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Development:Gubble Buggy Racer

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This page details development materials of Gubble Buggy Racer.

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To do:
More track textures.

Gubble Buggy Racer started out as "Wallace & Gromit: The Grand Tour" and was to be released for Windows, PlayStation, and Game Boy Color. Assets from this period of development were discovered on some of Data Design Interactive's hard drives.

From Wallace & Gromitː The Grand Tour

Concept Art

Various pieces of concept art, found in emails. They give an idea of what the levels and menus would've looked like.


Mockups of the title screen and loading screens.


Various textures for Wallace.

Various cheesy textures for cliffs that were likely going to be used on the moon level seen in the concept art.

Traffic light graphics.

Test Video

talk1.avi, also found in an email, is an animation test of Wallace's face.

From Gubble Buggy Racer

GBR W&G gubblewait.png

A loading screen from an earlier version of the game, back when it was called "Gubble Racing". Given the simple title, this image was likely made right after Data Design Interactive acquired the Gubble license. It is dated October 4th 1999. This graphic can be found in the October 25, 1999 build.

GBR W&G Billboard.png

A pretty low-quality billboard, using the game's early logo.