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Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626/Unused Animations

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This is a sub-page of Disney's Stitch: Experiment 626.

Unused animations for used models. Unused animations for unused models can be seen in the Unused Objects section of the main page.


Animation File Header(s) Notes

Disney's Stitch 626 bump1.gif Disney's Stitch 626 bump2.gif

bump Its purpose is unclear.
This animation has an accompanying sound effect with the filename STCHTHRW.VAG, which is also heard in used animations.
Disney's Stitch 626 cilmbidl.gif
climbidl Header indicates it is an idle climbing animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 clmbdrtf.gif
clmbdrtf Probably intended to be used during slow-mo mode. The gunshots are the result of the animation replacing the normally used shooting animation.
jethitd A jetpack animation with a header suggesting it would be used when Stitch was hurt. It is evidently incomplete as it causes Stitch's model to become distorted, sometimes to the extent where the game crashes. The sound effects heard in the video are the result of the animation replacing the normal animation where Stitch celebrates getting through the rings.
jethith Two more jetpack animations with headers suggesting they were intended for when Stitch was hurt.
Disney's Stitch 626 landrun.gif
landrun Header suggests it is a running animation after landing from a drop.
roll2 is a roll forwards animation, roll3 is a roll backwards animation, rolll is a roll left animation and rollr is a roll right animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 rwrdwalk.gif
rwrdwalk Appears to be a celebratory animation.
Two strafing animations depicting Stitch carrying something. In normal gameplay, a walking forward animation is used when Stitch holds an object while strafing. strafllt is a left-strafe and strafrlt is a right-strafe.
A slower strafe. straflwk is a left-strafe and strafrwk is a right-strafe.

First Boss (Dr. Habbitrale/Irob)

The first boss has a large number of unused animations, most notably a door in its chest opening to reveal what is probably a gun. During normal gameplay, the open chest can be seen in the boss' health bar sprite and during its falling animation when defeated.

The audio file used for Gantu's gunshots (GANTUGUN.VAG) has the header irobgun1, indicating that it was originally going to be used in this battle.

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 iraener.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 fire.gif
Fire Sub-animation of IRAener. The shaking and shockwave in the video are the result of the animation replacing the normally used stomping animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 close.gif
close Sub-animation of IRAener. The shaking and shockwave in the video are the result of the animation replacing the normally used stomping animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 omirob.gif
OMirob Possibly an earlier version of the door-opening animation.

Other animations include head movements which may have played when the boss was damaged and arm movements.

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 iragas.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 iragasl.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 iragasr.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 iralclw.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 irarclw.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 iraswat.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 irhregu.gif
IRHregu This animation has an accompanying sound effect with the filename IRREGU01.VAG.

Second Boss (Experiment 621)

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 621 test.gif
(filename: MUT_621.AKA)
A test animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 6miheld.gif
6MIheld Probably intended to be used when picked up by Stitch.
Disney's Stitch 626 6miairb.gif
6MIairb Possibly intended to be used when thrown by Stitch.

Third Boss (Gantu)

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 gthhits1.gif

Disney's Stitch 626 gthhits2.gif
GTHhits Evidently incomplete as it causes the model to collapse in on itself without returning to normal when the animation ends or the level is restarted. The header suggests it would have been used when he was hit.
Disney's Stitch 626 gtmrunf.gif
GTMrunf A running animation. It uses the same sound effects as the used walking animation (GNTUFT01.VAG and GNTUFT02.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 gtofall.gif
GTOfall Not unused but unseen. Plays when the floor to the first part of the level collapses but isn't seen due to the camera movements.
Disney's Stitch 626 gtland.gif
land Sub-animation of GTOfall.


700s Hatchlings

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 7HHgrnd.gif
7HHgrnd Probably intended to be used when thrown by Stitch. Accompanied by the sound effect 7HGRND.VAG:
Disney's Stitch 626 e700.gif
E700h Probably a placeholder.

Fully Grown 700s

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 70Hgrnd.gif
70Hgrnd Probably intended to be used when thrown by Stitch. Accompanied by the sound effect 700GRD01.VAG:
Disney's Stitch 626 70Hhits.gif
70Hhits Header suggests it is a hurt animation. Accompanied by a sound effect consisting of six audio files (70VHRT01.VAG, 700HIT01.VAG, 700FT001.VAG, 700FT002.VAG, 700FT003.VAG and 700FT004.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 70Iheld.gif
70Iheld Probably intended to be used when picked up by Stitch.


Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 FBAflyb.gif
FBAflyb An arm moving animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 fbeeject.gif
FBEejct A short turning animation. Accompanied by two sound effects (FBEJCT01.VAG and FBEJCT02.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 fbhfrze.gif
FBHfrze A frozen animation. Accompanied by a sound effect consisting of three audio files (FREEZE01.VAG, FBFALL01.VAG and FBFALL02.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 fbhgrnd.gif
FBHgrnd Probably intended to be used when thrown by Stitch. Accompanied by a sound effect consisting of three audio files (FBGRND01.VAG, FBFALL02.VAG and FBGRND03.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 fbhhitb.gif
FBHhitb Header suggests it is a hurt animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 fbiheld.gif
FBIheld Probably intended to be used when picked up by Stitch.
Disney's Stitch 626 fbistun.gif
FBIstun Header suggests it is a stunned animation.

Mutant Greemas

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 MGHfrze.gif
MGHfrze A frozen animation. Accompanied by two sound effects (FREEZE01.VAG and MGMFRZ01.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 MGHhitb.gif
MGHhitb Header suggests it is a hurt animation. Accompanied by two sound effects (MGHITB02.VAG and MGHITB03.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 MGHhits.gif
MGHhits Header suggests it is a hurt animation. Accompanied by the sound effect MGHITS01.VAG:
Disney's Stitch 626 MGIstun.gif
MGIstun Header suggests it is a stunned animation.


Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 SDAfir2.gif
SDAfir2 A hurt animation which is evidently incomplete as it starts and ends with a T-pose.
Disney's Stitch 626 SDHfrez.gif
SDHfrez A frozen animation. Accompanied by the sound effect SOLDFLL2.VAG, which can also be heard in used animations:

The animation file indicates that FREEZE01.VAG should also play just before, but it has an incorrect header (freeze1 when it should be sldfrz1).
Disney's Stitch 626 SDHhitb.gif
SDHhitb Accompanied by two sound effects (SOLDFLL1.VAG and SOLDFLL2.VAG), both of which can be heard in used animations:
Disney's Stitch 626 SDHland.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 SDIstun.gif
SDIstun Header suggests it is a stunned animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 SDMjump.gif
SDMjump Accompanied by two sound effects (SOLDJMP1.VAG and SOLDLND1.VAG):

Heavy Soldiers

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 HSArckt.gif
Disney's Stitch 626 HSHbigb.gif
HSHbigb Appears to be a hurt animation. Accompanied by the sound effect HSFTSLP1.VAG:

The animation file indicates that another sound effect with the header hshit01 should play, but the file either doesn't exist or was given the wrong header.
Disney's Stitch 626 HSHfrze.gif
HSHfrze A frozen animation. Accompanied by the sound effect HSFT0001.VAG:

The animation file indicates that FREEZE01.VAG should also play at the same time, but it has an incorrect header (freeze1 when it should be hsfrz01).
Disney's Stitch 626 HSHhitb.gif
HSHhitb Accompanied by two sound effects (HSFT0001.VAG and HSFT0002.VAG) which can also be heard in the used walking animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 HSIstun.gif
HSIstun Header suggests it is a stunned animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 HSMjump.gif
HSMjump Accompanied by two sound effects (HSJMP001.VAG and HSLND001.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 HSMstfl.gif
HSMstfl Strafing left. Accompanied by the same two sound effects which are heard in the used walking animation.
Disney's Stitch 626 HSMstfr.gif
HSMstfr Strafing right. Accompanied by the same two sound effects as HSMstfl.


The animations for the Wallguns are very similar to each other and seem to depict them taking damage or being defeated, although some may be placeholders. There is no way to damage them in normal gameplay.

Animation File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 WAHback.gif
WAHback Accompanied by two sound effects (WG3UP002.VAG and WG3UP001.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 WAHdfet.gif
WAHdfet Header indicates it is a defeat animation. It is accompanied by two sound effects (WG3DFT01.VAG and WG3DFT02.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 wahhits.gif
WAHhits It is accompanied by two sound effects (WG3HIT01.VAG and WG3HIT02.VAG):
Disney's Stitch 626 waiidle.gif
WAIidle It is accompanied by the sound effect WG3IDL01.VAG:
Disney's Stitch 626 wamunfd.gif
WAMunfd It is accompanied by the sound effect WG3IDL01.VAG:

The animation file indicates that the audio file WG3CLK01.VAG should also play, although this does not occur, probably due to the audio flags not being complete:


Animation Actor File Header Notes
Disney's Stitch 626 UGMforw.gif
Greemas UGMforw Header indicates it is a walking animation for the Greemas who would mutate.
Disney's Stitch 626 Ssqdbt.gif
Squidbots Ssqdbt Might be a placeholder.
Wuncs OJwunc Likely a placeholder.
Disney's Stitch 626 SPMscr.gif
SPMscr An animation for the mouse-like creatures in "Meet the 700s". Likely a placeholder.
Disney's Stitch 626 OJjump.gif
OJjump A bouncing animation for the jump-pads found in the jungle levels.

Other Notes

  • The Buzzer enemy has a frozen animation titled BZHfrze, however it does not function. It has three intended accompanying sound effects, one of which (bzstop1) does not appear to exist. The other two are FREEZE01.VAG and BZFRZE01.VAG, both of which are used at other points:

  • Frogbots have three incomplete animation files with the headers Frog1_L, frog1_M and frog1_H - L, M and H refer to low, medium and high poly counts.
  • Soldiers also have an incomplete animation file with the header sold1_H.
  • Wallguns have an incomplete animation file with the header Walgn3.