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Earth Light: Luna Strike

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Title Screen

Earth Light: Luna Strike

Developer: Kogado Studio
Publisher: Hudson Soft
Platform: SNES
Released in JP: July 26, 1996

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.

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Earth Light: Luna Strike is the sequel to Earth Light.

Debug Mode

In the opening scene, press R 3 times while press and hold Down + B. After that press Left + Start in the title screen to enable debug mode.

Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (1).PNG

In the battle scenes, press B + L to display a debug menu.


Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (2).PNG

敵思考(Opponents AI)

Enable/Disable AI.

司令官設定(Select Commander)

Changes commander unit.


Choose "YES" to force win.

座標表示(Display Coordinate)

This menu is not working.

マップ情報(Map Information)

Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (7).PNG

Display scenario number and scenario name.

面構成情報(Stage Structure Information)

Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (8).PNG

Display the map chip type.

Text Translation
この面は宇宙面です。 This stage is space stage.

HP設定(Setting HP)

Set HP to allies units. Can select MAX, 3/4, 1/2, 1/4 and "1".


Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (3).PNG

Music test.


Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (4).PNG

Sound effects test.

総ターン数(All Turn Count)

Display the turn count.


Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (5).PNG

必殺アニメ(Deathblow Animation)

Display all characters deathblow animations.

変形アニメ(Transform Animation)

Display robot transform animations.

章OP(Chapter Cut Scenes)

Display the chapter cut scenes.

MAP外(Outer Map)

Enable/Disable the out of battle field HUD.


Display the cut scenes.

顔表示01(Display Face 01)

Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (6).PNG

Display the faces.

顔表示02(Display Face 02)

Display the faces.

地形番号(Terrain Number)

Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (9).PNG

Text Translation
   a terrain attribute

Earth Light Luna Strike Debug (10).PNG

Display the same terrains as selected terrain.

(Source: Original TCRF research)