Development:Mighty Milky Way
This page details development materials of Mighty Milky Way.
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors. This page contains content that is not safe for work or other locations with the potential for personal embarrassment. Such as: An alien woman in a bikini. |
To do: A lot.
These assets can be found on some WayForward backup discs.
Title Screen
The title screen went throuh numerous variations, some being more...interesting than others.
Concept Art
Early | Final |
Luna_Model_Reference_recolor.psd and Luna_Model_Reference.psd contain earlier designs for Luna. The first two are exactly the same as the final design but with different colors. The 3rd one is noticably different, with a lighter skin tone, different eyes and a pinkish outfit. The 4th is, once again, largely indetical, except with visible eyebrows, a pink blush and... an awesome face staff?
Concept art of Luna.
Early sprites for Luna, her staff and an enemy.
An early Luna sprite in different colors.
Concept art of Luna and...a cowgirl? The artstyle of these sketches is more realistic compared to the final game.
Some more random sketches.
A tutorial image, using placeholder assets.
2 level sketches.
A strange screenshot of Prince of Persia with text overlaid on it. It's worth noting that the HUD on the top right is covered by another layer in the original file.
A screen size chart comparing the Nintendo DS and the iPhone's resolutions. It's unknown if the game was planned to release on iOS devices.