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Garfield Lasagna Party

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Title Screen

Garfield Lasagna Party

Developer: Balio Studio
Publisher: Microids
Platforms: Windows, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Nintendo Switch
Released internationally: November 10, 2022

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
ModelsIcon.png This game has unused models.

Garfield Lasagna Party is a party game with some unique minigames. It has the distinction of being the very first game to use lasagna as currency.

Unused Graphics

Placeholder Textures


As the names suggest, these are placeholders for a UI icon and the tutorial loading screen. They feature what seems to be Garfield running on a track, wearing blue shorts. They are very small, being just 32×32.

PlaceHolder_Icon_UI PlaceHolder_Tutoloading_UI
GLP Icon UI PH.png
GLP TutLoadPH.png

Player Icons

These textures are all named "PlaceHolder_Px_Icon_UI", x being the player number. The images are the same image as the UI icon, but with different hues.

P1 P2 P3 P4
GLP P1PH.png GLP P2PH.png GLP P3PH.png GLP P4PH.png

These textures are all named "PlaceHolder_Px_Icon_Crown_UI", x being the player number. The same images as the previous icons, but with Garfield's medal colored in. They're used as the player icon when the player is in 1st place.

P1 P2 P3 P4
GLP P1CrownPH.png GLP P2CrownPH.png GLP P3CrownPH.png GLP P4CrownPH.png

UI Elements

"PlaceHolder_countdown_UI" is a placeholder sprite sheet for the minigame countdown screen.

GLP CountdownPH.png

"PlaceHolder_hud_marker_UI" is a placeholder for the HUD, possibly used for visualizing the placement of HUD elements.

GLP HudPH.png

Temporary Textures

A few asset icons with the prefix "TMP" go unused.

Font Asset Icon Sprite Asset Icon Text Component Icon
GLP Font.png GLP Sprite.png GLP Text.png

A transparent sprite sheet for a poorly drawn fly named "T_ForbiddenInvasion_FlySpriteSheet2_TMP". The minigame this refers to, Forbidden Invasion, uses a mesh of a fly rather than this sprite.

GLP Fly.png


In a folder titled "ThirdParty", these textures can be found. They imply the use of third-party plugins in the game's development.

BonesStimulatorBig LookAnimator_Icon
GLP BonesStimulatorBig.png
GLP LookAnimator Icon.png
GLP nid grass.png

Unused Models

Named "PlaceHolderPosition1", this simple model can be found. It is made out of three capsule meshes, with the "eyes" being submerged halfway into the "body". This model is repeated three more times, with the number suffix going up to 4.

GLP PlaceholderModel.png