Garfield: Lasagna World Tour
Garfield: Lasagna World Tour |
Developer: EKO Software[1]
![]() |
In the sequel to Garfield: Saving Arlene, Garfield travels from Muncie, Indiana to the deserts of Egypt to "Mexican City(sic)" to Venice and then finally back to where he started, all in search of a legendary lasagna hoard. It's also noticeably rushed, being fairly buggy, lacking a lot of polish, and reusing the first world's assets and music for the final world.
Notes |
Unused Music
Venice Boss
Every area in the game has two music tracks, with one being played for the majority of the area's levels, and one being reserved for boss fights and multiplayer minigames. The levels set in Mexico and Venice don't have boss fights, but Mexico's boss theme can still be heard in a few of the multiplayer minigames. Since none of the minigames take place in Venice, however, its boss theme is never heard by the player.
Level Names
Unlike in Saving Arlene, Lasagna World Tour does not feature title cards for its levels. However, the level names can still be seen when saving or loading a save file, as the name of the current level is listed in each file. Despite the fact that the level names are easier to miss, they are more creative; for example, in Saving Arlene, level names were somewhat descriptive (i.e. "Yapping Yards" for a suburban area full of dogs, and "Dubious Dusk" for a suburban area at dusk) and levels with the same theme shared names (for example, since two levels take place in sewers, they are named "Sinuous Sewers I" and "Sinuous Sewers II"). In Lasagna World Tour, the level names are often puns or references, and every level has a unique name.
The player cannot save during levels, only between them, and the save files always display the name of the level that is about to be played, rather than the one that was just completed. Because of this, the name of the first level should be impossible to view in-game, but the final level (the final boss fight) erroneously uses the first level's name, rendering its own name unseen. The first level's name is "Bring on the party!" and the final level's name is "Face to face".
Development Text
Original | Translation |
.mat Problem with texture size : xsize = %d, ysize = %d p?Problem during PlaySound! Impossible to validate sound. Problem during SetSoundTridi! Can not get Default controller. Call Tridi on an already Played sound! Problem during SubmitSound! Problem during AllocSound! Impossible to use default controller. Problem during AllocSound! Impossible to allocate. <PAS_DE_FICHIER Augmenter le nombre de sons controllables par le CCactusDefaultSoundController. [%d] ne suffit plus! @Numero de banque du fichier de ressource incorrect %d possibilite[%d, %d]. On saute. |
.mat Problem with texture size : xsize = %d, ysize = %d p?Problem during PlaySound! Impossible to validate sound. Problem during SetSoundTridi! Can not get Default controller. Call Tridi on an already Played sound! Problem during SubmitSound! Problem during AllocSound! Impossible to use default controller. Problem during AllocSound! Impossible to allocate. <NO_FILE Augment the number of sounds controlled by the CCactusDefaultSoundController. [%d] is not enough anymore! @Incorrect resource file bank number %d possibility[%d, %d]. Let's jump. |
Version du fichier de ressources trop recente: %d. La version du chargeur de ressources est %d. On continue quand meme hein? Version du fichier de ressources trop vielle: %d. , La version du chargeur de ressources est %d. On continue quand meme hein? Fichier de ressources invalide. |
Resource file version too recent: %d. The version of the resource loader is %d. Let's continue nonetheless right? Resource file version too old: %d. , The version of the resource loader is %d. Let's continue nonetheless right? Invalid resource file. |
.vis .gel Can't open file %s |
.std .sts ?SET_CAMERA_MOTION_2DCAMERA : IdInstance non valide !!! SET_CAMERA_MOTION_CIRCLE : IdInstance non valide !!! SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE : L'instance CameraPath n'a pas de polyline SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE : L'instance RacePath n'a pas de polyline #=CCactusCameraMotionManager : wrong camera motion type ? Current Rear/Front : %f DIST_REAR : %f/%f DIST_FRONT : %f/%f DIST_CAMERA_TARGET : %f/%f HEIGHT_CAMERA : %f/%f HEIGHT_TARGET : %f/%f COEFF_INTERPOLATION : %f 2DCAMERA PARAMS : Mb`?CCactusInterpolator : Unrecognized function CCactusCameraMotion_Cinematic ne gere pas les anims mocapées ERREUR FATALE : ProcessMessage %s, %d - L'instance %d n'existe pas, on ne peut donc pas lui envoyer son message ..\..\CactusMessageHub\Source\CactusMessageHub.cpp #;%s vs.1.1 dcl_position dcl_normal dcl_color v2 dcl_texcoord m4x4 oPos, v0, c0 r0, v0, c12 r0.w, r0, r0 r0.w, r0.w r0, r0, r0.w r0, r0, v1 oD0, v2 r1, c9 oT0, v3 r2, -r0, r1, c9 r2, r2, c13.x oT1.xy, r2, c13.y vs.1.1 dcl_position dcl_normal dcl_color v2 dcl_texcoord r0, v0 r1, r0, c8 r1, r1, r1 r1.w, r1.w r1.x, r1.x, r1.w r1.x, r1.x, c11.x r1, r1.x r1, r1.x, c11.y r1, r1, v1, r0, r1 m4x4 oPos, r0, c0 oD0, v2, c10, v3 shaders/SkinnedCartoon.vsh shaders/2bones_skin.vsh shaders/lightsource.vsh Shaders/straight.vsh Too many Vertex declarations in CCactusPCShaders.cpp, max is %ɖ |
.std .sts ?SET_CAMERA_MOTION_2DCAMERA : Invalid IdInstance !!! SET_CAMERA_MOTION_CIRCLE : Invalid IdInstance !!! SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE : CameraPath instance doesn't have a polyline SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE : RacePath instance doesn't have a polyline #=CCactusCameraMotionManager : wrong camera motion type ? Current Rear/Front : %f DIST_REAR : %f/%f DIST_FRONT : %f/%f DIST_CAMERA_TARGET : %f/%f HEIGHT_CAMERA : %f/%f HEIGHT_TARGET : %f/%f COEFF_INTERPOLATION : %f 2DCAMERA PARAMS : Mb`?CCactusInterpolator : Unrecognized function CCactusCameraMotion_Cinematic doesn't manage mocaped animations FATAL ERROR : ProcessMessage %s, %d - Instance %d doesn't exist, we then can send it its message ..\..\CactusMessageHub\Source\CactusMessageHub.cpp #;%s vs.1.1 dcl_position dcl_normal dcl_color v2 dcl_texcoord m4x4 oPos, v0, c0 r0, v0, c12 r0.w, r0, r0 r0.w, r0.w r0, r0, r0.w r0, r0, v1 oD0, v2 r1, c9 oT0, v3 r2, -r0, r1, c9 r2, r2, c13.x oT1.xy, r2, c13.y vs.1.1 dcl_position dcl_normal dcl_color v2 dcl_texcoord r0, v0 r1, r0, c8 r1, r1, r1 r1.w, r1.w r1.x, r1.x, r1.w r1.x, r1.x, c11.x r1, r1.x r1, r1.x, c11.y r1, r1, v1, r0, r1 m4x4 oPos, r0, c0 oD0, v2, c10, v3 shaders/SkinnedCartoon.vsh shaders/2bones_skin.vsh shaders/lightsource.vsh Shaders/straight.vsh Too many Vertex declarations in CCactusPCShaders.cpp, max is %ɖ |
CCactusPCShaders::InitVertexShaders() error in shader %s CCactusPCShaders::InitPixelShaders() error in shader %s CCactusPCShaders::SetShader() Direct3D error when setting pixel shader CCactusPCShaders::SetShader() Direct3D error when setting vertex shader CCactusPCShaders::SetShader() Direct3D error when setting vertex declaration DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST .lit X?ComputeBase ne gere pas les anims mocapées Message %d non géré par l'instance 0x%x L'anim %d n'existe pas dans cet objet... o@Conflit: La version du compilateur est %d. La version de l'emulateur est %ɖ |
CCactusPCShaders::InitVertexShaders() error in shader %s CCactusPCShaders::InitPixelShaders() error in shader %s CCactusPCShaders::SetShader() Direct3D error when setting pixel shader CCactusPCShaders::SetShader() Direct3D error when setting vertex shader CCactusPCShaders::SetShader() Direct3D error when setting vertex declaration DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST DEST .lit X?ComputeBase doesn't manage mocaped animations Message %d non managed by instance 0x%x The animation %d doesn't exist in this object... o@Conflict: The version of the compiler is %d. The version of the emulator is %ɖ |
Emulation du mot cle cut ajournee. Vous ne serez plus avertis pour les executions ulterieures |
Emulation of the key word cut postponed. You won't be notified for ulterior executions |
Total des during executes %d Total des delais executes %d Total de messages sortis %d Total des objets executes %d During en cours %d Delais en attente %d Messages en sortie %d Objets executes %d Trop de mesages a l'init. Maximum %d. Attendez vous a des mauvaises blagues. Trop de delais simultanés. Maximum MAX_DELAY =%d. NbFreelements %d/%d world_volume::MessageIn sans Enter prealable world_volume::MessageLeave sans Enter prealable world_volume::MessagePersoLeave sans Enter prealable world_collision::MessageIn sans Press prealable world_collision::UnPress sans Press prealable world_collision::MessagePersoUnpress sans Press prealable" |
Executed during total %d Delays executed total %d Messages output total %d Executed objects total %d Ongoing during %d Delays in waiting %d Messages in output %d Executed Objets %d Too many mesages at init. Maximum %d. Get ready for bad jokes. Too many concurrent delays. Maximum MAX_DELAY =%d. NbFreelements %d/%d world_volume::MessageIn no prior Enter world_volume::MessageLeave no prior Enter world_volume::MessagePersoLeave no prior Enter world_collision::MessageIn no prior Press world_collision::UnPress no prior Press world_collision::MessagePersoUnpress no prior Press |
Delete NoRemove ForceRemove pTentative de création d'une texture déj existante Création de texture échouée. Taille : %d, %d Not enough DeviceLostFunction declaration available!! Max is Currently set to %d. Could not find the configured display mode Arial D3D9 Device Creation Failed : check your desk color depth (Must be 32 bits) Error while obtaining Device Present Parameters! Unable to reset D3DDevice ! Verify that every "persistent" surfaces, pixel or vertex shaders using the D3DPOOL_DEFAULT have a Reset and a Restore function both referenced by CCactusDisplay :: AddDeviceLostFunction. For an example see PCCartoonPacket2.cpp %s : %f %s : %d %s : %x ffF@ @A33 %s file corrupted A camera outside the world |
Delete NoRemove ForceRemove Attempt to create a texture that already exist Texture creation failed. Size : %d, %d Not enough DeviceLostFunction declaration available!! Max is Currently set to %d. Could not find the configured display mode Arial D3D9 Device Creation Failed : check your desk color depth (Must be 32 bits) Error while obtaining Device Present Parameters! Unable to reset D3DDevice ! Verify that every "persistent" surfaces, pixel or vertex shaders using the D3DPOOL_DEFAULT have a Reset and a Restore function both referenced by CCactusDisplay :: AddDeviceLostFunction. For an example see PCCartoonPacket2.cpp %s : %f %s : %d %s : %x ffF@ @A33 %s file corrupted A camera outside the world |
Polyligne non utilisee sur sur Camera An object outside the world |
Polyline unused on on Camera (instance 0x%x) An object outside the world |
Material ID of the object superior of the number of material in the level : please rebuild material under the data builder (NOTAPVS.EXE) Too many vertex (%d) in a face of a collision mesh (n %d): max is 16. Too many vertex in a collision mesh (n %d): max is 63. Error while loading optimisation/shadow mesh of master mesh %d, please verify errors while you export with the data builder (NOTAPVS) zE.col .hsm .ins .mb2 Stream %x not in native platform format : %x instead of %x (Rebuild Instances with NotAPVS) Object ID is bad : %d != %d cmd.exe COMSPEC CorExitProcess mscoree.dll bad allocation PATH .com .exe .bat .cmd EncodePointer KERNEL32.DLL DecodePointer FlsFree FlsSetValue FlsGetValue FlsAlloc runtime error TLOSS error |
SING error |
DOMAIN error |
R6034 An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime library incorrectly. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6033 - Attempt to use MSIL code from this assembly during native code initialization This indicates a bug in your application. It is most likely the result of calling an MSIL-compiled (/clr) function from a native constructor or from DllMain. R6032 - not enough space for locale information R6031 - Attempt to initialize the CRT more than once. This indicates a bug in your application. R6030 - CRT not initialized R6028 - unable to initialize heap R6027 - not enough space for lowio initialization R6026 - not enough space for stdio initialization R6025 - pure virtual function call R6024 - not enough space for _onexit/atexit table R6019 - unable to open console device R6018 - unexpected heap error R6017 - unexpected multithread lock error R6016 - not enough space for thread data This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application's support team for more information. R6009 - not enough space for environment R6008 - not enough space for arguments R6002 - floating point not loaded Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library <program name unknown> Runtime Error! Program: InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount kernel32.dll (null) ( 8PX 700WP `h```` xpxxxx Unknown exception ccs= UTF-8 UTF-16LE UNICODE e+000 GAIsProcessorFeaturePresent KERNEL32 modf floor ceil atan exp10 acos asin log10 bad exception SystemRoot !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ GetProcessWindowStation GetUserObjectInformationA GetLastActivePopup GetActiveWindow MessageBoxA USER32.DLL ('8PW 700PP `h`hhh xppwpp Complete Object Locator' Class Hierarchy Descriptor' Base Class Array' Base Class Descriptor at ( Type Descriptor' `local static thread guard' `managed vector copy constructor iterator' `vector vbase copy constructor iterator' `vector copy constructor iterator' `dynamic atexit destructor for ' `dynamic initializer for ' `eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator' `eh vector copy constructor iterator' `managed vector destructor iterator' `managed vector constructor iterator' `placement delete[] closure' `placement delete closure' `omni callsig' delete[] new[] `local vftable constructor closure' `local vftable' `RTTI `udt returning' `copy constructor closure' `eh vector vbase constructor iterator' `eh vector destructor iterator' `eh vector constructor iterator' `virtual displacement map' `vector vbase constructor iterator' `vector destructor iterator' `vector constructor iterator' `scalar deleting destructor' `default constructor closure' `vector deleting destructor' `vbase destructor' `string' `local static guard' `typeof' `vcall' `vbtable' `vftable' operator delete new __unaligned __restrict __ptr64 __clrcall __fastcall __thiscall __stdcall __pascal __cdecl __based( _nextafter _logb frexp fmod _hypot _cabs ldexp fabs sqrt atan2 tanh cosh sinh !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ{|}~ HH:mm:ss dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy MM/dd/yy December November October September August July June April March February January Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday CONOUT$ 1#QNAN 1#INF 1#IND 1#SNAN SunMonTueWedThuFriSat JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec Anim : %d Speed : %f Time : %f / %f Configuration file is Obsolete... Cfg not found !!! Internal Error !!! Detect.exe Can't save %s. .dan .fin .nor .eng .swe \Data\Videos\%d.avi Save bitmap %05d F/S : %f |
.mpc \Data\ ..\..\Main\MainInit.cpp CommonRessources déj chargées !!! Source : %s, Ligne : %d \Data\Common Pas de font dans votre common.rck !!! \Data\mocapgar.ani \Data\mocapodi.ani \Data\mocappc.ani \Data\mocapgc.ani \Data\mocapSpi.ani \Data\mocapSer.ani SetTypeInstance dans un delay INTERDIT !!! : %x In normal mode only one Garfield instance is allowed!!! In normal mode only one Odie instance is allowed!!! DbgLvl\DbgLvl.gel LvlDemo\LvlDemo.gel CredLvl\CredLvl.gel Data\Level_00\Level_00.gel Data\LangLvl\LangLvl.gel Data\Multi\MG_08\MG_08.gel Data\Multi\MG_07\MG_07.gel Data\Multi\MG_06\MG_06.gel Data\Multi\MG_05\MG_05.gel Data\Multi\MG_04\MG_04.gel Data\Multi\MG_03\MG_03.gel Data\Multi\MG_02\MG_02.gel Data\Multi\MG_01\MG_01.gel Data\Single\Boss\Boss.gel Data\Single\Level_02\Level_02.gel Data\Single\Level_10\Level_10.gel Data\Single\Level_09\Level_09.gel Data\Single\Level_08\Level_08.gel Data\Single\Level_27\Level_27.gel Data\Single\Level_07\Level_07.gel Data\Single\Race_02\Race_02.gel Data\Single\Level_05\Level_05.gel Data\Single\Level_04\Level_04.gel Data\Single\Race_01\Race_01.gel Data\Single\Level_01\Level_01.gel Can't load lightsystem : please rebuild lights !!! .rck ..\..\Main\MainLoad.cpp ERREUR FATALE : InitLangagae %s, %d - Nombre d'objets du langage different du nombre d'objets du moteur !!! The only way to close a level is to set m_bHaveToClose to true !!! EKO_GAME general.cfg Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Garfield Saving Arlene ProgramDir Garfield Lasagna World Tour *.gel level.nam File selection Le fichier level.nam n'est pas accessible. Il est peut- tre protégé en écriture. Sauvegarde non effectuée... Too many Characters (Player(s) and/or Npc). Max is %d COdie :: COdie - Trop de Odie !!! anim ODIE : %d %d %d %d This GameMode is not yet managed! Normal mode is launched! Time Counter %f GET_MENULEVEL : Ne pas utliser!!! Message DisplaySprite : Texture %x non valide Use SaveAuto(Instance)!!! Instance will be used for Position and Direction. In multiplayer level use SaveAutoMulti!!! In one player level use SaveAuto!!! Use SauveAutoMulti(Volume, Instance)!!! Volume is used to know which one is in. Instance will be used for Position and Direction. |
.mpc \Data\ ..\..\Main\MainInit.cpp CommonResources that are already loaded !!! Source : %s, Ligne : %d \Data\Common No font in your.rck !!! \Data\mocapgar.ani \Data\mocapodi.ani \Data\mocappc.ani \Data\mocapgc.ani \Data\mocapSpi.ani \Data\mocapSer.ani SetTypeInstance in a delay FORBIDDEN !!! : %x In normal mode only one Garfield instance is allowed!!! In normal mode only one Odie instance is allowed!!! DbgLvl\DbgLvl.gel LvlDemo\LvlDemo.gel CredLvl\CredLvl.gel Data\Level_00\Level_00.gel Data\LangLvl\LangLvl.gel Data\Multi\MG_08\MG_08.gel Data\Multi\MG_07\MG_07.gel Data\Multi\MG_06\MG_06.gel Data\Multi\MG_05\MG_05.gel Data\Multi\MG_04\MG_04.gel Data\Multi\MG_03\MG_03.gel Data\Multi\MG_02\MG_02.gel Data\Multi\MG_01\MG_01.gel Data\Single\Boss\Boss.gel Data\Single\Level_02\Level_02.gel Data\Single\Level_10\Level_10.gel Data\Single\Level_09\Level_09.gel Data\Single\Level_08\Level_08.gel Data\Single\Level_27\Level_27.gel Data\Single\Level_07\Level_07.gel Data\Single\Race_02\Race_02.gel Data\Single\Level_05\Level_05.gel Data\Single\Level_04\Level_04.gel Data\Single\Race_01\Race_01.gel Data\Single\Level_01\Level_01.gel Can't load lightsystem : please rebuild lights !!! .rck ..\..\Main\MainLoad.cpp FATAL ERROR : InitLangagae %s, %d - Number of language objects different from the number of objects of the engine !!! The only way to close a level is to set m_bHaveToClose to true !!! EKO_GAME general.cfg Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Garfield Saving Arlene ProgramDir Garfield Lasagna World Tour *.gel level.nam File selection The file ̈level isn't accessible. It may be protected in script. Saving not performed... Too many Characters (Player(s) and/or Npc). Max is %d COdie :: COdie - Too many Odie !!! anim ODIE : %d %d %d %d This GameMode is not yet managed! Normal mode is launched! Time Counter %f GET_MENULEVEL : Do not use!! Message DisplaySprite : Texture %x invalid Use SaveAuto(Instance)!!! Instance will be used for Position and Direction. In multiplayer level use SaveAutoMulti!!! In one player level use SaveAuto!!! Use SauveAutoMulti(Volume, Instance)!!! Volume is used to know which one is in. Instance will be used for Position and Direction. |
Use WrongPlace(Volume)!!! Volume is used to know which one is in. Use Win(Volume)!!! Volume is used to know which one is in. Unknown MenuId A Bad Bonus For Moles!!! It will be Ignored... Common m_fTimeJump = %f (%f) (%f). Liste des instances de jeu a reseter trop petite. SignPost Creation Error : AddSignPost() ne doit etre fait que dans l'Init. Change SignPost Error : l'objet n'a pas de SignPost associé PAS DE AddLoopSoundObject EN DEHORS D'UN INIT No Saved game struct !!! SavePos.bin m_PosObservationPoint.m_y : %f (%f) Main character info : - m_bCanFalling : %d - m_fHeightFromGround : %f - m_LastHeightWorld : %f - Current Anim (%f / %f): %d, %d, %d, %d - m_Pos : %f, %f, %f. On ground : %d Jump Status : %d m_ViewportMask : %d GetViewportUsed : %d - Speed : (%f), %f, %f, %f. - Last Jump size (XZ): %f (%f, %f). |
Use WrongPlace(Volume)!!! Volume is used to know which one is in. Use Win(Volume)!!! Volume is used to know which one is in. Unknown MenuId A Bad Bonus For Moles!!! It will be Ignored... Common m_fTimeJump = %f (%f) (%f). List of game instances to reset too small. SignPost Creation Error : AddSignPost() has to only be made in the Init. Change SignPost Error : the objet doesn't have a corresponding SignPost NO AddLoopSoundObject OUTSIDE OF AN INIT No Saved game struct !!! SavePos.bin m_PosObservationPoint.m_y : %f (%f) Main character info : - m_bCanFalling : %d - m_fHeightFromGround : %f - m_LastHeightWorld : %f - Current Anim (%f / %f): %d, %d, %d, %d - m_Pos : %f, %f, %f. On ground : %d Jump Status : %d m_ViewportMask : %d GetViewportUsed : %d - Speed : (%f), %f, %f, %f. - Last Jump size (XZ): %f (%f, %f). |
Unknow teleportation mode ! Erreur : Id chapo > 5 Friends must be Instance_Game Hit Perso par Script : pas de vecteur en 2eme parametre Unknown Event Key in CPersonnage :: ProcessACustomKey Trop d'objets tracer tout le temps... game.sav Save file %s is obsolete... Your Jet instance (Id=%x) must have a DefaultVector !!! Second param of SetOnOff Message for jet instance (Id=%x) must be ON or OFF Too many NpcPath in this level (max is %d) Unknow Split method EnTEr ThE hELLiX! Speed=%f Accel=%f Angle=%f PrevAngle=%f %d - %f %d - %d - prev2%f - p1%f - a2%f |
<pre>Unknow teleportation mode ! Error : Id chapo > 5 Friends must be Instance_Game Hit Perso par Script : no vector in 2nd parameter Unknown Event Key in CCharacter :: ProcessACustomKey Too many objects draw all the time... game.sav Save file %s is obsolete... Your Jet instance (Id=%x) must have a DefaultVector !!! Second param of SetOnOff Message for jet instance (Id=%x) must be ON or OFF Too many NpcPath in this level (max is %d) Unknow Split method EnTEr ThE hELLiX! Speed=%f Accel=%f Angle=%f PrevAngle=%f %d - %f %d - %d - prev2%f - p1%f - a2%f |
No more KickingInstance than %d. Increase e_MaxKickingInstance. npc jump percent %f No more BurningInstance than %d. Increase e_MaxBurningInstance. Must call SetBurningObjectCalibre for object 0x%X sfStart snFlame snNbFlame Unknown param for burning object! Liste de bonus dynamiques pleine !!! Pas de target pour le lazer target id instance : %x An ennemy (Id=%x) is outside of the world, please check this !!! Unknow message (%d) for NPC (Id=%x) - Reveil Anim (%f / %f): %d, %d, %d, %d Anim %d %d %d %d ERREUR : Pas d'infos de hit pour le petit chien !!! No more ExplodingInstance than %d. Increase e_MaxExplodingInstance. Unknow type for exploding object (Id=%x) Bonus Type Invalide for Exploding instance You can't redefine a generic box, this is the default setting !!! Data\ Sound Used %.4f Mo / 6 Mo Sound Used %.4f Mo / 6 Mo |
No more KickingInstance than %d. Increase e_MaxKickingInstance. npc jump percent %f No more BurningInstance than %d. Increase e_MaxBurningInstance. Must call SetBurningObjectCalibre for object 0x%X sfStart snFlame snNbFlame Unknown param for burning object! List of dynamic bonuses is full !!! No target for the lazer target id instance : %x An ennemy (Id=%x) is outside of the world, please check this !!! Unknow message (%d) for NPC (Id=%x) - Reveil Anim (%f / %f): %d, %d, %d, %d Anim %d %d %d %d ERROR : No hit info for the little dog !!! No more ExplodingInstance than %d. Increase e_MaxExplodingInstance. Unknow type for exploding object (Id=%x) Bonus Type Invalide for Exploding instance You can't redefine a generic box, this is the default setting !!! Data\ Sound Used %.4f Mo / 6 Mo Sound Used %.4f Mo / 6 Mo |
ERREUR : Ram son disponible sur PS2 dépassée !!! Not enough context available! Current transition not finished!!! Not a valid state for this transition! Not a valid transition! Define the camera before add the vignette! No scale to 0%! Use the good transition Round # %d Perso 1 Score : %d Perso 2 Score : %d CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Erreur de viewport... CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser LOAD_HANDCAMERA_PARAMS, SAVE_HANDCAMERA_PARAMS ou SET_HANDCAMERA_PARAMS dans THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE dans THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser SET_CAMERA_MOTION_HANDCAMERA dans THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser autre chose que des cameras de type TYPE_TARGET dans THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Il ne faut pas utiliser SET_CAMERA_AUTOFOCUS dans THE PLAN SET_CAMERA_MOTION_CINEMATIC NON GERE POUR L'INSTANT CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Message de camera inconnu m_fTimeSynchroStream : %f cam dist cam Y dist height target NB Powers: %d Suit Bone none current Power: %s Power enables: %d %d %d Sec %f, Sprite #%d SignPost Warning ! Aucun 'Vector %#010x' dans l'Instance associé au SignPost. Pistol X pos Pistol Y pos Pistol Z pos No FlameBelch Instance! Call SetFlameBelch in language! sfScale 0.01f sfScale 0.1f sfScale 1.0f sfScaleX sfScaleY sfT 0.01f sfT 0.1f sfT 1.0f sfGravity 10f sfGravity 1.0f sfAnotherScale snPos snDrawDebug EventKey not set for BoneThrow! The instance given as path for npc does not have any path A path for an Npc must have at least 2 vertex Le Npc Path utilisé par le NPC %x n'a pas ete instancié en INSTANCE_NPC_PATH DO LENS FLARE gravity water size min size max size add force water delta size mult dir min pas de vecteur dans le baril Max Halos Reached : %d Effet non jour! Faire un sprite! DO MIST firefly area |
ERROR : Sounds ram available on PS2 exceeded !!! Not enough context available! Current transition not finished!!! Not a valid state for this transition! Not a valid transition! Define the camera before add the vignette! No scale to 0%! Use the good transition Round # %d Perso 1 Score : %d Perso 2 Score : %d CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Viewport error... CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - LOAD_HANDCAMERA_PARAMS, SAVE_HANDCAMERA_PARAMS or SET_HANDCAMERA_PARAMS shouldn't be used in THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - SET_CAMERA_MOTION_RACE shouldn't be used in THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - SET_CAMERA_MOTION_HANDCAMERA shouldn't be used in THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Camera types other than TYPE_TARGET shouldn't be used in THE PLAN CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - SET_CAMERA_AUTOFOCUS shouldn't be used in THE PLAN SET_CAMERA_MOTION_CINEMATIC NOT MANAGED AT THE MOMENT CCameraSave :: SaveCamera - Unknown Camera message m_fTimeSynchroStream : %f cam dist cam Y dist height target NB Powers: %d Suit Bone none current Power: %s Power enables: %d %d %d Sec %f, Sprite #%d SignPost Warning ! No 'Vector %#010x' in Instance involved with SignPost. Pistol X pos Pistol Y pos Pistol Z pos No FlameBelch Instance! Call SetFlameBelch in language! sfScale 0.01f sfScale 0.1f sfScale 1.0f sfScaleX sfScaleY sfT 0.01f sfT 0.1f sfT 1.0f sfGravity 10f sfGravity 1.0f sfAnotherScale snPos snDrawDebug EventKey not set for BoneThrow! The instance given as path for npc does not have any path A path for an Npc must have at least 2 vertex The Npc Path used by NPC %x wasn't instantiated in INSTANCE_NPC_PATH DO LENS FLARE gravity water size min size max size add force water delta size mult dir min no vector in the barrel Max Halos Reached : %d Effect not up to date! Make a sprite! DO MIST firefly area |
GetCurrentThread Sleep SetThreadPriority GetLastError CreateMutexA GetVersionExA lstrcpyA KERNEL32.dll MessageBoxA MoveWindow RegisterClassA DialogBoxParamA UpdateWindow SystemParametersInfoA DispatchMessageA PostMessageA ShowWindow GetDesktopWindow DefWindowProcA EndDialog GetDlgItem PeekMessageA CreateWindowExA GetWindowLongA ShowCursor TranslateMessage WaitMessage SendMessageA SetFocus LoadIconA PostQuitMessage GetWindowRect SetCursor USER32.dll GetOpenFileNameA comdlg32.dll RegQueryValueExA RegOpenKeyExA RegCloseKey ADVAPI32.dll CoUninitialize CoInitialize ole32.dll D3DXAssembleShader D3DXAssembleShaderFromFileA DSOUND.dll d3dx9_29.dll mmioAscend mmioRead mmioDescend mmioOpenA mmioSeek mmioSetInfo mmioAdvance mmioGetInfo mmioClose WINMM.dll CreateThread CloseHandle CreateWaitableTimerA WaitForSingleObject SetEvent SetWaitableTimer CancelWaitableTimer WaitForMultipleObjects CreateEventA ReleaseMutex QueryPerformanceCounter QueryPerformanceFrequency MultiByteToWideChar GetProcAddress GetModuleHandleA ExitProcess GetCommandLineA HeapFree HeapAlloc GetProcessHeap GetStartupInfoA RtlUnwind TerminateProcess GetCurrentProcess UnhandledExceptionFilter SetUnhandledExceptionFilter IsDebuggerPresent GetFileAttributesA TlsGetValue TlsAlloc TlsSetValue TlsFree InterlockedIncrement SetLastError GetCurrentThreadId InterlockedDecrement WriteFile GetStdHandle GetModuleFileNameA DeleteCriticalSection LeaveCriticalSection EnterCriticalSection LoadLibraryA InitializeCriticalSection RaiseException ReadFile WideCharToMultiByte GetConsoleCP GetConsoleMode FreeEnvironmentStringsA GetEnvironmentStrings FreeEnvironmentStringsW GetEnvironmentStringsW SetHandleCount GetFileType HeapDestroy HeapCreate VirtualFree GetTickCount GetCurrentProcessId GetSystemTimeAsFileTime VirtualAlloc HeapReAlloc HeapSize FlushFileBuffers SetFilePointer GetExitCodeProcess CreateProcessA GetCPInfo GetACP GetOEMCP GetLocaleInfoA CreateFileA SetStdHandle WriteConsoleA GetConsoleOutputCP WriteConsoleW CompareStringA CompareStringW SetEnvironmentVariableA GetStringTypeA GetStringTypeW LCMapStringA LCMapStringW SetEndOfFile IsDlgButtonChecked CheckDlgButton SetDlgItemInt GetDlgItemInt GetClientRect GetSystemMetrics SetWindowPos CoCreateInstance D3DXCreateFontA Direct3DCreate9 DirectInput8Create d3d9.dll DINPUT8.dll Lasagna.exe ?AddBlackScreen@CMainGame@@QAAXXZ ?AddColorScreen@CMainGame@@QAAXH@Z ?AddWhiteScreen@CMainGame@@QAAXXZ ?InitFx@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?InitLights@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?InitPerso@CPersonnage@@QAAXH@Z ?InitRessources@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?InitSound@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?InitStatic@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?InitString@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?LoadNextLevel@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?PrepareExit@CMainGame@@QAAXM@Z ?Reset@CMainGame@@AAAXXZ ?ResetPerso@CPersonnage@@QAAX_N@Z ?SetLangage@CMainGame@@AAAXW4ELangages@1@@Z ?SetMainStatus@CMainGame@@AAAXW4EMainStatus@1@@Z ?StartFadeIn@CMainGame@@QAAXMH@Z ?StartFadeOut@CMainGame@@QAAXMH@Z ?StartGameMenu@CMainGame@@QAAXXZ ?StartPressStartMenu@CMainGame@@QAAXXZ |
Original | Translation |
1 Please insert "The Gift" CD1 in your CD player and relaunch the game. 2 No configuration files. Relaunch the game after closing the configuration program. 61440 Ouvrir 61441 Enregistrer sous 61442 Tous les fichiers (*.*) 61443 Sans nom 61446 un fichier non nommé 61457 &Masquer 61472 Aucun message d'erreur n'est disponible. 61473 Une opération non prise en charge a été tentée. 61474 Une ressource requise était non disponible. 61475 Mémoire insuffisante. 61476 Une erreur inconnue s'est produite. 61477 Un argument non valide a été détecté. 61696 Nom de fichier non valide. 61697 L'ouverture du document a échoué. 61698 L'enregistrement du document a échoué. 61699 Enregistrer les modifications apportées à %1 ? 61700 La création d'un document vide a échoué. 61701 Le fichier est trop volumineux pour être ouvert. 61702 Impossible de lancer l'impression. 61703 Le démarrage de l'aide a échoué. 61704 Erreur d'application interne. 61705 La commande a échoué. 61706 Mémoire insuffisante pour exécuter l'opération. 61707 Les entrées du registre Système ont été supprimées et le fichier INI (si besoin est) a été effacé. 61708 Toutes les entrées du registre Système (ou le fichier INI) n'ont pas été supprimées. 61709 Ce programme requiert le fichier %s. Celui-ci est introuvable sur ce système. 61710 Ce programme est lié à l'export %s, absent du fichier %s. Cet ordinateur semble présenter une version non compatible de %s. 61712 Tapez un nombre entier. 61713 Tapez un nombre. 61714 Tapez un nombre entier compris entre %1 et %2. 61715 Tapez un nombre compris entre %1 et %2. 61716 Tapez %1 caractères au maximum. 61717 Choisissez un bouton. 61718 Veuillez entrer un entier compris entre 0 et 255. 61719 Veuillez entrer un entier positif. 61720 Veuillez entrer une date et/ou une heure. 61721 Veuillez entrer une monnaie. 61722 Veuillez entrer un GUID. 61723 Veuillez entrer une heure. 61724 Veuillez entrer une date. 61728 Format de fichier inattendu. 61729 %1\nImpossible de trouver ce fichier. Vérifiez que le chemin et le nom du fichier sont corrects. 61730 Le lecteur de disque de destination est plein. 61731 Impossible de lire à partir de %1, il est en cours d'utilisation. 61732 Impossible d'écrire sur %1, il est en lecture seule ou en cours d'utilisation. 61733 Une erreur inattendue s'est produite lors de la lecture de %1. 61734 Une erreur inattendue s'est produite lors de l'écriture de %1. 61744 %1: %2\nPoursuivre l'exécution du script ? 61745 Exception distribuée : %1 61836 Impossible de lire une propriété en écriture seule. 61837 Impossible d'écrire une propriété en lecture seule. 61840 Impossible de charger la prise en charge du système de messagerie électronique. 61841 La DLL système de la messagerie n'est pas valide. 61842 La messagerie électronique n'a pas pu envoyer le message. 61856 Aucune erreur ne s'est produite. 61857 Une erreur inconnue s'est produite lors de l'accès à %1. 61858 Impossible de trouver %1. 61859 %1 contient un chemin non valide. 61860 Impossible d'ouvrir %1 car il y a trop de fichiers ouverts. 61861 L'accès à %1 a été refusé. 61862 Un descripteur de fichier non valide a été associé à %1. 61863 Impossible d'enlever %1 car c'est le répertoire courant. 61864 Impossible de créer %1 car le répertoire est plein. 61865 Échec de la recherche sur %1 61866 Une erreur d'E/S matérielle a été reportée lors de l'accès à %1. 61867 Une violation de partage s'est produite lors de l'accès à %1. 61868 Une violation de verrouillage s'est produite lors de l'accès à %1. 61869 Disque plein lors de l'accès à %1. 61870 Tentative d'accès à %1 après sa fin. 61872 Aucune erreur ne s'est produite. 61873 Une erreur inconnue s'est produite lors de l'accès à %1. 61874 Tentative d'écriture de %1 ouvert pour la lecture. 61875 Tentative d'accès à %1 après sa fin. 61876 Tentative de lecture de %1 ouvert pour l'écriture. 61877 %1 a un mauvais format. 61878 %1 contient un objet inattendu. 61879 %1 contient un schéma incorrect. 61888 pixels 62177 Désactiver 62178 Activer 62179 Mixte |
1 Please insert "The Gift" CD1 in your CD player and relaunch the game. 2 No configuration files. Relaunch the game after closing the configuration program. 61440 Open 61441 Save as 61442 All the files (*.*) 61443 Unnamed 61446 an unnamed file 61457 &Hide 61472 No error message available. 61473 An unsupported operation was attempted. 61474 A required resource was unavailable. 61475 Insufficient memory. 61476 An unknown error has occurred. 61477 An invalid argument was detected. 61696 Invalid file name. 61697 Opening the document failed. 61698 Saving the document failed. 61699 Save changes to% 1? 61700 The creation an empty document failed. 61701 The file is too large to open. 61702 Impossible to start printing. 61703 Help startup failed. 61704 Internal application error. 61705 The command failed. 61706 Insufficient memory to execute the operation. 61707 System registry entries have been deleted and the INI file (if needed) has been deleted. 61708 All entries in System Registry (or INI file) have not been removed. 61709 This program requires the file% s. This one can not be found on this system. 61710 This program is linked to the export% s, missing from file% s. This computer appears to have an incompatible version of% s. 61712 Type an integer. 61713 Enter a number. 61714 Type an integer from% 1 to% 2. 61715 Enter a number between% 1 and% 2. 61716 Type% 1 characters or less. 61717 Choose a button. 61718 Please enter an integer between 0 and 255. 61719 Please enter a positive integer. 61720 Please enter a date and / or time. 61721 Please enter a currency. 61722 Please enter a GUID. 61723 Please enter an hour. 61724 Please enter a date. 61728 Unexpected file format. 61729 %1\nNot possible to find this file. Check that the path and file name are correct. 61730 The destination disk drive is full. 61731 Unable to read from% 1, it is in use. 61732 Can not write to% 1, it is read-only or in use. 61733 An unexpected error occurred while reading% 1. 61734 An unexpected error occurred while writing% 1. 61744 %1:%2\nContinue script execution? 61745 Distributed exception:% 1 61836 Can not read a write-only property. 61837 Can not write a read-only property. 61840 Can not load support for the e-mail system. 61841 The messaging system DLL is not valid. 61842 The e-mail could not send the message. 61856 No error has occurred. 61857 An unknown error occurred while accessing% 1. 61858 Can not find% 1. 61859 %1 contains an invalid path. 61860 Unable to open% 1 because there are too many open files. 61861 Access to% 1 has been denied. 61862 An invalid file descriptor has been associated with% 1. 61863 Can not remove% 1 because it is the current directory. 61864 Can not create% 1 because the directory is full. 61865 Failed to search on% 1 61866 A hardware I / O error has been reported while accessing% 1. 61867 A sharing violation occurred while accessing% 1. 61868 A lock violation occurred while accessing% 1. 61869 Disk full when accessing% 1. 61870 Attempt to access% 1 after it finishes. 61872 No error has occurred. 61873 An unknown error occurred while accessing% 1. 61874 Attempt to write% 1 open for reading. 61875 Attempt to access% 1 after it finishes. 61876 Attempt to read% 1 open for writing. 61877% 1 has a wrong format. 61878% 1 contains an unexpected object. 61879% 1 contains an incorrect schema. 61888 pixels 62177 Deactivate 62178 Activate 62179 Mixed |
Uncompiled Shaders
- Shaders/XBOXLightsource.vsh
- Shaders/2bones_skin_vs1_1.vsh
- Shaders/straight.vsh
- Shaders/XBOXstraight_noambient.vsh
- Shaders/SkinnedCartoon.vsh
- Shaders/XBOXstraight.vsh
- Shaders/modifuv.vsh
- Shaders/2bones_skin_XBOX.vsh
- Shaders/billboard.vsh
- Shaders/2bones_skin_vs1_1_XBOX.vsh
- Shaders/Skinned.vsh
- Shaders/2bones_skin.vsh
- Shaders/deform.vsh
- Shaders/Lightsource.vsh
"Mexican City"
Many, many large billboards in the Mexico levels have emblazoned upon them the phrase "Welcome To Mexican City". It is possible that this was a translation error (it's worth noting that EKO Software is a French studio and the majority of the hidden development text is written in French) and it was meant to say "Welcome To Mexico City".
Level Numbering
The single level names are numbered 01-02, 04-05, 07-10, and 27 in the game's files, leaving out 03, 06, and 11-26. There is no mention of these in the exectable.
"You Loose"
If you play the two-player minigames and one player loses, the text will say "You Loose" instead of "You Lose".
The Garfield series
| |
NES | A Week of Garfield (Prototype) |
Game Boy | Garfield Labyrinth |
Genesis | Caught in the Act |
Game Gear | Caught in the Act |
Windows | Caught in the Act • Mad About Cats • Garfield • Garfield 2 • Lasagna World Tour • Threat of the Space Lasagna • Garfield Kart: Furious Racing • Lasagna Party |
Adobe Flash | Sheep Shot • Scary Scavenger Hunt • Hairball Hack • Krazy Kennel Breakout! |
Game Boy Advance | Garfield and His Nine Lives • The Search for Pooky |
Nintendo DS | Garfield's Nightmare • Garfield Gets Real • Garfield's Fun Fest • A Tail of Two Kitties |
Nintendo 3DS | Garfield Kart (Prototypes) |
PlayStation 2 | Garfield • Garfield 2 • Lasagna World Tour |
Wii | Threat of the Space Lasagna |
PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch | Lasagna Party |
See Also | |
Nickelodeon |
- Games developed by EKO Software
- Pages missing publisher references
- Games published by Blast! Entertainment
- Games published by Conspiracy Games
- Windows games
- PlayStation 2 games
- Games released in 2007
- Games released in November
- Games released on November 30
- Games with hidden development-related text
- Games with unused music
- Games with unused text
- Garfield series
Cleanup > Pages missing publisher references
Games > Games by content > Games with hidden development-related text
Games > Games by content > Games with unused music
Games > Games by content > Games with unused text
Games > Games by developer > Games developed by EKO Software
Games > Games by platform > PlayStation 2 games
Games > Games by platform > Windows games
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Blast! Entertainment
Games > Games by publisher > Games published by Conspiracy Games
Games > Games by release date > Games released in 2007
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November
Games > Games by release date > Games released in November > Games released on November 30
Games > Games by series > Garfield series