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Title Screen


Also known as: Cyberbike Cycling Sports
Developer: EKO Software[1]
Publishers: Neko Entertainment[2], BigBen Interactive[3], Agetec[3] (US)
Platform: Wii
Released in US: June 29, 2011[3]
Released in EU: November 27, 2009[4]

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

To do:
A few things still need to be checked, including:
  • If 17.MG04WAGONBALADE.wav is loaded for any of the CycloRail stages.
  • If any unused text or graphics reside in the game files.

Cyberbike is an "exergame" exclusive to the Wii that came bundled with a full exercise bike, where you explore a polluted planet called Cyclo using various environmentally friendly vehicles to clear up waste throughout several stages.

Unused Music

In the directory where the game music is contained (ObjetCommun/WldExportation/Musics), four tracks are present that aren't referenced in the main executable file. As such, they never get called by the game.

Name File

Development Text

In the main executable, main.dol, there are a lot of string references to debug elements and other development pieces.

Log File

Found in the strings for the main executable, there's text references to a log file with the filename Log.txt, along with headers for when it's opened and closed.

Strings for opening the file:

******************** Open log file : Log.txt.

Strings for closing the file:

******************** Close log file.

Compilation Date

In the same area as the log strings, there is also text for a compilation date present for when the build was done.

******************** Compilation date : %s - %s 

Strings for the date and time of the compilation build are also present for the string fields.

Aug  3 2009
Dec 14 2010

Debug Strings

In the main executable file, there are a lot of debugging strings for printing variables, general debugging, or error messages if something went wrong in the function.
Below is a list of some of those strings, some of these are also shared with other games developed by EKO Software.


close level
fTimeToWaitForLoad %f
\n m_lastXAxis : %.4f,m_lastYAxis : %.4f,m_lastRXAxis : %.4f,m_lastRYAxis : %.4f\n
Objets executes %d
Messages en sortie %d
Delais en attente %d
During en cours %d
Total des objets executes %d
Total de messages sortis %d
Total des delais executes %d
Total des during executes %d
NbFreelements %d/%d
Elment %d: identifier 0x%x, Status 0x%x\n
   HEIGHT_TARGET : %f/%f
   HEIGHT_CAMERA : %f/%f
   DIST_FRONT : %f/%f
   DIST_REAR : %f/%f
   Current Rear/Front : %f
cam_state = CENTER\n
cam_state = FOLLOW\n
THPPlayerCalcNeedMemory() %d\n
nSizeAlloc %d\n
Open DVD file: %s\n
Open NAND file: %s\n
Openning file in NAND /tmp: error code = %d, bytes free=%d, inodes free=%d\n
Create NAND file: %s\n
Re-open NAND file: %s\n
Total memory: %d bytes | %d k bytes | %d m bytes\n
sonar pos : %f, %f, %f
\n\n\n\n\n\n m_fClickSpeed : %f
Calories : %f
X : %.3f\t,\t%.3f\t,\t%.3f\n
Y : %.3f\t,\t%.3f\t,\t%.3f\n
Z : %.3f\t,\t%.3f\t,\t%.3f\n
Sec %f, Sprite #%d
SoundCallback: %d, %d\n
m_nCurSelect : %d
-     Last Jump size (XZ): %f (%f, %f).\n
Player : %f %f %f \n
camera : %f, %f, %f \n
camera verif : %f, %f, %f \n
speed : %f
Vitesse avancement %f
Liste de bonus dynamiques pleine !!!
SPEED !!!  : %.3f \n
Vecteur Orientation (Mat+3) : %.3f, %.3f,  %.3f 
Vecteur Position (m_Pos) : %.3f, %.3f,  %.3f 
Sub Prop Cam Pos %f %f %f, target %f %f %f\n
cur select: %d
%f %f %f %f
 n cur select : %d
 m_ncurSelect : %d \n
 pourcent : %.3f
nCur Select : %d \n
m_nCurSelect : %d \n
 Cur select : %d \n
 Curent Select : %d \n 
Nb Particles B : %d
Nb Particles B nuage : %d


CommonRessources déjà chargées !!! Source : %s, Ligne : %d
Pas de font dans votre common.rck !!!
SetTypeInstance dans un delay INTERDIT !!! : %x
ERREUR FATALE : InitLangagae %s, %d - Nombre d'objets du langage different du nombre d'objets du moteur !!!
Can't load lightsystem : please rebuild lights !!!
The only way to close a level is to set m_bHaveToClose to true !!!
Trying to play a none 4 bits sound (ADPCM)
Augmenter le nombre de sons controllables\npar le CCactusDefaultSoundController.\n[%d] ne suffit plus!
Problem during AllocSound! Impossible to allocate.
Problem during AllocSound! Impossible to use default controller.
Problem during SubmitSound!
Call Tridi on an already Played sound!
Problem during SetSoundTridi! Can not get Default controller.
Problem during PlaySound! Impossible to validate sound.
Error while loading optimisation/shadow mesh of master mesh %d, please verify errors while you export with the data builder (NOTAPVS)
Too many vertex in a collision mesh (n°%d): max is 63.
Too many vertex (%d) in a face of a collision mesh (n°%d): max is 16.
Material ID of the object superior of the number of material in the level : please rebuild material under the data builder (NOTAPVS.EXE)
An object outside the world\n
Polyligne non utilisee sur sur Camera (instance 0x%x)
A camera outside the world\n
Trop de delais simultanés. Maximum MAX_DELAY =%d.
Conflit: La version du compilateur est %d. La version de l'emulateur est %d\n
Emulation du mot cle cut ajournee.\n Vous ne serez plus avertis pour les executions ulterieures\n
Trop de mesages a l'init. Maximum %d. Attendez vous a des mauvaises blagues.
world_collision::MessageIn sans Press prealable\n
world_collision::UnPress sans Press prealable\n
world_collision::MessagePersoUnpress sans Press prealable\n
world_volume::MessageIn sans Enter prealable\n
world_volume::MessageLeave sans Enter prealable\n
world_volume::MessagePersoLeave sans Enter prealable\n
ComputeBase ne gere pas les anims mocapées
CreateCam ne gere pas les anims mocapées
L'anim %d n'existe pas dans cet objet...
Message %d non géré par l'instance 0x%x
Attention : Demande d'interpolation de camera sans changement de CameraMotionType sur le viewport %d
SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE : L'instance RacePath n'a pas de polyline
SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE : L'instance CameraPath n'a pas de polyline
SET_CAMERA_MOTION_CIRCLE : IdInstance non valide !!!
SET_CAMERA_MOTION_2DCAMERA : IdInstance non valide !!!
ERREUR FATALE : ProcessMessage %s, %d - L'instance %d n'existe pas, on ne peut donc pas lui envoyer son message
Unhandled Engine message : 0x%X
Fichier de ressources invalide.\n
Version du fichier de ressources trop vielle: %d.\n, La version du chargeur de ressources est %d.\n On continue quand meme hein?
Version du fichier de ressources trop recente: %d.\n La version du chargeur de ressources est %d.\n On continue quand meme hein?
Numero de banque du fichier de ressource incorrect %d possibilite[%d, %d].\n On saute.\n
Problem with texture size : xsize = %d, ysize = %d
Can't open DVD file %s\n
NANDInit failed: %d\n
Can't open NAND file: %s (%d)\n
Check fail: %d\n
Can't create NAND file: %s (%d)\n
Can't open NAND file %s (%d)\n
No enough free memory in %s for allocating %d bytes (%d k bytes)\n
Trop d'objets à tracer tout le temps...
Liste des instances de jeu a reseter trop petite.
Too many NpcPath in this level (max is %d)
CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Erreur de viewport...
CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE dans THE PLAN
CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser SET_CAMERA_MOTION_HANDCAMERA dans THE PLAN
CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser autre chose que des cameras de type TYPE_TARGET dans THE PLAN
CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser SET_CAMERA_AUTOFOCUS dans THE PLAN
CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Message de camera inconnu
GET_MENULEVEL : Ne pas utliser!!!
Message DisplaySprite : Texture %x non valide
Use SaveAuto(Instance)!!!\nInstance will be used for Position and Direction.
In multiplayer level use SaveAutoMulti!!!
Use WrongPlace(Volume)!!!\nVolume is used to know which one is in.
Unknown MenuId 
Can't open configuration file, options not saved...
Too many Characters (Player(s) and/or Npc). Max is %d
An ennemy (Id=%x) is outside of the world, please check this !!!
Unknow message (%d) for NPC (Id=%x)
Unknow teleportation mode !
The instance given as path for npc does not have any path
A path for an Npc must have at least 2 vertex
%i Unknown Mini Game State
You can't redefine a generic box, this is the default setting !!!
Unknow type for exploding object (Id=%x)
Aggrandir le tableau des Bonus Wagon, limite dépassée : %d
Max FLowers Reached
Suction Pad non Taggué correctement pour le fx

Development Asset References

In a few of the debug strings, references to some development pieces can be found, these are:

  • In two error messages used when loading a mesh, it mentions a data builder with the filename of NOTAPVS.EXE, likely one of the development tools used for the game.
Error while loading optimisation/shadow mesh of master mesh %d, please verify errors while you export with the data builder (NOTAPVS)
Material ID of the object superior of the number of material in the level : please rebuild material under the data builder (NOTAPVS.EXE)
  • Some *.cpp files for the Cactus engine (EKO Software's proprietary engine) are referenced by their filename for some error messages.

Removed Asset References

Also found in the main executable file are references to files (and their contained directories) that were since removed from the game and only exist as string references.

Executable File - Assets

Text Reference(s) Note(s)
MUSICS/03.VOICE01.WAV A removed WAV audio file, possibly meant to go with a voice-over.
ObjetCommun/WldExportation/Video/bonus.thp A removed THP Video file, unknown as to what the contents could be.

Executable File - Levels

Text Reference(s) Note(s)
Possibly an older version of the Lvl_New_Sub levels.
Lvl_Test_Turret/WldExportation/Layer1/Lvl_Test_Turret.gel Likely a test level to assist with developing a set of mechanics before use.
Possibly a different set of levels at some point during development.

While the directory itself no longer exists, the filenames it references are still used for the Lvl_New_Sub levels.

Development Leftovers

In the files for the game, a handful of assets leftover from the game's development can be found.

Unused Folders

In the European release of the game, 3 unused folders can be found in the root file directory. All files that would've been included in these were deleted. These are:

Text Reference(s) Note(s)
Level_Training_01_City_Breath Both are used as level paths in The Garfield Show: Threat of the Space Lasagna.[5]
Race_01 Used as a level path (/Single/Race_01) in Garfield: Lasagna World Tour.[5]

Project Leftovers

In some of the folders in the game files, vssver.scc files from the team's Visual SourceSafe project were left on the disc.

File Note(s)
hbm/HomeButton2/vssver.scc The GUID on all of these come back as {AF5F054B-619C-4ED2-96E4-C609B3F24B0B}.

Internal Name

The game's internal name is Driive, mentioned by the Wii Disc Header, save file (Driive.sav) and the common animation files (E.g. DriiveMenu.ani).


  1. Cyberbike - EKO Software
  2. Games - Cyberbike Cycling Sports (Wii™) - Neko Entertainment
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Cyberbike Ships Release - BigBen Interactive, Jun. 29, 2011
  4. Cyberbike - Gamereactor
  5. 5.0 5.1 Also developed by EKO Software.