Crusader Kings II/Unused Text and Code/Other
This is a sub-page of Crusader Kings II/Unused Text and Code.
To do:
This unused death type is likely a reference to the platypus in Paradox Interactive's logo.
From 00_execution_methods.txt:
#Executions are randomized from this list #An additive modifier is also available, as seen in the example below # #execution_method = { # death = death_platypus # weight_multiplier = { # factor = 1 # modifier = { # factor = 0.5 # FROM = { # trait = proud # } # } # additive_modifier = { # value = 50 # ROOT = { # has_character_modifier = the_dungeon # } # } # } # trigger = { # always = yes # } #}
From 00_death.txt:
death_platypus = { violent = yes long_desc = "DEATH_PLATYPUS" can_nokiller = yes icon = 2 killer_icon = 1 }
From v2_62.csv:
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
DEATH_PLATYPUS_NO_KILLER | was horribly killed by platypuses | a été horriblement tué[Get_E] par des ornithorynques | wurde auf schreckliche Weise von Entenschnäbeln getötet | sufrió una muerte horrible a manos de los ornitorrincos |
DEATH_PLATYPUS | was horribly killed by the platypuses of $KILLER$ | a été horriblement tué[Get_E] par les ornithorynques de $KILLER$ | wurde auf schreckliche Weise von den Entenschnäbeln von $KILLER$ getötet | sufrió una muerte horrible a manos de los ornitorrincos de $KILLER$ |
The code for the Dancing Plague disease (in 00_disease.txt) includes a commented-out section that would've given prospering provinces infected by it an event ending the period of prosperity, like some of the other Reaper's Due diseases:
on_province_infection = { #province_event = { # id = RIP.11703 #prosperity ended by epidemic #} }
From 00_cb_types.txt:
[for on_reverse_demand_title part of "claim"; lines commented out and note added in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#any_claim = { #Does not work. #remove_claim = ROOT #}
[for on_fail and on_reverse_demand_title parts of "other_claim_on_liege"]
#if = { #Issue CKTWO-233 # limit = { # OR = { # is_liege_of = ROOT # ROOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM } # } # } # ROOT = { # imprison = FROM # } #}
From 00_chinese_portrait_triggers.txt:
[for chinese_martial_modifier trigger; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# NOR = { # real_tier = emperor # real_tier = king # AND = { # is_female = yes # OR = { # NOT = { has_minor_title = title_commander } # NOT = { trait = shieldmaiden } # } # } # AND = { # real_tier = duke # any_demesne_title = { real_tier = baron } # NOT = { # primary_title = { mercenary = yes } # } # } # AND = { # religion_group = christian # OR = { # AND = { # is_ruler = yes # is_theocracy = yes # } # has_job_title = job_spiritual # } # } # }
[for chinese_martial_2_modifier trigger; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# OR = { # has_landed_title = e_china_west_governor # NOR = { # real_tier = baron # real_tier = count # AND = { # is_female = yes # OR = { # NOT = { has_minor_title = title_commander } # NOT = { trait = shieldmaiden } # } # } # AND = { # religion_group = christian # OR = { # AND = { # is_ruler = yes # is_theocracy = yes # } # has_job_title = job_spiritual # } # } # } # }
From 00_cultures.txt:
[for Basque male names]
#Abdala Isa Ismail Mohamed Motarrif Muza Saad Salama Taur Yahya Yunus Zahir
[for Basque female names]
[for Visigothic male names]
#Abdela_Abdullah Abdelaçiç Abdelmelic Abdeluahid Abderrabmen Abrafim Ambroz Amet_Ahmad Ayyub Çacharya #Çelim Çulema Hacan Hamdan Harun Içag Mahomat_Muhammad Maruan Muça Omar #Xabrit Yabya Yafar Yuçuf Yunus
[for Visigothic female names]
#Abda Ayab Ayça Çayida Çeida Emira Isra Leyla Melica Nadia #Nadira Neyla Nur Tarifa Yaçmina
[for Polish]
#male_patronym = "owski" #female_patronym = "owska" #prefix = no
[for Nahuatl]
#from_dynasty_prefix = "of "
From 00_dynasties.txt:
[commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#1045008= #{ # name="av Island" # culture="norse" # religion="norse_pagan" #}
[for dynasty 1051153, "Wanyan"]
#used_for_random = no
Found in 00_event_modifiers.txt, this commented-out modifier would've been a lesser version of the used "extravagant coronation" modifier.
#regular_coronation = { #Normal coronation 5 years bonus. # vassal_opinion = 5 # monthly_character_prestige = 0.05 # icon = 7 #}
From 00_event_modifiers.txt:
[reference in mnm_devil_worshipers_events removed in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
corrupting_magic_major = { health = -1 martial = -3 intrigue = -3 combat_rating = -20 fertility = -0.50 icon = 76 is_visible = { OR = { is_devil_worshiper_trigger = yes character = FROM } } }
From v2_70.csv:
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
corrupting_magic_major | Magical Corruption | Corruption magique | Magische Verderbtheit | Corrupción mágica |
corrupting_magic_major_desc | All power comes at a price. The use of dark magic has corrupted this character's body, making it frail and susceptible to disease. | Tout le pouvoir a un prix. L'utilisation de la magie noire a corrompu le corps de ce personnage, le rendant fragile et sensible aux maladies. | Alle Macht hat ihren Preis. Die Verwendung dunkler Magie hat den Körper dieser Person verdorben und ihn gebrechlich und anfällig für Krankheiten gemacht. | El poder tiene un precio. El uso de la magia oscura ha corrompido el cuerpo de este personaje, debilitándolo y volviéndolo susceptible a la enfermedad. |
From 00_factions.txt:
[for faction_succ_seniority]
#heir_under_seniority_law = { #OR = { #ROOT = { current_heir = { character = PREV } } #FROM = { #opinion_diff = { #first = LIEGE #second = PREV #value = -25 # I don't like the pretender enough #as_if_liege = yes #} #} #} #}
[for faction_succ_gavelkind]
#modifier = { # Removed, we want Vassals to start Gavelkind factions in general # factor = 0 # # Is not a child of the title holder, and no need to split the demesne # holder_scope = { # NOT = { # any_demesne_title = { # tier = PREVPREV # NOT = { title = PREVPREV } # } # } # FROM = { # OR = { # NOT = { is_child_of = PREV } # trait = bastard # AND = { # is_female = yes # is_pretender = no # } # } # } # } #}
[for faction_claimant]
#modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { has_law = succ_feudal_elective } # holder_scope = { # culture_group = FROM # religion = FROM # # any_war = { # war_title = ROOT # defender = { character = THIS } # attacker = { # OR = { # NOT = { culture_group = FROM } # NOT = { religion = FROM } # } # } # } # } #}
#modifier = { # factor = 0 # liege = { # culture_group = ROOT # religion = ROOT # any_war = { # war_title = FROMFROM # defender = { character = THIS } # attacker = { # OR = { # NOT = { culture_group = ROOT } # NOT = { religion = ROOT } # } # } # } # } # NOT = { # has_opinion_modifier = { # who = FROM # modifier = opinion_coerced_into_joining_faction # } # } #}
From 00_features.txt:
[doctrine; picture doesn't exist in files]
#religion_ravager = { # picture = GFX_religion_feature_ravager # effect = { # FROM = { wealth = 1000 } # } # trigger = { # NOT = { # has_selected_religion_feature = religion_peaceful # } # } #}
From 00_game_rules.txt:
[dueling rules; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# option = { # name = restricted # text = "RULE_OPTION_RESTRICTED" # desc = "RULE_DUELING_RESTRICTED_DESC" # achievements = no # alt_start_achievements = no # }
From v2_62.csv:
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
RULE_DUELING_RESTRICTED_DESC | You no longer need a reason to duel someone, but they must still be healthy and a valid target in your culture and religion. | Vous n'avez plus besoin d'une raison pour défier en duel quelqu'un, mais il doit être en bonne santé et une cible valide pour votre culture et votre religion. | Ihr braucht keinen Grund, um mit jemandem zu duellieren, aber Euer Gegner muss gesund und ein würdiger Gegner in Ihrer Kultur und Religion sein. | Ya no necesitas motivos para retar a alguien en duelo, ero deben estar en condición saludable y ser un objetivo válido para tu cultura y tu religión. |
From 00_on_actions.txt:
[#character, on_startup, events; added in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
[#character, on_yearly_pulse, events]
# MNM.4430 # Passive nice trait gain for buddhist/jain monastic societies ### now only triggered upon succeeding in missions
[on_yearly_pulse, random_events, #Dynasty requests, used version is 66099?]
#250 = 66000
[on_yearly_pulse, random_events, # Indian low religious authority events]
#50 = RoI.3536
[on_yearly_pulse, random_events, # Hero knight adventure events, used version is CM.2020?]
#200 = CM.2010 #200 = CM.2100
[on_yearly_pulse, random_events, # Wolf's Blood events]
#500 = HL.1300 # The Lost Cub
[on_yearly_pulse, health]
#30 = 6080 # Wounded
[on_bi_yearly_pulse, random_events, #Seven Virtues]
#10 = 3165 - deleted
[on_bi_yearly_pulse, random_events, #Misc Traits, Paranoid, Honest,Gregagrious, Craven]
#10 = 3283
[on_five_year_pulse, random_events, #Personality Traits]
#10 = 3264 this was moved into 3260
[on_combat_pulse, random_events; added (debug) or commented out (the rest) in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#2000 = MIL.500 #Milla's debug event #### Below: Outcommented - some remade, some moved into tombola. #### See HFP.11000 for more details.... #10 = 242 # Killed #20 = 243 # Wounded #10 = 244 # Maimed #5 = 245 # Serious head injury #50 = 246 # Improves martial education #20 = 247 # Flat improvement to martial skill #20 = 248 # Knowledge boost in capital from battle. #10 = 255 # Marshal: Unnecessary violence #25 = 270 # Gain Brave #25 = 271 # Gain Craven #25 = HL.10200 # Lose Craven #25 = HL.10300 # Gain Brave #20 = 272 # Gain Wroth #20 = 273 # Gain Patient #30 = 96500 # Gain Combat Trait 1 #15 = 96501 # Gain Combat Trait 2 #15 = 96502 # Gain Combat Trait 3 #15 = 96503 # Gain Combat Trait 4 #50 = TOG.3000 # Becomes Berserker #15 = TOG.3001 # Berserker Maimed #20 = TOG.3002 # Berserker Wounded #15 = TOG.3003 # Berserker Killed #25 = TOG.3004 # Berserker Kills Many #15 = 79009 # Shieldmaiden can save liege on battlefield #15 = 79001 # Shieldmaiden saves liege, but she is injured (small chain) #50 = MNM.1202 # Scrying vision inspires greatness #50 = MNM.1203 # Scrying vision injury
[on_siege_over_loc_chars, events; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#SoA.5406 # Shepherds' Crusade kills Jews and priests
[on_crusade_creation, events; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#200 # Christian Crusade against Muslims #201 # Christian Crusade against Pagans #321 # Christian Crusade against Heretics
[on_death, events]
[on_new_holder_usurpation, events]
# MNM.6230 # Clearing covert province quest if new owner
[on_offmap_yearly_pulse, events]
#JD.40000 # Chinese Trade Competition
From 00_religions.txt:
[all changes made in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#intermarry = catholic
#intermarry = sunni
[reformed Norse pagan]
#allow_rivermovement = yes #Special features are added via reformation. If HF is not installed, default features are applied on reformed religion by event. #allow_viking_invasion = yes #seafarer = yes #reformer_head_of_religion = yes #make the character that reforms this religion the head of the new reformed faith
[reformed Baltic pagan]
#unit_modifier = { #Special features are added via reformation. If HF is not installed, default features are applied on reformed religion by event. #garrison_size = 0.2 #levy_size = 0.2 #key = "DEF_RELIGION" #} #unit_home_modifier = { #land_morale = 0.8 #light_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #heavy_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #pikemen_defensive = 0.8 #light_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #knights_defensive = 0.8 #archers_defensive = 0.8 #horse_archers_defensive = 0.8 #camel_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #war_elephants_defensive = 0.8 #garrison_size = 0.4 #key = "DEF_RELIGION_HOME_TERRITORY" #}
[reformed Finnish pagan]
#unit_modifier = { #Special features are added via reformation. If HF is not installed, default features are applied on reformed religion by event. #garrison_size = 0.3 #levy_size = 0.1 #key = "DEF_RELIGION" #} #unit_home_modifier = { #land_morale = 0.8 #light_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #heavy_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #pikemen_defensive = 0.8 #light_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #knights_defensive = 0.8 #archers_defensive = 0.8 #horse_archers_defensive = 0.8 #camel_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #war_elephants_defensive = 0.8 #garrison_size = 0.4 #key = "DEF_RELIGION_HOME_TERRITORY" #}
[reformed Slavic pagan]
#unit_modifier = { #Special features are added via reformation. If HF is not installed, default features are applied on reformed religion by event. #garrison_size = 0.2 #levy_size = 0.2 #key = "DEF_RELIGION" #} #unit_home_modifier = { #land_morale = 0.8 #light_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #heavy_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #pikemen_defensive = 0.8 #light_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #knights_defensive = 0.8 #archers_defensive = 0.8 #horse_archers_defensive = 0.8 #camel_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #war_elephants_defensive = 0.8 #garrison_size = 0.4 #key = "DEF_RELIGION_HOME_TERRITORY" #}
[reformed West African pagan]
#unit_modifier = { #garrison_size = 0.4 #key = "DEF_RELIGION" #} #unit_home_modifier = { #land_morale = 0.8 #light_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #heavy_infantry_defensive = 0.8 #pikemen_defensive = 0.8 #light_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #knights_defensive = 0.8 #archers_defensive = 0.8 #horse_archers_defensive = 0.8 #camel_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 #war_elephants_defensive = 0.8 #garrison_size = 0.4 #key = "DEF_RELIGION_HOME_TERRITORY" #}
[reformed Zun pagan]
#unit_modifier = { #levy_size = 0.3 #heavy_infantry_offensive = 0.2 #heavy_infantry_defensive = 0.2 #key = "OFF_RELIGION" #}
[unreformed Hellenic pagan]
#pre_reformed = yes
[reformed Bon pagan]
#unit_modifier = { # garrison_size = 0.4 # # key = "DEF_RELIGION" #} #unit_home_modifier = { # land_morale = 0.8 # light_infantry_defensive = 0.8 # heavy_infantry_defensive = 0.8 # pikemen_defensive = 0.8 # light_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 # knights_defensive = 0.8 # archers_defensive = 0.8 # horse_archers_defensive = 0.8 # camel_cavalry_defensive = 0.8 # war_elephants_defensive = 0.8 # # garrison_size = 0.4 # # key = "DEF_RELIGION_HOME_TERRITORY" #} #has_heir_designation = yes #feminist = yes # Nullifies the negative opinion modifier that vassals normally get if ruler is female or has female heir
[unreformed Bon pagan]
#has_heir_designation = yes #feminist = yes # Nullifies the negative opinion modifier that vassals normally get if ruler is female or has female heir
#intermarry = zoroastrian
#alternate_start = { has_alternate_start_parameter = { key = religion value = full_random } }
From 00_scripted_triggers.txt:
[commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#has_any_char_old_religion = { # OR = { # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_catholic # any_character = { # religion = catholic # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_cathar # any_character = { # religion = cathar # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_fraticelli # any_character = { # religion = fraticelli # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_waldensian # any_character = { # religion = waldensian # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_lollard # any_character = { # religion = lollard # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_orthodox # any_character = { # religion = orthodox # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_miaphysite # any_character = { # religion = miaphysite # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_monophysite # any_character = { # religion = monophysite # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_bogomilist # any_character = { # religion = bogomilist # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_monothelite # any_character = { # religion = monothelite # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_iconoclast # any_character = { # religion = iconoclast # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_paulician # any_character = { # religion = paulician # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_nestorian # any_character = { # religion = nestorian # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_messalian # any_character = { # religion = messalian # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_sunni # any_character = { # religion = sunni # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_zikri # any_character = { # religion = zikri # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_yazidi # any_character = { # religion = yazidi # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_ibadi # any_character = { # religion = ibadi # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_kharijite # any_character = { # religion = kharijite # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_shiite # any_character = { # religion = shiite # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_druze # any_character = { # religion = druze # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_hurufi # any_character = { # religion = hurufi # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_jewish # any_character = { # religion = jewish # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_karaite # any_character = { # religion = karaite # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_samaritan # any_character = { # religion = samaritan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_zoroastrian # any_character = { # religion = zoroastrian # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_mazdaki # any_character = { # religion = mazdaki # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_manichean # any_character = { # religion = manichean # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_khurmazta # any_character = { # religion = khurmazta # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_bon # any_character = { # religion = bon # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_bon_reformed # any_character = { # religion = bon_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_taoist # any_character = { # religion = taoist # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_hindu # any_character = { # religion = hindu # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_buddhist # any_character = { # religion = buddhist # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_jain # any_character = { # religion = jain # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_norse_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = norse_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_slavic_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_tengri_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_baltic_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_finnish_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_west_african_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_zun_pagan_reformed # any_character = { # religion = zun_pagan_reformed # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_norse_pagan # any_character = { # religion = norse_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_slavic_pagan # any_character = { # religion = slavic_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_tengri_pagan # any_character = { # religion = tengri_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_baltic_pagan # any_character = { # religion = baltic_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_finnish_pagan # any_character = { # religion = finnish_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_west_african_pagan # any_character = { # religion = west_african_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_zun_pagan # any_character = { # religion = zun_pagan # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_aztec # any_character = { # religion = aztec # } # } # AND = { # has_character_flag = character_was_aztec_reformed # any_character = { # religion = aztec_reformed # } # } # } #}
From 00_succession_voting.txt:
[used once for feudal elective, commented out four times for tribal systems]
#Barbarism - Tribal succession, that is the point. # additive_modifier = { # value = -15 # localisation_key = tooltip_feudal_elector_vote_uncivilized # OR = { # is_feudal = yes # is_merchant_republic = yes # is_patrician = yes # } # FROM = { # NOR = { # is_feudal = yes # is_merchant_republic = yes # is_patrician = yes # } # } # }
[commented out for Elective Gavelkind, non-commented-out versions exists for other categories]
# additive_modifier = { #Still too young for older rulers # value = -20 # localisation_key = tooltip_feudal_elector_vote_youngster # age = 30 # FROM = { # age = 16 # NOT = { # age = 25 # } # } # } # additive_modifier = { # value = -15 # localisation_key = tooltip_feudal_elector_vote_youngster # age = 40 # FROM = { # age = 25 # NOT = { # age = 35 # } # } # }
[commented out in 3.1.0]
#mother = { # Uncommenting this condition provokes that a ruler's son is not a valid candidate if the mother is married to the ruler and a candidate # is_alive = yes # is_married = ROOT # parent_for_elective_succession_trigger = yes #} #father = { # Same as above, for the father # is_alive = yes # is_married = ROOT # parent_for_elective_succession_trigger = yes #}
From 00_tribal_pillars.txt:
# tb_great_pillar_norse_empty = { #Switch to the one giving no bonus if under infidel control. # desc = tb_great_pillar_norse_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_norse } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = norse_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = norse_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # # tb_great_pillar_tengri_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_tengri_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_tengri } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = tengri_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = tengri_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_slavic_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_slavic_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_slavic } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = slavic_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = slavic_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_baltic_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_baltic_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_baltic } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = baltic_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = baltic_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_finnish_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_finnish_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_finnish } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = finnish_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = finnish_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_west_african_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_west_african_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_west_african } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = west_african_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = west_african_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_aztec_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_aztec_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_aztec } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = aztec # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = aztec # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_bon_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_bon_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_bon } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = bon # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = bon # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_zun_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_zun_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_zun } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = zun_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = zun_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tb_great_pillar_hellenic_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_hellenic_empty_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_hellenic } # NOT = { # FROM = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = hellenic_pagan # liege = { # is_tribal = yes # religion = hellenic_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # } # tp_great_pillar_norse_empty = { # desc = tb_great_pillar_norse_desc # potential = { # location = { has_province_flag = flag_great_pillar_norse_irminsul } # NOT = { # FROM = { # religion = norse_pagan # liege = { # religion = norse_pagan # } # } # } # } # gold_cost = 350 # build_time = 3650 # # ai_creation_factor = 92 # add_number_to_name = no # }
From HolyFury.csv:
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
tb_great_pillar_norse_empty | Old Tree | Vieil arbre | Alter Baum | Viejo árbol |
tp_great_pillar_norse_empty | Old Tree | Vieil arbre | Alter Baum | Viejo árbol |
tb_great_pillar_norse_empty_desc | A carved pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne sculptée ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine geschnitzter Baum, der für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar tallado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tp_great_pillar_norse_empty_desc | A carved pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne sculptée ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine geschnitzter Baum, der für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar tallado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_tengri_empty | Pagan Shrine | Sanctuaire païen | Heidnischer Schrein | Santuario pagano |
tb_great_pillar_tengri_empty_desc | A heap of banners and sacred stones bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Un tas de bannières et de pierres sacrées ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Ein Haufen Banner und heilige Steine, die für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung haben. | Un montón de estandartes y piedras sagradas de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_slavic_empty | Great [slavic_pagan.GetName] Idol | Grande idole [slavic_pagan.GetName] | Großer [slavic_pagan.GetName]er Götze | Gran ídolo de [slavic_pagan.GetName] |
tb_great_pillar_slavic_empty_desc | A sacred carved pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne sculptée sacrée ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine heilige geschnitzte Säule, die für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar sagrado tallado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_baltic_empty | Great [baltic_pagan.GetName] Idol | Grande idole [baltic_pagan.GetName] | Großer [baltic_pagan.GetName]er Götze | Gran ídolo de [balgic_pagan.GetName] |
tb_great_pillar_baltic_empty_desc | A sacred carved pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne sculptée sacrée ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine heilige geschnitzte Säule, die für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar sagrado tallado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_finnish_empty | Accursed Forest | Bosquet maudit | Verfluchter Wald | Bosque maldito |
tb_great_pillar_finnish_empty_desc | A sacred hidden forest bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Un bosquet sacré caché ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Ein heiliger versteckter Wald, der für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un bosque oculto sagrado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_west_african_empty | Great Idol | Grande idole | Großer Götze | Gran ídolo |
tb_great_pillar_west_african_empty_desc | A tall sacred totem bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Un grand totem sacré ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Ein großes heiliges Totem, das für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un tótem alto de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_aztec_empty | Skull Idol | Crâne idolâtrée | Schädelgötze | Õdolo de cráneos |
tb_great_pillar_aztec_empty_desc | A tall sacred totem bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Un grand totem sacré ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Ein großes heiliges Totem, das für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un tótem alto de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_bon_empty | Balancing Stone | Pierres en équilibre | Steinbalance | Piedra balanceante |
tb_great_pillar_bon_empty_desc | A sacred carved pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne sculptée sacrée ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine heilige geschnitzte Säule, die für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar sagrado tallado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_zun_empty | Sun Idol | Idole du Soleil | Sonnengötze | Õdolo del sol |
tb_great_pillar_zun_empty_desc | A sacred golden pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne d'or sacré ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine heilige goldene Säule, die für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar sagrado dorado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
tb_great_pillar_hellenic_empty | Old Column | Vieille colonne | Alte Säule | Columna vieja |
tb_great_pillar_hellenic_empty_desc | A sacred carved pillar bearing deep religious significance for the local pagan tribes. | Une colonne sculptée sacrée ayant une signification religieuse profonde pour les tribus païennes locales. | Eine heilige geschnitzte Säule, die für die lokalen heidnischen Stämme eine tiefe religiöse Bedeutung hat. | Un pilar sagrado tallado de honda importancia religiosa para las tribus paganas locales. |
From 01_artifacts_books.txt:
[for chinese_book_history]
#stacking = no
[for necronomicon, added in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#slot = library # You always make time for reading the Necronomicon...
From 01_scripted_events_duels.txt:
#increase_duel_exp_modifier_effect = { #Modifiers gotten at end-states a duel # if = { # limit = { has_duel_exp_modifier_trigger = yes } # custom_tooltip = { text = increase_duel_exp_tt } # hidden_effect = { # trigger_switch = { # on_trigger = has_character_modifier # duel_exp_1 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_1 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_2 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_2 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_2 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_3 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_3 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_3 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_4 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_4 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_4 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_5 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_5 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_5 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_6 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_6 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_6 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_7 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_7 = { # remove_character_modifier = duel_exp_7 # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_8 # duration = 2555 # } # } # duel_exp_8 = { # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_8 # duration = 2555 # } # } # } # } # } # else = { # add_character_modifier = { # name = duel_exp_1 # duration = 2555 # } # } #}
From 02_cb_types_shattered_world.txt:
#shattered_world_duchy_conquest = { # name = CB_NAME_SHATTERED_DUCHY_CONQUEST # war_name = WAR_NAME_SHATTERED_DUCHY_CONQUEST # sprite = 8 # truce_days = 3650 # is_permanent = yes # check_de_jure_tier = DUKE # this scans all dejure duchies for the counties which are held by or vassals(or below) of selected character. Only valid if is_permanent = yes # allowed_to_target_tributaries = no # # infamy_modifier = 2 # # can_use_gui = { # conditional_tooltip = { # trigger = { # has_alternate_start_setting = { # setting = shattered_cbs # option = on_limited # } # } # NOT = { # total_years_played = 25 # } # } # conditional_tooltip = { # trigger = { # has_alternate_start_setting = { # setting = shattered_cbs # option = on_long # } # } # NOT = { # total_years_played = 100 # } # } # ROOT = { # show_scope_change = no # prestige = 500 # NOR = { # higher_tier_than = DUKE # num_of_count_titles = 20 # } # } # } # # can_use = { # is_shattered_world = yes # NOT = { # has_alternate_start_setting = { # setting = shattered_cbs # option = off # } # } # conditional_tooltip = { # trigger = { # has_alternate_start_setting = { # setting = shattered_cbs # option = on_limited # } # } # NOT = { # total_years_played = 25 # } # } # conditional_tooltip = { # trigger = { # has_alternate_start_setting = { # setting = shattered_cbs # option = on_long # } # } # NOT = { # total_years_played = 100 # } # } # ROOT = { # NOT = { is_liege_or_above = FROM } # mercenary = no # } # } # # can_use_title = { # # The attacker needs at least one county in the target kingdom, or a border, or be only two sea zones away from one of your counties # any_direct_de_jure_vassal_title = { # OR = { # holder_scope = { # OR = { # character = ROOT # is_liege_or_above = ROOT # } # } # location = { # any_neighbor_province = { # has_owner = yes # owner = { # OR = { # character = ROOT # is_liege_or_above = ROOT # } # } # } # } # } # } # # any_de_jure_vassal_title = { # Can only liberate Duchies that are either outside of the Steppe region, or contains a Castle/City/Tribe # tier = COUNT # OR = { # holder_scope = { # character = FROM # } # holder_scope = { # any_liege = { # character = FROM # } # } # } # OR = { # location = { # NOT = { # region = world_steppe # } # } # location = { # any_province_holding = { # OR = { # holding_type = city # holding_type = castle # holding_type = tribal # } # } # } # } # } # } # # is_valid = { # ROOT = { # NOT = { same_realm = FROM } # mercenary = no # } # } # # on_add = { # ROOT = { # show_scope_change = no # prestige = -500 # } # if = { # limit = { defender = { is_offmap_governor = offmap_china } } # attacker = { # sound_effect = china_angered_emperor # detract_grace_super_huge_effect = yes # } # } # } # # on_success = { # any_attacker = { # limit = { NOT = { character = ROOT } } # hidden_tooltip = { # participation_scaled_prestige = 100 # } # } # # FROM = { prestige = -100 } # } # # on_success_title = { # ROOT = { # vassalize_or_take_under_title = { # title = PREV # enemy = FROM # anti_nomad = yes # type = invasion # } # } # } # # on_fail = { # ROOT = { # prestige = -200 # } # } # # on_reverse_demand = { # ROOT = { # transfer_scaled_wealth = { # to = FROM # value = 4.0 # } # prestige = -200 # } # FROM = { # participation_scaled_prestige = 300 # } # any_defender = { # limit = { NOT = { character = FROM } } # hidden_tooltip = { # participation_scaled_prestige = 300 # } # } # } # # attacker_ai_victory_worth = { # factor = -1 # always accept # } # # attacker_ai_defeat_worth = { # factor = 100 # } # # defender_ai_victory_worth = { # factor = -1 # always accept # } # # defender_ai_defeat_worth = { # factor = 100 # } # # ai_will_do = { # factor = 1 # modifier = { # factor = 0 # ROOT = { # NOT = { # is_tribal = yes # } # } # NOT = { # any_direct_de_jure_vassal_title = { # any_direct_de_jure_vassal_title = { # OR = { # holding_type = castle # holding_type = city # } # } # } # } # } # modifier = { # factor = 0 # ROOT = { # is_tribal = yes # } # NOT = { # any_direct_de_jure_vassal_title = { # any_direct_de_jure_vassal_title = { # OR = { # holding_type = castle # holding_type = city # holding_type = tribal # } # } # } # } # } # } #}
From 02_traits.txt:
[seaking trait has insults/compliments for female traitholders despite being male-only:]
female_insult = COMPL_PIRATE female_compliment = COMPL_VALKYRIE female_compliment_adj = COMPL_VIKING_adj
[and sea_queen trait has insults/compliments for male traitholders despite being female-only:]
male_insult = COMPL_PIRATE male_compliment = COMPL_VIKING male_compliment_adj = COMPL_VIKING_adj
[in freckles trait:]
# inherit_chance = 40 # birth = 250 # potential = { # OR = { # graphical_culture = norsegfx # graphical_culture = saxongfx # graphical_culture = celticgfx # AND = { # culture = uyghur # graphical_culture = cumangfx # } # } # } # sex_appeal_opinion = 5 # christian_church_opinion = -5
[deprecated secret religion traits:]
###SECRET RELIGION TRAITS### #Catholic secretly_catholic = { potential = { NOT = { religion = catholic } } opposites = { secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_catholic AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_catholic } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_cathar = { potential = { NOT = { religion = cathar } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_fraticelli = { potential = { NOT = { religion = fraticelli } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_waldensian = { potential = { NOT = { religion = waldensian } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_lollard = { potential = { NOT = { religion = lollard } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Orthodox secretly_orthodox = { potential = { NOT = { religion = orthodox } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_orthodox AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_orthodox } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_bogomilist = { potential = { NOT = { religion = bogomilist } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_monothelite = { potential = { NOT = { religion = monothelite } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_iconoclast = { potential = { NOT = { religion = iconoclast } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_paulician = { potential = { NOT = { religion = paulician } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Miaphysite secretly_miaphysite = { potential = { NOT = { religion = miaphysite } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_monophysite = { potential = { NOT = { religion = monophysite } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Nestorian secretly_nestorian = { potential = { NOT = { religion = nestorian } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_messalian = { potential = { NOT = { religion = messalian } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Sunni secretly_sunni = { potential = { NOT = { religion = sunni } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_sunni AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_sunni } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_zikri = { potential = { NOT = { religion = zikri } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_yazidi = { potential = { NOT = { religion = yazidi } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Shia secretly_shiite = { potential = { NOT = { religion = shiite } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_shiite AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_shiite } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_druze = { potential = { NOT = { religion = druze } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_hurufi = { potential = { NOT = { religion = hurufi } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Ibadi secretly_ibadi = { potential = { NOT = { religion = ibadi } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_kharijite = { potential = { NOT = { religion = kharijite } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Sword of Islam" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Judaism secretly_jewish = { potential = { NOT = { religion = jewish } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jewish AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_jewish } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_samaritan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = samaritan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_karaite = { potential = { NOT = { religion = karaite } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "Sons of Abraham" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Zoroastrian secretly_zoroastrian = { potential = { NOT = { religion = zoroastrian } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zoroastrian AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_zoroastrian } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_mazdaki = { potential = { NOT = { religion = mazdaki } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_manichean = { potential = { NOT = { religion = manichean } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Hinduism secretly_hinduism = { potential = { NOT = { religion = hindu } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "Rajas of India" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_hinduism AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_hinduism } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Buddhism secretly_buddhism = { potential = { NOT = { religion = buddhist } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "Rajas of India" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_buddhism AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_buddhism } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Jainism secretly_jain = { potential = { NOT = { religion = jain } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "Rajas of India" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_jain AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_jain } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } #Pagan secretly_norse_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = norse_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_norse_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = norse_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_norse_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_norse_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_baltic_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = baltic_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = baltic_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_baltic_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_finnish_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = finnish_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = finnish_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_finnish_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_slavic_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = slavic_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = slavic_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_slavic_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_tengri_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = tengri_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = tengri_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_tengri_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_aztec = { potential = { NOT = { religion = aztec } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_aztec_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = aztec_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_west_african_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = west_african_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = west_african_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_west_african_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_zun_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = zun_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_zun_pagan_reformed = { potential = { NOT = { religion = zun_pagan_reformed } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_hellenic_pagan secretly_pagan } is_visible = { OR = { character = FROM society_member_of = secret_religious_society_zun_pagan_reformed AND = { is_close_relative = FROM trait = secretly_zun_pagan_reformed } } } same_opinion = 15 random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_hellenic_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = hellenic_pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 } secretly_pagan = { potential = { NOT = { religion = pagan } OR = { ai = yes has_dlc = "The Old Gods" is_nomadic = yes } } opposites = { secretly_catholic secretly_cathar secretly_fraticelli secretly_waldensian secretly_lollard secretly_orthodox secretly_bogomilist secretly_monothelite secretly_iconoclast secretly_paulician secretly_miaphysite secretly_monophysite secretly_nestorian secretly_messalian secretly_sunni secretly_zikri secretly_yazidi secretly_shiite secretly_druze secretly_hurufi secretly_ibadi secretly_kharijite secretly_jewish secretly_samaritan secretly_karaite secretly_zoroastrian secretly_mazdaki secretly_manichean secretly_hinduism secretly_buddhism secretly_jain secretly_norse_pagan secretly_norse_pagan_reformed secretly_baltic_pagan secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed secretly_finnish_pagan secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed secretly_slavic_pagan secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed secretly_tengri_pagan secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed secretly_aztec secretly_aztec_reformed secretly_west_african_pagan secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed secretly_zun_pagan secretly_zun_pagan_reformed secretly_hellenic_pagan } hidden_from_others = yes random = no customizer = no ai_zeal = -50 }
From MonksAndMystics.csv:
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
secretly_catholic | Secretly Catholic | Secrètement de foi catholique | Heimlicher Katholik | Católico en secreto |
secretly_catholic_desc | This character practices Catholicism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le catholicisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Katholizismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el catolicismo en secreto. |
secretly_cathar | Secretly Cathar | Secrètement de foi cathare | Heimlicher Katharer | Cátaro en secreto |
secretly_cathar_desc | This character practices Catharism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le catharisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Katharismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el catarismo en secreto. |
secretly_fraticelli | Secretly Fraticelli | Secrètement de foi fraticelle | Heimlicher Fraticelli | Fraticelli en secreto |
secretly_fraticelli_desc | This character is secretly Fraticelli. | Ce personnage est secrètement de foi fraticelle. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Fraticelli. | Este personaje pertenece a los fraticelli en secreto. |
secretly_waldensian | Secretly Waldensian | Secrètement de foi vaudoise | Heimlicher Waldenser | Valdense en secreto |
secretly_waldensian_desc | This character is secretly Waldensian. | Ce personnage est secrètement de foi vaudoise. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Waldenser. | Este personaje es valdense en secreto. |
secretly_lollard | Secretly Lollard | Secrètement de foi lollarde | Heimlicher Lollard | Lolardo en secreto |
secretly_lollard_desc | This character practices Lollardism in secret. | Ce personnage est secrètement de foi lollarde. | Diese Person übt den Lollardismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el lolardismo en secreto. |
secretly_orthodox | Secretly Orthodox Christian | Secrètement de foi chrétienne orthodoxe | Heimlicher orthodoxer Christ | Cristiano ortodoxo en secreto |
secretly_orthodox_desc | This character is secretly an Orthodox Christian. | Ce personnage est secrètement un chrétien orthodoxe. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer orthodoxer Christ. | Este personaje practica el cristianismo ortodoxo en secreto. |
secretly_bogomilist | Secretly Bogomilist | Secrètement de foi bogomile | Heimlicher Bogomil | Bogomilo en secreto |
secretly_bogomilist_desc | This character practices Bogomilism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le bogomilisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Bogomilismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el bogomilismo en secreto. |
secretly_monothelite | Secretly Monothelite | Secrètement de foi monothélite | Heimlicher Monothelit | Monotelita en secreto |
secretly_monothelite_desc | This character practices Monothelitism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le monothélisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Monothelismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el monotelismo en secreto. |
secretly_iconoclast | Secretly Iconoclast | Secrètement de foi iconoclaste | Heimlicher Bilderst | Iconoclasta en secreto |
secretly_iconoclast_desc | This character practices Iconoclasm in secret. | Ce personnage pratique l'iconoclasme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Bilderstürmerglauben nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica la iconoclasia en secreto. |
secretly_paulician | Secretly Paulician | Secrètement de foi paulicienne | Heimlicher Paulizianer | Pauliciano en secreto |
secretly_paulician_desc | This character practices Paulicianism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paulicianisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Paulizianismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje es paulicianismo en secreto. |
secretly_miaphysite | Secretly Miaphysite | Secrètement de foi miaphysite | Heimlicher Miaphysit | Miafisita en secreto |
secretly_miaphysite_desc | This character practices Miaphysitism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le miaphysisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Miaphysitismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el miafisismo en secreto. |
secretly_monophysite | Secretly Monophysite | Secrètement de foi monophysite | Heimlicher Monophysit | Monofisita en secreto |
secretly_monophysite_desc | This character practices Monophysitism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le monophysisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Monophysitismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el monofisismo en secreto. |
secretly_nestorian | Secretly Nestorian | Secrètement de foi nestorienne | Heimlicher Nestorianer | Nestoriano en secreto |
secretly_nestorian_desc | This character practices Nestorianism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le nestorianisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Nestorianismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el nestorianismo en secreto. |
secretly_messalian | Secretly Messalian | Secrètement de foi messalienne | Heimlicher Messalianer | Mesaliano en secreto |
secretly_messalian_desc | This character is secretly a Messalian. | Ce personnage pratique le messalianisme en secret. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Messalianer. | Este personaje practica el mesalianismo en secreto. |
secretly_sunni | Secretly Sunni | Secrètement de foi sunnite | Heimlicher Sunni | Suní en secreto |
secretly_sunni_desc | This character practices Sunni Islam in secret. | Ce personnage pratique l'islam sunnite en secret. | Diese Person übt den Sunni-Islam nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el islamismo suní en secreto. |
secretly_zikri | Secretly Zikri | Secrètement de foi zikrie | Heimlicher Zikri | Zikri en secreto |
secretly_zikri_desc | This character is secretly a Zikri. | Ce personnage est secrètement de foi zikrie. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Zikri. | Este personaje practica el islamismo zikri en secreto. |
secretly_yazidi | Secretly Yazidi | Secrètement de foi yézidie | Heimlicher Jazidi | Yazidí en secreto |
secretly_yazidi_desc | This character is secretly a Yazidi. | Ce personnage est secrètement de foi yézidie. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Jazidi. | Este personaje practica el yazidism en secreto. |
secretly_shiite | Secretly Shiite | Secrètement de foi chiite | Heimlicher Schiit | Chií en secreto |
secretly_shiite_desc | This character practices Shia Islam in secret. | Ce personnage pratique l'islam chiite en secret. | Diese Person übt den Schia-Islam nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el chiismo en secreto. |
secretly_druze | Secretly Druze | Secrètement de foi druze | Heimlicher Druse | Druso en secreto |
secretly_druze_desc | This character is secretly a Druze. | Ce personnage est secrètement un druze. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Druse. | Este personaje practica el drusismo en secreto. |
secretly_hurufi | Secretly Hurufi | Secrètement de foi hurufite | Heimlicher Hurufi | Hurufista en secreto |
secretly_hurufi_desc | This character practices Hurufism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique l'hurufisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Hurufismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el hurufismo en secreto. |
secretly_ibadi | Secretly Ibadi | Secrètement de foi ibadite | Heimlicher Ibadi | Ibadí en secreto |
secretly_ibadi_desc | This character practices Ibadi Islam in secret. | Ce personnage pratique l'islam ibadite en secret. | Diese Person übt den Ibadi-Islam nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el ibadismo en secreto. |
secretly_kharijite | Secretly Kharijite | Secrètement de foi kharidjite | Heimlicher Charidschit | Jariyista en secreto |
secretly_kharijite_desc | This character is secretly a Kharijite. | Ce personnage pratique l'islam kharidjite en secret. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Charidschit. | Este personaje practica el jariyismo en secreto. |
secretly_jewish | Secretly Jewish | Secrètement de foi juive | Heimlicher Jude | Judío en secreto |
secretly_jewish_desc | This character practices Judaism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le judaïsme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Judaismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el judaísmo en secreto. |
secretly_samaritan | Secretly Samaritan | Secrètement de foi samaritaine | Heimlicher Samariter | Samaritano en secreto |
secretly_samaritan_desc | This character practices Samaritanism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le samaritanisme en secret. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Samaritaner. | Este personaje practica el samaritanismo en secreto. |
secretly_karaite | Secretly Karaite | Secrètement de foi karaïte | Heimlicher Karaite | Caraíta en secreto |
secretly_karaite_desc | This character practices Karaitism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le karaïsme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Karaitismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el caraísmo en secreto. |
secretly_zoroastrian | Secretly Zoroastrian | Secrètement de foi zoroastrienne | Heimlicher Zoroast | Zoroastriano en secreto |
secretly_zoroastrian_desc | This character practices Zoroastrianism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le zoroastrianisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Zoroastrianismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el zoroastrismo en secreto. |
secretly_mazdaki | Secretly Mazdaki | Secrètement de foi mazdakite | Heimlicher Mazdakit | Mazdekita en secreto |
secretly_mazdaki_desc | This character is secretly a Mazdaki. | Ce personnage est secrètement de foi mazdakite. | Diese Person ist ein geheimer Mazdakit. | Este personaje practica el mazdekismo en secreto. |
secretly_manichean | Secretly Manichean | Secrètement de foi manichéenne | Heimlicher Manichäist | Maniqueo en secreto |
secretly_manichean_desc | This character practices Manichaeism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le manichéisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Manichäismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el maniqueísmo en secreto. |
secretly_hinduism | Secretly Hindu | Secrètement de foi hindouiste | Heimlicher Hindu | Hindú en secreto |
secretly_hinduism_desc | This character practices Hinduism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique l'hindouisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Hinduismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el hinduismo en secreto. |
secretly_buddhism | Secretly Buddhist | Secrètement de foi bouddhiste | Heimlicher Buddhist | Budista en secreto |
secretly_buddhism_desc | This character practices Buddhism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le bouddhisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Buddhismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el budismo en secreto. |
secretly_jain | Secretly Jain | Secrètement de foi jaïne | Heimlicher Jainist | Jainista en secreto |
secretly_jain_desc | This character practices Jainism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le jaïnisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Jainismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el jainismo en secreto. |
secretly_norse_pagan | Secretly Germanic Pagan | Secrètement de foi païenne germanique | Heimlicher germanischer Heide | Pagano germánico en secreto |
secretly_norse_pagan_desc | This character practices Germanic Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme germanique en secret. | Diese Person übt den germanischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo germánico en secreto. |
secretly_norse_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed Germanic Pagan | Secrètement de foi païenne germanique réformée | Heimlicher reformierter germanischer Heide | Pagano germánico reformado en secreto |
secretly_norse_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices Germanic Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme germanique réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den germanischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo germánico en secreto. |
secretly_baltic_pagan | Secretly Romuva | Secrètement de foi romuvienne | Heimlicher Romuva | Romuvano en secreto |
secretly_baltic_pagan_desc | This character practices Romuvan Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme romuvien en secret. | Diese Person übt den romuvanischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo romuvano en secreto. |
secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed Romuva | Secrètement de foi romuvienne réformée | Heimlicher reformierter Romuva | Romuvano reformado en secreto |
secretly_baltic_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices Romuvan Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme romuvien en secret. | Diese Person übt den romuvanischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo romuvano en secreto. |
secretly_finnish_pagan | Secretly Suomenusko | Secrètement de foi suomenusko | Heimlicher Suomenusko | Suomenusco en secreto |
secretly_finnish_pagan_desc | This character practices Suomenusko Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme suomenusko en secret. | Diese Person übt den suomenuskischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo suomenusco en secreto. |
secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed Suomenusko | Secrètement de foi suomenusko réformée | Heimlicher reformierter suomenuskischer Heide | Pagano suomenusco reformado en secreto |
secretly_finnish_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices Suomenusko Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme suomenusko réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den suomenuskischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo suomenusco en secreto. |
secretly_slavic_pagan | Secretly Slavic Pagan | Secrètement de foi slave | Heimlicher Slawischer Heide | Pagano eslavo en secreto |
secretly_slavic_pagan_desc | This character practices Slavic Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme slave en secret. | Diese Person übt den slawischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo eslavo en secreto. |
secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed Slavic Pagan | Secrètement de foi slave réformée | Heimlicher reformierter slawischer Heide | Pagano eslavo reformado en secreto |
secretly_slavic_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices Slavic Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme slave réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den slawischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo eslavo en secreto. |
secretly_tengri_pagan | Secretly Tengri | Secrètement de foi tengriste | Heimlicher Tengri | Tengrista en secreto |
secretly_tengri_pagan_desc | This character practices Tengri Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme tengriste en secret. | Diese Person übt den Tengri-Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo tengrista en secreto. |
secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed Tengri | Secrètement de foi tengriste réformée | Heimlicher reformierter Tengri | Tengrista reformado en secreto |
secretly_tengri_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices Tengri Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme tengriste réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den Tengri-Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo tengrista en secreto. |
secretly_aztec | Secretly Aztec | Secrètement de foi aztèque | Heimlicher Azteke | Azteca en secreto |
secretly_aztec_desc | This character practices Aztec Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme aztèque en secret. | Diese Person übt den aztekischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo azteca en secreto. |
secretly_aztec_reformed | Secretly Reformed Aztec Pagan | Secrètement de foi aztèque réformée | Heimlicher reformierter aztekischer Heide | Pagano azteca reformado en secreto |
secretly_aztec_reformed_desc | This character practices Aztec Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme aztèque réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den aztekischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo azteca en secreto. |
secretly_west_african_pagan | Secretly African Pagan | Secrètement de foi africaine | Heimlicher Westafrikanischer Heide | Pagano africano occidental en secreto |
secretly_west_african_pagan_desc | This character practices African Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme africain en secret. | Diese Person übt den westafrikanischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo africano occidental en secreto. |
secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed African Pagan | Secrètement de foi africaine réformée | Heimlicher reformierter westafrikanischer Heide | Pagano africano occidental reformado en secreto |
secretly_west_african_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices African Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme africain réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den westafrikanischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo africano occidental en secreto. |
secretly_zun_pagan | Secretly Zun Pagan | Secrètement de foi zuniste | Heimlicher Zun-Heide | Zunista en secreto |
secretly_zun_pagan_desc | This character practices Zun Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme zuniste en secret. | Diese Person übt den Zun-Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el zunismo en secreto. |
secretly_zun_pagan_reformed | Secretly Reformed Zun Pagan | Secrètement de foi zuniste réformée | Heimlicher reformierter Zun-Heide | Zunista reformado en secreto |
secretly_zun_pagan_reformed_desc | This character practices Zun Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme zuniste réformé en secret. | Diese Person übt den Zun-Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el zunismo en secreto. |
secretly_hellenic_pagan | Secretly Hellenic Pagan | Secrètement de foi hellénique | Heimlicher hellenistischer Heide | Helenista en secreto |
secretly_hellenic_pagan_desc | This character practices Hellenic Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme hellénique en secret. | Diese Person übt den hellenistischen Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el helenismo en secreto. |
secretly_pagan | Secretly Pagan | Secrètement de foi païenne | Heimlicher Heide | Pagano en secreto |
secretly_pagan_desc | This character practices Paganism in secret. | Ce personnage pratique le paganisme en secret. | Diese Person übt den Paganismus nur im Geheimen aus. | Este personaje practica el paganismo en secreto. |
From 06_scripted_effects_legendary_bloodlines.txt:
#abort_legendary_bloodlines_events_effect = { #Currently not in use, kept for future reference #clear_delayed_event = { id = HF.12003 } #clear_delayed_event = { id = HF.12003 } #clear_delayed_event = { id = HF.12003 } #clear_delayed_event = { id = HF.12003 } #clear_delayed_event = { id = HF.12003 } #clear_delayed_event = { id = HF.12003 } #clean_up_after_legendary_showdown_effect = yes #}
From afghan.txt:
[for character 188573, Nihaal]
# trait=kshatriya # Jats, so no caste
From alan.txt:
#228074 = { # name="Kuddana" # # AKA: Kuddana or Huddan # dynasty=100675 # martial=4 # diplomacy=7 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=7 # religion="tengri_pagan" # culture="alan" # trait="just" # trait="martial_cleric" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
From andalusian_arabic.txt:
#20889 = { # name="Abdul-Kareem" # # AKA: Abdul # dynasty=101056 # martial=4 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="andalusian_arabic" # trait="chaste" # trait="cynical" # trait="underhanded_rogue" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20895 = { # name="Sa'id" # # AKA: Said # dynasty=101053 # martial=8 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=6 # religion="sunni" # culture="andalusian_arabic" # trait="just" # trait="envious" # trait="amateurish_plotter" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
From armenian.txt:
[for character 41504, Smbat]
# 820.1.1={ # add_spouse = 125884 # }
From bedouin_arabic.txt:
#20818 = { # name="Mu'ansar" # dynasty=100808 # martial=4 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=7 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="diligent" # trait="kind" # trait="skilled_tactician" # trait="cynical" # 1041.1.1={ # birth="1041.1.1" # } # 1091.1.1={ # death="1091.1.1" # } #}
#20838 = { # name="Habib" # dynasty=101031 # martial=5 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="greedy" # trait="amateurish_plotter" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20856 = { # name="Amr" # dynasty=101023 # martial=5 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=8 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="lustful" # trait="diligent" # trait="kind" # trait="temperate" # trait="skilled_tactician" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#226001 = { # name="Qasim" # dynasty=100683 # martial=7 # diplomacy=6 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=7 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="martial_cleric" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #} #226002 = { # name="Kerameddin" # dynasty=100684 # martial=6 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=8 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="proud" # trait="scholarly_theologian" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
#45029 = { # name="Abu" # # AKA: Abu al # dynasty=594 # martial=8 # diplomacy=6 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=6 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="deceitful" # trait="patient" # trait="tough_soldier" # 1000.1.2={ # birth="1000.1.2" # } # 1042.1.2={ # death="1042.1.2" # } #} #45037 = { # name="Abbas" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=4 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45040 # 1020.1.1={ # birth="1020.1.1" # } # 1084.1.1={ # death="1084.1.1" # } #} # #45038 = { # name="Zuray" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=6 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45037 # trait="content" # 1055.1.1={ # birth="1055.1.1" # } # 1110.1.1={ # death="1110.1.1" # } #} # #45039 = { # name="Masud" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=6 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="humble" # father=45040 # 1060.1.1={ # birth=yes #"1032.3.7" # } # 1110.1.1={ # death=yes # } #} # #45040 = { # name="Abbas" # # AKA: Mukarram # dynasty=7503 # martial=6 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=4 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # 1000.1.1={ # birth="1000.1.1" # } # 1065.1.1={ # death="1065.1.1" # } #} # #45041 = { # name="Suud" # # AKA: Su'ud # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=4 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="ambitious" # father=45038 # 1075.1.1={ # birth="1075.1.1" # } # 1120.1.1={ # death="1120.1.1" # } #} # #45042 = { # name="Gharat" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=4 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45039 # trait="ambitious" # 1080.1.1={ # birth="1080.1.1" # } # 1138.1.1={ # death="1138.1.1" # } #} # #45043 = { # name="Saba" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=7 # stewardship=4 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="ambitious" # father=45041 # 1091.1.1={ # birth="1091.1.1" # } # 1139.1.1={ # death="1139.1.1" # } #} # #45044 = { # name="Muhammad" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=6 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45043 # 1105.1.1={ # birth="1105.1.1" # } # 1153.1.1={ # death="1153.1.1" # } #} # #45045 = { # name="Muhammad" # # AKA: Imran # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=6 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45043 # 1125.1.1={ # birth="1125.1.1" # } # 1166.1.1={ # death="1166.1.1" # } #} # #45046 = { # name="Ali" #placeholder name for unnamed child who needs a regent # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=6 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45045 # 1165.1.1={ # birth="1165.1.1" # } # 1175.1.1={ # death="1175.1.1" # } #}
#45060 = { # name="Ali" # dynasty=7503 # martial=4 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=6 # religion="shiite" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # father=45043 # trait="ambitious" # 1107.1.1={ # birth="1107.1.1" # } # 1140.1.1={ # death="1140.1.1" # } #}
#20888 = { # name="Ayyub" # dynasty=101057 # martial=5 # diplomacy=6 # intrigue=7 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="skilled_tactician" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #} #20802 = { # name="Yazid" # dynasty=101057 # martial=8 # diplomacy=8 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=6 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="martial_cleric" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #} #20719 = { # name="Abdul-Rahman" # # AKA: Abdul # dynasty=101057 # martial=4 # diplomacy=8 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=5 # religion="sunni" # culture="bedouin_arabic" # trait="greedy" # trait="flamboyant_schemer" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#220861 - skipped, already utilized
#220866 Skipped, utilized already #220867 Skipped, utilized already #220868 Skipped, utilized already #220869 Skipped, utilized already
From breton.txt:
#205786 = { #who is she? # name="Berthe" # female = yes # dynasty=20017 #La Marck # religion="catholic" # culture="breton" # father=205780 # mother=205746 # 1187.1.1={ # birth="1187.1.1" # } # 1229.1.1={ # death="1229.1.1" # } #}
From bulgarian.txt:
[for character 714, Petar; line removed in 3.2.0]
From catalan.txt:
#460601 = { # name="Teresa" # female = yes # dynasty=785 # martial=6 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=4 # religion="catholic" # culture="catalan" # trait="envious" # trait="proud" # trait="craven" # trait="harelip" # trait="flamboyant_schemer" # 1300.1.2={ # birth="1300.1.2" # } # 1350.1.2={ # death="1350.1.2" # } #}
From cuman.txt:
#228042 = { # name="Garu" # dynasty=100615 # martial=7 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=7 # stewardship=7 # religion="tengri_pagan" # culture="cuman" # trait="amateurish_plotter" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
From egyptian_arabic.txt:
#20787 = { # name="Qawurd" # dynasty=101053 # martial=7 # diplomacy=7 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=5 # religion="sunni" # culture="egyptian_arabic" # trait="scholarly_theologian" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20793 = { # name="Salim" # dynasty=101031 # martial=8 # diplomacy=7 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="egyptian_arabic" # trait="craven" # trait="martial_cleric" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#226009 = { # name="Marwan" # dynasty=100709 # martial=6 # diplomacy=6 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=7 # religion="sunni" # culture="egyptian_arabic" # trait="envious" # trait="underhanded_rogue" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
From english.txt:
#161690 = { # name="Edmund" # dynasty=540 # religion="catholic" # culture="english" # father = 7380 # 1264.1.1 = { # birth="1264.1.1" # } # 1314.6.24 = { # death="1314.6.24" # } #}
From frankish.txt:
[for character 205665, Hugues]
# 1159.1.1 = {add_spouse=205666} #spouse removed Orengarde because no dynasty
[for characters 205659, Raoul; 205660, Hugues]
#removed mother=205666
[for character 34312, Hugues; line commented out in 3.1.0]
# 1182.1.1 = { # employer=34311 # Bishpos can not employ characters # }
From georgian.txt:
[for character 159603, Khosro; line commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
From german.txt:
[for character 1384, Hermann]
# mother=11063
[for character 212020, Kuno]
[for character 212365, Gebhard]
[for character 212370, Walram]
[for characters 30056, Rutger; 30057, Rutger; 30058, Dietrich]
[for character 30202, Konrad]
#Excluded by his father from the succession #1098.1.1 = { # dynasty=665 #}
[for characters 30762, Friedrich; 30763, Margaretha]
[for character 462001, Kuno]
[for character 462605, Wenzel]
[for character 462619, Nikolaus]
[for character 462808, Heinrich]
#1326.1.1 = { # add_spouse=462814 #}
[for character 462815, Philipp]
[for characters 462934, Johanna; 106641, Mechthild]
[for character 474020, Meinhard]
[for character 33249, Wigbert]
# father=33250, Widukind
[for character 31819, Adelheid]
From greek.txt:
[for character 1702, Leon]
#real_father = 70490
[for character 215531, Alexios]
#1180.1.1={ # add_spouse=205519 #}
[for character 70490, Michael]
# The historical date, but since the bookmark starts on January 1, moved back. # 867.9.24={ # death="867.9.24" # }
[for character 70544, Sergios]
[for character 70553, Stephanos; line added in 3.2.0]
#real_father = 70490
[for character 70602, Nikolaos]
#1066.1.1={ #employer=1758 #}
From han.txt:
[for characters 247922, Gui; 247923, Gui]
# While correct these characters are unconnected and will break # the dynasty tree unless a connection is added. # dynasty = 1051151 # Zhao
[for characters 242303, Sheng; 242304, Sheng; 242307, Zhuo; 242310, Yin; 242314, Ping; 242317, Ning; 242318, Chao; 242323, Hong; 242325, Jun; 242326, Xiao'er; 242327, Heng; 242328, Xiaowu; 242330, Chuke; 242331, Xiaoqi; 242332, Gai; 242333, Xiong; 242334, Xiu; 242335, Zhen; 242336, Bao; 242337, Qing; 242338, Wuji; 242339, Xuanling; 242340, Shilian; 242341, Gu; 242342, San Nian; 242343, Er Niang]
#disallow_random_traits = yes
From hindustani.txt:
[for character 191079, Sivaraja]
#1066.1.1={ # employer = 191066 #}
From irish.txt:
[for character 214552, Dervorgilla; line commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
[for character 214713, Pyfog]
[for character 6117, Domnall]
[for character 83296, Domnall]
[for character 83517, Fedlimid]
#1295.1.1={ # dynasty=9221 #Ua Conchobar Ruad #}
[for character 83519, Toirrdelbach]
#1295.1.1={ # dynasty=9222 #Ua Conchobar Donn #}
#166115 = { # name="Comhaltan" # dynasty=14116 # religion="catholic" # culture="irish" # trait="tough_soldier" # father=166712 # 972.1.1={ # birth="972.1.1" # } # 1025.1.1={ # death="1025.1.1" # } #}
From italian.txt:
[for character 220331, Simone]
[for character 30761, Enrico]
[for character 30830, Gaita]
# dynasty=676
# father=190003
[for character 413023, Bartolomeo]
[for character 70640, Alberto]
#father=70709 #mother=70819
[for character 70775, Corrado; line commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
1258.1.1 = { #employer=70769 }
[for character 70808, Marsiglio; lines commented out and note added in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#1237.1.2 = { #employer=70811 #Becomes landed after his death. #}
[for character 70848, Gemma]
[for character 70924, Teodoro]
1180.1.1 = { birth="1180.1.1" #employer= 213117 }
[for character 70954, Alberto]
[for character 91354, Sbaralia]
1310.1.1 = { death="1310.1.1" # death = { #if death reasons are now accepted again, just uncomment # death_reason = death_battle # }
[for character 180190, Contelda]
#mother=167545 # date's too late
From jurchen.txt:
[for character 217729, Helibo]
1039.1.1 = { birth = yes } #= { # name = "Shizu" # Actually given posthumously by Xizong of Jin in 1145 #}
[for character 217737, Yongji]
1213.9.11 = { death = { death_reason = death_offmap } # Has to die this way to count as a previous emperor #death = { #death_reason = death_murder_unknown #} }
From khitan.txt:
[for character 194402, Xuan Yi]
#dynasty=1045082 # Liao Dynasty
From kurdish.txt:
[for character 226053, Eyyub Necmedîn]
#1173.8.9={ # death="1173.8.9" #} #Extending life fictionally to fit title history gap - TODO actually put Eyyub as Emir of Baalbek and reverting his death date
[for character 159551, Erdewan]
# father=159547 no source
From levantine_arabic.txt:
#20764 = { # name="Muzaffaraddin" # dynasty=101031 # martial=7 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=8 # religion="sunni" # culture="levantine_arabic" # trait="underhanded_rogue" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#227006 = { # name="Akab" # dynasty=100690 # martial=5 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=5 # religion="sunni" # culture="levantine_arabic" # trait="just" # trait="martial_cleric" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
#485370 = { # name="Haroun" # dynasty=100709 # martial=5 # diplomacy=7 # intrigue=4 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="levantine_arabic" # trait="hunchback" # trait="tough_soldier" # 1300.1.1={ # birth="1300.1.1" # } # 1350.1.1={ # death="1350.1.1" # } #}
[for character 166301, Emmanuel]
From lithuanian.txt:
[for character 228012, Algimantas]
[for character 82198, Algimantas]
# mother=82197
From lombard.txt:
[for character 200347, Guaimar]
# mother=7344
[for character 200352, Gregorius]
# 1075.1.1={ # add_spouse=200732 # doesn't exist # }
From maghreb_arabic.txt:
#20798 = { # name="Ishaq" # dynasty=101671 # martial=6 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=7 # religion="sunni" # culture="maghreb_arabic" # trait="slothful" # trait="tough_soldier" # 1039.1.1 = { # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1 = { # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20803 = { # name="Abdul-Wahab" # # AKA: Abdul # dynasty=101056 # martial=4 # diplomacy=8 # intrigue=7 # stewardship=8 # religion="sunni" # culture="maghreb_arabic" # trait="deceitful" # trait="skilled_tactician" # 1039.1.1 = { # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1 = { # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20806 = { # name="Isa" # dynasty=101053 # martial=6 # diplomacy=8 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=5 # religion="sunni" # culture="maghreb_arabic" # trait="patient" # trait="cynical" # trait="hunchback" # trait="amateurish_plotter" # 1039.1.1 = { # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1 = { # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#226039 = { # name="Sulayman" # dynasty=100808 # martial=8 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="maghreb_arabic" # trait="lustful" # trait="scholarly_theologian" # 1150.1.1 = { # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1 = { # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
From mongol.txt:
[for character 248209, Khal; line commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
From norman.txt:
[for characters 144701, Richard; 144702, Robert]
[for character 40999, Jean]
#father=360 #mother=1411
[for character 85002, Geoffrey]
#1070.1.1={ # add_spouse=200365 #}
From norse.txt: [for characters 163108, Björn; 163110, Sigurdr]
# 866.11.2={ # raise_levies = { # location=57 # York # force_mult=1.0 # } # }
[for character 6811, Dyre]
# trait=bastard # father = 163112
[commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#194044 = { # name = "Eirikr" # dynasty = 1045008 # religion = norse_pagan # culture = norse # 745.1.1 = { # birth = yes # } # 820.1.1 = { # death = yes # } #}
From norwegian.txt:
[for characters 202005, Jon; 220021, Gudrød]
[for character 202024, Jón]
From occitan.txt:
#127004 = { # name="Guilhèm" #Guillaume II de Toulouse # # AKA: Guilhem # dynasty=727 # martial=8 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=5 # religion="catholic" # culture="occitan" # father=127004 # 800.1.1 = { # birth="800.1.1" # } # 855.1.1 = { # death="855.1.1" # } #}
[for character 127008, Raimond]
[for character 40083, Aïna]
#father=40082 #Guilhèm - does not exist
[for character 138080, Archambaut]
#father= 40270 #Foucher I de Limoges or
[for character 40276, Archambaut]
[for character 205570, Rogier]
#wrong mother=205575
[for character 205573, Cecilia]
#mother=205575 #should be Adélaide de Béziers?
[for character 205574, Beatritz]
# wrong mother=205575
From old_frankish.txt:
[for character 190438, Richard]
#dynasty=25061 #Karling
[for character 7979, Bouvin]
#dynasty=25061 #Karlings # father=168163 #to connect to Hyeronimus
[for character 168163, Richard]
#father=168162 #to connect to Hieronymus
From panjabi.txt:
[for character 188388, Uppa]
# trait="kshatriya" (lowborn)
[for character 247110, Padmasambhava]
735.1.1={ #add_trait="bhikkhu" #add_trait="mastermind_theologian" }
746.6.1={ #effect={ROOT={add_consort=c_247006}} effect = {add_lover = 247006} }
750.1.1={ #effect={ROOT={add_consort=c_247112}} effect = {add_lover = 247112} }
755.1.1={ #effect={ROOT={add_consort=c_247113}} effect = {add_lover = 247113} }
From persian.txt:
#41702 = { # name="Hassan" # dynasty=101728 # martial=6 # diplomacy=6 # intrigue=10 # stewardship=7 # religion="sunni" # culture="persian" # trait="zealous" # trait="elusive_shadow" # 1035.1.2={ # birth="1035.1.2" # } # 1085.1.2={ # death="1085.1.2" # } #}
[for character 248001, Keykhosraw]
#847.1.1={ # add_spouse=247696 #}
[for character 248002, Wakhushakk]
[for character 248168, Satilmish-Beg; line commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
[for character 248169, Suyunitch; line commented out and note added in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#father=248154 #Time travel dad.
From polish.txt:
[for character 221530, Boleslaw]
[for character 758, Mieszko]
From portuguese.txt:
[for character 109602, Gonçinha]
#dynasty=100158 #unecessary
[for character 109606, Vasco]
[for character 109608, Gonçinha]
#dynasty=75 #unecessary
[for character 109629, Elvira]
#dynasty=272 #unecessary
[for character 209542, Pedro]
#dynasty=101714 #de Chacim
#father=209530 #mother=209531
[for character 209543, Teresa]
#dynasty=101715 #Camelo
[for character 459504, Maria]
[for character 459512, Afonso]
#dynasty=741 #de Bourgogne
[for character 459530, Afonso]
#dynasty=1020118 #de Sousa Arronches
[for character 459539, Violante]
#dynasty=772 #Pacheco
[for character 459550, Marrtim]
#dynasty=1020117 #de Sousa Chichorro
[for character 85028, Elvira]
#dynasty=100163 #unecessary
[for characters 91109, Martim; 91110, Urraca]
#dynasty=769 #Ribeira #no need from mother's dynasty
[for character 73089, Maria]
#dynasty = 12142
[for character 209541, Maria]
#dynasty=270 #Fogaça
[for character 142591, Dórdia]
#dynasty=1020111 #de Ribadouro
[for character 142638, Inês]
#dynasty=1020115 #de Valadares
[for character 72379, Rodrigo; line commented out and note added in 3.1.0]
# 1169.1.1={ # add_spouse=72381 # Only born in 1251, so the wrong character # }
From rajput.txt:
[for character 188188, Naravarman]
# trait=poet
From romanian.txt:
#220000 = { # name="Branislav" # dynasty=100461 # martial=6 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=8 # religion="catholic" # culture="romanian" # trait="flamboyant_schemer" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
From saxon.txt:
#nothing can be found of him #5646 = { # name="Estmond" # dynasty=560 # martial=8 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=4 # religion="catholic" # culture="saxon" # trait="craven" # trait="tough_soldier" # father=5644 # 1060.1.1={ # birth="1060.1.1" # } # 1100.1.1={ # death="1100.1.1" # } #}
From scottish.txt:
[for character 203072, Gilchrist]
[for character 203550, Gilbert]
#1150.1.2={ # dynasty=373 #}
[for character 203555, Uhtred]
#1150.1.2={ # dynasty=25006 #}
From serbian.txt:
[for character 468505, Uros Milutin]
From sindhi.txt:
#178212 #178213 #178214 TAKEN
From slovieni.txt:
[was previously Bohemian culture and in bohemian.txt, moved here in 3.2.0]
#187005 = { # name="Sventozizna" # female = yes # religion="catholic" # culture="slovieni" # 840.1.1={ # birth="840.1.1" # } # 894.12.31={ # death="894.1.1" # } #}
From swedish.txt:
[for character 100526, Håkan]
# mother=100514 # Presumed to have been a Bastard of Stenkil's
[for character 200507, Erik]
# 1234.1.2 = { # give_nickname = nick_the_lisp_and_lame # }
[for characters 450601, Nils; 450611, Ture]
From tamil.txt:
#74780 = { # name="Olimatiyâr" # dynasty=1043008 # female=yes # religion="hindu" # culture="tamil" # trait=kshatriya # trait=shaivist_hindu # father=189042 # # 1045.1.1={ # birth="850.1.1" # } # 1100.1.1={ # death="907.1.1" # } #}
From turkish.txt:
#20698 = { # name="Murtaza" # dynasty=101053 # martial=7 # diplomacy=6 # intrigue=7 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="turkish" # trait="slothful" # trait="arbitrary" # trait="zealous" # trait="charismatic_negotiator" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20701 = { # name="Hussamaddin" # dynasty=101023 # martial=5 # diplomacy=4 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="turkish" # trait="proud" # trait="gluttonous" # trait="tough_soldier" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#20732 = { # name="Sulayman" # dynasty=101056 # martial=8 # diplomacy=8 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=5 # religion="sunni" # culture="turkish" # trait="zealous" # trait="skilled_tactician" # 1039.1.1={ # birth="1039.1.1" # } # 1089.1.1={ # death="1089.1.1" # } #}
#225009 = { # name="Tugtekin" # dynasty=100706 # martial=8 # diplomacy=5 # intrigue=6 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="turkish" # trait="wroth" # trait="kind" # trait="charismatic_negotiator" # 1150.1.1={ # birth="1150.1.1" # } # 1200.1.1={ # death="1200.1.1" # } #}
[for character 3044, Tutush]
#478070 = { # name="Begter" # dynasty=100683 # martial=4 # diplomacy=7 # intrigue=5 # stewardship=4 # religion="sunni" # culture="turkish" # trait="tough_soldier" # 1300.1.1={ # birth="1300.1.1" # } # 1350.1.1={ # death="1350.1.1" # } #}
[for character 480200, Chagatai]
#480240 = { # name="Utudai" # dynasty=100675 # martial=8 # diplomacy=7 # intrigue=8 # stewardship=8 # religion="sunni" # culture="turkish" # trait="ill" # trait="skilled_tactician" # 1300.1.1={ # birth="1300.1.1" # } # 1350.1.1={ # death="1350.1.1" # } #}
From zhangzhung.txt:
[for character 252005, Likmigyal]
754.1.1={ #effect={ROOT={add_consort=c_242405}} effect={c_247342={add_friend=ROOT}} }
From commented_out_strings.csv:
[all below moved in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
[from CombatUpdate.csv]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (DE) |
#MORALE_OFFENCE | Morale Offence | Angriffsmoral |
#DAMAGE_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Damage Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Schadensmodifikator von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#PURSUIT_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Pursuit Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Verfolgungsmodifikator von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#RETREAT_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Retreat Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Rückzugsmodifikator von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#DEFENCE_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Defence Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Verteidigungsmodifikator von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#EXPERIMENT_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Experimentality Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Unberechenbarkeitsmodifikator von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#LIGHT_INFANTRY_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Combat Modifier of $WHO$ boost to Light Foot Troops: $PERC$ | Gefechtsmodifikator von $WHO$ Steigerung für Leichte Infanterie: $PERC$ |
#HEAVY_INFANTRY_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Combat Modifier of $WHO$ boost to Heavy Foot Troops: $PERC$ | Gefechtsmodifikator von $WHO$ Steigerung für Schwere Infanterie: $PERC$ |
#CAVALRY_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Combat Modifier of $WHO$ boost to Mounted Troops: $PERC$ | Gefechtsmodifikator von $WHO$ Steigerung für Kavallerie: $PERC$ |
#DEF_BONUS_AGAINST_ENEMY | Defence bonus against enemy flank: $PERC$ | Verteidigungsbonus gegen gegnerische Flanke: $PERC$ |
#DEF_BONUS_MORALE | Morale Defence bonus: $PERC$ morale damage | Moralbonus auf Verteidigung: $PERC$ Moralschaden |
#MORALE_DEF_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Morale Defence Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Moralbonusmodifikator auf Verteidigung von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#ATT_BONUS_MORALE | Morale Offence bonus: $PERC$ morale damage | Moralbonus auf Angriff: $PERC$ Moralschaden |
#MORALE_ATT_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Morale Offence Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ morale damage | Gefechts-Moralbonus auf Verteidigung von $WHO$: $PERC$ Moralschaden |
#FLANKING_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Flanking Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechts-Flankenangriffsmodifikator von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
#CENTER_COMBAT_MODIFIER | Leading the Center Combat Modifier of $WHO$: $PERC$ | Gefechtsmodifikator durch Führung des Zentrums von $WHO$: $PERC$ |
[from JadeDragon.csv]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
#chinese_silk_road_favored_status_desc | By requesting the Imperial seal our trade posts will attract merchants from far and wide to trade in exotic goods. | En demandant le sceau impérial, nos comptoirs attireront des marchands de partout pour échanger des produits exotiques. | Durch das Anfordern des kaiserlichen Siegels werden unsere Handelsposten Händler von nah und fern heranziehen, um mit exotischen Waren zu handeln. | Al solicitar el sello imperial, nuestros puestos comerciales atraerán mercaderes de todas partes para conseguir bienes exóticos. |
#chinese_imperial_trade_contract_desc | The traders in this province are enjoying the profits of a beneficial trade agreement. | Les commerçants de cette province profitent des bénéfices d'un accord commercial avantageux. | Die Händler in dieser Provinz genießen die Vorzüge eines nützlichen Handelsabkommens. | Los comerciantes de esta provincia se benefician de un acuerdo comercial beneficioso. |
#OFFMAP_GIFTS_DESC | If the [offmap_china.GetName] is amenable to foreign relations, and you have not yet intruded upon the busy Chinese court with your gifts in the past year, you can send an envoy to provide the Emperor with a token of your subservience. | Si l'[offmap_china.GetName] est ouvert aux relations étrangères, et que vous n'avez pas encore dérangé avec vos cadeaux la très occupée cour chinoise depuis un an, vous pouvez envoyer un émissaire pour fournir à l'Empereur un signe de votre subordination. | Wenn das [offmap_china.GetName] für auswärtige Beziehungen offen ist und Ihr im vergangenen Jahr noch nicht den Hof mit Euren Geschenken überhäuft habt, könnt ihr einen Gesandten entsenden, um dem Kaiser ein Zeichen Eurer Unterwürfigkeit zu bringen. | Si [offmap_china.GetName] está abierto a las relaciones exteriores, y el año pasado no entraste en la ajetreada corte china con tus regalos, puedes mandar un enviado a proporcionar al Emperador una muestra de tu servidumbre. |
#MAPMODE_OFFMAP_NAP | Non-aggression pact with $OFFMAP$ | Pacte de non-agression avec $OFFMAP$ | Nichtangriffspakt mit $OFFMAP$ | Pacto de no agresión con $OFFMAP$ |
#OFFMAP_TRIBUTARIES_TOOLTIP_DESC | Y$ is likely to invoke their wrath. | Y$ risque de provoque leur colère. | Y$ anzugreifen wird vermutlich ihren Zorn auf Euch bringen. | Y$ probablemente provoque su ira. |
#alert_non_playable_heir_instant | Unplayable heir | Héritier non jouable | Nicht spielbarer Erbe | Heredero injugable |
#alert_non_playable_heir_delayed | Due to your heir's religion the game will end if they inherit | Vous perdrez la partie à la mort de votre personnage, à cause de la religion de votre héritier | Aufgrund der Religion Eures Erben wird das Spiel enden, sollten sie Erben | Debido a la religión de tu heredero, si hereda, terminará la partida |
#chinese_grace_doctor_desc | The [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] is famed for their learned citizens. You can request to have one of these scholars come to your court and serve as your personal physician. | L'[Root.Offmap.GetFullName] est célèbre pour ses savants. Vous pouvez demander à l'un de ces érudits de venir à votre cour et de vous servir de physicien personnel. | [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] ist für seine gelehrten Bürger bekannt. Ihr könnt einen Gesuch entsenden, einen dieser Gelehrten für Euren Hof anzuwerben, um als persönlicher Arzt zu dienen. | El [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] es celebre por la erudición de sus ciudadanos. Puede solicitar que uno de estos eruditos venga a tu corte a servir como tu médico personal. |
#chinese_grace_peace_deal_desc | Send a request to [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName], asking for peaceful relations with the [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] and its [Root.Offmap.Governor.GetTitle]. | Envoyer une demande à l'[Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName], en demandant des relations pacifiques avec [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] et son [Root.Offmap.Governor.GetTitle] . | Entsendet an [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName] eine Anfrage auf friedliche Beziehungen mit [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] und seinen [Root.Offmap.Governor.GetTitle]. | Solicitar al [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName] tener relaciones pacíficas con el [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] y su [Root.Offmap.Governor.GetTitle] |
#chinese_grace_become_tributary_desc | Pledge your allegiance to [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName], who will become your suzerain. While this comes with new responsibilities and restricts your freedom, you will also enjoy certain privileges. | Jurer allégeance à l'[Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName], qui deviendra votre suzerain. Bien que cela comporte de nouvelles responsabilités et limite votre liberté, vous bénéficierez également de certains privilèges. | Versprecht Eure Treue gegenüber [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName], der Euer Suzerän wird. Auch wenn dies mit neuen Aufgaben und Beschränkungen Eurer Freiheit verbunden ist, kommt es auch mit neuen Privilegien einher. | Jura lealtad a [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName], quien se convertirá en tu soberano. Si bien esto trae nuevas responsabilidades y restringe tu libertad, también disfrutarás de ciertos privilegios. |
#chinese_administrator_desc | Through the rigorous imperial examinations, the [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] has created a class of educated scholar-bureaucrats. You can request to have one of them serve you as an administrator. | Grâce aux examens impériaux rigoureux, l'[Root.Offmap.GetFullName] a créé une classe d'érudits-bureaucrates. Vous pouvez demander à l'un d'eux de vous servir d'administrateur. | Durch strenge kaiserliche Prüfungen hat [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] eine Klasse Beamtenbürokraten geschaffen. Ihr könnt die Forderung stellen, einen von ihnen als Verwalter einstellen zu dürfen. | Mediante los rigurosos exámenes imperiales, el [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] ha creado una clase de burócratas eruditos educados. Puedes pedir uno de ellos para que te sirva como administrador. |
#chinese_master_engineer_desc | The [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] is the cradle of countless wonders of technology. You can request to have a Chinese master engineer join your court. | L'[Root.Offmap.GetFullName] est le berceau d'innombrables merveilles de technologie. Vous pouvez demander à un maître ingénieur chinois de rejoindre votre cour. | [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] ist eine Wiege zahlreicher Wunder der Technik. Ihr könnt darum bittet, einen chinesischen Meisteringenieur für Euren Hof zu erhalten. | El [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] es cuna de incontables maravillas tecnológicas. Puedes solicitar que un maestro ingeniero chino se una a tu corte. |
#chinese_strategist_desc | Over the centuries, military geniuses of the [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] have come to master the art of war. You can request to have a commander proficient in Chinese strategy join your court. | Au fil des siècles, les génies militaires de l'[Root.Offmap.GetFullName] sont parvenus à maîtriser l'art de la guerre. Vous pouvez demander à un stratège chinois de rejoindre votre cour. | Im Laufe der Jahrhunderte haben es die militärischen Genies von [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] geschafft, die Kunst des Krieges zu meistern. Wir können einen ausgebildeten chinesischen Kommandanten anfordern, unserem Hofe beizutreten. | Con el paso de los siglos, los genios militares del [Root.Offmap.GetFullName] han dominado el arte de la guerra. Puedes solicitar que un comandante ducho en la estrategia china se una a tu corte. |
#chinese_imperial_marriage_desc | The ones truly favored by [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName] can, on behalf of themselves or a close relative, request to marry a relative of the Emperor's. | Ceux qui ont vraiment les faveurs de l'[Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName] peuvent, pour eux-mêmes ou pour un proche parent, demander à épouser un parent de l'Empereur. | Diejenigen die von [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName] wahrlich begünstigt sind, können im Namen von sich selbst oder einem nahen Verwandten, die Hochzeit mit einem Verwandten des Kaisers anfordern. | Los realmente favorecidos por [Root.Offmap.Ruler.GetMediumChineseEmperorName] pueden solicitar matrimonio con un pariente del Emperador, ya sea para sí mismos o un pariente cercano. |
#emperor_likes_you_tt | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: The Emperor Likes [This.GetLike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: L'Empereur aime [This.GetLike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Der Kaiser mag [This.GetLike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Al Emperador le gustan [This.GetLike]) |
#emperor_dislikes_you_tt | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: The Emperor Dislikes [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: L'Empereur déteste [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Der Kaiser mag [This.GetDislike] nicht) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Al Emperador le disgustan [This.GetDislike]) |
#emperor_likes_THIS_tt | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: The Emperor Dislikes [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: L'Empereur déteste [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Der Kaiser mag [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Al Emperador le disgustan [This.GetDislike]) |
#emperor_dislikes_THIS_tt | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: The Emperor Dislikes [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: L'Empereur déteste [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Der Kaiser mag [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Al Emperador le disgustan [This.GetDislike]) |
#emperor_has_ambiguous_feelings_of_THIS_tt | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: The Chinese Likes [This.GetLike] but Dislikes [This.GetDislike]) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Le Chinois aime [This.GetLike] mais déteste [This.GetDislike]) | [Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: Der Chinese mag [This.GetLike], aber mag [This.GetDislike] nicht) | ([Prev.GetTitledFirstName]: A los chinos les gustan [This.GetLike] pero les disgustan [This.GetDislike]) |
#hostages_cb_desc | $TARGET$ holds characters you care about captive, it is time to free them! If you win this war these characters will be freed. You might also be able to take hostages of our own. Any freed captives will be moved to your court or to the court of their rightful spouse. Beware, $TARGET$ might execute one or more of the captives if you attack! | $TARGET$ garde captifs des personnages dont vous vous souciez, il est temps de les libérer! Si vous gagnez la guerre, ils le seront. Vous pourriez également faire des otages. Tout captif libéré sera transféré à votre Cour ou celle de son légitime conjoint. Attention, $TARGET$ pourrait exécuter un ou plusieurs des captifs si vous l'attaquez! | $TARGET$ hält Charaktere, für die Ihr Euch interessiert, gefangen. Die Zeit ist gekommen, sie zu befreien! Wenn Ihr diesen Krieg gewinnt, werden die Charaktere befreit. Ihr könnt außerdem eigene Gefangene machen. Alle befreiten Charaktere werden an Euren Hof oder den ihres rechtmäßigen Ehepartners verlegt. Doch Vorsicht, $TARGET$ könnte einen oder mehrere Gefangene hinrichten, wenn Ihr angreift! | $TARGET$ tiene cautivos a personajes que te importan, ¡es hora de liberarlos! Si ganas esta guerra, los liberarás. También podrás hacer tus propios prisioneros. Todo cautivo liberado irá a tu corte o a la corte de su cónyuge legítimo. Cuidado, $TARGET$ puede ejecutar uno o más cautivos si atacas! |
#send_artifact_potential_tt | Owns a high quality artifact (that is NOT cursed) | Possède un artefact de haute qualité (qui n'est pas maudit) | Besitzt ein Artefakt von hoher Qualität (das NICHT verflucht ist) | Posee un artefacto de gran calidad (que NO está maldito) |
#baron_nepali | Diggaja | Diggaja | Diggaja | Diggaja |
#duke_bodpa | Thu | Thu | Thu | Thu |
#emperor_tangut | Tsenpo | Tsenpo | Tsenpo | Tsenpo |
#king_tangut | Gyalpo | Gyalpo | Gyalpo | Gyalpo |
#king_female_tangut | Gyelmo | Gyelmo | Gyelmo | Gyelmo |
#duke_tangut | Thu | Thu | Thu | Thu |
#count_tangut | Ngapo | Ngapo | Ngapo | Ngapo |
#count_female_tangut | Ngamo | Ngamo | Ngamo | Ngamo |
#k_yarlung | Yarlung | Yarlung | Yarlung | Yarlung |
#b_wenquan | Wenquan | Wenquan | Wenquan | Wenquan |
#b_batang | Batang | Batang | Batang | Batang |
#b_zhagyab | Zhagyab | Zhagyab | Zhagyab | Zhagyab |
#b_jianshe | Jianshe | Jianshe | Jianshe | Jianshe |
#b_lhatse | Lhatse | Lhatse | Lhatse | Lhatse |
#b_qusum | Qusum | Qusum | Qusum | Qusum |
#b_namco | Namco | Namco | Namco | Namco |
#b_nyemo | Nyemo | Nyemo | Nyemo | Nyemo |
#d_army_light | The Army of Light | Armée de Lumière | Die Armee des Lichts | El Ejército de la luz |
#d_army_light | The Army of Light | L'Armée de Lumière | Die Armee des Lichts | El Ejército de la luz |
#IS_NOT_LIKED_BY_OFFMAP | Y$ does NOT like $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ n'aime pas $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ mag $LIKE|Y$ NICHT | Y$ NO le gusta $LIKE|Y$ |
#IS_LIKED_BY_OFFMAP | Y$ likes $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ aime $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ mag $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ le gusta $LIKE|Y$ |
#IS_NOT_DISLIKED_BY_OFFMAP | Y$ does NOT dislike $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ ne déteste pas $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ lehnt $LIKE|Y$ NICHT ab | Y$ NO le disgusta $LIKE|Y$ |
#IS_DISLIKED_BY_OFFMAP | Y$ dislikes $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ déteste $LIKE|Y$ | Y$ lehnt $LIKE|Y$ ab | Y$ le disgusta $LIKE|Y$ |
#String_Iso_Lao_Tse | contemplate the wisdom of Master Lao-Tse | de contempler la sagesse de Maître Lao-Tse | die Weisheiten von Meisters Lao-Tse betrachtet | meditar sobre la sabiduría del maestro Lao-Tse |
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
#OFFMAP_BOONS_DESC | If the [offmap_china.GetName] is amenable to foreign relations, and you have not yet had your appeals heard in the past year, you can send an envoy to request any one of a variety of blessings the Emperor might deem you worthy of. | Wenn das [offmap_china.GetName] für auswärtige Beziehungen offen ist und Eure Bitte im vergangenen Jahr noch nicht erhört wurde, könnt Ihr einen Gesandten entsenden, um eine aus einer Vielzahl von Segnungen zu wählen, die der Kaiser für Euch würdig hält. | Si [offmap_china.GetName] está abierto a las relaciones exteriores, y el año pasado no se escucharon tus peticiones, puedes mandar un enviado a solicitar alguna de las bendiciones de las que el Emperador te crea digno. |
#INTERESTED_IN_SOCIETY_TRIGGER_NOT | Does not show interest in joining the $SOCIETY$ | Zeigt kein Interesse, der $SOCIETY$ beizutreten | No muestra interés por unirse a $SOCIETY$ |
#GOV_NO_VASSAL_GOVERNMENT_PENALTIES_DESC | Does not get opinion penalties with vassals of other government types | Erhält keine Meinungsabzüge bei Vasallen mit anderer Regierungsform | No tiene penalizaciones de opinión con vasallos de otros tipos de gobierno |
#send_eunuch_potential_tt | Eunuch Requirements:
Must be an adult male of great skill, OR a close relative of yours at least 12 years old Must not hold any land Must NOT have any of the traits: Incapable, Inbred, or Imbecile |
Anforderungen für Eunuchen:
Muss ein erwachsener Mann von großer Fähigkeit sein ODER ein naher Verwandter von mindestens 12Jahren Darf kein Land besitzen Darf KEINE der Eigenschaften unfähig, inzüchtig oder Schwachkopf besitzen |
Requisitos de eunuco:
Adulto varón de gran habilidad O pariente cercano tuyo de al menos 12 años No debe poseer tierras NI tener ninguno de los rasgos: Incapaz, Consanguíneo, o Imbécil |
#send_concubine_potential_tt | Concubine Requirements:
Must be a close relative of yours Must be adult Must be younger than 45 year old Must NOT be married or betrothed Must NOT have any of the traits: Incapable, Inbred, Imbecile, Monk, or Nun |
Anforderungen für Konkubinen:
Muss eine nahe Verwandte von Euch sein Muss erwachsen sein Muss jünger als 45Jahre sein Darf NICHT verheiratet oder verlobt sein Darf KEINE der Eigenschaften unfähig, inzüchtig, Schwachkopf, Mönch oder Nonne besitzen |
Requisitos para el concubinato:
Pariente cercano tuyo Debe ser adulto Menos de 45 años SIN matrimonio ni compromiso NO debe tener ninguno de los rasgos: Incapaz, Consanguíneo, Imbécil, Monje, o Monja |
#RULE_UNJUSTIFIED_WARS | Border Dispute Wars | Grenzdisputkriege | Guerras de disputas fronterizas |
#PHAGMODRUPA_ADJ | Phagmodrupan | Phagmodrupan | phagmodrupano |
#china_famine_desc | A disastrous harvest has caused the Chinese agriculture to buckle under the population. The calamity has caused all trade to cease, and even as their numbers dwindle, the [offmap_china.GetName]'s once-mighty armies have been burdened with relief efforts for the suffering. | Eine katastrophale Ernte hat dazu geführt, dass die chinesische Landwirtschaft unter der Bevölkerung zusammenbricht. Das Unglück hat dazu geführt, dass der Handel aufhört hat und als ihre Zahl schwindet, sogar die einst mächtigen Armeen von [offmap_china.GetName] mit der Verteilung von Hilfsgütern für die Leidenden belastet sind. | Una desastrosa cosecha ha provocado que la agricultura china se hunda ante la población. La calamidad ha causado que cese todo el comercio, e incluso aunque su número disminuye, los antaño poderosos ejércitos del [offmap_china.GetName] cargan con los esfuerzos de ayudar a los que sufren. |
#raise_chinese_honor_guard_TT | Has NOT recently raised the Honor Guard | Hat kürzlich NICHT die Ehrengarde ausgehoben | NO ha reclutado la guardia de honor recientemente |
#TOGGLE_LOOTER_DESC | Setting this Unit to be a Looter will allow it to raid the Counties and Holdings of other rulers for Gold. This will cause them to become temporarily Hostile towards you, allowing them to attack your armies at will. Looter armies only cost Maintenance if you are at War. | Diese Einheit zu einem Plünderer zu machen, erlaubt es, die Grafschaften und Besitztümer anderer Herrscher für Gold zu überfallen. Dies führt dazu, dass sie vorübergehend Euch gegenüber feindlich sind, was es ihnen erlaubt, Eure Armeen nach Belieben angreifen zu können. Plünder-Armeen kostet nur Unterhalt, wenn Ihr Euch im Krieg befindet. | Fijar esta unidad como Saqueador le permitirá saquear los condados y posesiones de otros gobernantes buscando oro. Esto les volverá temporalmente hostiles contra ti, permitiéndoles atacar a tus ejércitos a voluntad. Los ejércitos saqueadores solo te costarán Mantenimiento si estás en guerra. |
#title_teacher | Teacher | Lehrer | Maestro |
#title_teacher_desc | The Teacher will serve as the default Educator for all children at court who don't have an assigned Guardian. | Der Lehrer dient als vorgegebener Erzieher für alle Kinder am Hof, die keinen zugewiesenen Erziehungsberechtigten haben. | El maestro servirá como educador por defecto de todos los niños de la corte que no tengan tutor asignado. |
[from JadeDragon.csv, commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
#sympathy_indian | Sympathy for Eastern religions | Sympathie pour les religions orientales | Sympathie für östliche Religionen | Simpatía hacia las religiones orientales |
#sympathy_indian_desc | This character, though neither Hindu, Buddhist, Jain or Taoist, has a special sympathy and understanding for the Eastern faiths and their practitioners. | Ce personnage, bien que ni hindou, ni bouddhiste, ni jaïn, ni taoïste, montre une certaine tolérance et une compréhension relative des cultes orientaux et de leurs pratiquants. | Dieser Charakter, obwohl weder Hindu, Buddhist, Anhänger des Jina oder Taoist, hat eine besondere Sympathie und Verständnis für die östlichen Glauben und ihre Anhänger. | Este personaje, aun sin ser hindú, budista, jainista o taoísta, siente una simpatía y comprensión especial hacia las fes orientales y sus practicantes. |
#ca_culture_chinese_han_1_desc | Since the days of Zhuge Liang and the invention of his crossbow, Chinese soldiers carry an advantage on the battlefield. Here they gather, turning proficiency into mastery. | Depuis l'invention de l'arbalète par Zhuge Liang, les soldats chinois ont un avantage sur le champ de bataille. Ils se rassemblent dans ce lieu pour améliorer leur maîtrise de l'arme. | Seit den Tagen von Zhuge Liang und den Erfindungen seiner Armbrust haben chinesische Soldaten einen Vorteil auf dem Schlachtfeld. Wo sie sich sammeln, wird aus einer Fähigkeit eine Meisterschaft. | Desde los días de Zhuge Liang y la invención de la ballesta, los soldados chinos tienen ventaja en el campo de batalla. Aquí se reúnen, convirtiendo la destreza en maestría. |
#ca_culture_altaic_jurchen_1 | Jurchen Cavalry Barracks | Camp de cavalerie jurchen | Jurchen-Kavalleriebaracken | Cuarteles de caballería yurchen |
#ca_culture_altaic_jurchen_2 | Jurchen Cavalry Barracks | Camp de cavalerie jurchen | Jurchen-Kavalleriebaracken | Cuarteles de caballería yurchen |
#ca_culture_altaic_jurchen_3 | Jurchen Cavalry Barracks | Camp de cavalerie jurchen | Jurchen-Kavalleriebaracken | Cuarteles de caballería yurchen |
#ca_culture_altaic_jurchen_4 | Jurchen Cavalry Barracks | Camp de cavalerie jurchen | Jurchen-Kavalleriebaracken | Cuarteles de caballería yurchen |
#ca_culture_altaic_jurchen_1_desc | The Jurchen are famous for their skilled cavalry, the Tie-Futu and their unique battle tactics – this is their practice grounds where they train to improve upon their specialty. | Les Jurchen sont réputés pour leur cavalerie efficace, le « Tie-Futu » et leurs batailles tactiques uniques - ceci est leur terrain d'entraînement. | Die Jurchen sind berühmt für ihre erfahrene Kavallerie, die Tie-Futu und ihre einzigartige Kampftaktik. Dies sind ihre Trainigsgebiete, in denen sie trainieren können, um ihre Spezialität zu verbessern. | Los yurchen son famosos por su caballería experta, tiefutu, y sus táctica de batalla única. Este es su campo de prácticas, donde entrenan para mejorar en su habilidad. |
#NEW_ARTIFACT_RECEIVED_LOG | Y$ received a beautiful new $ARTIFACT|Y$. | Y$ a reçu un nouvel artefact '$ARTIFACT|Y$'. | Y$ erhielt einen neuen Gegenstand: $ARTIFACT|Y$. | Y$ recibió un nuevo y hermoso $ARTIFACT|Y$. |
#ca_culture_tibetan_desc | The hardy peoples of the Himalayas are experts at fighting in rough and mountainous terrain. | Les habitants de l'Himalaya sont des experts en combat en terrain montagneux. | Die abgehärteten Bewohner des Himalaya sind Experten, wenn es darum geht in rauen und bergigem Gelände zu kämpfen. | Las duras gentes del Himalaya son expertas en luchar en terreno abrupto y montañoso. |
#likes_indians | Indian Cultures | les cultures indiennes | indische Kulturen | culturas indias |
#likes_dravidians | Dravidian Cultures | les cultures dravidiennes | dravidianische Kulturen | culturas dravídicas |
#likes_tibetans | Tibetan Cultures | les cultures tibétaines | tibetische Kulturen | culturas tibetanas |
#likes_germanics | Germanic Cultures | les cultures germaniques | germanische Kulturen | culturas germánicas |
#likes_latino_iberians | Latin-Iberian Cultures | les cultures latino-ibériques | latein-spanische Kulturen | culturas ibericolatinas |
#likes_byzantines | Byzantine Cultures | les cultures byzantines | byzantinische Kulturen | culturas bizantinas |
#likes_celts | Celtic Cultures | les cultures celtes | keltische Kulturen | culturas célticas |
#likes_finno_ugrics | Finno-Magyar Cultures | les cultures finno-magyares | finnisch-magrarische Kulturen | culturas finoúgrias |
#likes_altaics | Altaic Cultures | les cultures altaïques | altaische Kulturen | culturas altaicas |
#likes_balto_slavics | Balto-Slavic Cultures | les cultures balto-slaves | baltisch-slawische Kulturen | culturas baltoeslavas |
#likes_arabs | Arabic Cultures | les cultures arabes | arabische Kulturen | culturas arábigas |
#likes_iranians | Iranian Cultures | les cultures iraniennes | iranische Kulturen | culturas iranias |
#likes_africans | African Cultures | les cultures africaines | afrikanische Kulturen | culturas africanas |
#likes_mesoamericans | Mesoamerican Cultures | les cultures mésoaméricaines | mesoamerikanische Kulturen | culturas mesoamericanas |
#likes_muslims | Muslims | les musulmans | Moslems | musulmanes |
#likes_christians | Christians | les chrétiens | Christen | cristianos |
#likes_mazdans | Mazdan Religions | les mazdéens | mazdanische Religionen | religiones mazdeístas |
#likes_zoroastrians | Zoroastrians | les zoroastriens | Zoroastrische | zoroastrianos |
#likes_mazdakis | Mazdakis | les mazdakites | Mazdakische | mazdekitas |
#likes_manicheans | Manicheans | les manichéens | Manichaner | maniqueos |
#likes_khurmaztans | Khurmaztans | les khurmaztans | Khurmaztaner | khurmaztanos |
#likes_buddhists | Buddhists | les bouddhistes | Buddhisten | budistas |
#likes_hindus | Hindus | les hindous | Hindus | hindúes |
#likes_jains | Jains | les jaïns | Jinistische | jainistas |
#likes_tengris | Tengris | les tengristes | Tengri | tengris |
#likes_zunists | Zunists | les zunistes | Zunisten | zunistas |
#likes_jews | Jews | les juifs | Juden | judíos |
#likes_bon | Bön Religion | les bön | bönische Religion | religión bön |
From crown_laws.txt:
[for crown_authority_0]
#set_appoint_generals = no #set_appoint_regents = no #set_allow_free_revokation = no
[for crown_authority_1 and crown_authority_2]
#set_appoint_generals = yes #set_appoint_regents = no #set_allow_free_revokation = no
[for crown_authority_3]
#set_appoint_generals = yes #set_appoint_regents = yes #set_allow_free_revokation = no
[for crown_authority_4]
#set_appoint_generals = yes #set_appoint_regents = yes #set_allow_free_revokation = yes
From hashshashin_order_events.txt:
[for event 88000; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# DEPRECATED SCRIPT (due to map changes) BELOW (outcommented): # b_alamut = { # has_holder = no # } # 665 = { # Dailam # NOR = { # num_of_settlements = 6 # AND = { # num_of_settlements = 5 # has_settlement_construction = yes # } # } # } # # DEPRECATED SCRIPT outcommented (due to map changes) # 665 = { # Dailam # build_holding = { # title = b_alamut # type = temple # holder = PREV # } # }
From HF_battle_events.txt:
[part of event HFP.11000's code—older versions of a current bugfix?]
# location = { #An attempt to combat the "null-character" fights # ROOT = { # any_current_enemy = { # any_unit = { # location = { # province = PREVPREVPREVPREV # } # } # } # } # } } # log = "BATTLE EVENT: FROM yields enemy commander: [From.GetBestName] " # log = "BATTLE EVENT: FROMFROM yields enemy liege: [FromFrom.GetBestName] " # log = "BATTLE EVENT: ROOT is: [Root.GetBestName]" } fail_trigger_effect = { # log = "BATTLE EVENT: FROM and FROMFROM are both empty." # log = "BATTLE EVENT: ROOT was: [Root.GetBestName]" change_variable = { which = global_combat_pulse_failed_to_find_leader value = 1 } # if = { # limit = { # NOR = { # FROM = { always = yes } # FROMFROM = { always = yes } # location = { #An attempt to combat the "null-character" fights # ROOT = { # any_current_enemy = { # any_unit = { # location = { # province = PREVPREVPREVPREV # } # } # } # } # } # } # } # change_variable = { which = global_combat_pulse_failed_to_find_leader value = 1 } # } # else_if = { # limit = { # NOR = { # FROM = { always = yes } # FROMFROM = { always = yes } # } # location = { #An attempt to combat the "null-character" fights # ROOT = { # any_current_enemy = { # any_unit = { # location = { # province = PREVPREVPREVPREV # } # } # } # } # } # } # change_variable = { which = global_combat_pulse_found_back_up value = 1 } # }
From hf_warrior_lodge_decisions.txt:
#Checks gender and some religious stuff... (turned into apply_any_applicable_harsh_penalties_effect instead) # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_valid_target # hidden_tooltip = { ### Not female or challenger religion accepts female warriors # OR = { # is_female = no # # is_member_of_roots_warrior_lodge_trigger = yes # # #Both FROM and ROOT have gender equality # AND = { # OR = { # trait = brave # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # FROM = { # OR = { # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # } # } # } # ### Not priest or challenger religion is pagan # trigger_if = { # limit = { is_member_of_any_warrior_lodge_trigger = no } # OR = { # is_priest = no # FROM = { religion_group = pagan_group } # } # } # } # } #Checks gender and some religious stuff... (turned this into apply_any_applicable_harsh_penalties_effect instead) # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_valid_target_updated # #text = duel_tooltip_valid_target # hidden_tooltip = { ### Not female or challenger religion accepts female warriors # OR = { # is_female = no # # is_member_of_roots_warrior_lodge_trigger = yes # # #Both FROM and ROOT have gender equality # AND = { # OR = { # trait = brave # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # FROM = { # OR = { # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # } # } # } # ### Not priest or challenger religion is pagan # trigger_if = { # limit = { is_member_of_any_warrior_lodge_trigger = no } # OR = { # is_priest = no # FROM = { religion_group = pagan_group } # } # } # } # }
From way_of_life_decisions.txt:
[commented out in 3.0]
# DEPRECATED: the new version of this can be found in hf_warrior_lodge_decisions.txt # duel_decision = { # only_playable = yes # is_high_prio = yes # # #filter = rivals # ai_target_filter = rivals # # from_potential = { # is_playable = yes # is_adult = yes # prisoner = no # has_dlc = "Way of Life" # has_focus = focus_war # has_regent = no # is_inaccessible_trigger = no # # OR = { # ai = no # # is_female = no # # AND = { # is_female = yes # OR = { # trait = brave # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # gender_equality_trigger = yes # } # } # } # } # # potential = { # is_adult = yes # prisoner = no # NOT = { character = FROM } # is_inaccessible_trigger = no # # OR = { # AND = { # OR = { # is_rival = FROM # is_foe = FROM # AND = { # FROM = { trait = zealous } # OR = { # AND = { # religion = FROM # trait = excommunicated # } # AND = { # FROM = { religion_group = muslim } # trait = decadent # } # } # } # has_game_rule = { # name = dueling # value = restricted # } # } # OR = { # is_female = no # # #Both FROM and ROOT have gender equality # AND = { # OR = { # trait = brave # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # FROM = { # OR = { # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # } # } # } # } # has_game_rule = { # name = dueling # value = unrestricted # } # } # } # # allow = { # OR = { # AND = { # #Valid reasons for duel # OR = { # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_rivals # is_rival = FROM # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_foes # is_foe = FROM # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_excommunicated # religion = FROM # FROM = { trait = zealous } # trait = excommunicated # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_decadent # FROM = { religion_group = muslim } # FROM = { trait = zealous } # trait = decadent # } # has_game_rule = { # name = dueling # value = restricted # } # } # # #Both are healthy # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_sickness # FROM = { # NOR = { # trait = incapable # trait = infirm # trait = has_aztec_disease # trait = has_small_pox # trait = has_measles # trait = has_bubonic_plague # trait = has_typhus # trait = has_typhoid_fever # trait = has_tuberculosis # trait = leper # trait = pneumonic # } # } # ROOT = { # NOR = { # trait = incapable # trait = infirm # trait = has_aztec_disease # trait = has_small_pox # trait = has_measles # trait = has_bubonic_plague # trait = has_typhus # trait = has_typhoid_fever # trait = has_tuberculosis # trait = leper # trait = pneumonic # age = 70 # } # } # } # # #Checks gender and some religious stuff # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_valid_target # hidden_tooltip = { ### Not female or challenger religion accepts female warriors # OR = { # is_female = no # # #Both FROM and ROOT have gender equality # AND = { # OR = { # trait = brave # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # FROM = { # OR = { # gender_equality_trigger = yes # religion_group = pagan_group # is_nomadic = yes # religion = buddhist # religion = bogomilist # } # } # } # } # ### Not priest or challenger religion is pagan # OR = { # is_priest = no # FROM = { religion_group = pagan_group } # } # # } # } # } # has_game_rule = { # name = dueling # value = unrestricted # } # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_challenged_before # hidden_tooltip = { # NOT = { # has_opinion_modifier = { who = FROM modifier = opinion_fought_duel } # } # FROM = { # NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_fought_duel } } # NOT = { has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT modifier = opinion_fled_duel } } # } # } # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_recent_duel # hidden_tooltip = { # FROM = { NOT = { has_character_modifier = recent_duel_timer } } # NOT = { has_character_modifier = recent_duel_timer } # } # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = duel_tooltip_busy # hidden_tooltip = { # FROM = { # NOT = { has_character_flag = do_not_disturb } # NOT = { war = yes } # } # NOT = { has_character_flag = do_not_disturb } # NOT = { war = yes } # } # } # is_within_diplo_range = ROOT # CPU HEAVY! # } # # effect = { # if = { # limit = { # OR = { # age = 50 # trait = wounded # is_maimed_trigger = yes # } # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = dishonorable_duel_tooltip # hidden_tooltip = { # FROM = { # any_realm_character = { # limit = { # NOT = { character = FROM } # OR = { # trait = honest # trait = kind # trait = just # } # } # opinion = { # modifier = opinion_dishonorable_duel # who = PREV # months = 36 # } # } # } # } # } # } # FROM = { # pacifists_lose_piety_effect = yes # add_character_modifier = { # modifier = recent_duel_timer # duration = 365 # hidden = yes # } # } # hidden_tooltip = { # character_event = { id = WoL.11000 } # } # } # # revoke_allowed = { # always = no # } # ai_will_do = { # factor = 1 # modifier = { # factor = 0 # has_character_modifier = declined_prestige_duel_timer # } # modifier = { # factor = 0.01 # } # } # }
From HolyFury.csv:
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
duel_tooltip_valid_target | [Root.GetTitledFirstName] is a valid duel target, within your religion or culture | [Root.Get_Le_TitledFirstNameJ] est une cible de duel valide, pour votre religion ou culture | [Root.GetTitledFirstName] ist ein gültiges Ziel für ein Duell innerhalb Eurer Religion oder Kultur | [Root.GetTitledFirstName] es un objetivo de duelo válido, para tu religión o cultura |
From hf_warrior_lodge_legends_events:
[for event HF.12006]
# 10 = { #the least interesting choice... # trigger = { # event_target:home_capital = { # persistent_event_target:local_dead_commander_target = { always = yes } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # event_target:home_capital = { # persistent_event_target:local_dead_commander_target = { dynasty = ROOT } # } # } # set_character_flag = kin_was_fallen_commander # } # else = { set_character_flag = remember_fallen_commander } # event_target:home_capital = { #persistent_event_target:local_dead_commander_target = { save_event_target_as = target } # } # } # 50 = { # trigger = { # event_target:home_capital = { # persistent_event_target:local_inspiring_commander_target = { always = yes } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # event_target:home_capital = { #persistent_event_target:local_inspiring_commander_target = { character = ROOT } # } # } # set_character_flag = i_was_inspiring_commander # } # else = { # set_character_flag = remember_inspiring_commander # event_target:home_capital = { #persistent_event_target:local_inspiring_commander_target = { save_event_target_as = target } # } # } # }
From LT.csv:
[reference in 00_game_rules.txt removed in 3.1.1]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
RULE_OPTION_HISTORICAL_RESTRICTIVE | Historical Restricted | Historique restreint | Historische Einschränkung | Restricción histórica |
[commented out, and rewritten versions with the same string names added in their place, in 3.1.1; referenced in 00_game_rules.txt]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
#RULE_WONDERS_ON | Historical Great Works will exist and rulers are allowed to construct new ones. | Les grands ouvrages historiques existeront et les dirigeants pourront en construire de nouveaux. | Historische Große Bauwerke werden existieren und Herrscher dürfen neue bauen. | Existirán grandes obras históricas y los gobernantes podrán construir otras nuevas. |
#RULE_WONDERS_OFF | No historical Great Works will exist and rulers are not allowed construct new ones. | Aucun grand ouvrage n'existera et les dirigeants ne pourront pas en construire. | Es existieren keine historischen Großen Bauwerke und es ist den Machthabern nicht erlaubt, neue zu bauen. | No existirán grandes obras históricas ni los gobernantes podrán construir otras nuevas. |
#RULE_WONDERS_HISTORICAL | Historical Great Works will exist and rulers are allowed to change them. However, rulers cannot construct any new Great Works. | Les grands ouvrages historiques existeront et les dirigeants pourront les modifier. Cependant, aucun grand ouvrage ne pourra être construit. | Historische Goße Bauwerke existieren und Herrscher dürfen sie ändern, können jedoch keine neuen Großen Bauwerke errichten. | Existirán grandes obras históricas y los gobernantes podrán cambiarlas. Sin embargo, no podrán construir grandes obras nuevas. |
#RULE_WONDERS_HISTORICAL_RESTRICTIVE | Historical great works will exist, but rulers are not allowed to change them in any way, or construct new Great Works. | Les grands ouvrages historiques existeront, mais les dirigeants ne pourront pas les modifier, ni en construire de nouveaux. | Historische Große Bauwerke existieren, aber Herrscher dürfen sie in keiner Weise ändern oder neue Große Bauwerke errichten. | Existirán grandes obras históricas, pero los gobernantes no pueden cambiarlas de ningún modo ni construir grandes obras nuevas. |
[commented out, and rewritten versions with the same string names added in their place, in 3.1.1; referenced in wonder_decisions.txt]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
#alcohol_gift_decision | Give [GetAlcoholContainerType] of [Root.GetAlcohol] gift | Offrir [GetAlcoholContainerType] [Root.GetAlcohol] | [GetAlcoholContainerType] [Root.GetAlcohol] schenken | Da [GetAlcoholContainerType] de [Root.GetAlcohol] regalo |
#alcohol_gift_decision_desc | Send [Root.GetTitledFirstName] a [GetAlcoholContainerType] of [Root.GetAlcoholCap] brewed in your own brewery | Envoyer [Root.Get_au_TitledFirstName] [GetAlcoholContainerType] [Root.GetAlcohol] depuis votre propre brasserie. | Schickt [Root.GetTitledFirstName] ein(e) [GetAlcoholContainerType] mit [Root.GetAlcohol] aus Eurer eigenen Brauerei | Envía a [Root.GetTitledFirstName] una [GetAlcoholContainerType] de [Root.GetAlcohol], todo elaborado en tu destilería |
[references in 07_customizable_localisation_wonder_events.txt removed in 3.1.1]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
String_Beer | Beer | de bière | Bier | Cerveza |
String_Ale | Ale | d'ale | Ale | Cerveza ale |
String_Wine | Wine | de vin | Wein | Vino |
String_Cider | Cider | de cidre | Apfelwein | Sidra |
String_Mead | Mead | d'hydromel | Met | Hidromiel |
String_Whiskey | Whiskey | de whisky | Whiskey | Whisky |
From mnm_devil_worshipers_events.txt:
[for events MNM.7057 and MNM.7058, commented out in 3.0 or 3.1]
#trigger = { # NOR = { # NOT = { health = 3 } # has_character_modifier = corrupting_magic_minor # has_character_modifier = corrupting_magic_major # } #}
[for event MNM.7508]
#random_list = { # 50 = { set_character_flag = demon_child_non_pagan } # 50 = { set_character_flag = demon_child_fake } #}
From mnm_secret_religious_societies_decisions.txt:
[for secret_religions_openly_adopt_faith]
#hidden_effect = { # To track the number of Revealed Cults # change_variable = { which = global_revealed_cults value = 1 } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = catholic # } # change_variable = { which = global_catholic_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = cathar # } # change_variable = { which = global_cathar_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = fraticelli # } # change_variable = { which = global_fraticelli_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = waldensian # } # change_variable = { which = global_waldensian_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = lollard # } # change_variable = { which = global_lollard_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = orthodox # } # change_variable = { which = global_orthodox_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = miaphysite # } # change_variable = { which = global_miaphysite_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = monophysite # } # change_variable = { which = global_monophysite_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = bogomilist # } # change_variable = { which = global_bogomilist_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = monothelite # } # change_variable = { which = global_monothelite_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = iconoclast # } # change_variable = { which = global_iconoclast_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = paulician # } # change_variable = { which = global_paulician_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = nestorian # } # change_variable = { which = global_nestorian_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = messalian # } # change_variable = { which = global_messalian_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = sunni # } # change_variable = { which = global_sunni_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zikri # } # change_variable = { which = global_zikri_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = yazidi # } # change_variable = { which = global_yazidi_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = ibadi # } # change_variable = { which = global_ibadi_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = kharijite # } # change_variable = { which = global_kharijite_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = shiite # } # change_variable = { which = global_shiite_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = druze # } # change_variable = { which = global_druze_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = hurufi # } # change_variable = { which = global_hurufi_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = jewish # } # change_variable = { which = global_jewish_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = karaite # } # change_variable = { which = global_karaite_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = samaritan # } # change_variable = { which = global_samaritan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zoroastrian # } # change_variable = { which = global_zoroastrian_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = mazdaki # } # change_variable = { which = global_mazdaki_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = manichean # } # change_variable = { which = global_manichean_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = khurmazta # } # change_variable = { which = global_khurmazta_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = bon # } # change_variable = { which = global_bon_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = taoist # } # change_variable = { which = global_taoist_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = hindu # } # change_variable = { which = global_hindu_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = buddhist # } # change_variable = { which = global_buddhist_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = jain # } # change_variable = { which = global_jain_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_norse_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = norse_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_norse_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_baltic_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = baltic_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_baltic_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_finnish_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = finnish_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_finnish_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_slavic_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = slavic_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_slavic_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_tengri_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = tengri_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_tengri_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_west_african_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = west_african_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_west_african_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_zun_pagan_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zun_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_zun_pagan_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = aztec # } # change_variable = { which = global_aztec_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = aztec_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_aztec_reformed_revealed_cults value = 1 } # } #}
[for secret_religions_found_secret_religious_society]
#hidden_effect = { # To track the number of Founded Cults # change_variable = { which = global_founded_cults value = 1 } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = catholic # } # change_variable = { which = global_catholic_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = cathar # } # change_variable = { which = global_cathar_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = fraticelli # } # change_variable = { which = global_fraticelli_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = waldensian # } # change_variable = { which = global_waldensian_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = lollard # } # change_variable = { which = global_lollard_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = orthodox # } # change_variable = { which = global_orthodox_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = miaphysite # } # change_variable = { which = global_miaphysite_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = monophysite # } # change_variable = { which = global_monophysite_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = bogomilist # } # change_variable = { which = global_bogomilist_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = monothelite # } # change_variable = { which = global_monothelite_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = iconoclast # } # change_variable = { which = global_iconoclast_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = paulician # } # change_variable = { which = global_paulician_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = nestorian # } # change_variable = { which = global_nestorian_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = messalian # } # change_variable = { which = global_messalian_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = sunni # } # change_variable = { which = global_sunni_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zikri # } # change_variable = { which = global_zikri_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = yazidi # } # change_variable = { which = global_yazidi_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = ibadi # } # change_variable = { which = global_ibadi_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = kharijite # } # change_variable = { which = global_kharijite_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = shiite # } # change_variable = { which = global_shiite_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = druze # } # change_variable = { which = global_druze_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = hurufi # } # change_variable = { which = global_hurufi_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = jewish # } # change_variable = { which = global_jewish_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = karaite # } # change_variable = { which = global_karaite_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = samaritan # } # change_variable = { which = global_samaritan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zoroastrian # } # change_variable = { which = global_zoroastrian_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = mazdaki # } # change_variable = { which = global_mazdaki_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = manichean # } # change_variable = { which = global_manichean_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = khurmazta # } # change_variable = { which = global_khurmazta_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = bon # } # change_variable = { which = global_bon_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = taoist # } # change_variable = { which = global_taoist_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = hindu # } # change_variable = { which = global_hindu_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = buddhist # } # change_variable = { which = global_buddhist_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = jain # } # change_variable = { which = global_jain_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = norse_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_norse_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = norse_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_norse_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = baltic_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_baltic_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = baltic_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_baltic_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = finnish_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_finnish_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = finnish_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_finnish_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = slavic_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_slavic_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = slavic_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_slavic_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = tengri_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_tengri_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = tengri_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_tengri_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = west_african_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_west_african_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = west_african_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_west_african_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zun_pagan_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_zun_pagan_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = zun_pagan # } # change_variable = { which = global_zun_pagan_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = aztec # } # change_variable = { which = global_aztec_founded_cults value = 1 } # } # if = { # limit = { # secret_religion = aztec_reformed # } # change_variable = { which = global_aztec_reformed_founded_cults value = 1 } # } #}
From oldgods_holmgang_events.txt:
[for event TOG.5002; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# if = { # limit = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = FROM value = 50 } # } # random_list = { # 60 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 60 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 15 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 20 = { # trigger = { trait = craven } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 50 = { # trigger = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = FROM value = 30 } # NOT = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = FROM value = 50 } # } # } # random_list = { # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 25 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { trait = craven } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 40 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = FROM value = 10 } # NOT = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = FROM value = 30 } # } # } # random_list = { # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 35 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 35 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 30 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { trait = craven } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 35 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # NOT = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = FROM value = 10 } # FROM = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = ROOT value = 10 } # } # } # } # random_list = { # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 60 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 40 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { trait = craven } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 40 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # FROM = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = ROOT value = 10 } # } # NOT = { # FROM = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = ROOT value = 30 } # } # } # } # random_list = { # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 35 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 35 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 35 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { trait = craven } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 30 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # FROM = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = ROOT value = 30 } # } # NOT = { # FROM = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = ROOT value = 50 } # } # } # } # random_list = { # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 25 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 40 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 40 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { trait = craven } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 25 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # } # if = { # limit = { # FROM = { # combat_rating_diff = { who = ROOT value = 50 } # } # } # random_list = { # 15 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5007 days = 10} } # 15 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5008 days = 10} } # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5006 days = 10} } # 20 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5005 days = 10} } # 30 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5010 days = 10} } # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5012 days = 10} } # 50 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5013 days = 10} } # 60 = { character_event = { id = TOG.5014 days = 10} } # 50 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { trait = craven } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5011 days = 10 } # } # 20 = { # modifier = { # factor = 0 # NOT = { FROM = { trait = craven } } # } # character_event = { id = TOG.5009 days = 10 } # } # } # }
From oldgods_various_events.txt:
[for event TOG.3003; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# FROM = { Outcommented because arcane magic script?? # if = { # limit = { # NOR = { # has_character_flag = temp_battle_kill_242 # is_vassal_or_below = ROOT # } # } # character_event = { id = HFP.11003 } # } # }
From regency_events.txt:
[for event 61215; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
#liege = { # random_courtier_or_vassal = { # limit = { has_minor_title = title_regent } # character_event = { # id = 61221 # tooltip = EVTTOOLTIP61221 # days = 2 # } # } #}
From settlement_decisions.txt:
[for adopt_tribalism; tooltips with similar code are used for nomad_adopt_feudalism and nomad_adopt_republicanism]
FROM = { #primary_title = { # ROOT = { # custom_tooltip = { # text = TT_KHAN_INDEPENDENCE # } # most_prestigious_clan_vassal = { # custom_tooltip = { # text = TT_NEW_KHAN # } # } # } #}
From succession_laws.txt:
[added in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# succ_my_test_law = { # child_opinion = 15 # dynasty_opinion = 5 # # potential = { # holder_scope = { # is_nomadic = no # OR = { # independent = yes # NOT = { # any_liege = { # holy_order = yes # } # } # } # NOT = { religion_group = muslim } # is_merchant_republic = no # is_patrician = no # OR = { # independent = yes # NOT = { # any_demesne_title = { # is_vice_royalty = yes # } # } # } # } # OR = { # is_landless_type_title = no # is_tribal_type_title = yes # temporary = yes # } # # rebel = no # # OR = { # holder_scope = { is_feudal = yes } # holder_scope = { is_tribal = yes } # } # is_primary_type_title = no # NOT = { holder_scope = { government = confucian_bureaucracy } } # NOT = { holder_scope = { government = chinese_imperial_government } } # } # allow = { # conditional_tooltip = { # trigger = { # has_dlc = "Conclave" # } # custom_tooltip = { # text = forced_elective_tt # hidden_tooltip = { # NAND = { # has_law = succession_voting_power_1 # has_law = succ_feudal_elective # } # } # } # } # holder_scope = { # show_scope_change = no # in_revolt = no # } # } # effect = { # succession = { # base_type = feudal_elective # voting_rules = my_test_law #Definded in common/00_succession_voting # } # elective_voting_rules = my_test_law # } # revoke_allowed = { # always = no # } # }
from technology.txt:
[commented out in 3.1.1]
# TECH_TEMPLE_CONSTRUCTION = { #temple buildings # modifier = { # TEMPLE_TAX_MODIFIER = 0.5 # } # 1 = { # add_building = tp_barracks_3 # add_building = tp_town_3 # add_building = no_shrine_2 # add_building = no_shrine_3 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_2 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_3 # } # 2 = { # add_building = tp_monastery_3 # add_building = tp_elite_barracks_3 # add_building = no_shrine_4 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_4 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_5 # } # 3 = { # add_building = tp_barracks_4 # add_building = tp_town_4 # add_building = tp_school_1 # add_building = no_shrine_5 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_6 # } # 4 = { # add_building = tp_monastery_4 # add_building = tp_elite_barracks_4 # add_building = no_shrine_6 # add_building = no_shrine_7 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_7 # } # 5 = { # add_building = tp_barracks_5 # add_building = tp_town_5 # add_building = no_shrine_8 # add_building = no_minority_shrine_8 # } # 6 = { # add_building = tp_monastery_5 # add_building = tp_elite_barracks_5 # add_building = tp_school_2 # } # 7 = { # add_building = tp_barracks_6 # add_building = tp_town_6 # } # 8 = { # add_building = tp_monastery_6 # add_building = tp_elite_barracks_6 # } # }
From v2_70.csv:
[commented out, and rewritten version with the same string name added in its place, in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
String Name | Text (EN) | Text (FR) | Text (DE) | Text (ES) |
#corrupting_magic_minor_desc | All power comes at a price. The use of dark magic has corrupted this character's body, making it frail and susceptible to disease. | Tout pouvoir a un prix. L'utilisation de la magie noire a corrompu le corps de ce personnage, le rendant fragile et sensible aux maladies. | Alle Macht hat ihren Preis. Die Verwendung dunkler Magie hat den Körper dieser Person verdorben und ihn gebrechlich und anfällig für Krankheiten gemacht. | El poder tiene un precio. El uso de la magia oscura ha corrompido el cuerpo de este personaje, debilitándolo y volviéndolo susceptible a la enfermedad. |
From ze_childhood_events.txt:
[for event ZE.12092; commented out in 3.0 or 3.0.1]
# tooltip = { #Commented out as this was never a *guarantee*, so should not be tooltiped. # opinion = { # who = ROOT # modifier = opinion_happy_with_guardian # years = 2 # } # }