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Title Screen


Developer: Shin'en Multimedia
Publisher: Shin'en Multimedia
Platform: Wii U
Released in US: December 10, 2015
Released in EU: December 10, 2015

AreasIcon.png This game has unused areas.
ItemsIcon.png This game has unused items.
MusicIcon.png This game has unused music.

See, this is why server preservation is important.
This game/console's online features are no longer supported.
While this game/console's online features were once accessible, they are (as of April 8, 2024) no longer officially supported and online-exclusive features may be documented as now-unseen content.

Fast Racing NEO is a futuristic anti gravity racer inspired by the F-Zero franchise.

To do:
Document version differences.

Unused Levels

To do:
Find a way to load them.

Binding an unused track to the course select.

All unused levels can be found in the game's file system under vol\content\tracks. The display text for unused tracks ("Unnamed Track") can be found in the RAM at offset 0x14881B80 of the European version.


This level is additionally listed in a look-up table in the memory at offset 0x148819EE (European version). At 0x148819FA (same version) is the display name "Tutorial" for the course select. This level was probably meant to appear on first play like its predecessor did. But for the final release it remains unused. Binding this level to the course select will display the banner of Scorpio Circuit for it.


This level has by far the greatest file size. Binding it to the course select will display the preview banner of Scorpio Circuit and displays the name "Unnamed Track".


Binding it to the course select will display the preview banner of Scorpio Circuit and displays the name "Unnamed Track".

Unused Background Music

The game has three unused music clips. All can be found in the file system under vol\content\audio.

hibashira plains

This one was probably meant to be used for the track Sunahara Plains. It's a remastered version of the same song from Nanostray, originally from an album released two years before FAST Racing NEO.



This one was used during development. It's the same course preview audio clip we know from FAST Racing League. You can also hear it in older footage.

(Source: CosmoCortney)

Unused Audio Clips

All unused audio clips can be found in the file system under vol\content\audio.


This is spoken slower than the original one.


This one is spoken in an eager way.

no record


Different Voice Actor

In older video footage, you can clearly hear there's another voice actor. For the final release, Jack Merluzzi was chosen to do all the voice acting.

(Source: CosmoCortney)

Unused Items

Unused Phases

The game knows 10 different phases where 8 remain unused:
0 & >9: White
1: Orange
2: Blue
3: Yellow
4: Pink
5: Purple
6: Pinkish White
7: Bluish White
8: Yellow
9: Greenish Yellow

In the video below, you can see the unused phases braking the vehicle because there's no corresponding boost pits. As you can see, there are coming lightnings in different colors from the vehicle.

(Source: CosmoCortney)