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Bugs:The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy)

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This page details bugs of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Game Boy).

Bugs listed here are present in all versions of the game.

Mysterious Woods Wall Oddity


In the Mysterious Woods, you can grab the upper-right corners of the walls as if they were rocks.

Doghouse Glitch

If you walk into the upper-right corner of the doghouse on the outside, you'll get warped to the Yarna Desert (original) / Goponga Swamp (DX) for some odd reason. If you defeat an enemy before doing this, you'll get warped into a glitched version of Bottle Grotto that changes depending on how many enemies you defeated.

Eagle's Tower Iron Ball Softlock

To do:
Was this fixed in any GB version?

In Eagle's Tower, there is a room containing an L-shaped barrier on the right side. It is possible that the Iron Ball can get stuck on the bottom of this barrier (via throwing it to where it bounces back onto it), to where it is impossible to pick up by any means. Even if you were to reset the dungeon via saving/quitting, the ball remains stuck on the barrier, thus permanently locking you out of game completion on that save file and requiring you to start from scratch.

This was fixed in the Nintendo Switch remake.

Thief Overflow

During the game, you have the ability to steal from the shopkeeper in Mabe Village. However, doing so changes your name to THIEF and prevents you from re-entering the store without getting a Game Over. If the players saves and restarts after the Game Over, they can re-enter the shop. Should the player repeatedly do this and steal a total of 256 times, a flag in the game will overflow and no longer consider the player a thief.

This was fixed in the Nintendo Switch remake.

(Source: Skawo)