Feedback |
Developer: Tecnosoft This game has a hidden developer message. |
Hidden Credits
Hidden in the file table are a set of developer credits. However, these are different from the actual credits scene you get for finishing the game twice.
Developer Message
A lengthy developer message is at 0xB0000 encoded in Shift-JIS. The programmer mentions the messages also hidden in Herzog and D'. The message at the end is from the album "Self Control" by TM Network.
ココヲ shift-JIS codeデヨメッ!
ストリートファイターで思い出したが中国人ってひでーんだぜ!俺がカプコンゲームミュージック#2を買って中国のへるしーめるしーに送ってやったんだが届いてねーんだ!なんでも郵便物が消えるってことがよくあるらしい、とくに日本人宛てだと消える確率が非常に高いそーだ。まったくカプゲーのCDなんて盗んでどーすんだっての!日本の歌謡曲って思って"go to heaven"とか"I'm strong!"とか"I am very trad!"とか歌ってんじゃねーだろーな。カプゲー#2はストリートファイターとトップシークレットとロックマンとサイドアームと名作揃いだったってのに惜しい。
※1 VDP...Video Display Processorの略、MSX2にはV9958というVDPが搭載されている。こいつは512色中16色表示とか256色同時表示とかビットマップグラフィックモードとかVDPコマンド(グラフィックデータを転送するコマンド、始点、転送量、転送先を指定してやれば勝手にやってくれる、その間Z80は別のことをやれるので非常に便利だッ!)とかいい機能がいっぱいあるのに今ひとつ使えないチップだ。せめて横方向のハードウェアスクロールがありゃよかったのに!
※2 つっこみスクロール...これはスペースハリアーやアウトランなんかのとにかく前進しかできない疑似3Dゲームのスクロール方法を指す言葉だ。ちなみに考案したのは俺のいとこのマックス綾(パンクス)って野郎だ、ある日こいつとセガmK3で阿修羅(バリおも)をやってたときに突然”阿修羅は縦スクロール、ファンタジーゾーンは横スクロール、スペースハリアーはさしずめつっこみスクロールかな?”と言ったのがきっかけだが、はたして疑似3Dの場合の地面なんかもスクロールって言うのかは疑問だが面白いからいーや。
※3 ちえぞ......俺の友達で本名は山下知恵(♀)、あだながちえぞうなんだ。むっちゃくっちゃ美人だがどっか抜けててそこがまたいいッ!何考えてっかわかんねーとこも好きだッ!攻撃したいとこだがそんな度胸は無い、うーん悲しいぜ。顔は池内利恵(ビープによく出てるゴキブリがつかめるモデル)と小野みゆきと”番組の途中ですが・・・再びたけしです!”の”北野さんちの出たがり日記”でたけしの娘役をやってる女(名前知らない)をまぜたみてーな顔だ。ちなみにこの”フィードバック”の2面のボスの名前"YAMASHITA-CHIEZOU"はこいつからとったもんだ、さらにデモでちょこちょこ出てくる女のモデルもこいつだ(原画は俺が描いた)
峠のわが家 矢野顕子
NON-FINTION PSY.S(テッチーの読みすぎ)
好き好き大好き 戸川純(ゲルニカが聴きたい)
ヤプーズ伝説 YAPOOS
MISTONE 杉真理(あー杉先生はいいぜ、売れないけど)
ベクトルのかなたで待ってて 種ともこ(最近気に入ってんだ)
COVERS RC succession
For the fourth album
if you cannot dance when you feel like,
and if you cannot cry when you need.
you should look into your own mind.
You will find it controlled by something.
...But what does it mean? This game has text or audio that needs to be translated. If you are fluent with this language, please read our translation guidelines and then submit a translation! Notes: Continue. |
...But does it make sense? The translations on this page need to be proofread. If you are fluent enough in this language, please make any corrections necessary! |
READ THIS USING shift-JIS code!!
Feedback Development Postscript
If you somehow manage to find this message, don't go sending the instructions on how to see it into the magazines! If the company finds out I'm doing this, it's curtains for me. I'll quit on my own when the time comes, so if I can ask you one thing, it's that you please don't go around telling the world about this! "If you're so worried about it, why not just leave out the message?" you might be thinking. If I did that, though, I'd never be satisfied!
Anyway, here I am, writing a development postscript again... (Speaking of which, the postscript for D' is in a file called "D'.DOC", and Herzog's can be found somewhere on the disk.) This game really had me beat! I wrote most of the program myself (with the exception of the PSG version's BGM drivers and the disk error routines, but that was stuff we used in previous games), not to mention drafting the manual, drawing one of the illustrations, and doing a bit of the pixel art. All in all, my workload basically consisted of me doing everything myself, other than the graphics and music.
As I'm sure some of you can tell at a glance, Feedback is a clone of Konami's Falsion for the FDS. (Make no mistake - It's not a clone of Griffon - The Rose Story!) The power capsules, the guided missiles, the opponents' missiles, the enemy animations... they're all copied from Falsion. I tried to add some revisions of my own, but I'm no match for The Great Konami. Sure, the MSX2 has its limitations, but I can't help but think that this would've been a way better game if Konami had made it. That being said, even I didn't even believe it would be possible to accomplish this much on the MSX2. Like, when all the enemy sprites are drawn on the screen, look how fast they can move without messing up the background. This meant, however, that we were limited to 8 sprites at once, with a maximum size of 32 by 32 pixels each! I used to always grumble about how slow the MSX2's VDP was, but I've since come around a bit. It looked to me like the regular enemies in Griffon were done using sprites (at least, as far as I could tell by referring to screenshots in magazines), but how could that be possible when there are such narrow restrictions on colour and size?!
Why'd they cancel Griffon again, anyway? Not that it wasn't great news for us that they did! Back when Feedback was in the planning stages, just when we were about to get started on development, I saw an advertisement with some screenshots of Griffon in LOGiN magazine and I was like "Shit! They beat us to the punch!" You'd think that would've meant that for every month Griffon's release date got pushed back, we'd be more and more motivated to get our game out first! However...! On the contrary! The spriter and music guy got pulled from our team and put to work on Thunder Force II for the X68000, so, despite wanting to make progress, we were stuck spinning our wheels. HOWEVER...! The company president finally realized that Thunder II was gonna take ages, and so it was decided that Feedback would be released first, and, thus, we could go ahead with development! Which meant the end was finally in sight! (To be honest, though, as I'm writing this, there are still the cutscenes left to do...) In any case, I wanted to pit our game against Griffon. When it comes to disks and Mega Drive ROMs - no, Tecnosoft and Microcabin, you can tell there's some competition, can't you?
The theme of Feedback was "guided missile movement". (Herzog's theme was "battle tactics", by the way. I was thinking of putting battle tactics in Feedback, too, but that would've been crazy, so I gave up on the idea. Come to think of it, didn't the games featured in Soft de Hard na Monogatari have them as well?) For real, though; guided missiles also appeared in Herzog, but they all went at the same speed, so they weren't entirely realistic, were they? Falsion had some decent guided missiles, but it made me sad that you couldn't fire more than two at once. My favourite arcade title with guided missiles in it has got to be Rabio Lepus! Man, what a great game! I'd do some serious stocking up on the missile front, and every time I found myself in a pinch, I'd be like "BOMBS AWAAAY!" and get the (Ideon-esque) satisfaction of really unloading on them. [...]
As for Mr. Heli, I loved the game itself, but the missile system was lacking. (Why hasn't everyone played Mr. Heli?! It's your fault that it's disappeared from all the arcades! It was just as much fun as R-Type!) Sure, some other games have come out recently, like Sky Soldiers and Galaxy Force, but none of them look all that great. That's why I referred to Rabio Lepus and Falsion when I was making the guided missiles for Feedback'. I can't help but love the way they move!
Aside from the missiles, one of the other things I was careful about was creating unique boss characters. In this genre, it seems like the bosses always end up being ripoffs of Space Harrier and Attack Animal Gakuen [...].
Oh yeah! Another thing I can't forget to talk about is how the VDP* is used in this game! Up till now, the way things worked was that I'd execute a command, and then, once it was finished executing, it'd get sent to the VDP. With this game, though, what I did was save the VDP command execution data to the work area, then use an interrupt routine to execute the command on the spot the moment the VDP was freed up. This new method allows the VDP's wait time to be reduced, meaning it should operate more efficiently. (But maybe not by all that much, given that the interrupt is 1/60th of a second.) [...] The backgrounds are a little bare, but that's because I didn't want to use too many VDP commands.
Man, I am so broke. How can I work this much and still have no money? Can you believe that there are companies out there that don't even compensate their workers for overtime?! There's times I've worked a hundred hours of overtime in a month and still haven't seen a penny! Speaking of which, the second theme for the development of Feedback was the idea that we could make a game without doing any overtime. Naturally, it was an abysmal failure. Normally, an employee would be entitled to ¥2**,*** a month for this much overtime. In reality, though, I'm getting more like ¥1**,***! [...] I heard Falcom is short on people. Maybe I should go over to them? If Compile were hiring, I'd kick this company to the curb and be on the next train to Hiroshima! I bet life is way easier there. In Tokyo, you can barely own a vehicle, and the rent's insane. This city is no place for people to live! Plus, maybe there I'd be able to work on stuff I actually enjoy. Don't get me wrong, though, I'm not out to seek fame and glory! [...] If a smaller company (not that Tecnosoft isn't small) like Bits, Winkysoft, or studio SIGN paid well, I'd be happy to work under them, too. That being said, since I'm currently working under a moron of a company president who knows shit all about games, I can do whatever I please. (If he sees this, I'm fucked.) I wouldn't want to work at a company where I couldn't do what I wanted, no matter how much they were paying me. [...]
On the topic of money, the spriter for Feedback, who we'll call Monkey Saru-zou (A.K.A. "The Fairy") recently bought an A-JAX circuit board. I have no idea what that idiot was thinking! Of all the things to spend his tiny bonus on, he went with a ¥100,000 A-JAX! Me, I used my bonus for living expenses and have been saving up my wages, 'cause I'm planning to sell my current ride, a Mira, and buy a Fiat Panda!! The Mira only ran me ¥350,000! I have a GPZ250R as well, and that was ¥420,000! To think, the car was cheaper than the bike! In any case, it has yet to fall apart, I can use it on rainy days, and I don't need to wear a helmet, so it's pretty convenient. Plus, it's not like I can just throw a girl on the back of my bike and take her to a hotel. Though, I always did feel embarrassed about taking Naon (my ex) to hotels in my piece-of-shit Mira. On those days, I'd end up abusing muscles that never got a workout. I wouldn't be able to walk normally for 2 or 3 days after, since my inner thighs would be hurting so much. Programmers have it rough.
These days, everyone at Tecnosoft is busy with Thunder II. [...] Maybe he still hasn't given up on his old dream of using Thunder Force to make some easy money, the poor sod. In fact, no doubt this is my fault for joking about releasing Thunder Force on the X68000 when we were in the planning meeting. I didn't think it would lead to this. And now I have to deal with the fallout! First my teammates are yanked off the project and switched to Thunder II, then I get scolded and told to work faster! Whose fault is it that Feedback is behind, huh?? Whose?! The game itself was mostly finished in June! Did you think that by dividing things up and having different people work on the cutscenes and stuff, we could finish the game in 3 months, like we did with Herzog?! Despite there being only 4 people working on the actual game (a programmer, a sound guy, and two graphic artists), did you seriously think it would be that easy for us?!?! What am I going to do with myself once Feedback is finished, anyway? Kugyoku 2? No! Never! Absolutely not! I can't bear the thought of releasing an unprofitable shovelware title like that on the MSX2! That being said, I've been so busy lately that I've haven't had time to think up any new game ideas!
Honestly, though, I've had it up to here with the president's idiocy! He's got no sense at all, and that goes for everything! Of all people, the president of a software company should have an idea (and I mean any idea at all) of what kind of games are popular these days! I mean, once glance at an issue of LOGiN could tell you! [...] His feel for the market is 5 years out of date! In a fast-moving industry like this, 5 years ago might as well be the Jurassic, but it's all he has! Was his brain programmed on a 4004? I'm beginning to understand why Yoshimura and the others were so fed up with him. Last year, we had people quitting left, right, and centre. I have to think about my future, too. Speaking of which, I heard that Miyazono, who quit in December last year, went on to write the scenario for Star Cruiser at Arsys. What a step forward! Here, they barely give you enough to live on! The [...] at Tecnosoft may be alive, but they aren't really living. Do these people do nothing but game? Me, I like girls and cars. [...]
Star Cruiser came out a little while ago. Talk about an amazing game. I feel like it's the culmination of Yoshimura's life's work. If he could accomplish that with the 88, just think of what it would be like if it were ported to the X68000? I bet it would be a lot like the Interceptor line of games. Thunder II is kind of neat, but it's still shovelware in the end. The eight-directional scrolling is just weird! I wouldn't say that we should copy Raid on Bungeling Bay, but I'd at least like to do something in the vein of Last Mission! (The guy working on it is one of those damned hacker-cum-master-otakus, probably not so different from how Yoshimura himself was, back in the day. One of those guys who's gonna be a virgin forever. (Most hackers are like that, though. Me, I lost my virginity at 19.) [...] like Pryce Lynch [sic] from Max Headroom.) So, if he says there's nothing to be done about it, there's nothing to be done.
Come to think of it, just a little while ago I went out drinking and ran into an old schoolmate of Yoshimura named An-chan, who was a couple years ahead of him in high school. She told me a bit about Yoshimura's high school days, and it was all about stuff like the time he blew up the science lab (exaggerating here), and how he'd buy all the dojinshi that came out.
Oh yeah! All you Famicom players! Have you tried out Capcom's Mega Man and Bionic Commando yet? If you haven't, you've seriously gotta! They're so much fun I can't even handle it! In order to beat Mega Man, I played it for 48 hours without once turning off the Famicom! [...], so I managed to finish Bionic Commando in 20. Healthy Melsy (his real name (just kidding)), who did the storyboards for the opening of Feedback, was so taken by Mega Man that he moved to China to avoid spoilers! (Nah, I'm pulling your leg, he's actually just on exchange.) Mega Man 2 is due to come out at the end of the year, so we're all looking forward to it! Other games I've enjoyed lately are The Guardian Legend and Minelvaton Saga [...]! They're not exactly new, though.
JoJo is so good. I just finished reading an issue of Jump I bought, and Araki's stuff never fails to entertain me! I wonder what goes on in his head? Today's September 6th, [...], so Caesar and JoJo are about to fight Kars. I can't wait to see what happens next! And next week, the opening's going to be in colour! Once Kars is defeated, Wamuu is next! Esidisi was weaker than I expected, though. I sure am lucky that I get to read such an entertaining manga every week! (Aw, such innocence.) Healthy Melsy, the guy I mentioned previously, is also a fan of JoJo (well, more like a fan of Araki), but I feel bad for him, since he can't read it over in China. What impressed me was that he happened to be travelling in Thailand when JoJo was fighting Wamuu, so he bought pirated versions of the comics (in Thai, of course) and read those. On an unrelated note, I heard that, in Thailand, you can see people who look like Adon and Sagat just walking in the street! Could that really be true?! Do they fire off hadokens too?
Street Fighter is an awesome game, though! I beat the tabletop version, but I couldn't make it past Lee on the upright machine (the one where you have to hit the buttons), sadly, so I ended up getting a game over. On the tabletop version, I got so stuck on Wamuu - I mean, Adon - that I went a little crazy and chose to "Continue" ten times in a row. Sagat was no different. I can usually beat Wamuu (oops, there I go again), but with Sagat, I have to rely on luck. When I was stuck on Sagat, [...] In the end, I watched some of Zenji's play videos till I got the hang of it, and then I was able to clear the stage. [...]
All this Street Fighter talk reminds me - Chinese people are the worst! I bought a copy of Capcom Game Music #2 and sent it to Healthy Melsy in China, but it never arrived! Apparently posted items are prone to going missing over there, especially if they're addressed to Japanese people. What the hell are they going to do with a Capcom music CD?! I can imagine them thinking that this type of music is popular in Japan, singing "Go to heaven"! "I'm strong"! "I'm very glad"! The CD had all the tracks from famous titles like Street Fighter, Bionic Commando, Mega Man, and Hyper Dyne Side Arms, so it's really too bad it went missing.
So, the MSX2+ is finally out. What were you thinking, Kazuhiko Nishi?! What could possibly compete against the 88 series?! There's no way users and software companies are gonna go over to your new hardware! Maybe you think MSX2 owners will buy the 2+? I won't be, anyway! Can't you see the way things are going these days? [...] The X68000 is great too, but unfortunately, it doesn't come cheap, even though the Atari 1040ST is ¥16,000, and the Amiga 500 goes for ¥14,000! I'm not a fan of NEC, but couldn't they let their 68000s go for a little less? I guess that would be impossible, given that [...] like the 88 are selling for ¥16,000. The 68000 that Fujitsu is rumoured to be releasing doesn't sound like it's meant to be a gaming machine, so maybe Hitachi will come out with something for people like me? Like the MB-S2! I actually also use a MB-6880 L2.
Now that Feedback is finished, I only have 2 days off! What the hell! It's pretty sad that, despite working every Sunday, I only get a two-day holiday, but the president is a stingy miser, so what can I do? The one time I took a Sunday off was for Obon! This company is insane!
Hidden Images
There is MSX2's SCREEN8 formatted pictures in the disk.
Address: 0x78000
This seems to be the package art.
Address: 0x8C000
Transcription | Romanized |
とやま ゆういち | Toyama Yuuichi |
モンキーさるぞう(オカマ) | Monkey Saruzou (Okama) |
Address: 0x9C000
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- Games developed by Tecnosoft
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- Games published by Tecnosoft
- MSX2 games
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- Games released in 1988
- Games with hidden developer messages
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Games > Games by content > Games with hidden developer messages
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in 1988