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Chuck E. Cheese's Party Games (Wii)/Early Screenshots

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This is a sub-page of Chuck E. Cheese's Party Games (Wii).

In the files there are some early screenshots of the minigames Jasper's Racing and Made to Order.

Jasper's Racing

jr.tpl in JRC.arc is an early screenshot of Jasper's Racing. It is also on the minigame's machine asset.

All of the UI have been wiped from the disc, except some brlyts and brlans that mention them, and the token icon which is also in Jasper's Racing files in JRC_Item_Help.tpl, which can show once in early development, Jasper's Racing had items, one of them is a clock that will possibly add more time, the tokens is just a collectable, the plus may have been for the clock as well.

CECPartyGames JRCEarly2.png

CECPartyGames JRCItem.png

Made to Order

Found in MTO.arc in a file called made.tpl is an early screenshot of Made to Order, looking at the screenshot you were supposed to serve more than pizza, change a size of pizza, serve drinks, sandwiches and more, on the screen where it tells you how to play Made to Order in the final game, in the background it shows sandwiches, but in the final game you could only serve pizzas. Some of the items in this photo can be seen as files in MTO.arc in the May 2010 prototype.

CECPartyGames MTOEarly.png