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Development:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past/Japanese Script

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This is a sub-page of Development:The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.



There are quite a number of message-related files in the 日本_Ver3 (Japan: Version 3) folder[1] of the A Link to the Past source code. These are outlined in the table below.

Files with Message Data
Directory Filename Description
日本_Ver3\msg\bun msg[xxxx].txt Unique text files for each Japanese message, encoded in shift-JIS. The number in the filename corresponds to their internal message ID.
Includes messages not present in the final game.
日本_Ver3\msg\bun msg[xxxx].DAT Unique hex files for each Japanese message. The number in the filename corresponds to their internal message ID.
Includes messages not present in the final game.
日本_Ver3\msg\bun msgall.dat A compilation of Japanese messages, encoded in shift-JIS.
Content is identical to msgall.dat.BAK, and seems to be final.
日本_Ver3\msg\bun msgall.dat.BAK A compilation of Japanese messages, encoded in shift-JIS.
Content is identical to msgall.dat, and seems to be final.
日本_Ver3\msg\bun msg.DAT A compilation of Japanese messages in hexadecimal format.
Message content is identical to zel_msge1.asm in the /asm/ directory and differs slightly from final.
日本_Ver3\asm msg.DAT A compilation of English messages in hexadecimal format. Can be deciphered using the English game's text table.
日本_Ver3\asm zel_msge1.asm A compilation of Japanese messages in hexadecimal format. Can be deciphered using the Japanese game's text table.
Content is not identical to z00_msge1.asm, but the message content is identical to msg.DAT in the /bun/ directory, and differs slightly from final.
日本_Ver3\asm z00_msge1.asm A compilation of Japanese messages in hexadecimal format. Can be deciphered using the Japanese game's text table.
Content is not identical to zel_msge1.asm and differs slightly from final.
日本_Ver3\asm zel_msge.asm A compilation of Japanese messages in hexadecimal format. Uses an earlier version of the Japanese game's text table.
Content differs greatly from final.

Non-Message Files


True to its name, the file 日本_Ver3\msg\bun\README is a README file that documents the game's proprietary text control codes... or it would, if it was still accurate to the final version of the Japanese release. Curiously, the numbers under the "Code List" section are accurate to the control codes used by the foreign releases, but the Japanese release went in a different direction that isn't documented anywhere in the source code.

Japanese Translation Used Notes
記号の、セット方法 How to Set Symbols
「     ----> [ 「     ----> [
」     ----> ] 」     ----> ]
?     ----> ? ?     ----> ?
!     ----> ! !     ----> !
、     ----> . 、     ----> .
-     ----> - -     ----> -
<     ----> 《 <     ----> 《
>     ----> 》 >     ----> 》
・・・   ----> _ ・・・   ----> _
。     ----> 。 。     ----> 。
~     ----> ~ ~     ----> ~
男の顔   ----> ☆★ Man's Face   ----> ☆★
リンクの顔 ----> ○● Link's Face ----> ○● Link's Face and the Pieces of Heart below are the only text icons used in the whole game. The rest were deleted from the font graphics, and even the NEWS tape backups of the artists' files have no trace of what the others used to look like.
剣     ----> ◇◆ Sword     ----> ◇◆
盾     ----> ◎ Shield     ----> ◎
城     ----> □■ Castle     ----> □■
古代文字1 ----> a Ancient Script 1 ----> a "Ancient Script" refers to the Hylian writing in inscriptions that Link must decipher with the Book of Mudora. The look of these characters was changed a bit between the Japanese version and the localized releases. Despite this list saying there are 7 characters to choose from, the final release's font file has only 3. (Only the symbols corresponding to e, f, and g are used.) A total of 6, modified for the English releases, can be seen in this early font file.
↓          ↓ ↓          ↓
古代文字7 ----> g Ancient Script 7 ----> g
↑     ----> ↑ ↑     ----> ↑
↓     ----> ↓ ↓     ----> ↓
→     ----> → →     ----> →
←     ----> ← ←     ----> ←
カ-ソル  ----> > Cursor  ----> >
ハ-ト1 ----> $ Heart 1 ----> $ Though there are 7 options for "Heart" in this list, because of the way the graphics are split up in the font file, the options are actually used in combination with each other to produce a Heart Container with 1/4, 2/4, 3/4, and 4/4 pieces filled in.
ハ-ト2 ----> ¢ Heart 2 ----> ¢
ハ-ト3 ----> £ Heart 3 ----> £
ハ-ト4 ----> % Heart 4 ----> %
ハ-ト5 ----> # Heart 5 ----> #
ハ-ト6 ----> & Heart 6 ----> &
ハ-ト7 ----> * Heart 7 ----> *
メガネ岩 ----> △▲▽ Spectacle Rock ----> △▲▽
スクロール等の、セット方法 How to Set Scroll, Etc.
(例)  @7a,03,68,7f@ (e.g.)  @7a,03,68,7f@
↑ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄

↑ ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄

数字であることを、示す。最初と、最後に必要。(数字:16進数) Indicates that something is a number. Necessary at the start and end. (Numbers: Base 16)
その他の、注意 Other Things to Keep in Mind
メッセージを打つ際に、改行したい場合、二回つづけて │を、押す。 When you type a message, if you want to add a new line, push " │" twice in succession.
←┘ ←┘
code 表 Code List
67 フェードイン & フェードアウト 67 Fadein & Fadeout
68 yes or no & go end 68 Yes or No & GOTO End
69 item select & go end 69 Item Select & GOTO End
6a name write 6a Name Write
6b window write mode (0:普通 1:ゆっくり 2:枠無し) 6b Window Write Mode (0: Normal 1: Slow 2: No Border) Only 2 is used in the final game.
6c 数字 を 書く (0~3:4種類) 6c Write a Number (0~3: 4 Types)
6d window write position (0:上 1:下) 6d Window Write Position (0: Up 1: Down)
6e スクロール ドット数 6e Scroll X Number of Pixels This control code is only used in message 0420 (the prologue that starts with "Long ago, in the beautiful kingdom of Hyrule [...]" that plays during the title screen demo) with the variable 0.
71 High or Middle or Low 71 High or Middle or Low
72 High or Middle 72 High or Middle
73 スクロール & 3行目に、カーソル移動 73 Scroll & Move Cursor to 3rd Line
74 1行目に、カーソル移動 74 Move Cursor to 1st Line
75 2行目に、カーソル移動 75 Move Cursor to 2nd Line
76 3行目に、カーソル移動 76 Move Cursor to 3rd Line
77 文字の、カラーチェンジ  (77,?? のように 2個いる) 77 Change Character Colour (Takes 2 digit input, e.g. "77, XX") Only 7 is used in the final game.
78 メッセージ stop time (78,?? のように 2個いる) 78 Message Stop Time (Takes 2 digit input, e.g. "78, XX") Only 1, 5, 7, and 9 are used in the final game.
79 sound3 に 音 セット (79、?? のように 2個いる) 79 Set Sound to sound3 (Takes 2 digit input, e.g. "79, XX") Only 2D is used in the final game.
7a 文字表示 speed (7a,?? のように 2個いる) 7a Character Display Speed (Takes 2 digit input, e.g. "7a, XX")
7d CLS 7d CLS
7e 入力待ち 7e Wait for Input
7f メッセージ エンド 7f Message End
絵文字の、セット Set Emoji
(例)  @02,??,02,??@ (e.g.)  @02,XX,02,XX@
 ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄
02 ・・・ 絵文字ですよフラグ 02 ・・・ This = Emoji Flag
?? ・・・ 絵文字 code ?? ・・・ Emoji Code


The file 日本_Ver3\msg\bun\zel_msg.DAT contains all the individual text characters found in the game, encoded in shift-JIS.

あいうえおやゆよかきくけこわをんさしすせそがぎぐたちつてとげござなにぬねのじずぜはひふへほぞだぢまみむめもづでどらりるれろばびぶべぼぱぴぷぺぽゃゅょっぁぃぅぇぉアイウエオヤユヨカキクケコワヲンサシスセソガギグタチツテトゲゴザナニヌネノジズゼハヒフヘホゾダヂマミムメモヅデドラリルレロバビブベボパピプペポャュョッァィゥェォ0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[]?!.−《》_。〜?☆★○●◇◆◎□■abcdefg↑↓→←>$¢£%#&*△▲▽OTOサムタイムYAMAMOTO 娘城行教会神父訪頼通願平和司書戻様子湖達彼女言祭早雨剣盾解抜者味方無事出本当私他救倒度国退魔伝説必要良地図印思気人間兵病法屋手住連恵表金王信裏取引入口開見正幸運呼物付紋章所家闇読左側札穴道男大声下犯花深森水若美探今士店好代名迷立上光点目的押前夜十字北急昔果奥選続結定悪向歩時使古何村長配匹殿守精知山誰足冷黄力宝求先消封捕勇年姿話色々真紅場炎空面音吹中祈起右念再生庭路部川血完矢現在全体文秘密感賢陣残百近朝助術粉火注意走敵玉復活塔来帰忘東青持込逃銀勝集始攻撃命老心新世界箱木対特賊洞支盗族能力多聖両民予小強投服月姫      

In between the characters used to represent the game's text icons and the kanji table is a little developer signature, reading "OTO Sometime YAMAMOTO". Yuichi Yamamoto was one of the game's programmers.

Old Font Files

moji-0, moji-1, moji-2

The files 日本_Ver3\char\moji-1.CGX and 日本_Ver3\char\moji-2.CGX contain the internal date stamp 90-04-24. The word "moji" means "text character".

Unlike the kanji in the final font files, which appears to list kanji in roughly the order they appear in the game's script (the same order used in zel_msg.DAT, the kanji in these files seems to be ordered according to their pronunciation, following the principles of the gojūon. The selection of kanji is also different from the final game. The font contains no emoji.

There are additional versions of these files in the NEWS\テープリストア\NEWS_05\home\watanabe\WATANABE directory that have the internal same date stamp, but the filenames are moji-0.CGX and moji-1.CGX. Their last-modified dates are 1990-07-03.

To do:
Add the rest of the characters.
Watanabe's moji-0.CGX Source Code's moji-1.CGX Characters
ALttP Development-NEWS05 watanabe WATANABE moji-0CGX.png
ALttP Development-JP Ver3 char moji-1CGX.png

Watanabe's moji-0.CGX and the source code's moji-1.CGX look nearly identical at first glance, but flipping back and forth between them reveals slight differences in the way some of the kanji are drawn.

Watanabe's moji-1.CGX Source Code's moji-2.CGX
ALttP Development-NEWS05 watanabe WATANABE moji-1CGX.png
ALttP Development-JP Ver3 char moji-2CGX.png

The source code's moji-2.CGX has katakana, numbers, and some additional punctuation compared to Watanabe's moji-1.CGX. It lacks the kanji 娘 ("young woman" or "daughter"), which both Watanabe's file and the final kanji table contain. Watanabe's file has some extra kanji, mostly duplicates of the end of the kanji at the end of the moji files above, with one extra that doesn't appear elsewhere: 豆 ("bean").

Curiously, font data identical to that found in moji-2.CGX was discovered in a US localization prototype of Super Mario World produced on 1990-10-25. The data may be the result of a partial overdump.


ALttP Development-NEWS4-arimoto-tanabe-moji-A.png

The file NEWS\テープリストア\NEWS_04\home\arimoto\tanabe\moji-A.CGX is an earlier version of a font file for the English localizations of the game. It contains three more Ancient Script characters than any of the final releases possess.

(It's shown here with an incorrect palette.)

Unique Message Files

Within the directory that contains the Japanese dialogue from the Japanese version's source[2] are some Japanese dialogue text files which have no English localization equivalent.

(Source: Delda - Message Collation, N._Onymous & GlitterBerri - Translation)

Files with Data

04c2.BAKUP - The Cataclysm

This file contains an earlier version of the message below.

Early Version (04c2.BAKUP)
Early JP Translation
@fe,67,fe,6a@ あなたのおかげで

@fe,7e,fe,7d@_[オオイナル ワザワイ]の




@fe,75@光_ひかりよ_ 忘れないで
[Link], thanks to you, I was
able to escape the clutches
of the demons. Thank you...

Do you know the prophecy of
the Great Cataclysm?
This is what I've heard...

If someone with a wicked heart
should obtain the Triforce,
a hero will always appear to
defeat them.

However, if the hero should
fall, the world will be
covered in the evil-hearted.
One wicked-hearted sort is
hiding in a village to the
south of the Skull Woods.

It seems that, in the Light
World, he was a thief called
Blind who detested the light.

Perhaps that's still the case?
The light... the light...
Please don't forget...
Final Version (04c2.txt)
Official JP Official EN
@fe,6a@ あなたのおかげで
@fc,2,f7@_[オオイナル ワザワイ]の
@fc,2,f7@この[オオイナル ワザワイ]
@f8@のね。 ゼルダ姫を必ず救って
@6a@, because of you, I can
@75@escape from the clutches of
@76@the evil monsters.  Thank you!

@7e,73@_Do you know the prophecy of
@73@the Great Cataclysm?
@73@This is the way I heard it_

@7e,73@If a person who has an evil
@73@heart gets the Triforce, a Hero
@73@is destined to appear_

@7e,73@_and he alone must face the
@73@person who began the Great

@7e,73@If the evil one destroys the
@73@Hero, nothing can save the
@73@world from his wicked reign.

@7e,73@Only a person of the Knights Of
@73@Hyrule, who protected the
@73@royalty of Hylia, can become

@7e,73@the Hero_  You are of their
@73@blood-line, aren't you?  Then
@73@you must rescue
@7e,73@Zelda without fail.

msg00b0.txt - Letter

This message's ID puts it at the start of the "get item" text. It's followed by the "get item" message for acquiring the Lamp.

Even though data for this item can still be found in the released version, the source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

@fe,67@ サマンサパパから
@fe,75@ 手紙  をあずかった
@fe,76@ 神父に とどけよう!
You agreed to take
a letter from Samansapapa.
Deliver it to the holy father!

"Samansapapa" could be an early name for Sahasrahla, but it would also be how a Japanese person would say "Samantha's dad."

"神父" (shinpu), literally meaning "divine father" and translated here as the appellation "holy father", refers to the old man who minds the Sanctuary. While the captions in the Japanese game's ending (which are written in English, for some reason) call him "The Loyal Priest", this religious reference was censored by Nintendo of America. As a result, in the English ending, he's called "The Loyal Sage".

Similarly, Agahnim is referred to as "司祭" (shisai), which translates to "priest".

msg00b2.txt - Item Without Text

This message's ID puts it between the "get item" text for the Lamp and the Boomerang.

The source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

@fe,75@  メッセ−ジがありません
This item doesn't have
a message.

msg00d8.txt - Cane of Uselessness

This message's ID puts it between the "get item" text for the Red Mail and the sword upgrade.

The source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

It's the Cane of Uselessness!
Even though it uses magic power,
its attack power isn't very good...?

msg00da.txt - Tempered Shield

This message's ID puts it between the sword upgrade text and the Mirror Shield get item text.

The source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

Your shield got tougher!
What a reliable ally!

msg0190.txt - Meet Ken

The source code contains a function that would have caused the game to generate this message. Despite the message ID not grouping it with other Telepathic Tile messages (0240 to 0255), this function is located in the code for entity 2D, the Telepathic Tile entity (known internally as PENKI), in the file zel_end2.asm.

@fe,67@よう.@fe,6a@ よかったら
Yo, Link. Come on into
my place and see Ken-chan,
if you'd like...

"Ken-chan" may be a playful reference to script writer Kensuke Tanabe.

msg0245.txt - Turtle Rock Hint

This message's ID puts it with the Telepathic Tile messages. It is preceded by the hint prompting Link to ascend to the top of Spectacle Rock, and followed by the hint about objects existing simultaneously in both worlds in similar forms.

It was meant to appear on a Telepathy Tile in Skull Woods.

Link, can you hear me?
A skull with a face like a monster's
is the final entrance. Understood?

msg024d.txt - Ganon Hint

This message's ID puts it with the Telepathic Tile messages. The final game has a similar message, 024B, which is used.

It was meant to appear on a Telepathy Tile in Ganon's Tower.

ID Official JP Official EN Retranslation
@6b,2@When Ganon is stunned, give
@75@him his last moment with a
@76@Silver Arrow!
@7e,73@Do you understand, @6a@?
When Ganon is stunned,
deliver the final blow with the
Silver Arrows! Understood, Link?
Link, to deliver the final blow to Ganon,
you must use the Silver Arrows.
You know that, right?

msg0251.txt - Trinexx Hint

This message's ID puts it in the middle of the Telepathic Tile messages for the Ice Palace, but it appears to refer to how to defeat Trinexx.

It was meant to appear on a Telepathy Tile in Turtle Rock.

Link, if you encounter a three-headed
monster, start by attacking the left
and right heads. Once the heads are
stunned, strike with the Master Sword.

msg0383.txt - Borrowing a Sword

This message's ID puts it with the other Blacksmith text.

The source code contains a function that would have caused the game to generate this message. Unsurprisingly, it can be found in the code for entity 1A, the entity for the Blacksmiths (known internally as KAJIY), in files such as zel_enmy.asm.

You borrowed the blacksmiths' sword.
Make sure to give it back once yours
has been thoroughly tempered!

msg03b4.txt - Did you catch all that?

This message's ID puts it with the Fortune Teller dialogue.

The source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

@fe,75@  > う ん
@fe,76@    ぜんぜん
Did you catch all that?
           > Yep
           > Not at all

msg03c0.txt - Dark World Blues I

The source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

It's content is quite similar to message 0500, which is touched on in the context of another message elsewhere on this page.

@fe,67@ケケッ こいつは ひさびさに
@fe,7e,fe,73@ど−せ おまえも黄金の力が
@fe,73@もうガノン て 悪党が
@fe,7e,fe,73@しかも.この世界じゃ 心が
@fe,73@そのまま姿に あらわれやがる
@fe,7e,fe,73@おいらも このざまだ。
@fe,73@お前も いまに姿が かわるぞ
@fe,73@さあ.もう行った 行った _
Keheh... This guy's the first
newcomer I've seen in a while.
What a fool.
I bet you waltzed into this world
wanting the Golden Power, too,
didn't you?
Too bad for you. A scoundrel named
Ganon is already hogging it.
What's more, in this world, how you
appear reflects what's in your heart.
All the scoundrels are monsters!
I ended up sharing their fate.
Before long, you'll transform, too.
Now, go on and beat it!

msg03d6.txt - Storyteller Apology

This message's ID puts it with the Storyteller dialogue.

The source code contains a function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

Heheh. Sorry, man.
To be honest, I'm fresh out of info.
Hey, now. Chin up, alright?

msg0452.txt - Warping With Kiki

This message's ID puts it with Kiki the Monkey's dialogue. It suggests that the player may once have been able to use the Magic Mirror to teleport from the Dark World back to the Light World with Kiki in tow. In the final game, taking him to the Light World is impossible. Trying to do so causes Kiki to utter "Ki ki? What are you doing? I don't want to go there!", and Link warps to the Light World.

The source code contains a function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

はやく うらのせかいへ
I want to go back to the
Dark World right away.

msg0501.DAT - Dark World Blues II

There's no equivalent .txt file for this .DAT file. Thankfully, its contents can be reconstructed from the hex data within.

The source code no longer contains any function that would have caused the game to generate this message.

What a mischievous force the original
inhabitants of this place left behind.
The Golden Power... the Triforce...

This message immediately follows message 0500. It's quite similar to the tail end of message 0500, so perhaps 0500 was once split into two to decrease its length.

ID Official JP Official EN Retranslation
You’re new here, aren’t you?
@75@Did you come here looking for
@76@the Power Of Gold?
@7e,73@Well, you’re too late.  It will
@73@obey only the first person who
@73@touches it.
@7e,73@The man who last claimed the
@73@Power Of Gold wished for this
@73@world.  It reflects his heart.
@7e,73@Yes, I came here because of
@73@greed for the Golden Power,
@73@and look what happened to me_ 
@7e,73@To restore the Golden Land, a
@73@person worthy of the Golden
@73@Power must defeat the man who
@7e,73@created this place_
@73@Until that time, I am stuck in
@73@this bizarre shape.
@7e,73@But what a mischievous thing
@73@to leave lying around_
@73@The Power Of Gold_
What's this? You must be new here.
I bet you came to this world to seek
out the Golden Power, too.
The Golden Power is a force that can
only be used by the first person
person to touch it, though.
And that man wished for this world
to be created... This realm is a
reflection of what was in his heart.
I, too, came here, consumed by my
greed for the power, but everyone
like me was turned into monsters.
I guess the only way to turn this
world back into the Sacred Realm
would be for the rightful claimant
to the Golden Power to defeat that
man and take it back... Until then,
I'm gonna wait it out in this form.
But what a mischievous thing the original
inhabitants of this place left behind.
The Golden Power... the Triforce...

What a mischievous force the original
inhabitants of this place left behind.
The Golden Power... the Triforce...

Files Without Data

The following unique message files are empty of data.

ID .DAT .txt Function Notes
01a2 Yes No No
0387 Yes Yes No
0389 Yes Yes No
0600 No Yes No This message isn't referenced anywhere in the code, even as part of the message ID lists.
FFFF No Yes Yes

Compiled Message Files

To do:
Document all of these.


While most of the message-related files are found in the 日本_Ver3\msg\bun subdirectory, this one is at 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_msge.asm. Not only does it contain an unfinished, much earlier version of the game's script, it also uses an older version of the kanji table and a set of control codes that matches with the localized versions and the README file outlined above.

The fact that the kanji table differs from the one used in the final game means that much of the kanji in the messages below had to be reconstructed using context clues.

(Source: GlitterBerri - Translation & Kanji Table Reconstruction, MathOnNapkins - Hex to Text Conversion Script)

000x: System Messages

ID Japanese Translation

[7a 00]
[75]  >

[7a 00][75]   
[76]  >

[7a 00]SAVEしてつづける
Save and Continue
Save and Quit

001x: Link's Uncle

Link's uncle's dialogue when presenting the player with the sword lacks the spin attack tutorial and the lore regarding it being "a secret technique handed down by our people".

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67][リンク]、わしはちょっと
[76]おまえはもう やすみなさい。
Link, I'm going out for a
You should get some rest.
I'll be back by morning.
Don't leave the house.
[77 01][67]うう…。[リンク]、おまえだけ
[73]あの娘は、おまえの…… …
Unnh... Link, you were the one person
I didn't want to get involved...
I told you not to leave the house...
Take this sword and shield and rescue
Princess Zelda.
That girl is your...... ...

002x: Hylian Soldiers

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]子どもが 夜ふけにウロウロ
Children shouldn't be wandering
around in the middle of the night!
That's for grown-ups.
[77 01][67]道に迷ったらXボタンPUSH
[75] 地図が見れる … …
[76]  おまえ しってるか?
If you get lost on the road, press the
the X button and you can view the map...
Did you know that?
[77 01][67]物にさわって Aボタンをおす
[75] 物が かつげたりする …
[76]おまえ  しってるか?
Touch an object and press the A button.
You'll be able to pick it up...
Did you know that?
[77 01][67]おまえが大きくなって 剣を
[75] 手にした時はBボタンで使え
[76]おまえ わすれるなよっ!
When you grow up and have a sword,
use it with the B button.
You'd better not forget!
[77 01][67] 地図の上で光る点は
[75] たぶん 目的地だ … …
[76]おまえ しってるか?
The glowing point on your map
might be your objective...
Did you know that?
[77 01][67]Bを押し続けると 剣をかまえ
[75] 結定方向を向いて歩ける…
[76]おまえ しってるか?
If you hold down B, you can hold up your
sword and walk in a fixed direction...
Did you know that?
[77 01][67]おれ達とはなすと イロイロ
[75] 解ってタメになるぞ …
[76]おまえ しってるやろ!
By talking to us, you'll learn a lot
of things, which will be useful...
Bet you knew that!

003x: Loyal Sage

In the final game, Link receives telepathic pleas for help from Princess Zelda which hint that the castle can be accessed by finding a hidden passage outside its walls. However, various data, including these early messages, suggests that this wasn't always the case.

It seems that, instead of heading straight for the castle via the hidden path, Link once brought the now-unused Letter item to the Loyal Sage at the Sanctuary. The sage would then grant him access to the passage leading from the Sanctuary to the Sanctuary dungeon.

Details on the Letter

  • There's still an item get message for the Letter in this file and the individual message files.
  • The Letter still exists as an unused item in the final game.
  • There's commented-out code in the Sage entity (starting at line 14567 of 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_enmy2s.asm) regarding the item.
  • The Sage would have displayed message 0030 if Link spoke to him with the Letter item, and message 0035 if he didn't have it, but both of these messages are absent from zel_msge.asm.
  • 0030 is still missing from the final game, while 0035 was later overwritten with a message in which the Sage encourages Link to seek the Pendants.

Instead pushing an ornamental shelf, the Sage instructed Link to use a lever to operate the door from the Sanctuary interior to the castle passage. Similarly, instead of there being an ornamental shelf behind the thrones in the castle, there was also a lever that operated a door at the back of the throne room.

Details on the Levers

  • Earlier versions of the Sanctuary interior map, such as the one found in the Super Donkey proto, have a dungeon door instead of an ornamental shelf.
  • This is also the case with earlier versions of the Hyrule Castle throne room, such as the ones found in Super Donkey.
  • An early entity list found in 日本_Ver3\asm\zel_endt3.asm has entity 04, a "correct pull switch", loaded in underworld map square 40, which was formerly the location of the Sanctuary interior.
  • In addition to two rats, the same entity list has entity 06, an "incorrect pull switch", and entity 04, the "correct pull switch", loaded in underworld map square 31, which is the location of the room behind Hyrule Castle's throne room in the Super Donkey version of the underworld map. This suggests that the Sage's instruction to pull the lever on the left side was a hint to pull the correct switch, as the incorrect switch would have caused nine further rat entities to drop into the room.
    • The graphical data in Super Donkey, which post-dates zel_msge, indicates that the puzzle had been modified such that Link would use his Lantern to ignite torches to open the door to the throne room, rather than pulling a switch.
    • The switch puzzle was moved to the room before the Sanctuary door in the final game, though the correct switch in this room is the one on the right.
ALttP Prerelease-Family Computer Magazine 1991 05 10-Opening Progression.png

While A Link to the Past wasn't shown at the third annual Shoshinkai game show, held from April 24th to May 6th, 1991, staff from Family Computer Magazine were given several screenshots of the game by Nintendo public relations employee Yoshio Hongo. These images show Link visiting the Sanctuary in the pouring rain with the Letter in his inventory, making his way from the Sanctuary to Hyrule Castle's dungeon via the underground passage, and finally exiting the Sanctuary into the sun.

ID Japanese Translation Notes
[77 01][67]このレバーを引くと入口がひら
[75]きます Aボタンを押しながら
If you pull this lever, the door will
open. Push Down on the D-Pad while
holding the A button and go on in!
A comment on the code for displaying this message in zel_enmy2s.asm, "REBA NOT MOVE", indicates that the Sage would say this line if Link hadn't yet activated the switch which opened the door at the back of the Sanctuary.
[77 01][67]今度レバーのある所へついたら
Next time you arrive at a place with a
lever, pull the lever on the left side.
The entrance to the castle will open.
The comments associated with the code sections that set this message, "DEMO 3(open door)", "DEMO 4(onna NARABI)" (woman lines up), and "REBA MOVE AFTER", suggest that the Sage would say this line after Link had activated the switch, which would cause a little scene in play in which the door would open and Zelda would move to a new position.
[77 01][67] おお、なにやら物音がすると
[75]思ったら [リンク]に ゼルダ
Oh! Just when I was wondering what was
making that sound, it turns out to be
Link and Zelda!
The first comment for this message, "KAIDAN MIRU", indicates that the Sage would say this line after "looking towards the stairs" (at the back of the Sanctuary).

The second comment, "ONNANOKO(HELP0) TALK OK!!" (onnanoko means "girl", and HELP0 is Princess Zelda's entity name), suggests that this line would be followed by a line from the princess. (Probably 0041.)

[77 01][67]うむ、司祭を倒すのには
[75]古くから伝わる 退魔の剣
[73]しっかり がんばりなさい!
Hrm. In order to defeat the priest, I
imagine you'll need the Master Sword,
an evil-banishing blade handed down from
antiquity. Pay a visit to the mayor.
I'll mark it on your map. One thing,
however - the castle will be hunting you
as a fugitive, so I'll keep Zelda here
with me to provide her safe harbour.
Keep at it!
Here, the Sage directs you to the mayor of the village, rather than the elder (Sahasrahla).

The Mayor's Office interior, which would have been located at the top left of Kakariko at map square [18], can still be found in the Super Donkey proto. In the final game, you have to seek out Sahasrahla at his hideout outside the Eastern Palace.

The comment for this message, "ONNANOKO(HELP0) MSGE END", indicates that it would be displayed after Zelda had finished speaking her line (probably 0041, as mentioned above).

004x: Princess Zelda

Message 0043 hints to the way into the castle in a manner very close to the final game's scenario. This seems to be a line that may be later than 0032 and potentially conflict with that line from a scenario where Link would enter with a lever as instructed by the Loyal Sage.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]ありがとう [リンク]
[75]あなた 私の声がきこえたのね
[76]あなたは もしかすると
[7e][73] … … …
[73][リンク] よくきいて
[73]司祭は 人間ではないの!
[73] … …
[7e][73]とにかく 城から抜け出さなく
[73]ちゃ… 私 秘密の抜け道を
Thank you, Link. You heard my voice,
didn't you? Then, could it be
that... ... ...
Link, listen well.
The priest isn't human!
He's a monster who's controlling
the soldiers of the castle using a
strange power!
... ...
In any case, we have to sneak out of
the castle... I know a secret passage.
Come on, let's go!
[77 01][67]神父さま、私 城に捕えられて
[75]いたのを [リンク]が救けて
[76]くれたの … …。
[7e][73]ねえ [リンク] この国を
[73]守ってほしいの。 8賢者の
[73]その前に 司祭を倒して!
[73]あなたなら きっとできるわ
Father, I was being held captive at the
castle, but [Link] was kind enough to
come to my rescue... ...
Listen, [Link], I want to protect this
kingdom. If the eight sages' seal is
dispelled, evil power will come rushing
in. Before that happens, you must defeat
the priest! I'm certain that if anyone
can do it, it's you.
[77 01][67][リンク] 気を付けてね!
[Link], take care of yourself!
I'll be here, praying for your
[6b 02][78 01]たすけて……
[75][77 01][67]たすけてください…
[76]わたしは お城の地下ろうに
[73]私が さいごの1人…
[7e][73]     … …
[7e][73]… …
[73]たすけて… …
Help me...
Please help me...
I'm being held captive in the
dungeon beneath the castle...
My name is Zelda...
Seven maidens have been sacrificed,
and I'm the only one left...
... ...
The priest is trying to open the
sealed monsters' path once more.
... ...
I'm in the dungeon beneath the castle...
Help me... ...
[6b 02][77 01][67]たすけてください…
[75]わたしは お城の地下ろうに
Please help me...
I'm being held captive in the
dungeon beneath the castle...
There should be a passage that
leads to the courtyard in the
vicinity of the castle.
[77 01][67]王様の部屋から 教会に抜ける
There's a passage to the church from
the king's chamber. I'm certain that
the reverend there will help us out.
[77 01][67]このかざりだなが 開くはずよ
This display case should open.
Lend me your strength.
[77 01][67]ここのレバーを引くのよ。
Now, pull the lever here. Try holding
the A button and pressing down on the

005x: Mayor's Wife

In the final game, the character that uses the 005x section of message IDs is Sahasrahla's wife. It seems that she was originally the wife of the mayor of Kakariko. Indeed, her dialogue seems to be a continuation of Loyal Sage message 0034, instructing Link to speak with the mayor, and Mayor message 0110, ordering Link to get inside the house and speak with his "old lady" within.

This dialogue also hints at one of the initial Pendant dungeons being a dungeon with a water spirit, "Boss Tazora", which is grouped in with the Armos and Lanmola bosses. This boss, whose sprite was repurposed for the character of King Zora in the final game, was scrapped in favor of changing the scenario to make the Tower of Hera and Moldorm the final Pendant challenge. This may be linked to the fact that the Tower of Hera is smaller and lacking a boss arena in the Super Donkey proto.

The Pendant was a single usable item rather than three collectable quest items at this time (see messages 00BF and 0161 for more details), so there's no mention of gathering Pendants here.

"Old Man Ecolo," who is mentioned to be living at the temple, appears to have been merged, along with the mayor, into the character of Sahasrahla.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]はい はい なんですかな
[75] お若い 剣士さんや… …
[76]ほう マスターソードとな![7e]
[73]確かにあの剣は 今も森の
[73]奥深く しずかにねむっておる
[73]剣が人を えらびよるらしい[7e]
[73]神殿の守り神 大アモス
[73]水の精  ボスタゾーラ
[73]砂ばくの王者 ラモネーラ[7e]
[73]この 3匹の魔物をたおした者
[73] … わしが しっておる事は
[73]はずじゃがのう… では
Yes, yes, how may I be of assistance,
young swordsman... ...?
Hoh, the Master Sword, you say!
No doubt that blade is still slumbering
quietly in the depths of the forest
even now...
However, that's not to say that the
sword can be wielded by just anyone.
It seems the blade chooses its master.
The Great Armos, guardian deity of the
temple, the water spirit, Boss Tazora,
and Lanmola, king of the desert.
It is said that only the one who defeats
these three monsters will be able to
obtain the sword...
...I'm afraid that I know nothing more.
You should pay a visit to Old Man Ecolo,
who resides at the temple.
I imagine that he would know more...
In any case, take care of yourself,
young swordsman.

006x: Snitch

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67] あっ! おたずね者だ!
[75] へいたいの みなさぁ~ん
Oh! It's the wanted man!

007x: Old Man Ecolo

Given the fact that they had not yet at this point filled in what you would get from the third pendant boss to prove you defeated it, message 0070 points to the same kind of uncertainty surrounding that dungeon at one point and who its boss would be with a blank space left in the text.

Message 0071 mentions crests rather than pendants, likely an earlier evolution of what you would receive to prove you defeated the bosses to claim the Master Sword.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]ふんっ! こわっぱが
[75] おまえの様なミジュク者に
[76]退魔の剣は あつかえぬわい
[7e][73]あの剣を 手にすることが
[73]できるのは アモスのかけら
[73]ラネモーラのウロコ そして
[7e][73]        の
Hmph! A child like you who's still wet
behind the ears would never be able to
wield the evil-banishing blade.
Everyone has known since the depths of
antiquity that only a person who managed
to obtain the Shard of the Armos, the
Scale of Lanmola, and the    of      
would be able to lay claim to that
[77 01][67]なんと!こわっぱが 3つの
[73]剣のほうで お前をえらぶに
What's this?! You're telling me that the
child standing in front of me has obtained
all three crests?!
If that's true, then go to the woods.
The sword will choose you, I am certain
of it.
[77 01][67]こわっぱ さびしくなったら
[75] いつでも ここへこい
If you ever get lonely, child, feel free
to drop by anytime

008x: Signs

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]今 お城では 若くて
[75]美しく きよらかな娘を
The castle is currently in search of
young, beautiful, chaste maidens.
                           - The King
[77 01][67]<Link's Head> ゆうかい犯です
[75]このかおを みかけたら
[76] サ イ ト ウ
[7e][73]と 大声でさ けんで下さい。
[73]         国王
If you encounter this man, please shout
           "I  SEE  HIM!!"
in a very loud voice. Your cooperation
is appreciated.
                             - The King

009x: Witch (Outside Shop)

Message 0091 hints towards the stage when there were other mushroom items found in Hyrule that apparently could be traded for a bottle.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67] トロ~リ トロリ
[76] トロ~リ トロリじゃ
Double, double, toil and trouble,
fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Making mushroom brew, I am!
[77 01][67]おや、キノコを下さるのかえ
[75]   ひっ ひっ ひっ
[76] では、くすりビンをやろう[7e]
[73] あとで 店においで …
[73] サービスしてやるぞえ
[73] い~ひっひっひっひっ
What's this, you brought me a mushroom?
      Hee hee hee.
In that case, I'll trade you a potion
bottle. Come by my shop later...
I'll give you something on the house.
[77 01][67]また、キノコを下さるのかえ
[75]   ひっ ひっ ひっ
You've brought me another mushroom?
      Hee hee hee...
I don't have any other bottles for you.
[77 01][67]おお、あまい果物がくさった
[75]かおり… このキノコならば
[76]あれがつくれるぞえ ひっひっ
Oo, I smell the sweet stench of rotting
fruit... with this mushroom, I can make
something special. Heehee.

00Ax: Witch (Inside Shop)

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]まだ、くすりは できておらん
[75] また きておくれ…ひひっ
The potion isn't ready yet.
Come back later... heehee.
[77 01][67]好きなのを もっていくがよい
[75]もちろん お代はいただくよ
[76] … … … ひひひっ
Bring me whatever you like.
It won't be free, of course
.... ... ... Heeheehee.

00Bx: Item Get Messages I

ID Japanese Translation Notes
[77 01][67] サマンサパパから
[75] 手選  をあずかった
[76] 神父に とどけよう!
You agreed to take
a letter from Samansapapa.
Deliver it to the holy father!
[77 01][67] カンテラを手に入れた
[75] くらいとこでもOKだ
[76] やったね!
You got the Lantern. Now you'll be
OK even in dark places.
All right!
At this stage, the Lantern (translated as "Lamp" in the final English script) could only be used to light up rooms.
[77 01][67] なんかを 手に入れた
[75] 何かに使えるやろ
You got something!
Wonder what it's used for?
[77 01][67]   ブーメランだ!
[75] ぶつけたテキを しばらく
[76]うごけなくできる すごいぜ!
It's the Boomerang!
You can stun enemies for awhile by
hitting them with it. Nice!
[77 01][67] ユミ をみつけた
[75] ヤ がうてるぞ!
[76] ヤ がなくなるまでだぞっ!
You found the Bow!
Now you can shoot arrows!
At least until you run out!
[77 01][67] シャベルを手に入れた
[75] 穴をほれるところなら
[76] 使えるはずだ!
You got the Shovel!
You should be able to use it
wherever you can dig holes!
[77 01][67] マジックマントだ!
[75] すがたを消す事ができるが、
[76] 魔法メーターに気を付けろ!
It's the Magic Cape!
You can use it to turn invisible,
but keep an eye on your magic meter!
[77 01][67] これが 魔法の粉だ!
[75] 火のついていないトウロウに
[76] ふりかけてみよう!
This must be Magic Powder!
Try sprinkling it on unlit
It seems that lighting fires was the original function of the Magic Powder. This function was later integrated into the Lamp.
[77 01][67]おおっ これは 水かきだ!
[75]これで およげる様になったぞ
[76] 水に入ってもだいじょうぶ!
Whoa, it's the Flippers!
With these, you'll be able to swim.
Now you can enter the water!
[77 01][67] パワーグラブを手に入れた
[75] かついだり 引っぱる力が
[76] UPした! ふしぎだ!
You got the Power Glove!
Your carrying and pulling capabilities
have increased! Talk about weird!
[77 01][67]あま~いにおいのするキノコを
[75]みつけた… が このままでは
[76]   使えそうもない
You found a sweet-smelling Mushroom...
But it doesn't look like you can use
it here.
There's still remnants of these mushrooms in the source code. The Witch would trade an Empty Bottle for one of the inedible ones.
[77 01][67] カビくさいにおいがただよう
[75] キノコだ。 とてもくさい!
[76] 何かに使えるのだろうか?
It's a Mushroom with a moldy scent
wafting from it. What a stench!
I wonder what you can use it for?
[77 01][67] つやつやひかる キノコを
[75] みつけた  とりあえず
[76] いただいて おこう!
You found a Mushroom with a glossy
shine. Might as well gobble it
[77 01][67] くさりかけているのか
[75] さわるとヌルヌルしている
[76] キノコだ でもいただこう!
It's a Mushroom with a slimey feel.
Maybe it's rotting? Oh well, time
to gobble it up!
[77 01][67]カルビのしょを みつけた!
You found the Book of Kalbi!
Now you'll be able to read ancient
Given the Christian flavor of some of the early item names, "Kalbi" might be an obscure reference to Calvinism, or to a book by Arab scholar Hisham ibn al-Kalbi. Or perhaps it's simply a joke on delicious Korean-style barbecue ribs, a popular restaurant item in Japan.
[77 01][67]祈りのペンダントを手に入れた
[75]これを手にして祈ると 何が
[76]起こるのだろうか… ?
You got the Pendant of Prayer!
What will happen if you pray with
this in hand...?
This mystery is later solved by the Lost Old Man, who informs the player that it can be used to summon earth spirits.

00Cx: Item Get Messages II

Message 00c9 has a Cane of Solomon description which seems close to the Cane of Byrna's effect in the final game given that is the invincibility Cane, as opposed to the Cane of Somaria which creates stone blocks.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67] コンパスを みつけた
[75] ボスの居場所は
[76] これでばっちりだぜ!
You found the Compass!
Now you'll know exactly where to
find the boss!
[77 01][67] MAPを手に入れた!
[75]現在地と 全体が これで
[76]解るはずだ… そのはずだ!
You got the Map!
With this, you'll know where you are,
and everywhere else... probably!
[77 01][67] アイスロッドをみつけた!
You found the Ice Rod!
A sharp chill cuts through the air.
Keep an eye on your magic meter!
[77 01][67]ファイアロッドをみつけた!
[75]真紅の炎が ほとばしる
You found the Fire Rod!
Deep crimson flames surge forth.
Keep an eye on your magic meter!
[77 01][67]魔法のメダル サンダー だ!
You found the magic medallion Thunder!
You can use magic that summons lightning.
Pay attention to your magic meter!
[77 01][67]魔法のメダル ボム だ!
You found the magic medallion Bomb!
You can use magic that xxx.
But pay attention to your magic meter!
[77 01][67]魔法のメダル シェイク だ!
[75]地面をゆるがし 敵をたおす
You found the magic medallion Shake!
It shakes the earth and defeats enemies.
Pay attention to your magic meter with this one, too!
[77 01][67] ハンマーを手に入れた
[75]くい なんかバンバンたたけ!
You got the Hammer!
Give nails a good thwhack!
Give other stuff a good thwhack too!
[77 01][67]おお、オカリナがあったぞ!
[76]もっているはずだ! 吹こう
Whoa, it's the Ocarina!
Its tone is supposed to have some
sort of mysterious power! Play it!
[77 01][67]ソロモンのつえだ、ひとふり
[76]玉があらわれる  うれしい!
It's the Cane of Solomon!
Wave it once, and an orb that blocks
enemy attacks will appear. Awesome!
[77 01][67]ボヨヨ~ン フックショットだ
[75]のびて ささって ボヨヨ~ン
Boyoyoing! It's the Hookshot!
It expands! It retracts! Boyoyoing!
You can use it for all sorts of things!
[77 01][67]ばくだんを 手に入れた
[75]カベに あなをあけたりできる
You got a Bomb!
You can use it to blow holes in walls.
Just be careful of the blast!
[77 01][67]これは ビンだ 中にいろいろ
It's a Bottle! You can put a variety of
things in it, and then use the contents
[77 01][67]大きなカギを みつけた
[76]なにかが おこる…
You found a Big Key!
You can use it somewhere in a dungeon
and something will happen...

011x: Town Mayor

Message 0111 may be the mayor marking the location of the bosses you need to defeat to claim the Master Sword, although it is a bit vague. It is hard to see what other monsters would be so key as to be marked on the map, given the other message files found regarding the game at this stage.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67] む、マスターソードだと!
[73] なかに入って、ばあさんに
[73]きいてくれ… だれかに見つか
[73]らない様にな。さあ 急いで!
The M-Master Sword?!
That said, if anyone were to see me, the
town mayor, with a fugitive like you...
Please get inside and ask my old lady...
Quick, before anyone sees you! Come on
now, hurry!
[77 01][67] 地図に[?]匹の魔物の印をして
[75]おいた。 ほかに何もしてやれ
[76]んが こらえてくれよ…
I've marked the location of the [?] monsters
on your map. Please forgive me, for I know
nothing more...

012x: Old Snitch

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]おたずね者の立札は私達もみま
[76]者です まけないで下さい
We saw the wanted signs, too.
But it's the ones at the castle who are
the real bad guys. Please don't fail us.

013x: Minigame Proprietor

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]5ゲームで 20!どうだい!
[75]  > あそぶ
[76]    かえる
5 games for 20 rupees! How 'bout it?
  > Play
[77 01][67]よーし。サイトウ にあてれ!
All right. Take aim and FIRE!
[77 01][67]かえるんやったら、はじめから
If you leave, you'll have to start again
from the beginning!
[77 01][67]おっさん、しばかれたいんか!
[75]わしはたかくらや! わ~れ~
You wanna get kicked?
I'm Takakura, you little...!

014x: Spirit of Happiness

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]さあ、湖に何かなげてみよう!
[75]  > う ん
[76]    や だ
Try throwing something in the lake!
 > Yeah
 > Nah
[77 01][67]さて、どれを なげよう?
[75]十字KEYで えらぶ
Alright, what will you throw?
Select something with the D-Pad.
Decide with Y.
[77 01][67]ねえ、今これをおとしたでしょ
[75]  > う ん
[76]    ちがう
Hey, you dropped this just now, right?
 > Yeah
[77 01][67]じゃあ、きみにかえすわ、
[75]もう おとしたりしちゃ
[76]       ダ メ ヨ!
In that case, I'll return it to you.
Now, then, do make an effort not to
                 DROP ANYTHING ELSE!
[77 01][67]じゃあ、これかな? どう?
[75]  > う ん
[76]    ちがう
So, was it this? The thing you dropped?
    > Yep
    > Nope
[77 01][67]うそついちゃ ダメ ダメ!
No lying! No lying!
Take it and get out of here!

015x: Lost Old Man (Wandering)

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]あっ!  足もとに気をつけて
[73]『黄金の力』を求めて 山へ
[73]たくさんの男達が 宝を求めて
Oops! Watch where you step.
Try going around to the right.
And watch out for holes.

You must be off to the mountain in
search of the Golden Power too, isn't
that right, young one?
Beyond here is a mountain where monsters
dwell. Many men have disappeared up there
while hunting for treasure.

You would be better off turning back
quickly, too.
[77 01][67]このあたりに 昔、何か
I feel like I buried something around here
long ago...
[77 01][67]おっ! ここを右じゃ
Oh! Go around to the right. I had a
grandchild around your age too, you

She was taken to the castle by the
king, and never returned... I believe
the priest may be plotting to sacrifice
her. He [?] us from the kingdom, we who
sealed the monsters' path. Capturing
those girls and my granddaughter...
he's up to something, all right.
[77 01][67]どなたかしらぬが、山へ行くな
I don't know who you are, but if you're
headed for the mountain, will you take me
along? I lost my lamp.
[77 01][67]いけにえになった娘は、今も
[75]どこかで生きておる。 それを
[73]わしは ずっとまっていた。
[73]年よりに色々と ありがとう。[7e]
The maidens who were sacrificed are still
alive somewhere, even now. I've been
waiting all this time for a hero who will
rescue them to appear.
Oh, I didn't mean to get carried away.

This wisened soul thanks you for all that
you've done. If a dark fate should befall
you, gaze into this mirror at your

016x: Lost Old Man (Home Cave)

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]王様は きっと司祭にだまされ
[75]ておる。 司祭はきっと魔王の
[76]復活を たくらんでおるのじゃ[7e]
I'm certain that the king is being deceived
by the priest. I believe that the priest
is plotting to resurrect the demon king.
There is something in the tower atop the
mountain that is sure to help you. It will
allow you to obtain the evil-banishing blade.
[77 01][67]おまえの手にしたペンダントは
[76]よぶ場所で いのるがよい。
That pendant you've obtained is an item which
calls forth earth spirits. You should try
praying somewhere that spirits can be summoned.

017x: Flute Boy's Father

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67] … むにゃ わしのむすこは
[73]どこで どうしているのやら
[73] … … …
[73] … ぐう ぐう~ ぐう~
...Mumble mumble... My son was a lad who was
fond of the flute, but he went to the mountain
and never returned... I wonder where he could
be, and what he might be doing?
... ... ...
...Zzz zzZz zzz...

018x: Sweeping Lady

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]ああ、[リンク] 立札を見たよ
[75]よくゼルダを 救けてやったね
[76]あんたは まちがってないよ。
Ah, Link. I saw the signs.
You did a good job helping Zelda.
You're doing the right thing.

019x: Painter

This message ID is absent from the final game, but entity 2D, known as PENKI ("paint"), has code for displaying it. This doesn't really match up with the message here, since PENKI is the entity for the telepathic tiles, and this text seems like it's for an NPC. One imagines that the content must have changed.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]よう[リンク] 8人目の娘を
Yo, Link! I heard you kidnapped the eighth
maiden? Those guys from the castle are
looking for you.

(This isn't the only odd piece of text associated with PENKI.)

01Ax: Running Man

The only entity with code to display this message is 74, known as BOUSI ("hat"), the entity for the Running Man. Indeed, the content of this text ID in the final game is the message in which the Running Man praises Link for catching up with him.

Because the maidens getting kidnapped are descendants of the sages ("wise men" in the English localization), and the Running Man of the final game doesn't mention anything about a kidnapped daughter, it's possible that the 01Ax section of message IDs were originally used for another NPC, and was later repurposed for him.

Another possibility is that message 01A0 was always intended for the entity that became the Running Man in the final game, and its content was changed after his character was altered following the introduction of the Pegasus Boots, which happened after the creation of zel_msge. The Yamamoto Data section of zel_bg3.asm, which, like zel_msge, seems to date from around May, 1991, lacks the boots item entirely. (Additionally, the original function of the Boots seems to have been jumping, not running.)

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67][リンク] うちの娘もイケニエ
[76]カタキを とってやってくれ!
Link, my daughter was taken as a sacrifice,
Please, you have to avenge her!

Light World Placeholder Text

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 00Hです
This is Light World 00H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 01Hです
This is Light World 01H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 02Hです
This is Light World 02H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 03Hです
This is Light World 03H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 04Hです
This is Light World 04H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 05Hです
This is Light World 05H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 06Hです
This is Light World 06H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 07Hです
This is Light World 07H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 08Hです
This is Light World 08H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 09Hです
This is Light World 09H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0AHです
This is Light World 0AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0BHです
This is Light World 0BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0CHです
This is Light World 0CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0DHです
This is Light World 0DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0EHです
This is Light World 0EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0FHです
This is Light World 0FH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 10Hです
This is Light World 10H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 11Hです
This is Light World 11H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 12Hです
This is Light World 12H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 13Hです
This is Light World 13H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 14Hです
This is Light World 14H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 15Hです
This is Light World 15H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 16Hです
This is Light World 16H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 17Hです
This is Light World 17H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 18Hです
This is Light World 18H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 19Hです
This is Light World 19H.

[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 1AHです
This is Light World 1AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 1BHです
This is Light World 1BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 1CHです
This is Light World 1CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 1DHです
This is Light World 1DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 1EHです
This is Light World 1EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 1FHです
This is Light World 1FH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 20Hです
This is Light World 20H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 21Hです
This is Light World 21H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 22Hです
This is Light World 22H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 23Hです
This is Light World 23H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 24Hです
This is Light World 24H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 25Hです
This is Light World 25H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 26Hです
This is Light World 26H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 27Hです
This is Light World 27H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 28Hです
This is Light World 28H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 29Hです
This is Light World 29H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 2AHです
This is Light World 2AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 2BHです
This is Light World 2BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 2CHです
This is Light World 2CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 2DHです
This is Light World 2DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 2EHです
This is Light World 2EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 2FHです
This is Light World 2FH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 30Hです
This is Light World 30H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 31Hです
This is Light World 31H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 32Hです
This is Light World 32H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 33Hです
This is Light World 33H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 34Hです
This is Light World 34H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 35Hです
This is Light World 35H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 36Hです
This is Light World 36H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 37Hです
This is Light World 37H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 38Hです
This is Light World 38H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 39Hです
This is Light World 39H.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 3AHです
This is Light World 3AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 3BHです
This is Light World 3BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 3CHです
This is Light World 3CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 3DHです
This is Light World 3DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 3EHです
This is Light World 3EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 3FHです
This is Light World 3FH.

Dark World Placeholder Text

Placeholder text for Dark World messages that had yet to be written.

Message 01ff seems erroneous.

ID Japanese Translation
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 00Hです
This is Dark World 00H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 01Hです
This is Dark World 01H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 02Hです
This is Dark World 02H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 03Hです
This is Dark World 03H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 04Hです
This is Dark World 04H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 05Hです
This is Dark World 05H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 06Hです
This is Dark World 06H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 07Hです
This is Dark World 07H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 08Hです
This is Dark World 08H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 09Hです
This is Dark World 09H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 0AHです
This is Dark World 0AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 0BHです
This is Dark World 0BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 0CHです
This is Dark World 0CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 0DHです
This is Dark World 0DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 0EHです
This is Dark World 0EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、オモテの 0FHです
This is Light World 0FH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 10Hです
This is Dark World 10H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 11Hです
This is Dark World 11H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 12Hです
This is Dark World 12H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 13Hです
This is Dark World 13H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 14Hです
This is Dark World 14H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 15Hです
This is Dark World 15H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 16Hです
This is Dark World 16H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 17Hです
This is Dark World 17H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 18Hです
This is Dark World 18H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 19Hです
This is Dark World 19H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 1AHです
This is Dark World 1AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 1BHです
This is Dark World 1BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 1CHです
This is Dark World 1CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 1DHです
This is Dark World 1DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 1EHです
This is Dark World 1EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 1FHです
This is Dark World 1FH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 20Hです
This is Dark World 20H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 21Hです
This is Dark World 21H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 22Hです
This is Dark World 22H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 23Hです
This is Dark World 23H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 24Hです
This is Dark World 24H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 25Hです
This is Dark World 25H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 26Hです
This is Dark World 26H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 27Hです
This is Dark World 27H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 28Hです
This is Dark World 28H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 29Hです
This is Dark World 29H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 2AHです
This is Dark World 2AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 2BHです
This is Dark World 2BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 2CHです
This is Dark World 2CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 2DHです
This is Dark World 2DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 2EHです
This is Dark World 2EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 2FHです
This is Dark World 2FH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 30Hです
This is Dark World 30H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 31Hです
This is Dark World 31H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 32Hです
This is Dark World 32H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 33Hです
This is Dark World 33H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 34Hです
This is Dark World 34H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 35Hです
This is Dark World 35H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 36Hです
This is Dark World 36H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 37Hです
This is Dark World 37H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 38Hです
This is Dark World 38H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 39Hです
This is Dark World 39H.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 3AHです
This is Dark World 3AH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 3BHです
This is Dark World 3BH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 3CHです
This is Dark World 3CH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 3DHです
This is Dark World 3DH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 3EHです
This is Dark World 3EH.
[77 01][67]ここは、ウラの 3FHです
This is Dark World 3FH.


  1. Full path of the 日本_Ver3 folder any time it is referenced is SFC\ソースデータ\ゼルダの伝説神々のトライフォース\日本_Ver3\
  2. [Folder: SFC\ソースデータ\ゼルダの伝説神々のトライフォース\日本_Ver3\msg\bun]