from the Google Play Store and that rooted devices aren't yet supported.

Unused Brawler strings

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_BONE_THROWER Bone Thrower Name for a Brawler named "Bone Thrower". Related to this name, there were some mechanics for a bone-throwing Brawler, with a pet that would follow its projectiles.
TID_BONE_THROWER_DESC "There's nothing mini about this gunner! Handy with his massive machine gun, the Minigunner can mow down almost any number of bad guys. (Movement speed slow, immune to pushback)" Description intended for a minigun-wielding Brawler. Oddly enough, this string was used for an early Pam prototype in the first ever version of the game.
TID_BONE_THROWER_WEAPON MINIGUN Name for an attack named "MINIGUN". Again, used for an early Pam prototype.
TID_BONE_THROWER_WEAPON_DESC The Minigunner makes wielding this massive machine gun easy. He can even walk while firing it full auto! Description for a generic minigun attack. Again, used for an early Pam prototype.
TID_BONE_THROWER_ULTI BANDAGE DISPENSER Name for a Super named "BANDAGE DISPENSER". Again, used for an early Pam prototype.
TID_BONE_THROWER_ULTI_DESC Sometimes you get scratches and flesh wounds in a high-intensity firefight. The Bandage Dispenser helps keep your whole team in fighting shape! Description for a turret that would heal you inside its AoE. Again, used for an early Pam prototype.
TID_ROBOT DEPUTY IRONS Name for a Brawler named "Deputy Irons".
TID_ROBOT_DESC Built to serve. Deputized to destroy. A very cryptic and straight-forward description. Usually, in older versions, Brawler descriptions would offer info on their lore and such, so this may have been used in a prototype.
TID_ROBOT_WEAPON ROCKET SNIPE Name for an attack named "ROCKET SNIPE". Might have been used for a Brock prototype.
TID_ROBOT_WEAPON_DESC Deputy Irons shoots an explosive rocket at extreme ranges with mechanical precision. Describes an attack which would shoot a long-range projectile with splash damage. Might have been used for a Brock prototype.
TID_ROBOT_ULTI CROWD CONTROL Name for a Super named "CROWD CONTROL". Might have been used for a Brock prototype.
TID_ROBOT_ULTI_DESC "When extreme measures are called for, Deputy Irons can rain down a barrage of rockets on the unruly crowd." Describes a Super which would launch rockets in a certain area. Might have been used for a Brock prototype.
TID_ANIMAL ANIMAL Name for a Brawler named "Animal".
TID_ANIMAL_SHORT_DESC Paladin Short Description/Class for the brawler. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype.
TID_ANIMAL_DESC "Can protect the team and take a lot of damage" Description intended for a Brawler that could protect his teammates. Again. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype.
TID_ANIMAL_WEAPON Claws Name for an attack named "Claws". Again. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype.
TID_ANIMAL_WEAPON_DESC "Hits with claws multiple times" Describes an attack that would hit people multiple times. Again. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype.
TID_ANIMAL_ULTI Tough Skin Name for a super named "Tough Skin". Again. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype.
TID_ANIMAL_ULTI_DESC "Skin grows super tough for 5 sec decreasing all damage received by 50% for the duration" Describes a super that would give him a shield for some time. Again. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype.
TID_SPEC_ABI_HEAL_FOREST Bushmaster Name for Animal's starpower.
TID_SPEC_ABI_HEAL_FOREST_DESC "Heals <c00cc00><VALUE1></c> health per second in bushes" Description for Animal's starpower, describes that he would heal some health if he stayed in bushes. Again. Might have been used for a Rosa prototype
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE HOVERBOARD Name for a Brawler named "Hoverboard".
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE_SHORT_DESC "Cool dude!" Short Description/Class for the brawler. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE_DESC "Cool dude who can float above water with his hoverboard!" Description intended for a Brawler that could float over water like Eve and Angelo. This confirms that the water collision being disabled for this brawler was intentional and they were testing it with this brawler. Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE_WEAPON Submachine Gun Name for a attack named "Submachine Gun". Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE_WEAPON_DESC "Fires fast!" Describes that he would shoot shots like Colt fast. Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE_ULTI Cluster Bomb Name for a super named Cluster Bomb. Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_CLUSTER_BOMB_DUDE_ULTI_DESC "Boom!" Short Description that might mean that in his super he would explode something. Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_SPEC_ABI_HOVERBOARD Supercharged hoverboard Name for Hoverboard's starpower. Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.
TID_SPEC_ABI_HOVERBOARD_DESC "When full ammo hoverboard gets supercharged and brawler can move a lot faster" Description for Hoverboard's starpower. Describes that when his ammo was full he could be boosted and he could move more faster. Again. Might have been used for a Tick prototype.

Leftover Power Play strings

For context, Power Play was a competitive mode in Brawl Stars which consisted of short seasons for big Star Point prizes (depending on the player playing well or not). It was eventually replaced by Power League, and later Ranked.

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_TEAM_ERROR_123 Cannot start battle. The selected Brawler is excluded from POWER PLAY and Challenges this season. String intended to inform the player that the Brawler they are trying to play is not playable in Power Play or Challenges such as the Championship Challenge. Eventually went unused as Power Play was removed.
TID_MATCHMAKE_FAILED_14 POWER PLAY can be played only with Brawlers that have a Star Power String intended to inform the player that they can only play Power Play with Brawlers that have Star Powers.
TID_MATCHMAKE_FAILED_15 You have run out of POWER PLAY games today String intended to inform the player that they ran out of daily Power Play matches. For context, you could only play 3 matches a day.
TID_MATCHMAKE_FAILED_19 The selected Brawler is excluded from POWER PLAY and in Challenges this season Same purpose as TID_TEAM_ERROR_123.
TID_PLAYER_STAT_13 HIGHEST POWER PLAY POINTS A statistic on a player's profile counting the highest Power Play points reached.
TID_PLAYER_STAT_14 HIGHEST POWER PLAY RANK A statistic on a player's profile counting the highest Power Play rank reached in a season.
TID_EVENT_SLOT_NAME_9 POWER PLAY Event slot title for Power Play.
TID_HINT_44 "When playing POWER PLAY, matchmaking is based on the Points you currently have in the POWER PLAY season." Hint which informs the player about Power Play's point-based matchmaking system.
TID_POWER_PLAY_NOTIFICATION POWER PLAY has <PARAM> map open! App notification which informs the player about which map is available that day.
TID_SECTION_SHORTCUT_4 POWER PLAY Event screen tab for Power Play. Last used when Power Play's last matches occurred.
TID_SECTION_HEADER_4 POWER PLAY Header for Power Play on the Event selection screen. This was introduced when said screen was changed, being horizontal instead of vertical.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_INFO_POPUP_TITLE POWER PLAY League Rewards Title for Power Play season rewards.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_POPUP_INFO "Put your skills to the test in POWER PLAY! Compete in three daily matches to climb up the League Table. When the League ends, you will get Star Points based on your Points and Ranking on the global League Table." Describes how rankings and rewards work in Power Play.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_LABEL POWER PLAY Yet another label for Power Play.
TID_TEAM_ERROR_38 Pick a Power level 10 Brawler! Intended to inform the player to pick a Power Level 10 Brawler, as that was the minimum requirement for playing a Power Play match. As of the Gears update, this text entry would be inaccurate.
TID_TEAM_ERROR_39 No more POWER PLAY games left today! Intended to inform the player that they ran out of Power Play matches for the day.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_GAMES <GAMESLEFT>/<MAXGAMES> BATTLES LEFT A counter for matches remaining for the day in Power Play.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_SEASON_END_POPUP_FINAL_POINTS Your Points Counter for Power Play points earned in the season.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_SEASON_END_POPUP_FINAL_RANK Your Ranking Counter for final Power Play rank in the season.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_SEASON_END_POPUP_STAR_POINTS Star Point Reward Counter for the Star Point reward in the season.
TID_PRO_LEAGUE_SEASON_END_INFO_SHORT POWER PLAY REWARD: <AMOUNT> <cff00ff>Star Points</c> gained! Inbox message informing the player of their Star Point gain in a Power Play season. Still remained as an Inbox message for some players, however with the passage of time the message has now evaporated from players' inboxes.
TID_BATTLE_LOG_PRO_LEAGUE POWER PLAY Power Play title for the battle log.

Gadget strings

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_ACCESSORY_BLOCKED_DEAD Can't use gadget while defeated! The Gadget button is hidden whenever a player is defeated, leaving this string unused.
TID_ACCESSORY_BLOCKED_NO_USES_LEFT All charges used! Pressing the Gadget button after using all three (or four) of them doesn't do anything, leaving this string unused.
TID_ACCESSORY_BLOCKED_COOLDOWN Gadget still on cooldown! Pressing the Gadget button while it's on cooldown doesn't do anything, leaving this string unused.

Larry & Lawrie Hypercharge WIP

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_TWINS_OVERCHARGE SYNERGY A string for a Hypercharge's name, specifically for Larry & Lawrie.
TID_TWINS_OVERCHARGE_DESC wip A string for a Hypercharge's description. In Larry & Lawrie's case, they have yet to get a Hypercharge added to their kit, hence this string reading just "wip". It is unknown what this Hypercharge is supposed to do to their Super.

Melodie Hypercharge WIP

A Hypercharge for Melodie was released during the December 2024 update, leaving this older variant of it unused.

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_AXE_JUGGLER_OVERCHARGE FLASH MOB A string for a Hypercharge's name, specifically for Melodie.
TID_AXE_JUGGLER_OVERCHARGE_DESC Melodie gains full notes instantly when activating her Chorus. A string for a Hypercharge's description. It indicates that Melodie's Super will recharge all of the notes around her when used. Melodie's current Hypercharge has a similar, yet different behavior, adding one note around her for each dash.

Lily Hypercharge WIP

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_AMBUSHER_OVERCHARGE BLOSSOMING A string for a Hypercharge's name, specifically for Lily.
TID_AMBUSHER_OVERCHARGE_DESC Flourish projectiles now bounce, and Lily fully recharges her Super from take downs A string for a Hypercharge's description. Currently, Lily does not have a Hypercharge, however this string indicates that it's supposed to make her Super's projectiles bouncy, while fully recharging her Super from kills.

Scrapped Brawler Mutations

For context, Mutations were available for select brawlers for a limited time during the Brawl Stars X Godzilla collaboration event, changing how a Brawler's attack or Super would work. Mutations only worked in maps with the Mutations modifier enabled.

Text ID/TID String Intended purpose
TID_MUTATION_GRIFF_DESC (no text) When enabled in-game via modding, Griff's Super shoots twice as many banknotes.
TID_MUTATION_EMZ_DESC (no text) A description for a Mutation, intended for Emz. It is still unknown what this Mutation was supposed to do.
TID_MUTATION_MICO_DESC (no text) When enabled in-game via modding, Mico's reload speed is reduced by 1 second. (2.6 seconds to 1.6 seconds)
TID_MUTATION_EDGAR_DESC (no text) A description for a Mutation, intended for Edgar. It is still unknown what this Mutation was supposed to do.
TID_MUTATION_AMBER_DESC (no text) A description for a Mutation, intended for Amber. It is still unknown what this Mutation was supposed to do.
TID_MUTATION_DYNAMIKE_DESC (no text) When enabled in-game via modding, Dynamike will throw five sticks of dynamite every time he gets hit, in a similar fashion to Hank's Mutation.
TID_MUTATION_JACKY_DESC (no text) A description for a Mutation, intended for Jacky. It is still unknown what this Mutation was supposed to do.
TID_MUTATION_TWINS_DESC (no text) A description for a Mutation, intended for Larry & Lawrie. It is still unknown what this Mutation was supposed to do.
Oddly enough, this is the only string ID that refers to them by their internal name rather than their actual name.

Unused Sounds

There are a ton of unused sounds left in the files.

Announcer Voicelines

The announcer can only be heard in Brawl Ball and Wipeout, but according to some unused voicelines, his commentary was supposed to appear in every gamemode.

Solo Showdown

Duo Showdown

Solo/Duo Showdown

Hot Zone


This seems to be an early version of the "Team Takedown!" voiceline.

Unused Menu Sounds

Sounds meant to be used in menus, that went unused for a reason or another.


Quite a classic, isn't it?

The filename is reminiscent of Project Laser, the original prototype name for Brawl Stars. laser_load_01 was regularly used up until the March update in 2020. While it was used again in the first ever Brawl Pass release, it was an accident on the developers' part (see brawzaar_load_01). Later versions would use their respective Brawl Pass season's loading sound.

*Technically* speaking, this sound is still used on the loading screen, but this happens when a loading sound isn't downloaded yet or is missing from the sounds folder.


Found in Version 27, which introduced the Brawl Pass. While this sound was planned to be used for the rest of Season 1, the default loading sound (laser_load_01.ogg) was used instead.


Found in Version 43, which was the Season 12 update. Like what happened with Season 1's unused loading jingle. This sound was going to be used for the rest of the update. but something happened and the default/global loading screen was used (laser_load_01.ogg). It is now currently removed from the files to be never seen again


An unused gunshot sound. This sound was played when selecting a Brawler and initiating matchmaking in early softlaunch versions of the game.


Sound meant for leaving lobbies.


A noise that comes from the first ever version of the game. This sound was used when receiving Chips from a duplicate Brawler in the early beta versions of the game.


A sound effect possibly meant for the sliding UI parts of the match results screen, as a similarly named sound effect, blink_01v2, is used for said purpose.


A rather interesting sound. There is another sound similarly called get_pickup_06, which is the sound for picking up a Power Cube, however they don't seem to be related, as sounds.csv lists this sound as ui_dust_gain, which doesn't go used anywhere, but implies it was somehow supposed to be used in the menus.

Unused In-Game Sounds

Sounds meant to be used in gameplay, that went unused for another reason or another.


An apparent looping version of the power cube pick-up sound (as indicated in sounds.csv). There's no reason the power cube sound should loop in the first place, so this is possibly why it wasn't used.


An unused sound effect for the Vuvuzela Pin. It is unknown why it's unused - probably because it doesn't sync with the animation.


A sound effect that was meant to be used in the Godzilla City Smash game mode when an enemy player destroyed a building. Found in v55.

Unused Brawler Sounds

Sounds meant to be used for brawlers, that go unused either from mistake or intentionally.

Unused Sandy voice lines






Voice lines that were left unused for Sandy. These consist of him taking damage and taking down enemies.

Unused Willow voice lines





Voice lines that were left unused for Willow. Intended to play when Willow's Super hits an enemy target.

Unused Colt Super voiceline


An unused Colt voiceline for use when he uses his Super. It was previously used in earlier iOS beta versions of the game, but was removed from the game's files altogether later on. Interestingly, this voiceline uses a different voice actor.


A sound meant for Piper's Super, specifically when she drops her grenades. This was never used in older versions of the game.


A sound meant for Dynamike's Fidget Spinner Gadget.

Leftover Sounds

Sound effects that were supposed to be deleted, but weren't.





Before the Brawl Pass update in May of 2020, Special Events could only be played with Tickets. These tickets could be obtained from Brawl Boxes before the March update in 2020. After their removal, their sound effects still remained in the files.

Star Tokens



Star Tokens suffered the same fate as Tickets. Their files are named "starkey" due to being named as such in beta releases.


A sound which was played after purchasing the Brawl Pass. Was used only once in Version 27, and was completely replaced and left over in Version 28.

Leftover Project Laser Sounds

Sounds leftover from Project Laser from version 1 of the game. (check the prerelease article for more details).

Robot Brawler sounds


The voice of an unused Brawler from Project Laser (which is most likely the Fast Melee Bot seen in Robo Rumble, Boss Fight and at the top of the training cave we know today, seen in prototype footage), alongside them shooting rockets.


The voice of an unused Brawler from Project Laser (which is most likely the Fast Melee Bot mentioned earlier), supposed to be played when they died.


A firing noise. Based on how it sounds and its filename, it may have been used for firing some sort of cannon.

Planet Whooshing




A few unused whooshing noises, meant for ambience. Originally, the game was set to take place in space, explaining the filename.


Various grunts meant for an unnamed male character.


Grunts meant for an unnamed female character.

These male_pain and female_pain sounds are actually heard in the First Brawl Stars tournament video that was uploaded on the same day the game softlaunched, along with some new never heard ones, weird enough in the video a lot of stuff go unused and not released in the same beta


Based on the sounds.csv entry name and filename, this sound was meant for some sort of grenade. No Brawler currently throws grenades over obstacles, so this is most likely a leftover from Project Laser.

Alien Brawler sounds




Sounds for an alien creature attacking, getting hurt and dying. Weirdly enough, alien_shot_01 and alien_die_02 were referred to as Squiddy_fire and Squiddy_die respectively in sounds.csv.

Rhino sounds



Rhino was a prototype character for Bull (whose sound effects still have the name "rhino" in their filenames!), having four sound effects left over - two for dying and two for using a Super.
One of the Super sounds seems to be a duplicate of the first with a charging sound effect added at the end.

Miscellaneous Sounds

Unused sounds that don't seem to have any connection to things already in the game, that are possibly used for testing.


There is a sound file just called 'dummy', possibly used to test playing sounds. It has no audio. Interestingly, it seems to be used in an unused sound slot in sounds.csv titled Rhinocharge, which based on the name, was supposed to be used when Bull uses his Super.


A loud beep, possibly just a test sound. This file also appears in res/raw. Just like the debug font, this appears in every Supercell game.

Internal Brawler Naming Oddities

The internal names for Brawlers are pretty interesting. They seem to stem from the idea or basic mechanics of a brawler, and are most likely used before the final name is settled. The only exception to this is Ruffs, as he was previously planned way before the game became what it is today (check prerelease article for more details), and as such his internal name is the same as it is in-game.

Internal Names In-Game Names
ShotgunGirl Shelly
Gunslinger Colt
RocketGirl Brock
Mechanic Jessie
Shaman Nita
TntDude Dynamike
Luchador El Primo
BullDude Bull
TrickshotDude Rico
Barkeep Barley
DeadMariachi Poco
Undertaker Mortis
BowDude Bo
Cactus Spike
MinigunDude Pam
Sniper Piper
BlackHole Tara
BarrelBot Darryl
ArtilleryDude Penny
HammerDude Frank
Ninja Leon
HookDude Gene
Whirlwind Carl
Baseball Bibi
ClusterBombDude Tick
Arcade 8-bit
Sandstorm Sandy
Mummy Emz
BeeSniper Bea
Speedy Max
SpawnerDude Mr.P
Driller Jacky
Wally Sprout
Blower Gale
Controller Nani
PowerLeveler Surge
Percenter Colette
FireDude Amber
IceDude Lou
SnakeOil Byron
Enrager Edgar
Roller Stu
ElectroSniper Belle
StickyBomb Squeak
RopeDude Buzz
AssaultShotgun Griff
Knight Ash
MechaDude Meg
Duplicator Lola
CrossBomber Grom
KickerDude Fang
Flea Eve
JetpackGirl Janet
CannonGirl Bonnie
Silencer Otis
WeaponThrower Sam
SoulCollector Gus
ShieldTank Buster
Jester Chester
DoorMan Gray
Beamer Mandy
Splitter R-T
Puppeteer Willow
Maisie Maisie
FishTank Hank
Duelist Cordelius
Reviver Doug
Cooker Pearl
Conductor Chuck
Cocooner Charlie
Leaper Mico
Attacher Kit
Twins Larry & Lawrie
InsectMan Angelo
AxeJuggler Melodie
Ambusher Lily
DragonRider Draco
Painter Berry
Crab Clancy
Digger Moe
Samurai Kenji
Voodoo Juju
Ghost Shade
Lightyear Buzz Lightyear
Meeple Meeple
Skater Ollie