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Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626/Development Text

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This is a sub-page of Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626.

A large number of files have comments made during development or data that was never used.

Missing Audio

There are references to nonexistent audio files in a number of files called SFXNOTE.TXT.

In the folder for Jumba:


In the folder for the Irob:


In the folder for the soldiers:


In the folder for the buzzers:


In a folder called OLEGG:


In a folder called OLEGM1:



Text in files within individual level folders. Most text is data which has been removed by commenting it out.

Two elements in MUT_621.ADR, the file which determines Experiment 621's behaviour:

//DataLink { Name "FrozenMaterial"	Type ShortName	Parent "mut_621\"	Data "Frozen" }
//DataLink { Name "FrozenMaterialNamespace"	Type ShortName	Parent "mut_621\"	Data "bump" }

GANTU.ADR has a comment stating whether Gantu should be classed as "Actor" or "Enemy" (he is classed as "Enemy"):

Actor because Enemy shows target.

OJLILY.AGS, which determines the shading of the lily pads in the jungle levels:

//CombineOp BlendAlpha
//ModulateOp ModulateTextureByDiffuse

OJJUMP.ADR, which determines the behaviour of the jump pads in the jungle levels:

//	DataLink { Name "TYPE"	Type ShortName	Parent "OJjump\"	Data "Actor" }
//	DataLink { Name "BChart"	Type ShortName	Parent "OJjump\"	Data "BJmpPlnt" }

In L2B.AGS, the file used for shading in the "Energy Lines" level:

// CoordTransform(Bone_0) not found
//  Coord2DTransform 0

In J1C.AGS, J2B.AGS, L2A.AGS, the files used for shading in the "Jungle Flight", "Caverns & Chasms" and "Rotten Eggs!" levels respectively:

// CoordTransformDatabase((null)) not found
//  Coord2DTransform 0

In SPWN700.ASN, which is used for spawning 700s hatchlings:

//		BoundingGeometry "700" "700"

In PEJFUEL.ASE, which determines particle behaviour for fire in the "Energy Lines" level:

//		MotionBlur 2 0.75 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0  //This is too expensive
//		MotionBlur 2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0	// This is too expensive

A comment in the model files PCELLG.AGG and PCELLS.AGG:

Exterioir Portal Component


//		BoundingGeometry "GameCam" ""

In ALL.ADR, which determines behaviour across all levels:

//DataLink { Name "SndNode" 		Type Empty	Data  WillAcceptParentData }

In GENERIC.SAC, which controls particles across all levels:

//	"Shot"		""			"Shot"		0	""			""			0					
//	"BlakHole"	""			"BlakHole"	1	""			""			0
//	"LasrShot"	""			"LasrShot"	0	""			""			0
//	"IRball"	"IRball"	"Shot"		5	"PEirobE"	""			0

In FXARC.AGM, which controls model materials in the "Got Gas?" and "Energy Lines" levels:

//	Material "arc_01"
//	{
//		AmbientColor 63 63 63 255
//		DiffuseColor 255 255 255 255
//		SpecularColor 255 255 255 255
//		SimpleTextureShader 0
//		GouraudShade
//		ColorModulate
//		AlphaModulate
//		Blend Add
//	}
//	Material "arc_02"
//	{
//		AmbientColor 63 63 63 255
//		DiffuseColor 255 255 255 255
//		SpecularColor 255 255 255 255
//		SimpleTextureShader 1
//		GouraudShade
//		ColorModulate
//		AlphaModulate
//		Blend Add
//	}


Text in files in the OBJECTS folder.

CINEMA.AGD, a database for in-game cinematics, includes a message immediately after the file's header:

Must put Database Loaders first.. This should fix a bug.

GAME.AEE explaining sound effect triggers:

Enter jetpack ring - sent when you fly through the first of a group jetpack rings
Exit jetpack ring - sent when you fly through the last of a group jetpack rings
Stitch Died!
Stitch finds his first reel.
DNA cinema events
Stitch Obtained enough DNA to unlock a new level
same as DNAGOAL excpet used for triggering cinemas - will not be sent for Boss levels
Stitch has just Obtained the last DNA in a level, therefore he now has all of them
health was dropped by an actor
slowmo was dropped by an actor
whenever stitch is in slow motion
music events

RESPAWN.AGM, which controls shading for respawning animations, includes a message on an otherwise uncommented line:

- uncomment this line when staged shaders work on the PS2

In the unused model file ARROW.AGG:

// Leaf space = 01
// eOpenFile(vector.agm)1
// vecto0001

Descriptions of the lists in GENERIC.AGD:

emitters that are used throught the whole game
New Loaders

In OADNA.AGD, the database for the DNA model:

//	"OAdna"

STITCH.AGD, the database for Stitch's model, has a header commented out in both the Mesh database and Texture database:


In FONTS.AGF, the database for game fonts, one font is commented out entirely:

//	Font2D "font"
//	{
//	  	TGASource
//		Kerning 0.0
//		ColorValueRectangle
//			255 255 255 255
//			255 255 255 255
//			255 255 255 255
//			255 255 255 255
//		MatAssignment 0
//		CharacterSet[190]
//		{
//			         32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39
//			 40  41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49
//			 50  51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59
//			 60  61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69
//			 70  71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79
//			 80  81  82  83  84  85  86  87  88  89
//			 90  91  92  93  94  95  96  97  98  99
//			100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
//			110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
//			120 121 122 123 124 125 126
//			    161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
//			170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
//			180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
//			190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
//			200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
//			210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219
//			220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
//			230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
//			240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249
//			250 251 252 253 254 255                
//		}
//	}

IMAGES.AGI has commented out data for an image:

//	Image "Loading"
//	{
//		MatAssignment 0
//		BmpSource
//	}

GOGGLES.AGM has commented out texture and material data for the jetpack goggles:

//	"goggles"
//	Material "Mat0"
//	{
//		AmbientColor 63 63 63 255
//		DiffuseColor 255 255 255 255
//		SpecularColor 255 255 255 255
//		SimpleTextureShader 0
//		GouraudShade
// //		ColorDecal
//		AlphaDecal
//		ColorModulate
//		Blend BlendAlpha
//	}

GENERIC.AGT lists a texture called "shad", which uses a TGA image but was evidently going to use a BMP:


EMITTER.AOE has notes explaining the different types of sound emitters:

// emitter for background music
// emitter for action music 
// emitter for all the UI sounds 
// emitter for the voice calls

TALKHEAD.AOS has a comment ahead of the list of voice calls:


A commented out element in TALKHEAD.AOT, which lists the source of the voice calls:


GENERIC.ASN, which determines the properties of certain objects, includes descriptions for which of Stitch's hands each gun attaches to:

Upper Right Hand
Lower Right Hand
Upper Left Hand
Lower Left Hand

It also has two other comments:

Used to detect collisions with shots. different types of shots might need smaller / larger spheres
yeah, this isn't orthonormalized.  sue me.

The entire PSX2.AGD file consists of comments:

// this file should contain graphics that are for the PS2 only. Hopefully at the end of the project
// we are using the same graphics everywhere for PC and PS2. 

//	// until staged shaders are done on PS2 put alternate materials here	
//	"Props\All\OAgogles\OAgogles"

The entire PSX2.ASD file is also commented out:

// this file is for objects that are loaded by the layout tool on the PC, but need to be loaded on the PSX2 as well (i.e. for spawining).

//NodeDatabase[ 0 ]
//	"Props\Boss\IRball\IRballPS"

PSX2MAP.ANM is a list of buttons with their functions, which includes descriptive comments. It lists the functions for menus (Menu1), gameplay (Game1), an unused gameplay mapping (Game2), debug functions (General1) and an unknown function (Camera1):


Joystick button to abstract button mapping - sorted by abstract id

R2 button
Strafe button

X button
Jump Shoot button

square button
Normal Shoot button

L1 button
Burst button

triangle button
Special Shoot button

R1 button
Ball button

O button
Action button

L2 button
Camera forward button

Start button
Pause button

Select button
Force UI button

R3 button
Snap to camera button

L3 button
Wind button

Axis to Axis Mapping

Left Analog Horizontal

Left Analog Vertical

D-pad horizontal

D-pad vertical

Right Analog Horizontal

Right Analog Vertical


Joystick button to abstract button mapping example

L2 button
Strafe button

X button
Jump Shoot button

R1 button
Normal Shoot button

O button
Burst button

R2 button
Special Shoot button

square button
Ball button

triangle button
Action button

L1 button
Camera forward button

Start button
Pause button

Select button
Force UI button

R3 button
Snap to camera button

L3 button
Wind button

Axis to Axis Mapping example

Left Analog Horizontal

Left Analog Vertical

D-pad horizontal

D-pad vertical

Right Analog Horizontal

Right Analog Vertical


Joystick button to abstract button mapping example

Start button
Start button

R2 button
LevelSelect button

X button
Accept button

square button
Unused button

L1 button
Unused button

triangle button
Cancel button

L2 button
Unused button

O button
Unused button

R1 button
Unused button

Axis to Axis Mapping example

Left Analog Horizontal

Left Analog Vertical

D-pad horizontal

D-pad vertical


Select button
Switch Camera button

R3 button
Switch scene contents button

L3 button
Pause Scene Update

triangle button
Cheat button 1

O button
Cheat button 2

X button
Cheat button 3

square button
Cheat button 4

start button
Cheat button 3  to be able to skip movies

R2 button
Cheat mode button


Joystick button to abstract button mapping example

L1 button
Amplify Speed button

Axis to Axis Mapping example

Left Analog Horizontal

Left Analog Vertical

D-pad vertical

Right Analog Horizontal

Right Analog Vertical

UI Folder

Text in files in the UI folder.

ASSETS.AUA, multiple files which control fonts and text, include a number of advisory comments:

Used for Basic Text  i.e. Leagl Screen
Used for Buttons
Used for Focused Text in buttons
Used for Disabled Text in buttons

One of these files includes a text string titled DEMO, which is accompanied by this comment:

Included to make UI work.  Not actually used.

One of the files named LOADER.AUD has a list of commented out screens:

//	"Intro\SonyLogo"
//	"Intro\HVSLogo"

//	"MainMenu"

//	"Game\Cinema"
//	"Game\Credits"
//	"Game\Level"

//	"MemCard\UIMEMCHK"
//	"MemCard\Load\LoadGame"
//	"MemCard\Load\Verify"
//	"MemCard\Load\YouSure"
//	"MemCard\Load\DelGame2"
//	"MemCard\Load\GmLoadin"

//	"Options\Options"
//	"Options\CtrlOpts"

//	"Secrets\Secrets"
//	"Secrets\SecXtr2"

Another LOADER.AUD file also has commented out data:

//	"..\intro\gamedemo"

Multiple files named STYLES.AUS, which control text and sprites in menus and the HUD, have removed data:

//			ImageAsset "Blend" ""
//			{
//				All
//			}

//			ImageAsset "HPIcon" ""
//			{
//				All
//			}

//				Justify CenterEW

Removed data in DEATH.AUW, which controls HUD sprites:

//				SetDataComponent "PAUSEMNU" "" 4.0

PAUSE.AUW includes references to unused pause menu text, which may be a demo leftover:

//				North "PMEXITGM" "Pause"
//				South "PMEXITGM" "Pause"

//			"PushBtn" "PMEXITGM"
//			{
//				Parent "BGPause" "Pause"
//				Style "Button" ""
//				Rectangle 89.5 275.0 269.5 315.0
//				//ULT ConstrainNorthToSouth "OPTS" 0.0
//				//ULT ConstrainEastToEast "OPTS" 0.0
//				//ULT PositionAbsolute
//				//ULT Color 16711680
//				North "OPTS" "Pause"
//				South "Back" "Pause"
//				StringAsset "DEMO" "" "EXITGAME" ""
//				//SetDataComponent "PAUSEMNU" "" 4.0
//				SoundAsset "SForwrd" "" "" ""
//				Goto "QUIT" "Quit"
//			}

Most of DILOGO.AUW, a file which controls an unused Disney Interactive logo, is commented out:

//		Goto "HVSLOGO" "HVSLogo"
//		TimeOut 5.0

//		"PushBtn" "AnyKey"
//		{
//			Parent "DILOGO" "DILogo"
//			Style "BAnyKey" ""
//			Rectangle 160.0 120.0 480.0 360.0
//			//ULT Color 32768
//			DefaultFocus
//			ImageAsset "Blend" "" "DILogo" ""
//			StringAsset "ANYBTN" "" "" ""
//			Goto "HVSLOGO" "HVSLogo"
//		}

TITLE.AUW, which controls text in the title screen has two pieces of removed data:

//                DefaultFocus


Text in files in the AUDIO folder:

Removed data in UI.AOD, a file which lists audio to be used in menus:

//	"Levels\UI\UI"

Text in files in the GRAPHICS folder:

A large portion of INGAME.ASD is removed:

//	"StHead\StHead"
//	"Instance"

//	"..\UI\InGame\Fade\Fade"

INGAME.ASN has commented out animation data for the Slowmo meter pickups:

//		AnimationChannel[0]
//		{
//			AnimationChannel
//			{
//				PlayAnimation "OAslow" "OAslow" 0
//			}
//		}

UIIMGS.AGI, which lists the graphics used in menus, includes removed data for an image:

///	Image "whtbar"
///	{
///		MatAssignment 1
///		TgaSource
///	}

LOADING.AST, which controls text in loading screens, includes two commented out pieces of text:

//		String "LOADING" ""
//		CenterVertically

Text present in multiple files:

This file is auto-generated from Secrets.xls.  Any changes made to this file manually will eventually be lost!


These Images are loaded Once, and kept In memory... BE VERY VERY CAREFUL!!!

In LOADING.ASN and STITCH.ASN, two files used for loading Stitch's model in-game, include a message next to a "ModifierReceiver" section:

needed for lighting

North American Version

These comments are only present in the North American version.


Localization Export: ENGLISH on 05-01-2002 15:51:31


Localization Export: ENGLISH on 05-01-2002 15:51:25

European Version

These comments are only present in the European version.


Localization Export: UK on 06-28-2002 15:47:16


Localization Export: UK on 06-28-2002 15:47:17


Localization Export: UK on 06-28-2002 15:47:22