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Development:Pokémon Black and White/General Oddities

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Black and White.

This article is a work in progress.
...Well, all the articles here are, in a way. But this one moreso, and the article may contain incomplete information and editor's notes.
To do:
List bugs and oddities in dev builds. Add descriptions to them, and list how to cause or fix bugs.

General Oddities/Bugs

(Insert description about some bugs and other things found in Pokemon Black and White's early dev builds).

Other Discoveries

The October 2024 Gamefreak Leak repository (specifically the release r850 of the Black and White source repository) contains a semi-functional .SRL ROM of Yoshi no Tamago called yossy_egg.srl. The title screen is graphically corrupted, and the area to select the game mode is non-functional, but one can play a single-player game of Yoshi's Egg on the Nintendo DS. Many elements suggest that the game was originally developed for the Super Famicom, such as the game logo reading "Super Yoshi no Tamago" and the copyright on the title screen being listed as 1995 and making mention of Ape Inc. (Creatures Inc.'s previous name), additionally the a DS game the top screen is completely blank and there are no touch screen features. Many of the sound effects such as Mario's voice appear to be recycled from Drill Dozer's protagonist voice lines. According to the commit notes, it seems that the ROM was intended to test multiboot functions for Pokémon Black & White, but as for why the game was never finished or released, the general public is not yet sure. The following footage showcases the ROM's gameplay.