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Development:Yoshi's Cookie (SNES)

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This page details development materials of Yoshi's Cookie (SNES).

How about a nice leek in this trying time?
This page or section details content from the July 2020 Nintendo Leak.
Check the July 2020 Nintendo Leak category for more pages also sourced from this material.
To do:
A lot of the GIFs here have dithering or other issues that aren't present in the actual sprites and need to be redone.

Part of the July 24th, 2020 Nintendo leak features early sprites from Yoshi's Cookie, both SNES and NES. They can be found in other.7z\NEWS\テープリストア\NEWS_11\NEWS_11\hino\z-mario-cookie.




Leak Final
YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx MarioLeak.png YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx MarioFinal.png

Mario was redrawn in the final game with bigger eyes.

YoshisCookie main obj.cgx.MarioStand.png

An unused sprite of Mario standing with his hands behind his back.

YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx MarioHatless.png

A sprite of Mario's head without a hat.

YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx MarioBig.png

An unused large Mario.


Leak Final
YoshisCookie main obj.cgx.YoshiLeak.png YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx YoshiFinal.png

Yoshi had a longer tail and brown shoes, and was redrawn in the final game.

YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx YoshiBig.png

An unused large Yoshi.


Leak Final
YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx DonutsLeak.png YoshisCookieSNES main obj.cgx DonutsFinal.png

The doughnut cookie was originally slightly brighter.

Title Screen

Leak Final
YCSNES Cookie1 Dev.png

YCSNES Cookie2 Dev.png

YCSNES Cookie3 Dev.png

YCSNES Cookie1 Final.png

YCSNES Cookie2 Final.png

YCSNES Cookie3 Final.png

Some of the cookies on the title screen were touched up, most noticeably the Yoshi cookie.


Mario in each cutscene was redrawn to be more on-model.

Round 1

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo1.gif YoshisCookie rd demo1 final.gif

Round 2

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo2.gif YoshisCookie rd demo2 final.gif

Round 3

Leak Final
Where's the bathroom?! YoshisCookie rd demo3 final.gif

Round 4

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo4.gif YoshisCookie rd demo4 final.gif

Round 5

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo5.gif

YoshisCookie rd demo5 yoshi.gif

YoshisCookie rd demo5 final.gif

YoshisCookie rd demo5 yoshi final.gif

Round 6

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo6.gif YoshisCookie rd demo6 final.gif

Round 7

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo7.gif YoshisCookie rd demo7 final.gif

Round 8

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo8.gif YoshisCookie rd demo8 final.gif

Round 9

Leak Final
YoshisCookie rd demo9.gif YoshisCookie rd demo9 final.gif

Puzzle Mode

Leak Final
YoshisCookieSNES mario bg1 yoshi early.png

YoshisCookieSNES mario bg1 mario early.png

YoshisCookieSNES mario bg1 yoshi final.png

YoshisCookieSNES mario bg1 mario final.png

Mario and Yoshi in the ending of puzzle mode were redrawn.

Artist Notes

Cacti speak Japanese.
...But what does it mean?
This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation!

In the demo folder's CGX files are an artist's revision notes.

Filename Image Text Translation
main_obj.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX main obj.png 右手の位置がへんなのでなおして下さい。
The position of the right hand is strange, so please fix it.
Corrected character.
open_chr.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX open chr.png 修正後


 ↑ 修正前


・ ← Not needed

↑ Before correction

vs_chr.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX vs chr.png カラー変更
Color change
I put the new color in attribute 7.
rd_demo_1-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo1-new.png ←CHRの変更のみ ← CHR change only
rd_demo_2-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo2-new.png ←CHRの変更のみ ← CHR change only
rd_demo_3-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo3-new.png デモのふんいきにいちばん合った物をつかって下さい


Use the one that best fits the tone of the cutscene.

← Mario's OBJ set position and sequence also change.

rd_demo_4-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo4-new.png ↑くつをデモ3のようになおして下さい。


↑ Please fix the shoes as in Cutscene 3.

← CHR change only

rd_demo_5-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo5-new.png ←マリオはOBJセット位置とシーケンスも変更。


← Mario also changed the OBJ set position and sequence.

Yoshi is CHR only.

rd_demo_6-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo6-new.png ←キャラとOBJシーケンスを変更しました。 ← Changed the character and OBJ sequence.
rd_demo_7-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo7-new.png ←キャラのみ修正しました ← Only corrected the character.
rd_demo_8-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo8-new.png ←CHR変更のみ


← CHR change only

Only one drop of sweat will appear, so it might be better not to have any at all.

rd_demo_9-new.cgx YoshisCookie export CGX rd demo9-new.png ←マリオの顔のアトリビュートを1から4に変更しました。 ← Changed Mario's face attribute from 1 to 4.
YoshisSafari CGX vs bg1.png
修正なし No correction.