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Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data/Egg Groups & Moves

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This is a sub-page of Development:Pokémon Gold and Silver/Pokémon Data.

The information in this article is pulled from the following files in the JP and KR sources:

Egg Groups
1999/07/18 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\BACKUP\MONSTBL.DAT KR
1999/08/17 Spaceworld 1999 demo (0x519BA in ROM). JP
1999/08/23 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data3\子作り擦得技VER1.3.xls JP
1999/08/30 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\あつしゅくー\子技VER2.1.xls JP
Egg Moves
1999/08/17 Spaceworld 1999 demo (0x23ABF in ROM). JP
1999/08/18 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data2\子作り擦得技VER1.2.xls JP
1999/08/22 Pokemon\wk\setup\mons2_org\SOURCE\MONSDATA\KOWAZA.DAT KR
1999/08/23 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\data3\子作り擦得技VER1.3.xls JP
1999/08/30 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\あつしゅくー\子技VER2.1.xls JP
1999/09/12 Document\ダケモン金銀\資料old\pm2data09012\子技VER2.6.xls JP

Egg Groups

1999/07/18 to 1999/08/17
Early Final
Farfetch'd Flying Flying Field
Hoppip Grass Fairy Grass
Skiploom Grass Fairy Grass
Jumpluff Grass Fairy Grass
Sunkern Grass Blank
Snubbull Field Field Fairy
Granbull Field Field Fairy
Shuckle Mineral Field Mineral

The earliest known egg group assignments can be found in the July 18th monster group. A few changes were made by August 17th, all but one of them being additions to existing egg groups. The lone exception is Sunkern, which had its egg group removed, further evidence that it was originally on the chopping block. These same egg group assignments stuck around until Spaceworld 1999.

1999/08/17 to 1999/08/23
Early Final
Nidorino Undiscovered Field
Nidoking Undiscovered Field
Pichu Field Fairy Undiscovered
Cleffa Fairy Undiscovered
Igglybuff Fairy Undiscovered
Togepi Fairy Undiscovered
Togetic Fairy Flying Fairy
Marill Water 1 Field Water 1 Fairy
Azumarill Water 1 Field Water 1 Fairy
Sunkern Blank Grass
Pineco Mineral Grass
Tyrogue Human-Like Undiscovered
Smoochum Human-Like Undiscovered
Elekid Human-Like Undiscovered
Magby Human-Like Undiscovered

After Spaceworld came a new swath of changes:

  • Nidorino and Nidoking were moved from the Undiscovered egg group to the Field group.
  • All baby Pokémon were put in the Undiscovered egg group, meaning they're no longer able to breed, thank goodness.
  • Togetic was added to the Flying egg group.
  • Marill and Azumarill had their second egg groups changed from Field to Fairy to better match the Pikachu line.
  • Sunkern and Pineco were placed in the Grass egg group.
1999/08/23 to 1999/08/30
Early Final
Nidoran♀ Monster Monster Field
Nidoran♂ Monster Monster Field
Nidorino Monster Monster Field
Nidoking Monster Monster Field
Mareep Field Monster Field
Flaadfy Field Monster Field
Ampharos Field Monster Field
Unown Mineral Undiscovered
Pineco Grass Bug
Forretress Grass Bug
Shuckle Field Mineral Bug
Slugma Mineral Amorphous
Magcargo Mineral Amorphous

The last changes were done between August 23rd and August 30th:

  • Nidoran♀ and the Nidoran♂ & Mareep lines were changed from being solely in the Monster or Field egg groups to being in both.
  • Three Pokémon that were in the Mineral group moved to different groups: Shuckle shuffled off to Bug, the Slugma line went Amorphous, and Unown was put in Undiscovered.
    • Pineco, which had previously been relocated from Mineral to Grass, was moved one last time to the Bug egg group, as was its recently added evolved form Forretress.

Egg Moves



The earliest known batch of egg moves is in the Spaceworld 1999 demo. Most Pokémon have 5 egg moves, though there are a few with 4 moves.

  • Caterpie, Weedle, Magikarp, and Unown all have egg moves in this group. Three of those Pokémon have yet to gain access to any of these moves, while a Hydro Pump Magikarp was first distributed at a Japanese event in 2013.
    • Smeargle also had egg moves at one point, but since it could just Sketch any move anyway, it was no big loss when they were removed.
  • Strangely, Bellossom, Steelix, and Porygon2 have egg moves despite being fully evolved Pokémon. The existence of these moves combined with entries for Tsubomitto, Madaamu, and Purakkusu, three Pokémon that had not only been cut by this point but were also fully evolved, suggests that the person who was assigning moves was working from an earlier list of Pokémon - one where they were all lacking evolution methods, thus appearing to be single stage Pokémon. Or it could just be a series of simple mistakes, which would explain how Octillery of all things got a set of egg moves...
  • Whoever was assigning egg moves must have been confused, because they thought Magnemite, Voltorb, Porygon, and Unown could interact with Pokémon in the Mineral egg group despite being genderless. Geodude, Onix, Sudowoodo, Pineco, Shuckle, and Magcargo's egg moves were all chosen based on the assumption that the aforementioned Pokémon could pass down moves.
  • Signature moves appear as egg moves much more often, even in cases where there was no valid parent to pass down the move:
  • Egg Bomb: Cleffa, Igglybuff, Togepi (no valid parents for any of them).
  • Bone Club: Farfetch'd (from Smeargle).
  • Kinesis: Drowzee (from Abra).
  • Softboiled: Exeggcute (no valid parent).
  • Glare: Meowth (from Ekans).
  • Lovely Kiss: Vulpix (from Smeargle), Mr. Mime (no valid parent).
  • Spore: Oddish, Bellsprout, Hoppip (from Paras).
  • Hyper Fang: Nidoran♀ (from Rattata).
  • Super Fang: Nidoran♂ (from Rattata).
  • Sketch: Drowzee (no valid parent).
(Sketch is move 165; this was probably supposed to be move 065, Submission, which Drowzee can learn by TM in Generation I. Machop would be able to pass that move down, since it and Drowzee are in the Human-Like egg group.)
  • Spider Web: Caterpie (from Spinarak).
  • Aeroblast: Aerodactyl, Skarmory (no valid parents for either).
  • Milk Drink: Eevee, Pichu, Delibird (from Smeargle), Cleffa, Igglybuff, Marill (from Pikachu), Snorlax (no valid parent).
  • Sacred Fire: Charmander (no valid parent), Vulpix, Growlithe, Houndour (from Smeargle).
  • Vital Throw: Cubone (no valid parent).
  • Megahorn: Weedle, Paras (from Heracross).
  • Grimer has Struggle as an egg move, which is baffling because the move only appears in battle after the PP of every other move has been depleted. There's no way to "learn" it, so it definitely can't be passed down.
  • Hoothoot is the only Pokémon that already had its egg moves finalized.


At this point, all Pokémon have five egg moves.

  • Smeargle's egg moves were deleted.
  • The following moves were removed from all egg pools: Struggle, Sketch, Sacred Fire, Aeroblast.
  • This is the earliest spreadsheet with egg move data. Each cell lists the move ID and the move's name, but there are a few instances where the ID and name don't match up, in which case the move ID takes priority. However, the named moves usually make more sense:
  • Abra: Agility should be Rapid Spin.
  • Geodude: Cross Chop should be Ancientpower.
  • Farfetch'd: Twister should be Tri Attack.
  • Mareep: Thunderpunch should be Bite; Earthquake should be Tail Whip.
  • Murkrow: Horn Drill should be Drill Peck.
  • Steelix: Agility should be Rapid Spin.
  • Magcargo: Agility should be Rapid Spin.


There was a mass cleanup of invalid egg groups and uncommon / inaccessible egg moves between the 18th and the 22nd.

  • Caterpie, Weedle, Unown, Steelix, Octillery, and Porygon2 all had their egg moves deleted.
  • As a side effect of the Pokémon getting shuffled around, Yanma and Shuckle temporarily lost their egg moves.
  • After Aipom was put in Quagsire's old slot and Wooper was put in Aipom's slot, they inherited the other's egg moves, which is why Wooper has Thundershock and Aipom has Hydro Pump in this group. Rather than switching the egg move pools back, the developers started modifying the moves in the swapped pools instead.
  • Pineco moves from Mineral to Grass, gaining a new set of egg moves in the process.
  • The following moves were removed from all egg pools: Vicegrip, Bind, Sand Attack, Poison Sting, Ember, Water Gun, Poisonpowder, Earthquake, Teleport, Smokescreen, Withdraw, Sludge, Bone Club, Kinesis, Glare, Poison Gas, Spore, Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Powder Snow, Vital Throw, and Megahorn.
  • Four more Pokémon got Milk Drink. Two of those Pokémon can inherit it from Smeargle, and the other two can't learn it at all.
  • This set fixes some of the move ID / move name discrepancies but introduces a couple more. These can't be seen in the txt file, but are in the 擦得技VER1.3.xls spreadsheet:
  • Spearow: Twister should be Tri Attack.
  • Machop: Tail Whip should be Thunderpunch.
  • There are also two other errors:
  • Ledyba: Faint Attack is listed twice.
  • Misdreavus: One of its egg move slots is completely blank.


  • Magikarp's egg moves were deleted. R.I.P. Minimize Magikarp.
  • Yanma and Shuckle get their egg moves back.
  • Thundershock and Minimize no longer appear in egg move pools.
  • One last move ID / move name inconsistency:
  • Misdreavus: The second Sludge Bomb should be Sludge.
  • Six of the egg moves pruned by this point would later be distributed through Pokémon Eggs obtained at the defunct New York City Pokémon Center in 2002 and 2003:
    • Leech Seed Oddish
    • Synthesis Paras
    • False Swipe Machop
    • Confuse Ray Tentacool
    • Rapid Spin Geodude
    • Mind Reader Mr. Mime


From this group on, the number of egg moves per Pokémon was destandardized; Pokémon may now have as little as 1 and as many as 8 egg moves. The egg move spreadsheets were also changed to only include the move name in each cell, eliminating the move ID / name discrepancies from the earlier lists.

  • Sunkern's egg moves were deleted. Someone on staff must have felt bad for it, because Sunkern got egg moves from Generation III onward.
  • This is the first instance of Tyrogue having egg moves, all of which made it to the final game.
  • The following moves were removed from all egg pools: Fire Punch, Thunderpunch, Horn Drill, Tail Whip, Recover, Egg Bomb, Milk Drink, and Spark.
  • Shuckle was moved from the Mineral/Field egg group to the Bug egg group. As a result, Geodude and Sudowoodo lost access to Lock-On, and Onix lost access to Tri Attack.
  • After Magcargo was moved from the Mineral group to the Amorphous group, all of its old egg moves were replaced by a single move, Acid Armor.


  • Magnemite, Voltorb, Porygon, and Bellossom's egg moves were finally deleted. However, an Egg containing an Agility Magnemite was eventually distributed at the New York City Pokémon Center.
  • Geodude, Onix, and Sudowoodo's invalid moves were all either replaced or deleted, leaving them with only one or two egg moves to their name.
  • The following moves were removed from all egg pools: Bubble, Sharpen, Conversion, Lock-On, and Conversion 2.
  • Most invalid and redundant egg moves were deleted by this point, though a few managed to make it into the final game.
  • Staryu was made genderless at some point between September 9th and 10th, as stated in Document\ダケモン金銀\p20911.txt in the JP source. Its egg moves should have been deleted by this point, and the txt file says that they were, but they somehow made it all the way into the final game. It would take until Pokémon Crystal for them to get them properly pruned.

Removed Groups


  • Bold: Move difference between sets.
  • Red: No valid parent to pass down move.
  • Blue: Pokémon can already learn move through TM, making the entry redundant.
1999/08/17 Spider Web Pin Missile Acid Confusion Barrier
1999/08/18 Spider Web Pin Missile Acid Bide Take Down
1999/08/17 Headbutt Spike Cannon Smog Leech Life Megahorn
1999/08/18 Headbutt Bide Smog Leech Life Megahorn
1999/08/17 Thunder Take Down Agility Recover Reflect
1999/08/22 Thunder Take Down Mirror Coat Recover Reflect
1999/08/30 Tri Attack Take Down Mirror Coat Self-Destruct Reflect Conversion Conversion 2
1999/08/17 Tri Attack Lock-On Spark Barrier Quick Attack
1999/08/22 Tri Attack Lock-On Recover Mist Safeguard
1999/08/30 Tri Attack Lock-On Mirror Coat
1999/08/17 Psybeam Twister Water Gun Hydro Pump Minimize
1999/08/17 Tri Attack Mirror Coat Spark Barrier Quick Attack
1999/08/22 Safeguard Mirror Coat Screech Light Screen Magnitude
1999/08/30 Conversion 2 Mirror Coat Screech Thunder Wave
1999/08/17 Vine Whip Sludge Bomb Leech Seed Acid Razor Leaf
1999/08/22 Moonlight Encore Charm Razor Wind Razor Leaf
Sunflora & Sunkern
Smog Sludge Vine Whip Acid Leech Seed
Smog Psybeam Vine Whip Acid Leech Seed
1999/08/17 Tri Attack Lock-On Recover Psybeam Light Screen
1999/08/17 Tri Attack Lock-On Agility Light Screen Psybeam
1999/08/17 Doubleslap Body Slam Amnesia Aurora Beam Safeguard
1999/08/17 Rapid Spin Spark Barrier Bide Quick Attack
1999/08/17 Encore Counter Reflect Present Mist

Egg Move Changes (001-151)


  • Bold: Move difference between sets.
  • Red: No valid parent to pass down move.
  • Blue: Pokémon can already learn move through TM, making the entry redundant.
1999/08/17 Take Down Skull Bash Sludge Bomb Charm Acid
1999/08/22 Take Down Skull Bash Hypnosis Charm Rollout
1999/08/30 Light Screen Skull Bash Safeguard Charm Razor Wind Petal Dance
1999/08/17 Fury Swipes Take Down Skull Bash Metal Claw Sacred Fire
1999/08/18 Fury Swipes Double-Edge Skull Bash Bite Double Kick
1999/08/22 Fury Swipes Ancientpower Rock Slide Bite Safeguard
1999/08/30 Belly Drum Ancientpower Rock Slide Bite Outrage Beat Up
1999/08/17 Powder Snow Twister Mist Confusion Barrier
1999/08/22 Belly Drum Ice Beam Mist Confusion Foresight
1999/08/30 Mirror Coat Haze Mist Confusion Foresight Flail
1999/08/17 Pursuit Faint Attack Leer Steel Wing Drill Peck
1999/08/22 Pursuit Faint Attack Foresight Steel Wing Drill Peck
1999/08/30 Pursuit Faint Attack Foresight Steel Wing
1999/08/17 Take Down Powder Snow Leer Spite
1999/08/18 Take Down Powder Snow Leer Spite Spark
1999/08/22 Slash Flame Wheel Fury Swipes Bite Counter
1999/08/30 Screech Flame Wheel Fury Swipes Bite Counter Reversal
1999/08/17 Faint Attack Supersonic Haze False Swipe Wing Attack
1999/08/22 Faint Attack Supersonic Haze Quick Attack Twister
1999/08/30 Faint Attack False Swipe Scary Face Quick Attack Tri Attack
1999/08/17 Pursuit Sludge Bind Spite Smog
1999/08/22 Pursuit Slam Spite Spikes Crunch
1999/08/30 Pursuit Slam Spite Beat Up Bite
1999/09/12 Pursuit Slam Spite Beat Up
1999/08/17 Rock Throw Safeguard Skull Bash Seismic Toss
1999/08/18 Rock Throw Safeguard Skull Bash Seismic Toss Counter
1999/08/22 Rock Throw Safeguard Skull Bash Milk Drink Counter
1999/08/23 Flail Safeguard Skull Bash Milk Drink Counter
1999/08/30 Flail Safeguard Rapid Spin Counter
1999/08/17 Hyper Fang Powder Snow Thrash Focus Energy Charm
1999/08/22 Foresight Disable Take Down Focus Energy Charm
1999/08/30 Supersonic Disable Take Down Focus Energy Charm Counter Beat Up
1999/08/17 Super Fang Ember Take Down Bide Rage
1999/08/22 Foresight Disable Take Down Confusion Amnesia
1999/08/30 Supersonic Disable Take Down Confusion Amnesia Counter Beat Up
1999/08/17 Bite Lovely Kiss Reversal Future Sight Sacred Fire
1999/08/18 Bite Lovely Kiss Reversal Future Sight Take Down
1999/08/22 Bite Hypnosis Flail Spite Take Down
1999/08/30 Faint Attack Hypnosis Flail Spite Disable
1999/08/17 Mirror Move Pursuit Faint Attack Leer Steel Wing
1999/08/18 Quick Attack Pursuit Faint Attack Leer Steel Wing
1999/08/22 Quick Attack Pursuit Faint Attack Gust Steel Wing
1999/08/30 Quick Attack Pursuit Faint Attack Gust Whirlwind
1999/08/17 Swords Dance Poison Gas Leech Seed Growth Spore
1999/08/22 Swords Dance Synthesis Flail Razor Wind Charm
1999/08/30 Swords Dance Synthesis Flail Razor Leaf Charm
1999/08/17 Vicegrip Megahorn Cross Chop Acid Flail
1999/08/22 Hypnosis Screech Cross Chop Psybeam Flail
1999/08/23 Hypnosis Screech Synthesis Psybeam Flail
1999/08/30 Moonlight Screech Counter Psybeam Flail Sweet Scent Light Screen Pursuit
1999/09/12 False Swipe Screech Counter Psybeam Flail Sweet Scent Light Screen Pursuit
1999/08/17 Poison Sting Screech Teleport Psywave Hypnosis
1999/08/22 Baton Pass Mimic Giga Drain Razor Wind Hypnosis
1999/08/23 Baton Pass Screech Giga Drain Razor Wind Hypnosis
1999/08/30 Baton Pass Screech Giga Drain
1999/08/17 Rock Throw Skull Bash Spikes Ancientpower Pursuit
1999/08/22 Lock-On Skull Bash Zap Cannon Ancientpower Pursuit
1999/08/23 Lock-On Skull Bash Spikes Ancientpower Pursuit
1999/08/30 Faint Attack Screech Beat Up Ancientpower Pursuit
1999/08/17 Spite Perish Song Glare Amnesia Scary Face
1999/08/22 Spite Perish Song Hypnosis Amnesia Spikes
1999/08/30 Spite Charm Hypnosis Amnesia
1999/08/17 Water Gun Hypnosis Amnesia Supersonic Spite
1999/08/22 Ice Beam Hypnosis Psybeam Foresight Spite
1999/08/30 Ice Beam Hypnosis Psybeam Foresight Light Screen Future Sight
1999/09/12 Ice Beam Hypnosis Psybeam Foresight Light Screen Future Sight Psychic
1999/08/17 Bide Rolling Kick Belly Drum Meditate Counter
1999/08/22 Rock Slide Foresight Flail Meditate Counter
1999/08/30 Rock Slide Foresight Reversal Meditate Counter Beat Up
1999/08/17 Sacred Fire Sunny Day Crunch Thrash Fire Spin
1999/08/18 Focus Energy Sunny Day Crunch Thrash Fire Spin
1999/08/22 Body Slam Sunny Day Crunch Thrash Fire Spin
1999/08/23 Body Slam Safeguard Crunch Thrash Fire Spin
1999/08/17 Take Down Splash Bubblebeam Haze Future Sight
1999/08/22 Take Down Splash Bubblebeam Haze Mind Reader
1999/08/30 Mist Splash Bubblebeam Haze Mind Reader
1999/08/17 Agility Encore Barrier Meditate Mirror Coat
1999/08/22 Light Screen Encore Barrier Meditate Mirror Coat
1999/08/30 Light Screen Encore Barrier
1999/08/17 Vital Throw Doubleslap Counter Rock Throw False Swipe
1999/08/22 Light Screen Baton Pass Tail Whip Encore Fire Punch
1999/08/30 Light Screen Meditate Rolling Kick Encore
1999/08/17 Swords Dance Razor Wind Leech Seed Growth Spore
1999/08/22 Swords Dance Encore Reflect Synthesis Charm
1999/08/30 Swords Dance Encore Reflect Synthesis Leech Life
1999/08/17 Bubblebeam Confuse Ray Bubble Smog Bind
1999/08/22 Aurora Beam Take Down Rapid Spin Haze Pursuit
1999/08/30 Aurora Beam Mirror Coat Rapid Spin Haze Pursuit Safeguard
1999/09/12 Aurora Beam Mirror Coat Rapid Spin Haze Safeguard
1999/08/17 Mega Punch Rock Slide Submission Rapid Spin Cross Chop
1999/08/22 Mega Punch Rock Slide Lock-On Reflect Recover
1999/08/30 Mega Punch Rock Slide Lock-On Light Screen Sharpen
1999/09/12 Mega Punch Rock Slide
1999/08/17 Flame Wheel Thrash Bite Lick Quick Attack
1999/08/22 Flame Wheel Thrash Bite Hypnosis Charm
1999/08/30 Flame Wheel Thrash Double Kick Hypnosis Charm
1999/09/12 Flame Wheel Thrash Double Kick Hypnosis Charm Quick Attack
1999/08/17 Safeguard Future Sight Light Screen Octazooka Ice Beam
1999/08/22 Safeguard Belly Drum Light Screen Stomp Ice Beam
1999/08/23 Safeguard Belly Drum Slam Stomp Ice Beam
1999/08/30 Safeguard Belly Drum Future Sight Stomp
1999/08/17 Steel Wing Bone Club Mirror Move Gust Twister
1999/08/22 Steel Wing Foresight Counter Gust Twister
1999/08/30 Steel Wing Foresight Mirror Move Gust Quick Attack Flail
1999/08/17 Wing Attack Supersonic Haze Faint Attack Mirror Move
1999/08/22 Whirlwind Supersonic Haze Faint Attack Steel Wing
1999/08/30 Quick Attack Supersonic Haze Faint Attack Flail Screech
1999/09/12 Quick Attack Supersonic Haze Faint Attack Flail
1999/08/17 Horn Drill Powder Snow Twister Pursuit Slam
1999/08/22 Milk Drink Perish Song Disable Pursuit Slam
1999/08/30 Lick Perish Song Disable Peck Slam Encore
1999/08/17 Struggle Mean Look Smog Faint Attack Recover
1999/08/17 Haze Mean Look Smog Faint Attack Recover
1999/08/23 Haze Mean Look Beat Up Faint Attack Recover
1999/08/30 Haze Mean Look Lick
1999/08/17 Bubblebeam Take Down Confuse Ray Leer Spike Cannon
1999/08/22 Bubblebeam Take Down Barrier Rapid Spin Spike Cannon
1999/08/30 Bubblebeam Take Down Barrier Rapid Spin Screech
1999/08/17 Psywave Perish Song Teleport Beat Up Confusion
1999/08/22 Psywave Perish Song Haze Beat Up Confusion
1999/08/30 Psywave Perish Song Haze
1999/08/17 Rock Slide Rapid Spin Thrash Bide Lock-On
1999/08/22 Rock Slide Tri Attack Thrash Safeguard Lock-On
1999/08/30 Rock Slide Mirror Coat
1999/09/12 Rock Slide Flail
1999/08/17 Sketch Kinesis Sonicboom Mind Reader Baton Pass
1999/08/18 Light Screen Kinesis Sonicboom Mind Reader Baton Pass
1999/08/22 Light Screen Barrier Sonicboom Mind Reader Baton Pass
1999/08/30 Light Screen Barrier
1999/08/17 Haze Cross Chop Dig Slash Withdraw
1999/08/22 Haze Amnesia Confusion Slash Rapid Spin
1999/08/23 Haze Dig Confusion Slash Rapid Spin
1999/08/30 Haze Amnesia Dig Flail Slam
1999/08/17 Mega Drain Scary Face Reflect Softboiled Double-Edge
1999/08/22 Synthesis Moonlight Reflect Softboiled Take Down
1999/08/30 Synthesis Moonlight Reflect Mega Drain Ancientpower
1999/08/17 Karate Chop Vital Throw Counter Rage Skull Bash
1999/08/22 Rock Slide Ancientpower Belly Drum Confusion Skull Bash
1999/08/30 Rock Slide Ancientpower Belly Drum Screech Skull Bash Perish Song
1999/08/17 Bell Drum Magnitude Body Slam Doubleslap Substitute
1999/08/22 Belly Drum Magnitude Body Slam Milk Drink Substitute
1999/08/30 Belly Drum Magnitude Body Slam
1999/08/17 Screech Acid Supersonic Confuse Ray Sludge Bomb
1999/08/22 Screech Psywave Supersonic Mean Look Sludge Bomb
1999/08/30 Screech Psywave Supersonic Psybeam Destiny Bond Pain Split
1999/09/12 Screech Psywave Psybeam Destiny Bond Pain Split
1999/08/17 Crunch Body Slam Rock Slide Thrash Pursuit
1999/08/22 Crunch Foresight Rock Slide Thrash Pursuit
1999/08/30 Crunch Reversal Rock Slide Thrash Pursuit Counter Magnitude
1999/08/17 Present Metronome Spark Thunderbolt Moonlight
1999/08/22 Present Metronome Perish Song Thunderbolt Moonlight
1999/08/30 Present Metronome Heal Bell
1999/08/17 Leech Seed Razor Leaf Smog Sludge Poison Gas
1999/08/22 Flail Confusion Take Down Reflect Moonlight
1999/08/30 Flail Confusion Mega Drain Reflect Amnesia
1999/08/17 Stomp Scary Face Focus Energy False Swipe Double Kick
1999/08/22 Stomp Foresight Focus Energy Pursuit Disable
1999/08/30 Stomp Foresight Focus Energy Safeguard Disable
1999/08/17 Flail Aurora Beam Confuse Ray Powder Snow Splash
1999/08/18 Flail Aurora Beam Octazooka Powder Snow Splash
1999/08/22 Flail Aurora Beam Confuse Ray Disable Splash
1999/08/23 Flail Aurora Beam Octazooka Disable Splash
1999/09/12 Flail Aurora Beam Octazooka Disable Splash Dragon Rage
1999/08/17 Psybeam Twister Hydro Pump Water Gun Leer
1999/08/22 Psybeam Haze Hydro Pump Supersonic Flail
1999/08/30 Psybeam Haze Hydro Pump Supersonic
1999/09/12 Psybeam Haze Hydro Pump
1999/08/17 Acid Barrier Supersonic Harden Ancientpower
1999/08/22 Aurora Beam Barrier Supersonic Confusion Haze
1999/08/30 Aurora Beam Barrier Supersonic
Mr. Mime
1999/08/17 Lovely Kiss Perish Song Quick Attack Smog Pursuit
1999/08/22 Lovely Kiss Perish Song Sonicboom Mind Reader Pursuit
1999/08/30 Future Sight Hypnosis Mimic
1999/08/17 Counter Safeguard Baton Pass Harden Giga Drain
1999/08/22 Counter Safeguard Baton Pass Razor Wind Giga Drain
1999/08/30 Counter Safeguard Baton Pass Razor Wind Reversal Light Screen
1999/08/17 Fury Attack Reversal Cross Chop Giga Drain Counter
1999/08/22 Fury Attack Reversal Hypnosis Giga Drain Counter
1999/08/23 Fury Attack Flail Hypnosis Giga Drain Counter
1999/08/30 Fury Attack Flail
1999/08/17 Aurora Beam Focus Energy Stomp Thrash Pursuit
1999/08/22 Aurora Beam Foresight Stomp Thrash Pursuit
1999/08/30 Aurora Beam Foresight
1999/08/17 Flail Present Milk Drink Sweet Scent Safeguard
1999/08/30 Flail Charm
1999/08/17 Barrier Aurora Beam Acid Supersonic Pursuit
1999/08/22 Rapid Spin Aurora Beam Slam Supersonic Pursuit
1999/08/30 Bubblebeam Aurora Beam Slam Supersonic Bubble
1999/09/12 Bubblebeam Aurora Beam Slam Supersonic Haze
1999/08/17 Bubble Confusion Barrier Confuse Ray Aurora Beam
1999/08/22 Splash Confusion Barrier Haze Aurora Beam
1999/08/30 Bubblebeam Rapid Spin Dig Flail Aurora Beam
1999/08/17 Aeroblast Pursuit Leer Steel Wing Tri Attack
1999/08/18 Whirlwind Pursuit Leer Steel Wing Tri Attack
1999/08/22 Whirlwind Pursuit Foresight Steel Wing Tri Attack
1999/08/30 Whirlwind Pursuit Foresight Steel Wing
1999/08/17 Bide Sweet Scent Heal Bell Stomp Milk Drink
1999/08/22 Charm Sweet Scent Disable Stomp Milk Drink
1999/08/30 Charm Lick
1999/08/17 Haze Supersonic Psybeam Twister Pursuit
1999/08/22 Haze Supersonic Psybeam Confusion Pursuit
1999/08/30 Haze Supersonic Light Screen Mist

Egg Move Changes (152-251)


  • Bold: Move difference between sets.
  • Red: No valid parent to pass down move.
  • Blue: Pokémon can already learn move through TM, making the entry redundant.
1999/08/17 Vine Whip Leech Seed Thrash Crunch Confuse Ray
1999/08/22 Disable Rock Slide Thrash Milk Drink Moonlight
1999/08/30 Vine Whip Leech Seed Counter Ancientpower Flail
1999/08/17 Crunch Take Down Rock Slide Thrash Ancientpower
1999/08/22 Crunch Take Down Rock Slide Thrash Foresight
1999/08/30 Fury Swipes Quick Attack Reversal Thrash Foresight
1999/08/17 Crunch Take Down Rock Slide Thrash Ancientpower
1999/08/18 Crunch Take Down Twister Thrash Body Slam
1999/08/22 Crunch Take Down Twister Thrash Ancientpower
1999/08/23 Crunch Body Slam Twister Thrash Ancientpower
1999/08/30 Crunch Hydro Pump Rock Slide Thrash Ancientpower Razor Wind
1999/08/17 Thrash Pursuit Slash Light Screen Confusion
1999/08/30 Double-Edge Pursuit Slash Focus Energy Reversal
1999/08/17 Psybeam False Swipe Poisonpowder Faint Attack Leech Life
1999/08/22 Psybeam Bide Hypnosis Faint Attack Faint Attack
1999/08/30 Psybeam Bide Light Screen
1999/08/17 Spider Web Flail Sonicboom Baton Pass Slash
1999/08/18 Spider Web Flail Sonicboom Baton Pass False Swipe
1999/08/22 Spider Web Giga Drain Sonicboom Baton Pass False Swipe
1999/08/30 Psybeam Disable Sonicboom Baton Pass Pursuit
1999/08/22 Flail Supersonic Thrash Psybeam Haze
1999/08/30 Flail Supersonic Screech
1999/08/17 Spark Metronome Present Milk Drink Heal Bell
1999/08/22 Foresight Metronome Present Milk Drink Heal Bell
1999/08/30 Reversal Bide Present Encore Doubleslap
1999/08/17 Egg Bomb Sweet Scent Heal Bell Milk Drink Milk Drink
1999/08/18 Egg Bomb Sweet Scent Heal Bell Milk Drink Splash
1999/08/22 Egg Bomb Sweet Scent Amnesia Milk Drink Splash
1999/08/23 Egg Bomb Sweet Scent Heal Bell Milk Drink Splash
1999/08/30 Present Metronome Amnesia Belly Drum Splash Mimic
1999/08/17 Egg Bomb Milk Drink Spark Heal Bell Sweet Scent
1999/08/18 Double-Edge Present Encore Heal Bell Sweet Scent
1999/08/22 Perish Song Milk Drink Spark Heal Bell Sweet Scent
1999/08/23 Perish Song Present Encore Heal Bell Sweet Scent
1999/08/30 Perish Song Present Faint Attack
1999/08/17 Present Spark Heal Bell Sweet Scent Egg Bomb
1999/08/22 Present Mirror Move Heal Bell Sweet Scent Egg Bomb
1999/08/30 Present Mirror Move Peck Foresight Future Sight Screech
1999/09/12 Present Mirror Move Peck Foresight Future Sight
1999/08/17 Mirror Move Drill Peck Gust Faint Attack Steel Wing
1999/08/18 Sand Attack Drill Peck Quick Attack Faint Attack Steel Wing
1999/08/22 Haze Drill Peck Quick Attack Faint Attack Steel Wing
1999/08/17 Thunderbolt Thunderpunch Earthquake Safeguard Screech
1999/08/22 Thunderbolt Thunderpunch Counter Safeguard Screech
1999/08/30 Thunderbolt Take Down Body Slam Safeguard Screech Reflect
1999/08/17 Metronome Present Milk Drink Heal Bell Aurora Beam
1999/08/30 Light Screen Present Amnesia Future Sight Belly Drum Perish Song Supersonic Foresight
1999/08/17 Psybeam Rage Light Screen Lock-On Recover
1999/08/22 Tri Attack Mirror Coat Light Screen Lock-On Recover
1999/08/30 Selfdestruct Mirror Coat Light Screen
1999/09/12 Selfdestruct
1999/08/17 Razor Leaf Sludge Bomb Confuse Ray Spore Reflect
1999/08/22 Confusion Moonlight Encore Double-Edge Reflect
1999/08/30 Confusion Growl Encore Double-Edge Reflect Amnesia Pay Day
1999/08/17 Thundershock Light Screen Safeguard False Swipe Growl
1999/08/22 Counter Hydro Pump Pursuit Haze Spite
1999/08/30 Counter Screech Pursuit Agility Spite Slam Doubleslap Beat Up
1999/08/17 Whirlwind Giga Drain Gust Confusion False Swipe
1999/08/22 N/A
1999/08/23 Whirlwind Giga Drain Gust Confusion Psybeam
1999/08/30 Whirlwind
1999/09/12 Whirlwind Reversal Leech Life
Wooper / Quagsire
Counter Hydro Pump Pursuit Haze Spite
Thundershock Ancientpower Safeguard Rapid Spin Slash
Seismic Toss Ancientpower Safeguard Rapid Spin Slash
Body Slam Ancientpower Safeguard
1999/08/17 Whirlwind Horn Drill Fury Attack Mirror Move Wing Attack
1999/08/18 Whirlwind Horn Drill Quick Attack Mirror Move Wing Attack
1999/08/30 Whirlwind Drill Peck Quick Attack Mirror Move Wing Attack
1999/08/17 Screech Destiny Bond Harden Poison Gas Smokescreen
1999/08/22 Screech Destiny Bond Sludge Bomb Blank Beat Up
1999/08/23 Screech Destiny Bond Sludge Bomb Sludge Bomb Beat Up
1999/08/30 Screech Destiny Bond
1999/08/17 Sand Attack Thundershock Light Screen Scary Face Take Down
1999/08/22 Tri Attack Thundershock Light Screen Foresight Take Down
1999/08/23 Tri Attack Thunderbolt Light Screen Foresight Take Down
1999/08/30 Amnesia Future Sight Beat Up Foresight Take Down
1999/08/17 Tri Attack Lock-On Screech Mist Sonicboom
1999/08/18 Tri Attack Lock-On Screech Supersonic Sonicboom
1999/08/22 Reflect Thrash Flail Confusion Moonlight
1999/08/30 Reflect Pin Missile Flail
1999/09/12 Reflect Pin Missile Flail Swift
1999/08/17 Lock-On Glare Destiny Bond Bite False Swipe
1999/08/22 Lock-On Ancientpower Rock Slide Bite Thunderbolt
1999/08/30 Bide Ancientpower Rock Slide Bite Rage
1999/08/17 Flail Psybeam False Swipe Counter Leech Life
1999/08/22 Faint Attack Psybeam Giga Drain Counter Bide
1999/08/30 Metal Claw Wing Attack Razor Wind Counter
1999/08/17 Sand Attack Thundershock Reflect Present Crunch
1999/08/22 Metronome Thundershock Reflect Present Crunch
1999/08/23 Metronome Seismic Toss Reflect Present Crunch
1999/08/30 Metronome Faint Attack Reflect Present Crunch Heal Bell Lick Leer
1999/08/17 Psybeam Leer Minimize Twister Thrash
1999/08/22 Psybeam Haze Spark Supersonic Thrash
1999/08/30 Flail Haze Bubblebeam Supersonic
1999/08/17 Lock-On Tri Attack Mirror Coat Reflect
1999/08/18 Lock-On Tri Attack Mirror Coat Reflect Mist
1999/08/22 N/A
1999/08/23 Lock-On Tri Attack Mirror Coat Reflect Mist
1999/08/30 Sweet Scent
1999/08/17 False Swipe Bide Reversal Sonicboom Giga Drain
1999/08/22 Harden Bide Flail Sonicboom Giga Drain
1999/08/30 Harden Bide Flail
1999/08/17 Lick Spite Disable Mirror Coat Bite
1999/08/22 Counter Spite Foresight Mirror Coat Bite
1999/08/30 Counter Spite Foresight Reflect Bite
1999/08/17 Crunch Quick Attack Thunderbolt Focus Energy Counter
1999/08/22 Crunch Take Down Thunderbolt Focus Energy Counter
1999/08/23 Crunch Take Down Seismic Toss Focus Energy Counter
Slugma / Magcargo
Psybeam Agility Spark Barrier Quick Attack
Psybeam Mirror Coat Lock-On Tri Attack Recover
Acid Armor
1999/08/17 Take Down Bite Sand Attack Rock Slide Ancientpower
1999/08/22 Take Down Bite Body Slam Rock Slide Ancientpower
1999/08/22 Rock Slide Ancientpower Barrier Mist Ice Beam
1999/08/30 Rock Slide Safeguard Screech Mist Amnesia
1999/08/17 Hypnosis Bubble Confusion Disable Acid
1999/08/22 Hypnosis Bubble Octazooka Disable Supersonic
1999/08/23 Hypnosis Aurora Beam Octazooka Disable Supersonic
1999/08/30 Haze Aurora Beam Octazooka Screech Supersonic
1999/08/17 Aurora Beam Milk Drink Powder Snow Twister Water Gun
1999/08/22 Aurora Beam Milk Drink Confusion Splash Rapid Spin
1999/08/30 Aurora Beam Quick Attack Future Sight Splash Rapid Spin
1999/08/17 Tail Whip Hydro Pump Haze Slam Pursuit
1999/08/22 Twister Hydro Pump Haze Slam Pursuit
1999/08/30 Twister Hydro Pump Haze Slam
1999/08/17 Drill Peck Aeroblast Whirlwind Haze Mirror Move
1999/08/18 Drill Peck Pursuit Whirlwind Haze Mirror Move
1999/08/22 Drill Peck Pursuit Whirlwind Haze Foresight
1999/08/30 Drill Peck Pursuit Whirlwind
1999/08/17 Fire Spin Dragon Rage Sacred Fire Counter Focus Energy
1999/08/18 Fire Spin Dragon Rage Pursuit Counter Focus Energy
1999/08/22 Fire Spin Dragon Rage Pursuit Counter Spite
1999/08/30 Fire Spin Rage Pursuit Counter Spite Reversal Beat Up
1999/08/17 Focus Energy Sand Attack Ancientpower Counter Lock-On
1999/08/22 Focus Energy Body Slam Ancientpower Counter Thunderbolt
1999/08/30 Focus Energy Body Slam Ancientpower
1999/08/17 Lick Spite Disable Thundershock Bite
1999/08/22 Reflect Spite Disable Thundershock Bite
1999/08/23 Reflect Spite Disable Thunderbolt Bite
1999/08/30 Reflect Spite Disable Light Screen Bite
1999/08/17 Lovely Kiss Quick Attack Smog Present Mist
1999/08/22 Lovely Kiss Meditate Sonicboom Present Mist
1999/08/30 Lovely Kiss Meditate
1999/08/17 Encore Psybeam Barrier Screech Thrash
1999/08/18 Encore Rolling Kick Substitute Meditate Smokescreen
1999/08/22 Encore Rolling Kick Barrier Meditate Baton Pass
1999/08/30 Karate Chop Rolling Kick Barrier Meditate
1999/08/17 Encore Psybeam Barrier Screech Thrash
1999/08/30 Karate Chop Mega Punch Barrier Screech
1999/08/17 Present Metronome Spark Thunderbolt Moonlight
1999/08/22 Present Metronome Seismic Toss Thunderbolt Moonlight
1999/08/30 Present Reversal Seismic Toss
1999/08/17 Double Kick Stomp Cross Chop Focus Energy Ancientpower
1999/08/22 Pursuit Stomp Twister Focus Energy Ancientpower
1999/08/30 Pursuit Stomp Outrage Focus Energy Ancientpower