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Development:Team Fortress 2/Source Developer Asset Repository Leaks/Textures

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This is a sub-page of Development:Team Fortress 2/Source Developer Asset Repository Leaks.

Images present on this article should not be uploaded to the Official Team Fortress 2 Wiki, as that wiki has a leaked content policy in place prohibiting the upload of these images.
To do:
so much is missing from here
  • yellow and green MvM Demobot skins in the one PSD
  • green robot heads
  • green MvM tank skin + alternate skull and crossbones tank grill texture
  • backpack icons for stuff like the "hundredth" hats and the early versions of those 3 special hats for stamps, duels and gifts
  • rest of the early bucket icons from those psds
    • all the current bucket icons ingame also need to be added to the main article's Unused Assets subpage or whichever subpage currently has a couple of the "bucket" icons already on it. Seems Valve actually made the game no longer use those bucket icons that show up on the right side of the screen when you disable fast weapon switch
  • the bundle icon psd for that end of the line update bundle with the gun shaped gift all wrapped up has a secret smart object layer under the wrapped gun.
  • get rid of those two Dark Knight Demoman renders I uploaded where the Demoman is grey, and he's got the sword and shield in the one render. Those are inaccurate to what the Knight model actually looks like.

Backpack Icons

The leak contains many PSD files for various backpack icons of items in the game. Many of these PSDs contain reference imagery in them, and there are even many icons for cut items! These icons come in smaller versions and larger versions, with their filenames suffixed with "_large". For the purposes of this article, only the larger icons will be shown.

Stamp Pin

First up, a backpack icon for the Stamp Pin cosmetic found in the 2010 TF2 Open Beta client files.


Unused bundles for Xmas, along with a generic one.

Old versions of decal tools.

Likely an item that could be used to give an "Enchantment: Eternaween" to everyone on the server?

The delivered giftapult page... but less beat up.

Concepts for cards to allow powerups in MvM.

Sketch robot parts.

Old designs for MvM tickets.

"Quest folder". These are from the original Contracts system prior to the Contracker being added. Quests were given to you in the form of invisible items in your backpack. 3rd party backpack viewing sites were able to show these invisible items and they used these icons.

"Replay cam".

An alternate design for the "Nice Winter Crate Key 2012".

An alternative design for a naughty winter crate.

An older version of the strange bacon grease.

A generic image for a strange filter.

WIP attempts at the strangeifier, also called the transmogrifier.

Strange parts for critical kills (old graphic), killing friends, and unique users killed.

Early Tokens

Icons for crafting tokens. These are present as alternate layers of the token_gold, token_silver and token_bronze PSD files. The gold, silver and copper tokens themselves are still present in the game files and go entirely unused and their purpose was entirely a mystery until this leak.


Early versions of the Noisemaker model, found in the Smart Objects layers of several of the noisemaker PSDs. Comparing these to the final versions of the Noisemakers shows that the speaker grille with the vertical slits was shrunk and moved opposite the green light, and the button from the one version was moved over to where the grille formerly was.

Alternate versions of the TF Birthday Noisemaker, in 4 different designs, found in the Smart Objects layers of several of the birthday noisemaker icon PSD; a different version of the cake icon that was chosen for the final icon, a cake with four candles, a cake with a single candle, and a balloon with some confetti.

Alternate versions of the Summer Cooler crates where the number decal on the bottom-left lacks a circle and uses a different font. The new version was likely chosen as the numbers were easier to read.

Prototype TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler2 large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler3 large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler4 large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler5 large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler6 large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler7 large.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler8 large.png
Final TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler large new.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler2 largenew.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler3 largenew.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler4 largenew.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler5 largenew.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler6 largenew.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler7 largenew.png TeamFortress2-crate summer cooler8 largenew.png

On top of these early versions, there is also an alternate angled version of the icon for the #1 crate, named "crate_summer_cooler.psd"/"crate_summer_cooler_large.psd".

A closed version of the chemistry set.

A bundle of keys that would likely give multiple keys when bought.

A key for the summer cooler, with a slightly different angle to the model.

Graphics for shogun item bundles.

A couple alternate versions of an unused taunt case featuring the Memory Maker can be found within the Smart Objects layers of materials\backpack\player\items\crafting\taunt_case_large.psd. Note that these may not be proper complete icons, as the Smart Objects can be toggled on freely allowing the creation of these multiple styles of icons. Either way, these all go unused ingame.

TeamFortress2-taunt case large.png TeamFortress2-taunt case large2.png TeamFortress2-taunt case large3.png

Boxes potentially intended for early versions of class bundles or the keyless class-specific crates. Why they went to the trouble of making both "open" and "closed" icons for items that wouldn't normally remain in your inventory after being used is not known.


A hidden layer in the birthday version of the large medkit reveals a brown layer that gives it a chocolate appearance.
TeamFortress2-medkit large bday anim.gif


The only icon in this folder.


Icons for bread, specifically stored with weapon icons and not crafting.

Backpack icons for paint bombs.

Icon for the 'Stratonic Swatter', a kill icon can still be found in the game files.

Icon for the 'Krankensage'.

Icon for the peyote, before being changed to the Buffalo Steak Sandvich.


"hwn14_sniper" contains a version of the Halloween 2014 image of the sniper wearing the Roo Rippers.

Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-hwn14_sniper layer6.png

"mvm_spy_bot" contains a slightly different version of the spy bot's titlescreen image.

Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-mvm_spy_bot layer10.png

"mvm_soldier_bot" contains a version of the soldier bot's titlescreen image doing a different pose.

Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-mvm_soldier_bot layer10.png

"mvm_heavy_bot" contains a version of the heavy bot, but in red.

Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-mvm_heavy_bot layer5.png

"background_mvm_widescreen" contains the original image used for the background.

Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-background mvm widescreen layer4.png TeamFortress2-background mvm widescreen.png

"background_xmas2011_master" contains the original image used for the background.

Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-background xmas2011 master.png TeamFortress2-background xmas2011 widescreen.png


Animated dice.
TeamFortress2-animated dice.gif TeamFortress2-animated dice blue.gif

Animated feather.
TeamFortress2-animated feather.png


To do:
Is MvM_Difficulty unused? The MvM difficulty graphics are present in the game files, so if they are indeed unused, they should be added to the main article's Unused Assets subpage.

Are the obj icons unused?

Placeholder images for the cut Engineer catapult building, using an aerial faithplate from Portal 2.

Old images for the teleporters with multiple arrows compared to just one.

Vs graphics for arena mode.

MvM Robot Icons

Early versions of many MvM robot icons can be found in individual PSDs.

Kill Icons

d_images_setup has a very-early sheet for kill icons. Notice the Stickybomb Launcher's kill icon using the Grenade Launcher design, a remnant of when the Sticky Launcher was purely just an alt-fire of the original Pipebomb Launcher for the Demoman. Also present are kill icons for the Nailgun (a single nail), the Tranquilizer Gun and what looks to be an early incarnation of the Demoman's Bottle.
TF2 d images setup Layer 0.png


Several of the "bucket icons" found in the PSD files contained in materials\sprites\bucket_sources have layers with alternate/early designs in them.

Alternate versions for the RED & BLU Medi Gun:

Prototype Final
TF2Repo MedigunBucketRed.png
TF2Repo MedigunBucketBlue.png
TF2 MedigunBucketRED.png
TF2 MedigunBucketBLU.png

Along with an early prototype version of the Medi Gun bucket icon, featuring a health symbol and an AO baked Medi Gun.
TF2Repo MedigunBucket.png

Early version of the SMG bucket icon using the design of the Scout's cut MAC-10 SMG.
TeamFortress2-bucket smg.png

Graphic for the original "Python" version of the Spy's Revolver.
TF2Repo PythonBucket.png
TF2 Spypython.png

Early version of a PDA bucket icon displaying the unused v_pda model.
TF2Repo PDAIcon.png

Team-coloured designs for the Scattergun and Pistol.
TeamFortress2-bucket pistol blu.png TeamFortress2-bucket pistol red.png

TeamFortress2-bucket scatgun blu.png TeamFortress2-bucket scatgun red.png

Icons for both BLU and RED bases, found in sprites\obj_icons.

TeamFortress2-icon base blu.png TeamFortress2-icon base red.png

Counter-Strike 1.6 leftover HUD icons.




TeamFortress2-scouts mom.png

Internally called "scouts_mom". Used for the following (cut) training achievements where the player got a bronze rank:

TeamFortress2-Showing Promise 1.png

Internally called "showing_promise_1". Used for the following (cut) training achievements where the player got a silver rank:

TeamFortress2-Outstanding 1.png
TeamFortress2-tf soldier training bod gold.png

Internally called "outstanding_1", the smaller achievement icon is cropped. Used for the following (cut) training achievements where the player got a gold rank:


Internally called "A_Shot_In_the_Dark", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_pointcap_kill_spy".
TeamFortress2-A Shot In the Dark.png

Internally called "Cirque_Deux_Pain", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_bod_2_for_1".
TeamFortress2-Cirque Deux Pain.png

Internally called "Crate_To_Crete'", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_rocket_crate_to_crete".
TeamFortress2-Crate To Crete'.png

Internally called "Double_Duty", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_targets_2_for_1".
TeamFortress2-Double Duty.png

Internally called "Give_Me_the_Prize", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_frenzy_no_die".
TeamFortress2-Give Me the Prize.png

Internally called "Goal_Oriented", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_cor_fast".
TeamFortress2-Goal Oriented.png

Internally called "Greed_is_OOD", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_frenzy_coins".
TeamFortress2-Greed is OOD.png

Internally called "I'm_Still_Alive", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_pointcap_no_die".
TeamFortress2-I'm Still Alive.png

Internally called "Just_A_Flesh_Wound", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_rocket_1_med_kit".
TeamFortress2-Just A Flesh Wound.png

Internally called "Kill_One_Get_One_Free", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_paddock_2_for_1".
TeamFortress2-Kill One Get One Free.png

Internally called "Love_Is_War", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_cor_no_die".
TeamFortress2-Love Is War.png

Internally called "Moving_Mountains", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_bod_heavy_bridge".
TeamFortress2-Moving Mountains.png

TeamFortress2-tf soldier training bod air shot grind.png

Internally called "Pull!", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_bod_air_shot_grind" which uses a higher value.

Internally called "Quick_Draw", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_paddock_hit_3".
TeamFortress2-Quick Draw.png

Internally called "Red_Harvest", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_frenzy_kill_grind".
TeamFortress2-Red Harvest.png

Internally called "Shotty", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_targets_shotgun".

Internally called "Taking_One_For_the_Team", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_pointcap_bots_cap".
TeamFortress2-Taking One For the Team.png

Internally called "Tenhut!_to_detail", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_rocket_find_all".
TeamFortress2-Tenhut! to detail.png

Internally called "Thanks_For_The_Lift", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_cor_sentry_from_air".
TeamFortress2-Thanks For The Lift.png

Internally called "They_Don't_Shoot_Back", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_paddock_suicide".
TeamFortress2-They Don't Shoot Back.png

Internally called "Winner!", used for the achievement "tf_soldier_training_targets_all".

The "Revengineering" achievement, but rotated 90 degrees.
TeamFortress2-tf engineer revenge crit sentry killer.png

Internally called "tf_taunt_dosido"
TeamFortress2-tf taunt dosido.png

Internally called "tf_taunt_flip"
TeamFortress2-tf taunt flip.png

Internally called "tf_taunt_headbutt"
TeamFortress2-tf taunt headbutt.png

Internally called "tf_taunt_rps_paper"
TeamFortress2-tf taunt rps paper.png

Internally called "TeamFortress2-tf_mvm_achieve_progress1-3", for completing MvM achievements, a third exists but is just the standard fireworks graphic.
TeamFortress2-tf_mvm_achieve_progress1.png TeamFortress2-tf_mvm_achieve_progress2.png

Photoshop Files

Chalkboard_staging_map contains alternative images for map loading images.


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map cp gravelpit.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard staging map koth harvest.png TeamFortress2-Menu photos koth harvest event.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map mvm coaltown.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map mvm decoy.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map mvm mannhattan.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map mvm mannworks.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map pl helltower.png
Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map pl helltower2.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map sd doomsday event.png
Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map sd doomsday event2.png
Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map sd doomsday event3.png


Prototype Final
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map tc hydro.png
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map tc hydro2.png
TeamFortress2-Chalkboard_staging_map tc hydro3.png

Model Textures

Several textures for the models used in the backpack icons for items were leaked from the Repo privately over Discord. They later made their way to Twitter, with the Witch face texture, the Manndate Key texture, the Tour of Duty Ticket texture and the RED Repair Node texture being the first 4 to be leaked. Other leaks came later.

(Source: Initial 4 texture leaks - TF2CutContent on Twitter)

Early Gun Mettle Key Texture

In the repository, there is a texture for an early version of the Gun Mettle Key, when it was internally called "The Manndate". A screenshot of the texture, sourced from a private Discord chat, was leaked online in December of 2021.

(Source: Manndate Key texture leak - TF2CutContent on Twitter)
(Source: Recreation of the key model, created by Wendylmao2 - TF2CutContent on Twitter)

Witch Face Texture

The face texture for the Witch seen on the cover of the Spellbook Magazine is in the repository. A screenshot of the texture, sourced from a private Discord chat, was leaked online in December of 2021. The backpack icon for the Spellbook Magazine sheds some light on how the Witch would have looked like. On December 27th, 2022, a render of the Witch model with the repo textures for the Miss Pauling model applied was leaked online, showing that there was a proper model for the Witch, and that the Witch was in fact a modified Miss Pauling model.

(Source: Witch face texture leak - TF2CutContent on Twitter)

Tour of Duty Ticket Texture

This texture was used to create the backpack icon for the Tour of Duty Ticket. A screenshot of the texture, sourced from a private Discord chat, was leaked online in December of 2021. The leaked texture also has some different text on the left side of the ticket. While the leaked texture reads "MANN vs. MACHINE", the backpack icon for the Tour of Duty Ticket reads "MANN UP". This could mean that this texture is an early or alternate version of the ticket from before Valve had decided on "Mann Up" as a concept.

(Source: Tour of Duty Ticket texture leak - TF2CutContent on Twitter)

Repair Node Texture

The RED texture for the unused Repair Node building. A screenshot of the texture, sourced from a private Discord chat, was leaked online in December of 2021. The texture also features a "BROKEN" sign that isn't used anywhere on the model.

When applied to the Repair Node model found in the game files, we get the following end result.

When the Repair Node model included in the model sources leak is compiled, and the textures applied, we get a different end result featuring a now-black screen, and the Level 3 Repair Node actually utilizes the "BROKEN" sign.

(Source: RED Repair Node texture leak - TF2CutContent on Twitter)

Dark Knight

Another boss planned for the cut Raid Mode. A screenshot of the texture, sourced from a private Discord chat, was leaked online in December of 2021. The texture shows the Dark Knight boss to be a simple reskin of the Demoman player model.

(Source: Dark Knight texture leak - TF2CutContent on Twitter)
(Source: Dark Knight model render - TF2CutContent on Twitter)

Early Player Model Textures

On October 26th, 2022, five images of early player model skins were leaked onto the /tf2g/ thread on 4chan's /vg/ board. The skins leaked were for the Soldier, Pyro, Heavy, Medic and Spy. In response to this initial leak of five early skins, another leaker went and leaked eighteen player model texture PSD files to the thread.

The next day, October 27th, 2022, after the community at large finally noticed the leaks from the night before, three more early skins were then leaked onto the /tf2g/ thread. These new leaks were for the Scout, Demoman and Engineer. However, unlike the previous day, PSD files for these three classes were not leaked.

Interestingly, the Spy texture matches an unused normal map for Spy found in the final game's files. Also interestingly, the Sniper's early texture has yet to be leaked.

Within the actual January 2023 leak, these early skins can be found in the <class>_red.psd files' Background layer, though some other layers do need to be toggled on as well. The early Spy texture can be found as the Background layer of spy_normal.psd.

Due to the nature of the PSD files and their numerous layers that need to be toggled on to recreate these old skins, the skins shown below may not be 100% representative of what they would have looked like had they been released officially ingame by Valve. In many cases, the layers in the PSD files are unnamed, making piecing early skins back together a challenge.

(Source: LambdaGeneration post by TF2CutContent)
(Source: LambdaGeneration post by TF2CutContent)

Two alternate early Demoman textures were later leaked online through Discord on December 30th, 2022. One appears to be the RED team equivalent of a BLU Demoman skin seen in early concept art sketches. Some layers from the PSD appear to have not been toggled on for this super early skin however, such as the sleeves.

Grenade Pack Texture

The texture for the grenade pack pickup, which would have restored the player's grenades, was leaked online through Discord in November of 2022.

(Source: LambdaGeneration post by Wolfcl0ck)

Wood Cutouts

Theres a skeleton cutout that is not in retail games files and was never used for anything.

Teamfortress2 Repo Leak Skeleton Target.png

Temporary Textures

Placeholder textures for the signs exclusive to sd_doomsday.

TeamFortress2-temp sign doomsday temp001.png

Placeholder HUD icons for rd_asteroid's worker bots.

TeamFortress2-temp bot worker sign blue.png TeamFortress2-temp bot worker sign red.png TeamFortress2-temp bot worker2 sign blue.png TeamFortress2-temp bot worker2 sign red.png

A "DO NOT BREAK" sign.

TeamFortress2-temp sign donotbreak.png

A metal door for a "bomb storage".

TeamFortress2 mvm bomb door.png


A small snippet of a portion of a layer of the v_pistol.vtf's master PSD file is all we have left of this repo leak. The PSD file itself has been lost to time, although it is likely still present in the Source Developer Repo. Sadly, it was not included with the recent January 12, 2023 major repo leak.

TF2Repo vpistolbrushstrokes.png