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Development:The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey

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This page details development materials of The Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey.

The Dragon's Eyrie

Returning artist Mark Jones was in charge of designing the game's logo. On his personal portfolio, The Dragon's Eyrie, he showed off sketches of different versions of the key made during development.

Sketches Final
SK MJKeyLogo.png SK MJKeyFinal.png
(Source: Mark Jones - The Dragon's Eyrie)

UI Revisions

To do:
  • Write descriptions

A few UI revisions displayed by Mark Jones, once again on his portfolio. Keep an eye on the compass bar on the top of the screenshots.

Wormmouth Render

Also on the Eyrie are a selection of renders for the cute Wormmouth. These renders showcase the monster in higher quality than it is shown in-game.

Wireframe Render
SK WormMouth6.png SK WormMouth5.png

Six Legged Spider Render

This "spider" was another work by Mark Jones. Jones notes that while the technical limitations led to the spider only having enough legs to be considered an insect, the creature is admittedly very spider-like, and accomplishes the job of being a recognizable enemy in the Elder Scrolls series. These renders, like before, showcase the monster in higher quality than it is shown in-game.

(Source: Mark Jones - The Dragon's Eyrie)