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Proto:A Week of Garfield

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This page details one or more prototype versions of A Week of Garfield.

Hiddenpalace.org logo.png  This prototype is documented on Hidden Palace.

Forestofillusion.com logo.png  This was documented on Forest of Illusion.

Two late prototypes of A Week of Garfield have been found, one a bit earlier than the other.

Download.png Download A Week of Garfield (Prototype)
File: A_Week_of_Garfield_(Prototype).zip (160 KB) (info)

General Differences

To do:
These are not the only differences. Enemy behaviour, Garfield's movement, and enemy placements all appear to be slightly different in the prototypes compared to the final game. Add these differences to the page, preferably with a lot of specifics.
  • The earlier build contains cheats to facilitate clearing the game:
    • Press Down + B on the title screen to make Garfield invincible.
    • Press Select on the title screen to skip levels, depending on how many times you press the button.

Graphical Differences

Proto Final
Weekofgarfield resturproto.png Weekofgarfield resturfinal.png

In the city level, "RESTAURANT" is misspelled as "RESTRANT".