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Doshin the Giant (Nintendo 64DD)

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Title Screen

Doshin the Giant

Also known as: Kyojin no Doshin
Developers: Marigul, Param
Publisher: RandnetDD
Platform: Nintendo 64DD
Released in JP: December 1, 1999

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

DCIcon.png This game has a Data Crystal page

The 64DD Doshin the Giant has you playing as the titular character, who tries to help the natives of various islands. Doing good deeds for the islanders results in hearts, which in turn allow Doshin to do bigger and better things.

It got a "sequel" a year later called Kyojin no Doshin Kaihou Sensen Chibikko Chikko Daishuugou and was later rereleased on the GameCube.

Debug Menu

(NOTE: This can only be accessed when starting a new game and with no existing save file. The save file can be deleted by selecting the last option in the main menu.)

Press and hold R + C-Left + C-Right + Z + A while highlighting Start Game on the main menu. Note that A must be pressed last.

Alternatively, use GameShark codes 81025F70 0000 81025F72 0000, though this method will not work on real hardware.


>   0 OFF   (0)	MAP
    1 ON    (1)	NA
    2 ON    (1)	SE
    3 ON    (1)	BGM
    4 ON    (1)	SAIGAI
    5 ON    (1)	DOSHIN COUNTER
    6 ON    (1)	AUTO FARCLIP
    7*0	        SNAP
    8 ON    (1)	FLYING ICON
    9 4680	CATAS TIME
   10 480	WAKEUP TIME
   11 5940	JYOURIKU TIME
   12 11280	NYUMETU TIME
   14 OFF   (0)	HIT SPHERES
   15 OFF   (0)	DEBUG
   17 900	SAIGAI TIME
   18 1500	MONYU TIME
   19 18000	PASS-SIM TIME
   20 ON    (1)	TYSND
   21*0		MONYU FLAG
   22 0		CATAS FLAG (0-2)
   23 1		DAY
   24 17580	NYUMETU BGM TIME
   26*0		NONE
   28 0		DEBUG FLAG
   29 0		INDICATOR
   30 420	ENDGAME TIME
   31*1		NONE

The second page of the Option Menu is displayed by pressing C-Right.

 >>> OPTION MENU <<<

>  0 6	        MONU
   1 6	        MONU DEMO
   2 0	        BIG
   3 2	        SMALL
   4 6	        PLANE
   5 6	        FLOWER
   6 6	        TREE
   7 6	        CUP
   8 6	        HAZARD
   9 6	        TO BIG
  10 6	        FISH
  11 6	        BIRD
  12 1	        YOROKE
  13 6	        BABEL
  14 OFF (0)    2ND KYOJIN +
  15 OFF (0)    3RD KYOJIN +
  16 6	        BUILD FAST
  17 6	        BIRD 2
  18 6	        TILE
  19 6	        SUPER UP
  20 6	        SUPER DOWN
  21*999	NONE
  22*999	NONE
  23*999	NONE
  24*999	NONE
  25*999	NONE
  26*999	NONE
  27*999	NONE
  28*999	NONE
  29*999	NONE
  30*999	NONE
  31*5  	RESERVE

The third page of the Option Menu is displayed by pressing C-Up.

 >>> OPTION MENU <<<

>   0*0.000   KYO
    1*0.000   KYO
    2*0.000   KYO
    3*0.000   KYO
    4*0.000   KYO
    5 0.500   NA VOL
    6 0.800   SE VOL
    7 0.500   BGM VOL
    8 0.500   MASTER VOL
    9 7200.000MORNING   
  10 20700.000EVENING
  11 0.000    EVENING LIGHT
  12*0.000    KYO
  13*0.000    CUP (B:<10, C:>=10)
  14*0.000    HAZ (0-5)
  15 420.000  MONYU A TIME
  16 420.000  MONYU B TIME
  17 0.000    SAIGAI ICON(<10, >=10]
  18 768.000  LAND FARCLIP
  19 0.000    NA DEBUG (ON:>=10)
  20 0.000    LAND MESH (DBG:>=10)
  21 0.000    SEALINE DISP (ON:<10)
  22*0.000    H/D FRAME
  23 0.000    FRAME TYPE(<10, >=10)
  24*0.000    NONE
  25*0.000    NONE
  26*0.000    NONE
  27*0.000    NONE
  28*0.000    NONE
  29*0.000    NONE
  30*0.000    DL LEN MAX
  31*0.000    NONE
(Source: ozidual)


Sodoru's words are both spoken and displayed as text, but the displayed text does not always match the spoken word.