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Drop Zone: Under Fire

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Title Screen

Drop Zone: Under Fire

Developer: Teyon
Publisher: Selectsoft Publishing
Platform: WiiWare
Released in US: October 4, 2012

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

Drop Zone: Under Fire might be the world's first vertically scrolling tunnel shooter, featuring heavily armed urban skydivers fighting a war against crazed robots in a dystopian vision of the future.


Polish. Polish everywhere.

Build Date

At the beginning of 00000000.app is a version string which includes a build date—the final game appears to have been built at 12:48 PM on August 13, 2012.


Development Text

The game's assets, located in 00000002.app, are gzipped. Several are text-based and human-readable.

Translation Guide

The file /data/data/translation.csv is a list of comma-separated values to use for each language's translation. The game was only released in North America, so only the English values have been filled. However, several example strings are included at the beginning. To various degrees, the non-Polish values are nonsense, so it's likely that they're all machine-translated.

(Source: GlitterBerri [Japanese], Moneo [Russian])
"kot",,,,"Cat","Katze germasn","Gato","Cat","Cat","Kat","猫","кошка",,
"dialog1",,,,"Hi! I'm SuperTranslatorem, so what you mean?","Hallo! Ich SuperTranslatorem, so was du meinst?","Hola! Yo SuperTranslatorem, así que lo que quieres decir?","Salut! Je SuperTranslatorem, de sorte que vous voulez dire?","Ciao! I SuperTranslatorem, così che cosa vuoi dire?","Hi! Ik SuperTranslatorem, dus wat bedoel je?","こんにちは!私はSuperTranslatoremので、あなたが何を意味する?","Привет! Я SuperTranslatorem, так что вы имеете в виду?",,"Cześć! jestem SuperTranslatorem, wiec o co Ci chodzi?"

Graphic Conversion

/data/data/wiiconvert.txt appears to have been read by a tool for converting the game's art to its final format.

"*" size=512 format=RGB5A3