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Disney's Mulan Story Studio

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Title Screen

Disney's Mulan Story Studio

Developer: Kids Revolution[1]
Publishers: NewKidCo (US), SCEE (EU)
Platform: PlayStation
Released in US: December 15, 1999[1]
Released in EU: 2000[1]

SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.
RegionIcon.png This game has regional differences.

A PlayStation port of Disney's Animated Storybook: Mulan.

Unused Audio


Throughout SOUND/SMK004.XA are the opening drums of the DEVO song "Whip It". This is also found in the original PC version.

Regional Differences

Title Screen

US Europe
MulanSS Title.png MulanSS EU Title.png

In the European version, the press start text was moved from the top of the screen to the bottom.
