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Demon's Souls (2009)/Unused Enemies

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This is a sub-page of Demon's Souls (2009).

To do:
  • Include the actual model names, not just their translations.
  • Create and upload standalone videos for the model demonstrations rather than directing to timestamps of a single hours-long video, and use a better host than Twitch for it.


Serpent Soldiers

# Model
c1000 Serpent Soldier (Sword)
c1001 Serpent Soldier (Archer)

Models of a Serpent Soldier and an Archer can be found within the game files. Although they don't appear in the final version, their designs were somewhat reused in FromSoftware's later successor Dark Souls. A video demonstration of their animations can be found here (at 4:35:45).

DemonsSouls SerpentSoldier.PNG
DemonsSouls SerpentArcher.PNG

Wolf Warrior

# Model Translation
c2040 Wolf Warrior Model name translates to "wolf barbarian warrior beast"
DemonSouls UnusedWolfWarrior.PNG

An unused werewolf warrior. Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 0:46:13).

Wounded Wolf

# Model
c3020 Wolf
DemonSouls WoundedWolf.PNG

A grey wolf with several arrows shot into its body. Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 1:25:24).

Bear Warrior

# Model Translation
c2050 Bear Warrior Model name translates to "bear barbarian warrior beast"
DemonSouls UnusedBearWarrior.PNG

A giant half-beast monster wielding a spiked club. Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 0:51:31).

Hyena Barbarian

# Model Translation
c2060 Hyena Warrior Model name translates to "hyena barbarian warrior beast"
DemonSouls UnusedHyenaWarrior.PNG

A werehyena-type enemy armed with a small blade. Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 0:54:30).

Giant Yeti

# Model
c4060 Yeti Monster
DemonSouls UnusedYeti.PNG

A big Yeti with no face that has a mouth for a stomach, which would have been capable of eating the player. It appears in the first area of the unused Broken Archstone map.

Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 2:12:40).

Owl Mage

# Model Translation
c2140 Owl Warrior Model name translates to "owl barbarian warrior beast"
DemonSouls UnusedOwl.PNG

An unused owl mage or sorcerer. Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 1:20:00).


# Model Translation
c3170 Chomper Model name translates to "march planarian (berserk version)"
DemonSouls Planarians.PNG

Planarians are mimic-like creatures that take the shape of a humanoid bust. Much like the Yeti, they appear in the first area of the unused Broken Archstone map. Leftover comments in the game's code describe them as being able to resurrect themselves "so long as a corpse exists", an ability likely inspired by their real-life namesake's regenerative qualities, and various respawn points presumably intended for this still exist on the map.

Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 1:48:30).

(Source: Shadowth117 (code info))

Shadow Bird

# Model Translation
c3140 Shadow Bird Model name translates to "shadow full bird"
DemonSouls ShadowBird.PNG

A crow-like demon bird. Video demonstration of its model and animations here (at 1:48:30).


# Model
c1040 Crocodile
c1070 Deer (Male)

There are two unused models of a crocodile and a deer located within the files. Their purpose in the game is unknown, though it's possible that they would roam around the environment like any other enemy and attack the player if aggroed. Interestingly enough, concept art of a forest area with a deer and a human suggests that there was a planned location outside the Nexus that could take place somewhere around Boletaria.

No animations exist for these animals, but there is a video demonstration of their models here (at 4:38:49).

DemonSouls Crocodile.PNG
DemonSouls Deer.PNG