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This page details development materials of Whacked!.

Early Music

The original "Boing" tech demo had six tracks which were selected at random for the game's levels. Unlike the final game's live music, these tracks were done with orchestral samples and were composed to be more lighthearted. Each track was redone in the game's new style and recycled for the final game.

Early Final Notes
Significantly extended and used for the "HiRise" level in the final game.
Used for the "Space Walk" level in the final game.
Used for the "Jeffrey's Kitchen" level in the final game. The prototype version of this track did partially make it into the final game: a very short snippet of it can be heard in the commercial for the Yolk-O-Matic.
Once again, the track was extended. Used for the "No Trespassing" level in the final game.
Used for the "Death Wall" level in the final game. This seems to have been the first track to be recorded live.
Used for the "Joyride" level in the final game. This track is almost identical to the final version and so was likely made closer to the shift in style.
(Source: Composer Jamey Scott)