Development:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Items
This is a sub-page of Development:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.
Item Graphics
Get Item Icons
Super Donkey |
Menu Item Icons
zel0.lst | SD Proto | ITEM.CGX | 4t-4x.CGX (JP3) | 4t-4x.CGX (PAL EN) |
- The palette used for zel0.lst is the inventory/HUD palette found at 0xF610D in super_donkey_1.bin. However, the Super Donkey proto likely post-dates zel0.lst by at least a couple months, meaning it's not a perfect match.
- Swords: 3
- Shields: 3
- Lacks: Mushroom, Pendant, Map/Letter
- Has: Bread, Fairy, Triforce, Coins, Crystals
- Mysterious "Push A-Button" Text
- No key icon for HUD.
Item Lists
To do: Someone who remembers ALttP better should further compare and contrast these lists with each other and the final game. |
20 Item List
The files 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg3.asm, 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg30.asm, and 日本_Ver3\asm\z00_bg30.asm have an identical section titled "item NO." which contains a very old list of items.
item NO. | Translation | Final Equivalent |
Bomber Boomerang Bow & Arrows Hammer Rod001 Rod002 Whistle Shovel Lamp Powder Bottle001 Bottle002 Bottle003 Tunic Special Bomber Special Thunder Special Quake Solomon Hiding Triforce ; Maximum Hearts |
Bomb Boomerang Bow & Arrows Magic Hammer Fire Rod Ice Rod Flute Shovel Lamp Magic Powder Bottle 1 Bottle 2 Bottle 3 Mail Bombos Medallion Ether Medallion Quake Medallion Cane of Somaria Magic Cape n/a |
Missing Items:
- Shield
- Pegasus Shoes
- Power Glove
- Zora's Flippers
- Moon Pearl
- Hookshot
- Mushroom
- Bug Catching Net
- Book of Mudora
- 4th Bottle
- Cane of Byrna
- The item names are all 6 letters long. The final letter is repeated if the word is less than 6 letters. (For example, "HUE" (WHISTLE) turns into "HUEEEE" (WHISTLEEEE).)
- There are no apparent item upgrades, but it's unclear whether they would have been reflected in this list if they existed at the time.
- There's no usable Triforce item in the final game, but there are graphics for one in the Mid-1991 Overdump.
39 Item List
The files 日本_Ver3\asm\z00_char.asm and 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_char.asm have an identical section called "Item char. buffer set". The items contained within this section predate the final game.
;************************************************************************ ;* Item char. buffer set (ITMCBFST) * ;************************************************************************ ITMCPTD EQU $ ; bin bomb*3 ya*3 life WORD 00018H*68H,00018H*02H,00018H*04H,00018H*06H ; fuku yumi ken tsue WORD 00018H*08H,00018H*20H,00018H*21H,00018H*22H ; buw-gun lot nummer kona WORD 00018H*23H,00018H*24H,00018H*25H,00018H*26H ; fue tebukuro hon key WORD 00018H*28H,00018H*2AH,00018H*2CH,00018H*2EH ; buumeran ashi kagami bomb WORD 00018H*2FH,00018H*40H,00018H*42H,00018H*44H ; lamp kakure jisyaku tama WORD 00018H*46H,00018H*48H,00018H*4AH,00018H*4CH ; sp-ken skope sp-thunder sp-fire WORD 00018H*4EH,00018H*4FH,00018H*60H,00018H*62H ; sp-jishin kara-bin kiniko kusuri WORD 00018H*64H,00018H*66H,00018H*6AH,00018H*00H ; tate letter sp-key pendanto WORD 00018H*0AH,00018H*6CH,00018H*6EH,00018H*0EH ; rupy1 rupy2 rupy3 WORD 00018H*40H,00018H*41H,00018H*42H,00018H*0EH
Translations | |||
bottle | bomb*3 | arrow*3 | life |
tunic | bow | sword | cane |
bow-gun | rod | hammer | powder |
whistle | gauntlets | book | key |
boomerang | feet | mirror | bomb |
lamp | hiding | compass | orb |
sp-sword | shovel | sp-thunder | sp-fire |
sp-quake | empty-bottle | mushrom | potion |
shield | letter | sp-key | pendant |
rupee1 | rupee2 | rupee3 |
- "bow gun" is misspelled. It may refer to the Hookshot.
- "rod" and "hammer" are egregiously misspelled.
- "feet" refers to the item that became Zora's Flippers.
- "hiding" refers to the item that became the Magic Cape, which consumes magic but hides Link from enemies.
- The "sp" prefix means "special". While "sp-thunder" must equate to the Ether Medallion, "sp-fire" to the Bombos Medallion, and "sp-quake" to the Quake Medallion", it's unclear to what "sp-sword" and "sp-key" refer.
- The Japanese word for "mushroom", "kinoko", is misspelled as "kiniko".
To do: Is this message unused? Does it relate to the early letter item? "サマンサパパから手紙をあずかった 神父にとどけよう!" (You agreed to take the letter from Samantha's dad. Deliver it to the priest!) If so, document it somewhere and link or make a note of it here. |
57 Item List
There are also two files called 日本_Ver3\asm\z00_char0.asm and 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_char0.asm that seem to be updated versions of the files above. (It seems the developers just added a zero on the end of their filenames to differentiate them.) These files also have an identical section called "Item char. buffer set" with items that predate the final game, but now with more entries.
;************************************************************************ ;* Item char. buffer set (ITMCBFST) * ;************************************************************************ ITMCPTD EQU $ ; bin bomb*3 ya*10 life WORD 00018H*68H,00018H*02H,00018H*04H,00018H*06H ; fuku yumi ken tsue WORD 00018H*08H,00018H*20H,00018H*21H,00018H*22H ; buw-gun lot nummer kona WORD 00018H*23H,00018H*24H,00018H*25H,00018H*26H ; okarina tebukuro hon key WORD 00018H*62H,00018H*2AH,00018H*2CH,00018H*2EH ; buumeran ashi kagami bomb WORD 00018H*2FH,00018H*40H,00018H*42H,00018H*44H ; lamp kakure jisyaku tama WORD 00018H*46H,00018H*48H,00018H*4AH,00018H*4CH ; sp-ken skope sp-thunder sp-fire WORD 00018H*4EH,00018H*4FH,00018H*60H,00018H*62H ; sp-jishin kara-bin kinoko kusuri WORD 00018H*64H,00018H*66H,00018H*6AH,00018H*00H ; tate map sp-key pendanto WORD 00018H*0AH,00018H*6CH,00018H*6EH,00018H*44H ; rupy1 rupy2 rupy3 ami WORD 00018H*40H,00018H*41H,00018H*42H,00018H*43H ; polygon L1-yumiya L2-yumiya yousei-bin WORD 00018H*45H,00018H*49H,00018H*47H,00018H*4BH ; hachi-bin small-tate miror-tate heart-kakera WORD 00018H*4DH,00018H*4FH,00018H*64H,00018H*60H ; bomb10 haert smalltubo ya-1 WORD 00018H*28H,00018H*66H,00018H*67H,00018H*68H ; rupy100 rupy50 rupy300 rupy20 WORD 00018H*69H,00018H*6BH,00018H*6DH,00018H*40H ; kutsu WORD 00018H*42H
Translations | |||
bottle | bomb*3 | arrow*10 | life |
tunic | bow | sword | cane |
bow-gun | rod | hammer | powder |
ocarina | gloves | book | key |
boomerang | feet | mirror | bomb |
lamp | hiding | compass | orb |
sp-sword | shovel | sp-thunder | sp-fire |
sp-quake | empty-bottle | mushroom | potion |
shield | map | sp-key | pendant |
rupee1 | rupee2 | rupee3 | net |
polygon | L1-bow-and-arrows | L2-bow-and-arrows | fairy-bottle |
bee-bottle | small-shield | mirror-shield | piece-of-heart |
bomb10 | heart | small-jar | arrow-1 |
rupee100 | rupee50 | rupee300 | rupee20 |
boots |
- "bow gun" is still misspelled. It may refer to the Hookshot.
- "rod" and "hammer" are still egregiously misspelled.
- "whistle" has been changed to "ocarina".
- "feet" refers to the item that became Zora's Flippers.
- "hiding" refers to the item that became the Magic Cape, which consumes magic but hides Link from enemies.
- The "sp" prefix means "special". While "sp-thunder" must equate to the Ether Medallion, "sp-fire" to the Bombos Medallion, and "sp-quake" to the Quake Medallion", it's unclear to what "sp-sword" and "sp-key" refer.
- "letter" has been changed to "map".
- The spelling of the Japanese word for "mushroom", "kinoko", has been corrected.
- The items from "net" onward do not appear in the older version of this section.
- It is unknown what "polygon" could be.
Item Table List 1
The file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_ram00.asm contains the following list of items. Normally, in this game's source code, files with 0 or 00 suffixes are later revisions of files without, but this list seems to be earlier than the list in zel_ram.asm below.
Content | Translation |
ITMTBL EQU GDSTBL+(8*4*2) ; [ITMTBL~] ITMTBL0 EQU ITMTBL ; ITEMR01 EQU ITMTBL ; yumi ITEMR02 EQU ITEMR01+1 ; buumeran ITEMR03 EQU ITEMR02+1 ; fuck-shot ITEMR04 EQU ITEMR03+1 ; bomb BMBCNT EQU ITEMR04 ; bomb ITEMR05 EQU ITEMR04+1 ; magic kona , kinoko ITEMR06 EQU ITEMR05+1 ; fire lot ITEMR07 EQU ITEMR06+1 ; ice lot ITEMR08 EQU ITEMR07+1 ; sp-bomber ITEMR09 EQU ITEMR08+1 ; sp-thunder ITEMR10 EQU ITEMR09+1 ; sp-jishin ITEMR11 EQU ITEMR10+1 ; kantera ITEMR12 EQU ITEMR11+1 ; hanmer ITEMR13 EQU ITEMR12+1 ; skope ITEMR14 EQU ITEMR13+1 ; okarina ITEMR15 EQU ITEMR14+1 ; soromon ITEMR16 EQU ITEMR15+1 ; bin-1 BINCT0 EQU ITEMR16 ; ITEMR17 EQU ITEMR16+1 ; -2 BINCT1 EQU ITEMR17 ; ITEMR18 EQU ITEMR17+1 ; -3 BINCT2 EQU ITEMR18 ; ITEMR19 EQU ITEMR18+1 ; kakurenimo ITEMR20 EQU ITEMR19+1 ; warp ITEMR21 EQU ITEMR20+1 ; power grove ITEMR22 EQU ITEMR21+1 ; jisyo ITEMR23 EQU ITEMR22+1 ; ashi hire ITMTBL4 EQU ITEMR23+1 ; tama ITMTBL5 EQU ITMTBL4+1 ; kagami ITMTBL6 EQU ITMTBL5+1 ; ken ITMTBL7 EQU ITMTBL6+1 ; tate ITMTBL8 EQU ITMTBL7+1 ; fuku ITMTBL9 EQU ITMTBL8+1 ; key ITMTBLA EQU ITMTBL9+1 ; hari LFITCT EQU ITMTBLA+1 ; LIFE basic mater counter LFNWCT EQU LFITCT+1 ; LIFE now MPNWCT EQU LFNWCT+1 ; MP CONCNT EQU MPNWCT+1 ; coin counter-low CONCNTH EQU CONCNT+1 ; -hi UPLFCT EQU CONCNTH+1 ; up life counter UPMPCT EQU UPLFCT+1 ; mp UPCNCT EQU UPMPCT+1 ; coin UPBMCT EQU UPCNCT+1 ; bomb UPAWCT EQU UPBMCT+1 ; arrow ITEMR40 EQU UPAWCT+1 ; yousei ITEMR41 EQU ITEMR40+1 ; tokei ARWCNT EQU ITEMR41+1 ; arrow ITMTBL1 EQU ARWCNT+1 ; [A] do ITMTBL3 EQU ITMTBL1+2 ; force coin MPLVFG EQU ITMTBL3+1 ; magic level MPITCT EQU MPLVFG+1 ; |
; ; ; bow ; boomerang ; hookshot ; bomb ; bomb ; magic powder, mushroom ; fire rod ; ice rod ; sp-bomber ; sp-thunder ; sp-quake ; lantern ; hammer ; shovel ; ocarina ; solomon ; bottle-1 ; ; -2 ; ; -3 ; ; hiding nimo ; warp ; power glove ; dictionary ; feet fins ; orb ; mirror ; sword ; shield ; tunic ; key ; needle ; LIFE: basic meter counter ; LIFE: current ; MP ; coin counter-low ; -hi ; increase life counter ; mp ; coin ; bomb ; arrow ; fairy ; clock ; arrow ; [A] action ; force coin ; magic level ; |
- The Shovel and Ocarina are separate entries.
- There is no entry for the Bug-catching Net.
- There are only 3 bottles, one less than the final game.
- The "hiding mino" has a typo.
- There is only one entry for the Power Glove, as the Titan's Mitt is missing.
- Several entries are in different spots compared to the list in zel_ram.asm.
Item Table List 2
The file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_ram.asm contains the following list of items.
Content | Translation |
ITMTBL EQU GDSTBL+(8*4*2) ; [ITMTBL~] ITMTBL0 EQU ITMTBL ; ITEMR01 EQU ITMTBL ; yumi ITEMR02 EQU ITEMR01+1 ; buumeran ITEMR03 EQU ITEMR02+1 ; fuck-shot ITEMR04 EQU ITEMR03+1 ; bomb BMBCNT EQU ITEMR04 ; bomb ITEMR05 EQU ITEMR04+1 ; magic kona , kinoko ITEMR06 EQU ITEMR05+1 ; fire lot ITEMR07 EQU ITEMR06+1 ; ice lot ITEMR08 EQU ITEMR07+1 ; sp-bomber ITEMR09 EQU ITEMR08+1 ; sp-thunder ITEMR10 EQU ITEMR09+1 ; sp-jishin ITEMR11 EQU ITEMR10+1 ; kantera ITEMR12 EQU ITEMR11+1 ; hanmer ITEMR13 EQU ITEMR12+1 ; skope okarina ITEMR14 EQU ITEMR13+1 ; ami ITEMR15 EQU ITEMR14+1 ; jisyo ITEMR16 EQU ITEMR15+1 ; bin-select ITEMR17 EQU ITEMR16+1 ; soromon ITEMR18 EQU ITEMR17+1 ; ITEMR19 EQU ITEMR18+1 ; kakurenimo ITEMR20 EQU ITEMR19+1 ; warp ITEMR21 EQU ITEMR20+1 ; power grove ITEMR22 EQU ITEMR21+1 ; power grove ITEMR23 EQU ITEMR22+1 ; ashi hire ITMTBL4 EQU ITEMR23+1 ; tama ITMTBL5 EQU ITMTBL4+1 ; free ITMTBL6 EQU ITMTBL5+1 ; ken ITMTBL7 EQU ITMTBL6+1 ; tate ITMTBL8 EQU ITMTBL7+1 ; fuku BINCT0 EQU ITMTBL8+1 ; bin-1 BINCT1 EQU BINCT0+1 ; bin-2 BINCT2 EQU BINCT1+1 ; bin-3 BINCT3 EQU BINCT2+1 ; bin-4 CONCNT EQU BINCT3+1 ; coin counter-low CONCNTH EQU CONCNT+1 ; -hi CONPRT EQU CONCNTH+1 ; coin print(l) CONPRT1 EQU CONPRT+1 ; coin print(h) ITMTBLA EQU CONPRT1+1 ; hari KEYCNT EQU ITMTBLA+2 ; KEY TOKUSYU MAPCNT EQU KEYCNT+2 ; MAP TOKUSYU ITEMR43 EQU MAPCNT+2 ; megami coin cnt ITEMR44 EQU ITEMR43+1 ; tokei LFITCT EQU ITEMR44+1 ; LIFE basic mater counter LFNWCT EQU LFITCT+1 ; LIFE now MPNWCT EQU LFNWCT+1 ; MP ITMTBL9 EQU MPNWCT+1 ; key ITEMR49 EQU ITMTBL9+1 ; coin counter-low ITEMR50 EQU ITEMR49+1 ; -hi UPLFCT EQU ITEMR50+1 ; up life counter UPMPCT EQU UPLFCT+1 ; mp ITEMR53 EQU UPMPCT+1 ; nekres UPBMCT EQU ITEMR53+1 ; bomb UPAWCT EQU UPBMCT+1 ; arrow ARWCNT EQU UPAWCT+1 ; arrow ITMTBL1 EQU ARWCNT+1 ; [A] do ITMTBL3 EQU ITMTBL1+2 ; force coin MPLVFG EQU ITMTBL3+1 ; magic level ;MPITCT EQU MPLVFG+1 ; ;;;;;; EQU MPITCT+1 ; |
bow boomerang hook-shot bomb bomb magic powder, mushroom fire rod ice rod sp-bomber sp-thunder sp-quake lantern hammer shovel ocarina net dictionary bottle-select solomon hiding nimo warp power glove power glove feet fins orb unarmed sword shield tunic bottle-1 bottle-2 bottle-3 bottle-4 coin counter-low -hi coin print (l) coin print (h) needle KEY SPECIAL MAP SPECIAL goddess coin count clock LIFE basic meter counter LIFE current MP key coin counter-low -hi increase life counter mp necklace bomb arrow arrow [A] do force coin magic level |
To do: Notes... |
Full Item List
The file 日本_Ver3\asm\item.txt contains a table of items, with its columns unlabeled. The table was split in half and the two halves put side-by-side, likely just to make it take up less vertical space. A recreation of the table, with translations, is presented below:
item 表 Item Table |
01 | 弓 Bow |
0,1-4 | 31 | キノコ.魔法瓶3.妖精.ハチ Mushroom.Magic Bottle 3.Fairy.Bee |
1,2-8 |
02 | ブーメラン Boomerang |
0,1,2 | 32 | キノコ.魔法瓶4.妖精.ハチ Mushroom.Magic Bottle 4.Fairy.Bee |
1,2-8 |
03 | フックショット Hookshot |
on/off | 33 | コイン1 >CONCNT Coin 1 |
枚数 Amount |
04 | 爆弾 >BMBCNT Bomb |
個数 Amount |
34 | コイン2 >CONCNT+1 Coin 2 |
枚数 Amount |
05 | きのこ、魔法の粉 Mushroom, Magic Powder |
1,2 | 35 | コイン(表示) >CONPRT Coin (Display) |
枚数 Amount |
06 | ファイヤーロッド Fire Rod |
on/off | 36 | コイン(表示) Coin (Display) |
枚数 Amount |
07 | アイスロッド Ice Rod |
on/off | 37 | 方位磁針1>ITMTBLA Compass 1 |
on/off |
08 | S.ボンバー S. Bomber |
on/off | 38 | 方位磁針2>ITMTBLA+1 Compass 2 |
on/off |
09 | S.サンダー S. Thunder |
on/off | 39 | 特種 鍵1 >KEYCNT Special Type Key 1 |
on/off |
10 | S.地震 S. Quake |
on/off | 40 | 特種 鍵2 >KEYCNT+1 Special Type Key 2 |
on/off |
11 | カンテラ Lantern |
on/off | 41 | 地図1 >MAPCNT Map 1 |
on/off |
12 | ハンマー Hammer |
on/off | 42 | 地図2 >MAPCNT+1 Map 2 |
on/off |
13 | スコップ、オカリナ Shovel, Ocarina |
1,2,3 | 43 | 女神 コイン枚数 Goddess Coin Amount |
00-100 |
14 | 虫捕り網 Bug-Catching Net |
on/off | 44 | ハートのかけら Piece of Heart |
0-3 |
15 | 辞書 Dictionary |
on/off | 45 | ハート器 >LFITCT Heart Container |
量 Amount |
16 | 瓶 Bottle |
1,2,3,4 | 46 | ハート中身 >LFNWCT Heart Interior |
量 Amount |
17 | ソロモンの杖 Cane of Solomon |
on/off | 47 | MP中身 >MPNWCT MP Interior |
量 Amount |
18 | ンロモソの杖 Cane of Nlomoso [sic] |
on/off | 48 | 鍵 >ITMTBL9 Key |
個数 Amount |
19 | 隠れみの Hiding Mino |
on/off | 49 | 爆弾 MAX INDEX Bomb Max Index |
0-8 |
20 | 手紙、鏡、Tフォース Letter, Mirror, Triforce |
1,2,3 | 50 | 矢 MAX INDEX Arrow Max Index |
0-8 |
21 | パワー グローブ Power Gloves |
0,1,2, | 51 | ハートup >UPLFCT Increase Hearts |
量 Amount |
22 | 靴 Boots |
on/off | 52 | MPup >UPMPCT Increase MP |
量 Amount |
23 | 足ひれ Flippers |
on/off | 53 | ペンダント 1赤,2青,4緑 Pendant 1 Red, 2 Blue, 4 Green |
bit |
24 | 水晶玉 >ITMTBL4 Crystal Ball |
on/off | 54 | 爆弾up >UPBMCT Increase Bombs |
個数 Amount |
25 | >ITMTBL5 | on/off | 55 | 矢up >UPAWCT Increase Arrows |
本数 Amount |
26 | 刀 >ITMTBL6 Sword |
1,2,3,4 | 56 | 矢本数 >ARWCNT Number of Arrows |
本数 Amount |
27 | 盾 >ITMTBL7 Shield |
1,2,3 | 57 | DO TBL1 | on/off |
28 | 服 >ITMTBL8 Tunic |
1,2 | 58 | DO TBL2 | on/off |
29 | キノコ.魔法瓶1.妖精.ハチ Mushroom.Magic Bottle 1.Fairy.Bee |
1,2-8 | 59 | Tフォース コイン Triforce Coin |
on/off |
30 | キノコ.魔法瓶2.妖精.ハチ Mushroom.Magic Bottle 2.Fairy.Bee |
1,2-8 | 60 | マジック レベル Magic Level |
Bottled Item List
The file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg3.asm is an earlier version of the file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg30.asm, and thus contains an earlier list of bottled items.
zel_bg3 | zel_bg30 | Translation |
;kinoko ;kara ;red ;green ;blue |
;kinoko ;kara ;red ;green ;blue ;yosei ;hachi ;KIN hachi |
mushroom empty red potion green potion blue potion fairy bee GOLD bee |
Yamamoto Data
The source code contains files called 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg3.asm and 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg30.asm. The former is an earlier version of the latter. Comparing the data found within it to the data from the overdump data found within the Super Donkey proto, it's evident that at least some of its data is earlier than that of the proto, which is from the beginning of June, 1991.
A section of the files called "Yamamoto Data" pertains to item-related information, such as inventory icons and item names. (Yuichi Yamamoto is the name of one of the programmers.)
Item Names
The subsection of Yamamoto Data that relates to item names is referred to in a comment as "BITEM NAME". This is a holdover from a prototype version of the SNES controller in which the Y button was called the B button.
Item | zel_bg3 | Super Donkey | (J) 1.0 | Notes |
Bow | ゆ み |
ゆ み |
ユ ミ |
Magical Boomerang | ブーメラン |
ブ~メラン |
ブーメラン |
Hook Shot | フック ショット |
フック ショット |
フックショット |
Bomb | ばくだん |
ばくだん |
ばくだん |
Mushroom | きのこ |
きのこ |
きのこ |
Fire Rod | ファイヤー ロット |
ファイヤ~ ロット |
ファイアロッド |
Ice Rod | アイス ロット |
アイス ロット |
アイスロッド |
Bombos Medallion | ボンバー |
ボンバ~ |
ボンバー |
Ether Medallion | サンダー |
サンダ~ |
エーテル |
Quake Medallion | じしん |
じしん |
シェイク |
Lamp | かんてら |
かんてら |
カンテラ |
Magic Hammer | ハンマー |
ハンマ~ |
マジックハンマー |
Shovel | スコップ |
スコップ |
シャベル |
Bug-Catching Net | オカリナ |
むしとリアミ |
| |
Book of Mudora | ソロモンの つえ |
ソロモンの つえ |
ムドラのしょ |
Mushroom | きのこ |
きのこ |
きのこ |
Cane of Somaria | ソロモソの つえ |
ソロモソの つえ |
ソマリアのツエ |
Cane of Byrna | ンロモソの つえ |
ンロモソの つえ |
バイラのツエ |
Magical Cape | かくれみの |
かくれみの |
マジックマント |
Letter | てがみ |
てがみ |
てがみ |
Mushroom | きのこ |
きのこ |
きのこ |
Bottle | びん |
びん |
び ん |
Medicine of Life | いのちの みず |
いのちの みず |
いのちの クスリ |
Medicine of Magic | ちからの みず |
ちからの みず |
まほうの クスリ |
Medicine of Life and Magic | まほうの みず |
いのちとまほう |
| |
Fairy | ようせい |
ようせい |
| |
Bee | はち |
ハ チ |
| |
Golden Bee | おうごんのハチ |
| ||
Magic Powder | まほうのこな |
まほうのこな |
まほうのこな |
Flute | オカリナ |
オカリナ |
| |
Upgraded Flute | オカリナ |
| ||
Magical Mirror | かがみ |
かがみ |
マジカルミラー |
Triforce | トライ フォース |
トライ フォ~ス |
トライ フォース |
Bow and Arrow | ヤ と ユミ |
| ||
Bow | ユ ミ |
| ||
Bow and Silver Arrow | ぎんのヤとユミ |
Early Names
- Book of Mudora: The Book of Mudora is referred to internally as a "jisho" or "jisyo", meaning "dictionary", which it is - but also in 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_enmy2s.asm as a "vible", an erroneous romanization of "Bible". Additionally, it's known as the Book of Kalbi in an item get message (00be) found in an early script file.
- Cane of Byrna: The file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bgwt.asm refers to this item as "nazare no tsue", meaning "Rod of Nazareth" - another Biblical reference.
- Cane of Somaria: As mentioned above, the Cane of Somaria is referred to internally as the Cane of Solomon.
- Power Glove: The Power Glove is referred to in 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_enmy2s.asm as a "grouve blue", an erroneous romanization of "blue glove". In the final game, it's grey rather than blue.
Items with Altered Functions
To do: Add info about how this used to just illuminate things. |
Magic Powder
To do: Add info about how this used to set things on fire. |
To do: Add info about how this used to be a bottle item. |
Unused Items
To do: Elaborate, investigate. |
The clock item is only mentioned in RAM list files such as 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_ram.asm. There's still a sprite for it in the final game.
CRYS1 - Crystal
The nature of this item drop is currently unclear.
FOOD - Food
日本_Ver3/asm/zel_enmy.lst indicates that there were four food items, listed below. Interacting with them would change the Y button (previously the "perform action" button) mode to "Eat".
Jump Boots
Video of the Jump Boots in Use |
There exists disabled code for a "Jump Boots" item which, when re-implemented and linked to a Y-button item (here the Lamp), lets you jump by using Y.
NIKU - Meat
A number of files refer to these meat items. ("NIKU" means "meat".) Sprites for these are still in the final game.
According to 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_enmy.lst, NIKU1 replenished 10 health, while NIKU2 replenished 20.
KINOK - Mushrooms
The final game only has one type of Mushroom, which can be exchanged with the Witch for Magic Powder. However, the "KINOK move & init" (Mushroom Move & Initialization) section of 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_enmy2s.asm (an earlier version of zel_enmy2.asm) contains a portion of code related to selecting the "KINOKO SYURUI" (mushroom type), of which there are 4.
According to the values in "KINKCOL" (mushroom colour), two of them were colour 08, one was colour 04, and one was color 06. Since the colour of the mushroom that survived the purge uses "8", it can be assumed that this is the rust-coloured mushroom of the final game. However, its colour value may have been changed when its shroomy brothers were purged, so it's unclear if two of the mushrooms would really have looked identical.
In accordance with the above, the early script file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_msge.asm contains "get item" messages for obtaining four different types of Mushrooms.
In the same file, the Witch also has messages for trading the player a Bottle for a Mushroom, as well as making powder or potions using Mushrooms supplied by the player. In the final game, the Witch doesn't give Link a bottle, and only creates Magic Powder in exchange for Mushrooms he brings.
Lending further support to all this is that the "MAJOO move" (Witch Movement) section of zel_enmy2s.asm has code relating to trading the Witch a Mushroom for a Bottle.
;;MJKNKC1DT EQU $ ;; BYTE 040H,020H,010H ;;MJKNKC1 EQU $ ;; PHX ;; LDA >ITEMR16 ;; TAX ;;; ;;; LDA >BINCT0-1,X ;BIN 1 KINOKO ;;; CMP #001H ;;; BNE MJKC140 ;; LDA #002H ;; STA >BINCT0-1,X ;;; ;; PHX ;POTION FLG SET ;; TXY ;; MEM8 ;; IDX16 ;; REP #00010000B ;;; ;; LDX #ROOM_POTION*2 ;ROOM NO * 2 ;; LDA >DJNTBL,X ;; ORA MJKNKC1DT-1,Y ;POTION 2 ;; STA >DJNTBL,X ;;; ;; MEM8 ;; IDX8 ;; SEP #00110000B ;;; LDY #018H ;BIN 2 ;;; JSL >ATMSIT ;PL. DEMO SET ;; PLX ;; PLX ;; LDA #001 ;; STA ENSTAT,X ;;; ;; LDA #LOW MS_0091 ;MSGE NO ;; LDY #HIGH MS_0091 ;MSGE NO ;; JSL >ENMSGSL ;MSGE SET ;;; ;;MJKC140 EQU $ ;; STZ SCLSFG ;SCROL FLG CLS ;; RTS ROOM_POTION EQU 00109H
The code above references three of the following potion types.
- 80: Potion 1 (Magic Powder)
- 40: Potion 2 (Green)
- 20: Potion 3 (Blue)
- 10: Potion 4 (Red)
It also mentions room 109, which is the interior of the Witch's Hut.
To do: What else is going on here? Some ASM enthusiast should take a look and explain it better. |
Finally, there are also four mushroom entities loaded in Light World map square 116 (the exterior of the Witch's Hut) by the early entities-by-area list 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_endt3.asm with the comment "TEST".
SPES - Special
The nature of these item drops is currently unclear. They're also suffixed with the letters R, Y, and B.
OPTN1 - Stolen Goods
Stealing is a gameplay mechanic that appears in Link's Awakening released two years after ALttP, but it appears to have been planned for this game, as well.
The "nusuto" (thief) action associated with this item drop was commented out in the files 日本_Ver3/asm/zel_bms1.asm and 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_exst.asm. The code reveals that Link would have been able to steal "coins", arrows, and bombs.
TRYF - Triforce
Triplicate Version
The R, Y, and B on the end may indicate the colours red, yellow, and blue.
Rupees are also referred to using these letters in 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_enmy.asm.
Link's Awakening, released two years after ALttP, has two item drops called Piece of Power (a red triangle that increases Link's damage and speed) and Piece of Protection (an internal name for the Guardian Acorn, which halves the damage Link receives). These may be later implementations of the same concept.
Singular Version
There are various suggestions in the code that the warping function of the Magical Mirror was originally created for the singular unused Triforce item.
For starters, even in the final game, the item slot which holds the Magic Mirror is actually a table that contains three items: the Letter (unused), the Magic Mirror (used), and the Triforce (unused).
The contents of this slot are documented in item.txt:
ID | Contents | Values |
20 | 手紙、鏡、Tフォース Letter, Mirror, Triforce |
1,2,3 |
Item slots that hold multiple items are used for items that are exchanged for each other, such as weapon upgrades, the Mushroom -> Magic Powder, and the Shovel -> Ocarina. This suggests that the developers planned for the player to obtain the Letter, later exchange it for the Magic Mirror, and finally exchange the Mirror for the Triforce.
In 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg30.asm, the WITEM20, ITEMR20, and RITEM20 labels, which correspond to the slot, are preceded by the comment "W--P SET", with the omitted letters presumably "WARP".
In addition, the section of code that handles Link warping with the Magic Mirror in the final game is called traiforse move shori (TRIFMV)" in the source code file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_play.asm. Among other things, this section contains code for displaying message 0457 when the player tries to warp when Kiki the monkey is following them.
Ki ki? What are you doing? I don’t want to go there!
The same file labels the player state that corresponds to Link warping with the mirror "[14] tryfose BG check demo".
ROD003 - Unknown Rod
The file 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_bg3.asm mentions the following three types of rods. The first and second are the Fire Rod and Ice Rod, while the third is unknown.
ROD001 ROD002 ROD003
日本_Ver3\asm\zel_play.asm has a commented-out entry in the "player B push sub[routine]" that might relate to it.
BKT50 WORD DOTMV0 ; [5] lot move shori 0 (FIRE) BKT60 WORD DOTMV0 ; [6] lot move shori 1 (ICE) ;;;;;;;; WORD DOTMV0 ; [8] lot move shori 2 (FER)
However, it's unclear what "FER" means.
TUBO3 - Magic Jar
To do: Add information about this entity. |
Item Drops
The following three RAM addresses related to enemy item drops are unused.
7E0ADE EIPONT ; enemy out item pointer 7E0AE4 EICBFP2 ; enemy out item char. buffer 2 7E0AE6 EICBFP3 ; enemy out item char. buffer 3
EIPONT is referenced in a commented-out snippet of item initialization code in zel_enmy.asm.
;=========ITEM INITIAL ===================== ;;ITCSMP EQU $ ;; BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,4,2,2,2 ;; BYTE 0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;---------------------------------------- YOSEIIT EQU $ JSL >RNDSET AND #001H STA ENWRK0,X EOR #001H STA ENMUKI,X ;; BRA ITEM1IT ITEM1IT EQU $ ;; LDY ENMYNO,X ;; LDA ITCSMP-HART1,Y ;; STA EIPONT
EICBFP2 and EICBFP3 are referenced in commented-out code in zel_main.asm, which was removed on 1991.07.03.
;// 03.07.03 // LDY !EIPONT ;// 03.07.03 // LDA EIDPNT,Y ;// 03.07.03 // CLC ;// 03.07.03 // ADC EICPTD1,X ;// 03.07.03 // STA !EICBFP2 ;// 03.07.03 // CLC ;// 03.07.03 // ADC #00040H*9 ;// 03.07.03 // STA !EICBFP3 ; 4x4
This snippet contains the only reference to a section of data in the same file called EIDPNT (Enemy Item Data Pointer), rendering it unused.
EIDPNT EQU $ ; POINT ; coin sankaku ball WORD EICHBF+0C0H*1,EICHBF+0C0H*2,EICHBF+0C0H*3
EICHBF is defined in zel_ram1.lst as below.
7EB280 EICHBF EQU WTRCHBF+20H*20H*3 ; enemy out item character data buffer
This is what is located at RAM address 7EB280:
In the CCBFIT (Change char. buffer initial set) section of zel_char0.asm, an older version of zel_char.asm, the identifier for graphic file C_4P0 is loaded before a reference to EICHBF.
;---------------------------------------- enemy out item char. buffer set MEM8 IDX8 SEP #00110000B ; memory,index 8bit mode ; LDY #C_4P0 JSR CADWKST2 ; Obj. char. address work set ; MEM16 IDX16 REP #00110000B ; memory,index 16bit mode ; LDA <WORK0 LDX #EICHBF-CNGCHBF LDY #00003H PHA ; (A) push JSR CCBIS420 ; enemy out item(rupy) char. buffer set ; PLA ; (A) pull CLC ADC #00180H LDY #00003H JSR CCBIS420 ; enemy out item(rupy) char. buffer set ; ; MEM8 IDX8 SEP #00110000B ; memory,index 8bit mode
In the Super Donkey overdump prototype, C_4P0 contains the following:
The code in zel_char0.asm that would have loaded item graphics other than the rupee into EICHBF was commented out 1991.07.03.
;// 03.07.03 //;// 02.10.23 // LDY #C_2T0 ;// 03.07.03 //;// 02.10.23 // JSR CADWKST ; char. address work set ;// 03.07.03 // LDA #BANK MPCHBF ;// 03.07.03 // STA <WORK2 ;// 03.07.03 // STA <WORK5 ;// 03.07.03 //; ;// 03.07.03 // MEM16 ;// 03.07.03 // IDX16 ;// 03.07.03 // REP #00110001B ; memory,index 16bit mode & CLC ;// 03.07.03 //; ;// 03.07.03 // LDA #MPCHBF ;// 03.07.03 //;// 02.10.23 // LDA <WORK0 ;// 03.07.03 // ADC #00018H*3 ;// 03.07.03 // LDX #(EICHBF-CNGCHBF)+20H*6 ;// 03.07.03 // LDY #(2*3)*3 ;// 03.07.03 // PHA ; (A) push ;// 03.07.03 // JSR CCBIS420 ; enemy out item char. buffer set ;// 03.07.03 //; ;// 03.07.03 // PLA ; (A) pull ;// 03.07.03 // CLC ;// 03.07.03 // ADC #00180H ;// 03.07.03 // LDY #(2*3)*3 ;// 03.07.03 // JSR CCBIS420 ; enemy out item char. buffer set
Items that Used Magic
zel_play.asm | Translation | Disassembly |
DTMGPT EQU $ ; L1 L2 L3 HEX 010,008,004 ; dot magic point HEX 020,010,008 ; special magic point HEX 008,004,002 ; kona magic point HEX 008,004,002 ; okarina magic point HEX 008,004,002 ; soromon 1 magic point HEX 010,008,004 ; soromon 2 magic point HEX 004,002,002 ; kantera magic point HEX 008,004,002 ; YA magic point HEX 010,008,004 ; soromon baria magic point |
rod magic point special magic point powder magic point ocarina magic point solomon 1 magic point solomon 2 magic point lantern magic point ARROW magic point solomon barrier magic point |
.cost #_07B070: db $10, $08, $04 ; rod #_07B073: db $20, $10, $08 ; medallion #_07B076: db $08, $04, $02 ; powder #_07B079: db $08, $04, $02 #_07B07C: db $08, $04, $02 ; somaria #_07B07F: db $10, $08, $04 #_07B082: db $04, $02, $02 ; lamp #_07B085: db $08, $04, $02 #_07B088: db $10, $08, $04 ; byrna |