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EDGE (Wii U)

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Title Screen


Developer: Two Tribes
Publisher: Mobigame
Platform: Wii U
Released in JP: June 4, 2014
Released in US: November 21, 2013
Released in EU: November 21, 2013

DevTextIcon.png This game has hidden development-related text.
SoundIcon.png This game has unused sounds.

EDGE is a puzzle game where you guide a cube to the end a level made of cubes whilst collecting cubes to make your cube go faster.

Sometimes there's even an evil cube. How edgy.

Unused Audio

Two unused audio clips can be found in the filesystem:



(Source: CosmoCortney)

Development-Related Text

To do:
Check out if changes actually cause something to the game.

The config folder contains an editable .ini being titled settings_template_do_not_modify.ini and a readme settings_readme.txt, leftover from the Windows/Mac release.


Dear valued power-user,

You've come to this place because you would like to change some settings.
No worries, we've got you covered!

The 'settings_template_do_not_modify.ini' file in [game install directory]\config lists all the possible settings.
If you'd like to alter settings, put those settings into the settings.ini file located at:

Windows XP:
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Two Tribes\EDGE

%userprofile%\AppData\Local\Two Tribes\EDGE

Mac OS X:

Friendly greetings!

Two Tribes


;screensize_fullscreen_width    = 800
;screensize_fullscreen_height   = 600

screensize_windowed_width      = 1066
screensize_windowed_height     = 600

effect_settings_on_aa_samples  = 8
effect_settings_on_shaders     = true

effect_settings_off_aa_samples = 2
effect_settings_off_shaders    = false

show_checkpoint_effect = false

; (float) The pixel width of one minimap block (at 1.0 zoom)
cell_width  = 19.5
; (float) The pixel height of one minimap block (at 1.0 zoom) 
cell_height = 19.5
; (int) The pixel width of the minimap on screen
width       = 160
; (int) The pixel height of the minimap on screen
height      = 160

; (int) Pixel offset from the specified screen alignment.
; Note that the minimap will never be positioned outside of the screen,
; even partially, regardless of the offset settings specified here.
position_offset_x = 6
position_offset_y = 6

; Horizontal alignment:
; left   = align left edge of minimap to left edge of screen
; center = align center of minimap to center of screen
; right  = align right edge of minimap to right edge of screen */
align_horizontal = left

; Vertical alignment:
; top    = align top edge of minimap to top edge of screen
; center = align center of minimap to center of screen
; bottom = align bottom edge of minimap to bottom edge of screen */
align_vertical = top

; (int) Opacity of the minimap as a whole (in range 0 - 255)
opacity = 255

visible = true

; (float) Dead zone for the analog sticks (value in range 0 - 1). Applied to each stick axis separately.
stick_dead_zone = 0.25

; (float) Threshold (value in range 0 - 1) applied to the directional input, 
; controlling at which point the menu should receive directional input.
menu_dir_threshold = 0.9

; (float) Angle at which the game directional input axes are set with respect to the input devices (angle in degrees).
dir_axis_angle = -22.0
dir_axis_angle_alt = -67.0

; (float) Angle at which the menu directional input axes are set with respect to the input devices (angle in degrees).
menu_dir_axis_angle = 0.0

; (int) If pointer does not move for this many frames, it will be hidden (set to negative number to disable).
pointer_hide_delay = 30
(Source: CosmoCortney)