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Deus Ex/Unused Audio

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This is a sub-page of Deus Ex.

Unused Music

Some levels' music files have tracks left unused.

Intro [Intro_Music.umx]

Unused patterns.

Unused pattern.


Similar to the used conversation subtrack, but with an unused 20 second intro.

Unused patterns.

Battery Park[BatteryPark_Music.umx]

Unused pattern.

Majestic 12 Laboratories [MJ12_Music.umx]

Unused alternate default subtrack. There are two possible places where this could've been used, which are Versalife and the second Ocean lab. Interestingly, this was used as the conversation music in the PlayStation 2 version of the MJ12 Laboratory.

Opponent Within [UNATCOReturn_Music.umx]

Unused departure subtrack.

Unused patterns.

Hong Kong Club 1 [HKClub_Music.umx]

Unused pattern.

"mission eight" [NYCStreets2_Music.umx]

Unused pattern.

naval base, graveyard [NavalBase_Music.umx]

Unused alternate default subtrack. Likely meant for the graveyard (which is silent in the final game), as the file's title says it was supposed to be used there.

Paris Cathedral [ParisCathedral_Music.umx]

Unused patterns, matches the style of an outro.

Vandenberg [Vandenberg_Music.umx]

Unused pattern.

The Nothing [Tunnels_Music.umx]

Unused conversation subtrack.

Oceanlab Complex [OceanLab2_Music.umx]

Unused patterns.

Area 51 [Area51_Music.umx]

Unused departure subtrack.

Unused patterns.

Unused combat subtrack pattern, with notes normally unheard due to a jump.

Unused combat? subtrack pattern, with notes normally unheard due to a jump.

DX Dance Mix [DeusExDanceMix_Music.umx]

Unused pattern.

Unused pattern.


Cut Tutorial Sections

There were many sections of the tutorial that were cut from the game, likely due to space limitations. However, the audio files for some of these sections still remain unused within the game's files.

Gunther introduces the player to the "Combat Arena", where the player would have been trained to fight security bots with explosives.

Gunther tells the player how the Combat Arena works.

Gunther tells the player about the EMP Grenade after releasing a robot into the arena.

Gunther tells the player about the LAM Grenade after releasing a robot into the arena.

Gunther tells the player about the GEP Gun after releasing a robot into the arena.

Gunther tells the player to go to the Static Target Range before going to the Combat Arena.

Gunther tells the player to go to the Demolitions Training before going to the Combat Arena.

Gunther tells the player about the LAW.

Gunther trains the player to use explosives to destroy automated turrets and cameras.

Gunther introduces the player to the "Outdoor Target Range", which would have simulated shooting in an urban environment.

Gunther tells the player to choose a pistol.

Gunther tells the player about a set of targets called the "Prairie Dog Town", likely meaning a set of targets housed in the ground that would pop up and have to be shot quickly.

Chapter 1

There's an option to give Gunther your stealth pistol when you rescue him from the statue of Liberty. But since the first stealth pistol you can get is after you beat the level, this normally goes unused. There is another line for giving him your assault rifle, but since the first one you can get is after you talk to the NSF commander, this also goes unused.

Assault Rifle Stealth Pistol

This line was intentionally disabled.

This line requires you to have both talked to Filben and not talked to him.

This line doesn't play due to ordering issues.

Kaplan's line about using a scope mod on a sniper rifle was intentionally disabled since they come with a scope.


Redundant infolinks about seeing people.

An infolink for if the bot wasn't destroyed or disabled, but it has no setup.

Chapter 2

A line JC would say to the female hostage when she asks what to do.

Lines from the UNATCO troopers in the Shanty Town. The game checks for any living terrorists with the 'ShantyTerrorists' tag, but since they have the tag 'ShantyTerrorist', the game thinks they're dead and these go unused.

The boat at BatteryPark is meant to have lines, however it's set to use "BoatPilot", which has no lines, when it should use "NYPoliceBoat".

If you managed to destroy the generator and get back to the boat, you'd take it back to Liberty Island instead of the helicopter (there is no acknowledgement for this from Jock).

Lines for a female junkie, unused.

An unused line for if you didn't help the guards during the hotel fight.

These conversations with the bum in the clinic don't work because the game prioritizes the barks instead. Militaryː


The bum watching the mugging at the basketball court is meant to say one of three lines to them, with them responding with one of two. I think it doesn't work because of the distance between the bum and the thugs being too great, but even when that's fixed I've only managed to hear this once in my life.

A conversation with Ford Schick if you didn't talk to Smuggler first, which isn't possible to do legitimately.


Alex telling you about the NSF in Castle Clinton, possibly for if you skipped Anna.

An infolink from a very old version of the level where you'd have to find Paul at a blockade at the hotel, rather than meeting him at the subway.

Likely would activate when the terrorists outside Osgood are defeated, refers to a cut conversation with Paul though.

Would play when returning from the warehouse after destroying the generator.

An infolink from Alex that's meant to play after saving Sandra from Johnny and then talking to Janey in the bar.

Alex telling the player about a control panel, probably for the area under Osgood's.

Chapter 3

An answering machine would have foreshadowed Paul's loyalties to the NSF when it is used by the player.

Airport VOIP Conversation A conversation the player overhears on a speaker between Juan Lebedev and Tracer Tong. Tong will be trying to convince Lebedev to kill the player, whereas Juan insists on keeping him alive.

Anna at UNATCO. The line that's meant to play if you did everything right in chapter 2, instead it uses the line that's meant to happen if you do everything right but avoid getting the grenades from Anna. These two are due to the game forgetting the flags between chapters.

If you mocked Anna in Battery Park.

A line from the troops in UNATCO if you mocked Anna in Battery Park, doesn't play due to the game forgetting about the flag between chapters.

Lebedev telling you to run before they find you with Anna's body, Anna's body explodes so this was disabled.

JC comforting the troops in the UNATCO medical bay, this was disabled as it was a player line in a first person conversation.

Anna at Lebedev if he's still alive. The line that's meant to play if you did everything right in chapter 2, instead it uses the line that's meant to happen if you do everything right but avoid getting the grenades from Anna. These two are due to the game forgetting the flags between chapters.

If you mocked Anna in Battery Park.

Anna at Lebedev if you just killed him. The line that's meant to play if you did everything right in chapter 2, instead it uses the line that's meant to happen if you do everything right but avoid getting the grenades from Anna. These two are due to the game forgetting the flags between chapters.

If you mocked Anna in Battery Park.

Disabled conversation between Anna and Manderley.


An unused infolink for beating the mission and another for beating the mission after killing Lebedev.

Chapter 4

While not completely unused, nobody's going to hear this conversation due to the requirements. This is because all enemies start attacking you after the conversation with Gunther, which is right after you leave the subway, which makes the characters scared and not talk.

Unused lines from the HQ UNATCO troops, for if the player didn't kill Lebedev. Unused as the game forgets the required flag between chapters.

Lines that are meant to be played by Paul after Anna's confrontation, perhaps she was meant to be in the hotel but moved. As Paul dies or disappears when going to Anna, these don't play without cheats.

When Paul mentions his parents JC is meant to say this if Lebedev mentioned them, however the game forgets the flag between chapters.

An unused line from Jock, probably for if you chose to wait at UNATCO instead of immediately leaving.

Unused lines from Jock when he drops you off at the Ton, this used to be Battery Park so they were disabled.

A line that would play while Jock waited in Battery Park.

A line the computer would say when you send the signal.

Unused lines from a UNATCO trooper that would be standing outside Castle Clinton when you started there.

Unused lines from a UNATCO trooper that would be standing on the Battery Park dock.

Unused barks from a Battery Park NPC #1

Unused barks from a Battery Park NPC #2

Unused barks from a Battery Park NPC #3

The conversation with Ford Schick in this chapter, who doesn't appear.

Lines from Fordː

After the raidː


An unused infolink from Paul, probably for if you wandered off without talking to him.

Chapter 5

Fearful lines from the secretary, since she's hostile she doesn't say these and instead tries to attack you.

Unused lines for when JC said he'd kill Anna but hasn't yet.

Chapter 6

If you noclip past the loading area for Tonnochi Road, you'll find a Triad member standing in T-pose. With some hacking, you can get him to speak, and doing so reveals a unique dialogue, that among other things, mentions Maggie Chow being Paul's wife (which is a lie). It's unknown why this was cut, but from the tone of the conversation, it may have been part of the scrapped "stay with UNATCO" storyline.

An unused line from the Red Arrow member in Tonnochi Road.

Apparently you were once able to show Max Chen the Dragon's Tooth Sword without talking to anyone.

An unused line from Paul.

Meant to be a conversation in the Level 1 lab, however the game tries to speak to "MJ12Lab_Assistant_Level2", who doesn't exist and if they did, wouldn't be in this level, should be "MJ12Lab_Assistant_BioWeapons".

As this conversation doesn't play, these barks go unusedː

Ditto for the assistantː

The scientist in the level 2 labs used to be male, these lines don't play as the NPC is hostile.

A female assistant in the level 2 labs. Perhaps these were meant for the woman down there but she's set to have the above lines, who knows.

Unused line from Jock when leaving Hong Kong.

Unused lines from Jock while trapped in the helibase.

An unused line from Jaime. He always brings an aug upgrade.

Unused lines from a Red Arrow member that would be in the Lucky Money.

A Luminous Path member that would be inside the Lucky Money after the alliance.

If you got into the club without paying the bouncer would confront you. If you didn't or couldn't pay he'd kill you, with a GEP gun.


Daedalus telling you to find Tong, redundant as Jock already tells you to.

Chapter 8

If you somehow managed to talk to Filben and get back to Jock without him leaving, this would play.

A conversation with Schick in chapter 8, in which he doesn't appear due to incorrect flags. The conversation is quite unfinished, the game tries to give you an non-existent item instead of an upgrade. The conversation doesn't even have the 'no-room' response set up, so if you don't have space for the item, sucks to be you.

Idle conversation from Schickː


Meant to be played by Tong while in the sewers.

Chapter 9

The guard at the door to the ship is friendly if you talked to Vinny, if you haven't talked to Vinny these are meant to play, but since he's hostile he doesn't.

Two guards in the room overlooking the helipad, if friendly they have unused conversations, possibly were friendly mechanics at one point before being turned into soldiers. These two also have conversations with each other if the player is close enough and isn't seen (which is hard without large amount of energy for cloak), this conversation also changes depending on if the electricity has been shut off. Guy 1ː

Guy 2ː


A message from Tong if you came from the vents, telling you to jump onto the ship.

Jock saying he's going to land in the graveyard, seems to imply that the graveyard level was once bigger.

Chapter 10

These two don't play because the conversation is looking for the "ChateauInCeller" flag, while the trigger sets the correct "ChateauInCellar" flag, and even if this was correct the trigger is so small that the player probably won't hear the second one.


Two filler infolinks from Tong located in the catacomb tunnels. These are long and prevent saving while playing.

Unknown, likely meant for where Agent Hela is, but the flag it asks for also seems to imply there was possibly an ambush.

Icarus taunting you in the catacombs.

Jock telling you he's going to land, but in game he's already landed.

Tong telling you which rooms you're in, which isn't too helpful since Nicolette tells you anyway.

Tong telling you he doesn't have a map of the maze, not a hard maze so not that important.

Chapter 11


Tracer Tong mentioning the secret usable light. Probably cut because it's no fun to be told a secret.

An infolink from Everett thanking you for taking care of the mechanic.

While possible to hear in game it's unlikely to hear legitimately, this only plays if you get to the cathedral without killing Anna, which is usually required to progress past chapter 5.

An infolink Gunther would give while on the balcony above the terminal, probably cut because it ruins the surprise.

Chapter 12

Unused conversation for the MiB and troop guarding Tiffany, if the player got too close the guards would attack her. Curiously this conversation is located in the chapter 14 package.

Stacy Webber's meant to say these lines before her main conversation, while she's still a hostage. However since her guards don't have the right tags assigned, the game automatically thinks she's been saved and skips these.


An infolink from Everett about the MilNet computer, bit redundant.

Chapter 14

Dr Corwell is meant to have additional lines if the player killed the karkian, however due to a mismatch between the tag on the karkian and the desired tag, these go unused.


An infolink from Savage about the scientists, located in the chapter 12 package mistakenly.

An infolink from Savage telling you not to hurt the scientists, also mentions that they are armed while none are in-game. This is also located in the chapter 12 package.

A third infolink from Simons before you fight, probably cut because you get reach him before the second finished.

A generic infolink from Helios.

An infolink from Everett after the schematic is obtained.

Chapter 15

The mechanic in the reactor lab is meant to have different lines depending on if the grays are dead, however since the grays don't have bImportant set, the correct flags are never set, even if they are killed.

Initial meetingː

Follow upː


The MiB in the hangar is supposed to talk with a trooper, however no trooper exists with him.

Initial conversationː

Second conversationː


A cut infolink from Page, referring to his UCs producing animals.

Although not entirely unused these are impossible to hear without cheats. The infolink after the elevator fight always ends with "Barely a scratch", however there are two more infolinks depending on how much damage you took, however instead of comparing your health before and after, it instead compares your credits.

An unused infolink from Everett, this would happen in sector 3, where the medical bot is at the Aquinas Hub entrance.

The final infolink from Helios, this would happen right before merging with them.


Unused lines for the 'Dark Age' ending, these would go between "the net's going black" and "no more infolinks".


As barks (voice lines NPCs say to themselves) have no code for flag checks, some lines go unused. Some lines are also not meant to played later in the game but won't be included here since they're not unused.


When Gunther kills you when Anna is dead.

When Gunther is looking for you after he attacked you and Anna is dead.

When Gunther gives up looking for you and Anna is dead.

Gunther being blinded by tear gas, he is immune.

Gunther going for an alarm.

Gunther reacting to a dead body.

Walton Simons

When Simons has been unable to find you for a second time.

Simons on fire, he is immune.

Simons being blinded by tear gas, he is immune.

Alex Jacobson

Unused lines for when Alex turns from hostile to friendly, unused as he never has weapons.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.

Anna Navarre

Lines for Anna going for an alarm, however no alarms exist in levels where you can hurt her.

Lines for Anna seeing a body, however she's never set to react to them.

Anna being blinded by tear gas, she is immune.


Unused lines for a kid taking critical damage, unused as they never fight.

Unused lines for a kid going for an alarm.

Unused lines for a kid reacting to the player throwing stuff at them.

Unused lines for a kid reacting to a dead body, none are set to react to them.


Riot cop going for an alarm, none exist in levels they're in, these are used in the PS2 port though.

Riot cop reacting to a dead body, none are set to react to them.

Riot cop being blinded by tear gas, they are immune.

Gary Savage

Unused lines for when Gary turns from hostile to friendly, unused as he never has weapons.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.

Agent Hela

Critical damage lines for Hela, unused as she fights to the death.

Lines for Hela going for the alarm, she prefers to fight.

Howard Strong

All of Strong's lines follow a pre-set list, so you're really unlikely to hear 90% of them, but they're still technically used. One isn't however, since it requires you dying twice in one life.

Jaime Reyes

Unused lines for when Jaime turns from hostile to friendly, unused as the only time he has weapons he uses 'Man' barks instead.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.


Unused lines for when Jock turns from hostile to friendly, unused as the only time he appears he uses 'Man' barks instead.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.

Lines for throwing stuff at Jock.

JoJo Fine

All of JoJo's barks go unused as he uses the "ThugMale" barks instead.

After having killed the player.

After taking critical damage.

After having something thrown at him.

After seeing a dead body.

After being lit on fire.

Looking for the player after shooting them.

Looking for the player before shooting them.

After thinking that they saw the player before shooting them.

When he gives up on thinking he saw the player.

After seeing the player right up in his face.

Drawing his gun to shoot at them.

Being unable to find the player after shooting them.

Being blinded.

Maggie Chow

Her lines for seeing a dead body go unused as she is not set to acknowledge them.


Unused lines for a man reacting to the player throwing stuff at them.

May Sung

May Sung's lines go unused as she instead uses 'Woamn', typo and all. These are for when you throw something at her.


The mechanic lines go unused as all mechanics use 'Man' barks.

When taking critical damage.

When having something thrown at them.

When going for an alarm.

While idle.

While on fire.

When being blinded.


MiBs fight to the death and don't use their critical damage sounds.

MiBs don't go for alarms normally.

MJ12 Commandos

Commandos fight to the death and don't use their critical damage sounds.

Commandos don't go for alarms.

MJ12 Troop

MJ12 Troops don't use their out of ammo lines because they always have a fallback melee weapon.

MJ12 Troop B

An unused variation of the MJ12 Troop barks, the voice matches some used in conversations

After having killed the player.

After taking critical damage.

After having something thrown at them.

When going for the alarm.

After seeing a dead body.

When idle.

After being lit on fire.

After running out of ammo.

Looking for the player after attacking them.

Looking for the player before attacking them.

After thinking that they saw the player before attacking them.

When they give up on thinking they saw the player.

After seeing the player right up in their face.

Drawing their weapon to attack them.

Being unable to find the player after attacking them.

Being blinded.

Morgan Everett

Everett's lines are completely unused as he uses 'Man' barks instead.

Lines for going from hostile to friendly.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.

Lines for throwing stuff at Everett.


The only level with sailors has no alarm panels, so their lines for going to one go unused.

Sailors are never set to react to carcasses, so their lines for seeing a body are unused.

Stanton Dowd

Unused lines for when Dowd turns from hostile to friendly, unused as he never has weapons.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.


Unused barks for throwing stuff at the terrorists, the only times the terrorists are friendly they have no barks set.

Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups (technically you can get this to happen if you get one to try to fire a gun underwater).

Terrorist B

An unused variation of the NSF terrorist barks, the voice matches some used in conversations.

After having killed the player.

After taking critical damage.

After having something thrown at them.

When going for the alarm.

After seeing a dead body.

When idle.

After being lit on fire.

After running out of ammo.

Looking for the player after attacking them.

Looking for the player before attacking them.

After thinking that they saw the player before attacking them.

When they give up on thinking they saw the player.

After seeing the player right up in their face.

Drawing their weapon to attack them.

Being unable to find the player after attacking them.

Being blinded.

Thug Male

Rarely used barks. The alarm sounds are never used.

Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups.

Tracer Tong

Tong's lines are completely unused as he uses 'Man' barks instead.

Lines for going from hostile to friendly.

Ditto for friendly to hostile.

Lines for throwing stuff at Tong.

Triad Luminous Path

All of these lines go unused as everyone uses 'Man' barks instead, why? Who knows.

After having killed the player.

After taking critical damage.

After having something thrown at them.

When going for the alarm.

After seeing a dead body.

When idle.

After being lit on fire.

Looking for the player after attacking them.

Looking for the player before attacking them.

After thinking that they saw the player before attacking them.

When they give up on thinking they saw the player.

After seeing the player right up in their face.

Drawing their weapon to attack them.

Being unable to find the player after attacking them.

Being blinded.

Triad Red Arrow

The Red Arrow are always set to never go for alarms, so these sounds are unused.

The verboose idle lines are unused.


One of their futz lines goes unused.

Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups.


A rarely used variation of the UNATCO barks, the voice matches some used in conversations. One of their futz lines goes unused.

Their out of ammo lines go unused as they have melee weapons as back ups.


WiBs fight to the death and don't use their critical damage sounds.

WiBs don't go for alarms normally.

WiBs have lines for idle sounds, but since these only play while they're standing and none of them have standing orders, these are unused.


Unused lines for a woman reacting to the player throwing stuff at them.


PS20/HideAGun Fire (HideAGunFire.wav)

An unused sound, possibly for before the PS20 was plasma based.

Mini-crossbow Fire (MiniCrossbowFire.wav)

Unused sound for the crossbow firing, this is overwrote by the stealth sound

Greasel Attack

Greasels have an unused attack sound, presumably for a melee attack, but in game they don't have one.

LAM Ambient (LAMAmbient.wav)

Unused repeating sound for the LAM, presumably when placed on the wall, in game it makes no sound.


Robot Sounds

The robots of the game have unused sounds.

Critical Damage

Military Bot:

Security Bot 2:

Security Bot 3:

Area Secure

Military Bot:

Security Bot 2:

Security Bot 3:

Rat Sounds

Rats have 3 sounds for squeaking, but they only use one.

RatSqueak1 RatSqueak3

Player Sounds

Some sounds that likely would've been used for female JC if they were ever finished.




Male sounds, unknown what they'd be for.



