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Dual Blades

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Title Screen

Dual Blades

Developer: Vivid Image
Publisher: Metro3D
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: December 25, 2002
Released in US: October 7, 2002

DevMessageIcon.png This game has a hidden developer message.
CopyrightIcon.png This game has hidden developer credits.
DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.

So very stubbly.
This page is rather stubbly and could use some expansion.
Are you a bad enough dude to rescue this article?
To do:
Analyse the graphics/sound. If possible, determine what 'Mast19' stands for.

Dual Blades is some kind of fighting game that was developed, but never released, in Europe. Released on Christmas Day in Japan, though I'm sure nobody wanted this for Christmas. Features an Ottoman warrior that you can play as. That's kinda cool, right?

Developer Credits

Unused Credits Sequence

 DUAL BLADES___(c) 2002 Vivid Image____
 Programming &__Game Design:__Galip Kartoglu___galip@vividimage.co.uk____
 Graphics:__Abdulkerim Keskin___abdulkerimkeskin@hotmail.com_
 Erkan Erturk___do2t7@hotmail.com_
 Irfan Kaya___irfankaya@yahoo.com____
 Sfx & Music:__Onur Samli__Oral Samli____
 Music Tools:__Will Cowling____
 Producer:__Mevlut Dinc_____(c) 2002 Vivid Image

This appears to be another set of credits for the game. The normal credits of the game (seen here) do not show the developers email addresses. It is unknown why this exists in the ROM. Every entry appears to be separated by multiple underscores. This text immediately follows the text for the actual credits in the ROM. Please don't spam these addresses, even if they aren't in use.

Development Texts

Build Date

This string can be found in the ROM:


This seems to date the 12th July, 2002, which is just under half a year before the game launched. It's unknown what 'Mast19' stands for. It appears to be referencing a build of the game that was compiled on that date. It appears near the header of the ROM, indicating it may have once been the text at the header that identifies GBA games.

Unused Errors

 Wrong Memory Data
 Can't Write to Memory

These appear to be errors, that cannot be seen in normal gameplay unless the ROM/data is corrupted in some form.