Finding Nemo: Escape to the Big Blue
Finding Nemo: Escape to the Big Blue |
Developer: Altron This game has hidden development-related text. |
Finding Nemo: Escape to the Big Blue is an action-adventure game based on the popular Disney-Pixar movie Finding Nemo, continuing the story where the movie ended. It got an improved remaster for the Nintendo 3DS, called Finding Nemo: Escape to the Big Blue Special Edition.
Unused Text
Tak Leftovers
A few leftovers of Tak: The Great Juju Challenge (Nintendo DS) can be found at offset 0x7381C:
Tak: Lok: Flora: Fauna: Belly Juju: Belly Head: Caged Juju:
Fairly OddParents Leftovers
In the folder sq, several files can be found with scripts unused in the final game. These are likely leftovers from a Fairly OddParents game, which were also published by THQ.
Present in file fop_demo_first.nbsq:
For most people home is wherethe heart is for us it is wherethe Fluffy pink clouds are. Don't worry hun'one good wish should fix it.
Present in file test_1.nbsq:
Hi. My name is Timmy.Fairy Odd Parents 3 !!
Present in file test_edit.nbsq:
My name is timmy.I'm fine thank you !!--- Fairy Odd Parents 3 !! IS NITRO EMULATORSYSTEM1 SYSTEM2 POWER Press A Button is Jump. Press B Button is Attack. Press L Button & R Button ismove camera. Press X Button is center camera. Fairy Odd Parents 4 !!Test word 2. Italian. My name is Timmy Tarner. I'm fine thank you !! Italian.... Fairy Odd Parents 3.55 !! …
Present in file Wish.nbsq:
Fairys... Do your stuff! I wish to be a pirate!!
Sound Define
There are several internal sound test files, named baggytest.nbsa, Test.nbsa, and test051101. Like many other Altron developed games, there is an internal sound constant definition file:
/* _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ | | SoundDefine.nbsd | SOUND EDITOR読み込み対応SOUND定数定義ファイル + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | <注意事項> | 1 <----> ←タグで囲んであるコメントは消さないでください、TOOLが動作しません | 2 コメント /* には対応していません定義時のコメントは // を使ってください | 3 あんまりひねくれたことしないでください | </注意事項> + _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ */ //<WAVE> // ----------- WAVE DEFINE -------------- // 効果音 #define WAVE_0 0 // カーソル移動 #define WAVE_1 1 // スタート、決定 #define WAVE_2 2 // ポーズ #define WAVE_3 3 // 敵に触れた時、ダメージ #define WAVE_4 4 // プレイヤー移動1、水上走行 buggy水上走行はプログラムでループさせる #define WAVE_5 5 // プレイヤー移動2 #define WAVE_6 6 // 着水、敵に触れた時 #define WAVE_7 7 // ライフが無くなった時 #define WAVE_8 8 // プレイヤー復活音 #define WAVE_9 9 // アイテム取得1 #define WAVE_10 10 /アイテム取得2 ライフ回復兼用 #define WAVE_11 11 /アイテム取得3 #define WAVE_12 12 /障害物に当たる、壁にあたる #define WAVE_13 13 /障害物を壊す、土塊を壊す、壁破壊 #define WAVE_14 14 /泡の出る音、泡 小 単発 #define WAVE_15 15 /泡を割る音、泡 小 単発 #define WAVE_16 16 /泡を正しく割った時の成功音、ライフアップ取得、成功 #define WAVE_17 17 /ミスした時の音、キャンセル、ミス #define WAVE_18 18 /水中環境音 泡 中 #define WAVE_19 19 /水中環境音 泡 大 #define WAVE_20 20 /水中環境音 泡連続 普通 (Loop) #define WAVE_21 21 /水中環境音 泡連続 速い (Loop) #define WAVE_22 22 /水中環境音 流れ 静か (Loop) #define WAVE_23 23 /水中環境音 流れ やや速め (Loop) #define WAVE_24 24 /水中環境音 流れ 速め (Loop) #define WAVE_25 25 /石を投げる、穴に落ちる #define WAVE_26 26 /スイング、物を飛ばす #define WAVE_27 27 /スイングヒット(真珠を打つ) #define WAVE_28 28 /的ヒット、車にひかれる、着地 Buggy 着地兼用 #define WAVE_29 29 /ミッションクリア、ボーナス #define WAVE_30 30 /ジャンプ #define WAVE_31 31 /大ジャンプ #define WAVE_32 32 /加速エフェクト #define WAVE_33 33 /エネルギーを溜める (Loop) #define WAVE_34 34 /環境音(車の走る音) (Loop) #define WAVE_35 35 /水の噴出 (Loop) #define WAVE_36 36 /ダート走行、引きずり音 Buggy土走行音はプログラムでループさせる #define WAVE_37 37 /走行音(草) プログラムでループさせる。 #define WAVE_38 38 /鮫通過音 #define WAVE_39 39 /牙(バラクーダ噛み付き音) #define WAVE_40 40 /カモメの鳴き声(少) (Loop) #define WAVE_41 41 /くらげ接触 #define WAVE_42 42 /エアホッケー威力大玉返し音 #define WAVE_43 43 /エアホッケー壁当たり音、タコ叩く兼用 #define WAVE_44 44 /シューティング弾当たり音 #define WAVE_45 45 /ふぐ膨れる #define WAVE_46 46 /ふぐ縮む #define WAVE_47 47 /はさみを鳴らす #define WAVE_48 48 /羽ばたき 動きにあわせて何回か叩いてみて #define WAVE_49 49 /箱の開く音 #define WAVE_50 50 /衝突音(成功) #define WAVE_51 51 /衝突音(失敗) #define WAVE_52 52 /歓声 (Loop) #define WAVE_53 53 /クッション音 #define WAVE_54 54 /Save Flo!アイテム取得音 (旧)ピンを倒す #define WAVE_55 55 /ゲージの増減 #define WAVE_56 56 /ふぐ移動音 #define WAVE_57 57 /物を切る #define WAVE_58 58 /爆発音(小)、爆発音(大) 爆発音(中)は2回鳴らす。爆発音(大)は、3回鳴らす #define WAVE_59 59 /カモメの鳴き声(単発) #define WAVE_60 60 /ボーナス #define WAVE_61 61 /ラインを引く #define WAVE_62 62 /水を掻く #define WAVE_63 63 /ラインを引く #define WAVE_64 64 /水を掻く #define WAVE_65 65 /Miss音 #define WAVE_66 66 /音階 Bb(Low) #define WAVE_67 67 /音階 C #define WAVE_68 68 /音階 D #define WAVE_69 69 /音階 Eb #define WAVE_70 70 /音階 F #define WAVE_71 71 /音階 G #define WAVE_72 72 /音階 Ab #define WAVE_73 73 /音階 Bb(High) #define WAVE_74 74 /カモメ音階 Bb(Low) #define WAVE_75 75 /カモメ音階 C #define WAVE_76 76 /カモメ音階 D #define WAVE_77 77 /カモメ音階 Eb #define WAVE_78 78 /カモメ音階 F #define WAVE_79 79 /カモメ音階 G #define WAVE_80 80 /カモメ音階 Ab #define WAVE_81 81 /カモメ音階 Bb(High) #define WAVE_82 82 /環境音(海底) #define WAVE_83 83 /環境音(海鳴り) #define WAVE_84 84 /空気音 #define WAVE_85 85 /エリアチェンジ、ゴール #define WAVE_86 86 /エリアチェンジ、スタート #define WAVE_87 87 /カモメ音階 E #define WAVE_88 88 /カモメ音階 A(High) #define WAVE_89 89 /カモメ音階 B(Low) #define WAVE_90 90 /カモメ音階 G(Low) #define WAVE_91 91 /カモメ音階 Db #define WAVE_92 92 /カモメ音階 C(High) #define WAVE_93 93 /カモメ音階 D(High) #define WAVE_94 94 /カモメ音階 E(High) #define WAVE_95 95 /カモメ音階 F(High) #define WAVE_96 96 /カモメ音階 A(Low) // BGM #define WAVE_201 201 // GAME BGM //</WAVE> //<BANK> // ----------- BANK DEFINE -------------- // 効果音 #define BANK_0 0 // カーソル移動 #define BANK_1 1 // スタート、決定 #define BANK_2 2 // ポーズ #define BANK_3 3 // 敵に触れた時、ダメージ #define BANK_4 4 // プレイヤー移動1、水上走行 buggy水上走行はプログラムでループさせる #define BANK_5 5 // プレイヤー移動2 #define BANK_6 6 // 着水、敵に触れた時 #define BANK_7 7 // ライフが無くなった時 #define BANK_8 8 // プレイヤー復活音 #define BANK_9 9 // アイテム取得1 #define BANK_10 10 /アイテム取得2 ライフ回復兼用 #define BANK_11 11 /アイテム取得3 #define BANK_12 12 /障害物に当たる、壁にあたる #define BANK_13 13 /障害物を壊す、土塊を壊す、壁破壊 #define BANK_14 14 /泡の出る音、泡 小 単発 #define BANK_15 15 /泡を割る音、泡 小 単発 #define BANK_16 16 /泡を正しく割った時の成功音、ライフアップ取得、成功 #define BANK_17 17 /ミスした時の音、キャンセル、ミス #define BANK_18 18 /水中環境音 泡 中 #define BANK_19 19 /水中環境音 泡 大 #define BANK_20 20 /水中環境音 泡連続 普通 (Loop) #define BANK_21 21 /水中環境音 泡連続 速い (Loop) #define BANK_22 22 /水中環境音 流れ 静か (Loop) #define BANK_23 23 /水中環境音 流れ やや速め (Loop) #define BANK_24 24 /水中環境音 流れ 速め (Loop) #define BANK_25 25 /石を投げる、穴に落ちる #define BANK_26 26 /スイング、物を飛ばす #define BANK_27 27 /スイングヒット(真珠を打つ) #define BANK_28 28 /的ヒット、車にひかれる、着地 Buggy 着地兼用 #define BANK_29 29 /ミッションクリア、ボーナス #define BANK_30 30 /ジャンプ #define BANK_31 31 /大ジャンプ #define BANK_32 32 /加速エフェクト #define BANK_33 33 /エネルギーを溜める (Loop) #define BANK_34 34 /環境音(車の走る音) (Loop) #define BANK_35 35 /水の噴出 (Loop) #define BANK_36 36 /ダート走行、引きずり音 Buggy土走行音はプログラムでループさせる #define BANK_37 37 /走行音(草) プログラムでループさせる。 #define BANK_38 38 /鮫通過音 #define BANK_39 39 /牙(バラクーダ噛み付き音) #define BANK_40 40 /カモメの鳴き声(少) (Loop) #define BANK_41 41 /くらげ接触 #define BANK_42 42 /エアホッケー威力大玉返し音 #define BANK_43 43 /エアホッケー壁当たり音、タコ叩く兼用 #define BANK_44 44 /シューティング弾当たり音 #define BANK_45 45 /ふぐ膨れる #define BANK_46 46 /ふぐ縮む #define BANK_47 47 /はさみを鳴らす #define BANK_48 48 /羽ばたき 動きにあわせて何回か叩いてみて #define BANK_49 49 /箱の開く音 #define BANK_50 50 /衝突音(成功) #define BANK_51 51 /衝突音(失敗) #define BANK_52 52 /歓声 (Loop) #define BANK_53 53 /クッション音 #define BANK_54 54 /ピンを倒す #define BANK_55 55 /ゲージの増減 #define BANK_56 56 /ふぐ移動音 #define BANK_57 57 /物を切る #define BANK_58 58 /爆発音(小)、爆発音(大) 爆発音(中)は2回鳴らす。爆発音(大)は、3回鳴らす #define BANK_59 59 /カモメの鳴き声(単発) #define BANK_60 60 /ボーナス #define BANK_61 61 /ラインを引く #define BANK_62 62 /水を掻く #define BANK_63 63 /ラインを引く #define BANK_64 64 /水を掻く #define BANK_65 65 /Miss音 #define BANK_66 66 /音階 Bb(Low) #define BANK_67 67 /音階 C #define BANK_68 68 /音階 D #define BANK_69 69 /音階 Eb #define BANK_70 70 /音階 F #define BANK_71 71 /音階 G #define BANK_72 72 /音階 Ab #define BANK_73 73 /音階 Bb(High) #define BANK_74 74 /カモメ音階 Bb(Low) #define BANK_75 75 /カモメ音階 C #define BANK_76 76 /カモメ音階 D #define BANK_77 77 /カモメ音階 Eb #define BANK_78 78 /カモメ音階 F #define BANK_79 79 /カモメ音階 G #define BANK_80 80 /カモメ音階 Ab #define BANK_81 81 /カモメ音階 Bb(High) #define BANK_82 82 /環境音(海底) #define BANK_83 83 /環境音(海鳴り) #define BANK_84 84 /空気音 #define BANK_85 85 /エリアチェンジ、ゴール #define BANK_86 86 /エリアチェンジ、スタート #define BANK_87 87 /カモメ音階 E #define BANK_88 88 /カモメ音階 A(High) #define BANK_89 89 /カモメ音階 B(Low) #define BANK_90 90 /カモメ音階 G(Low) #define BANK_91 91 /カモメ音階 Db #define BANK_92 92 /カモメ音階 C(High) #define BANK_93 93 /カモメ音階 D(High) #define BANK_94 94 /カモメ音階 E(High) #define BANK_95 95 /カモメ音階 F(High) #define BANK_96 96 /カモメ音階 A(Low) // BGM #define BANK_201 201 // GAME BGM //</BANK> //<SEQ> /* ----------- SEQ DEFINE -------------- */ // 効果音 #define SEQ_0 0 // カーソル移動 #define SEQ_1 1 // スタート、決定 #define SEQ_2 2 // ポーズ #define SEQ_3 3 // 敵に触れた時、ダメージ #define SEQ_4 4 // プレイヤー移動1、水上走行 buggy水上走行はプログラムでループさせる #define SEQ_5 5 // プレイヤー移動2 #define SEQ_6 6 // 着水、敵に触れた時 #define SEQ_7 7 // ライフが無くなった時 #define SEQ_8 8 // プレイヤー復活音 #define SEQ_9 9 // アイテム取得1 #define SEQ_10 10 /アイテム取得2 ライフ回復兼用 #define SEQ_11 11 /アイテム取得3 #define SEQ_12 12 /障害物に当たる、壁にあたる #define SEQ_13 13 /障害物を壊す、土塊を壊す、壁破壊 #define SEQ_14 14 /泡の出る音、泡 小 単発 #define SEQ_15 15 /泡を割る音、泡 小 単発 #define SEQ_16 16 /泡を正しく割った時の成功音、ライフアップ取得、成功 #define SEQ_17 17 /ミスした時の音、キャンセル、ミス #define SEQ_18 18 /水中環境音 泡 中 #define SEQ_19 19 /水中環境音 泡 大 #define SEQ_20 20 /水中環境音 泡連続 普通 (Loop) #define SEQ_21 21 /水中環境音 泡連続 速い (Loop) #define SEQ_22 22 /水中環境音 流れ 静か (Loop) #define SEQ_23 23 /水中環境音 流れ やや速め (Loop) #define SEQ_24 24 /水中環境音 流れ 速め (Loop) #define SEQ_25 25 /石を投げる、穴に落ちる #define SEQ_26 26 /スイング、物を飛ばす #define SEQ_27 27 /スイングヒット(真珠を打つ) #define SEQ_28 28 /的ヒット、車にひかれる、着地 Buggy 着地兼用 #define SEQ_29 29 /ミッションクリア、ボーナス #define SEQ_30 30 /ジャンプ #define SEQ_31 31 /大ジャンプ #define SEQ_32 32 /加速エフェクト #define SEQ_33 33 /エネルギーを溜める (Loop) #define SEQ_34 34 /環境音(車の走る音) (Loop) #define SEQ_35 35 /水の噴出 (Loop) #define SEQ_36 36 /ダート走行、引きずり音 Buggy土走行音はプログラムでループさせる #define SEQ_37 37 /走行音(草) プログラムでループさせる。 #define SEQ_38 38 /鮫通過音 #define SEQ_39 39 /牙(バラクーダ噛み付き音) #define SEQ_40 40 /カモメの鳴き声(少) (Loop) #define SEQ_41 41 /くらげ接触 #define SEQ_42 42 /エアホッケー威力大玉返し音 #define SEQ_43 43 /エアホッケー壁当たり音、タコ叩く兼用 #define SEQ_44 44 /シューティング弾当たり音 #define SEQ_45 45 /ふぐ膨れる #define SEQ_46 46 /ふぐ縮む #define SEQ_47 47 /はさみを鳴らす #define SEQ_48 48 /羽ばたき 動きにあわせて何回か叩いてみて #define SEQ_49 49 /箱の開く音 #define SEQ_50 50 /衝突音(成功) #define SEQ_51 51 /衝突音(失敗) #define SEQ_52 52 /歓声 (Loop) #define SEQ_53 53 /クッション音 #define SEQ_54 54 /ピンを倒す #define SEQ_55 55 /ゲージの増減 #define SEQ_56 56 /ふぐ移動音 #define SEQ_57 57 /物を切る #define SEQ_58 58 /爆発音(小)、爆発音(大) 爆発音(中)は2回鳴らす。爆発音(大)は、3回鳴らす #define SEQ_59 59 /カモメの鳴き声(単発) #define SEQ_60 60 /ボーナス #define SEQ_61 61 /ラインを引く #define SEQ_62 62 /水を掻く #define SEQ_63 63 /ラインを引く #define SEQ_64 64 /水を掻く #define SEQ_65 65 /Miss音 #define SEQ_66 66 /音階 Bb(Low) #define SEQ_67 67 /音階 C #define SEQ_68 68 /音階 D #define SEQ_69 69 /音階 Eb #define SEQ_70 70 /音階 F #define SEQ_71 71 /音階 G #define SEQ_72 72 /音階 Ab #define SEQ_73 73 /音階 Bb(High) #define SEQ_74 74 /カモメ音階 Bb(Low) #define SEQ_75 75 /カモメ音階 C #define SEQ_76 76 /カモメ音階 D #define SEQ_77 77 /カモメ音階 Eb #define SEQ_78 78 /カモメ音階 F #define SEQ_79 79 /カモメ音階 G #define SEQ_80 80 /カモメ音階 Ab #define SEQ_81 81 /カモメ音階 Bb(High) #define SEQ_82 82 /環境音(海底) #define SEQ_83 83 /環境音(海鳴り) #define SEQ_84 84 /空気音 #define SEQ_85 85 /エリアチェンジ、ゴール #define SEQ_86 86 /エリアチェンジ、スタート #define SEQ_87 87 /カモメ音階 E #define SEQ_88 88 /カモメ音階 A(High) #define SEQ_89 89 /カモメ音階 B(Low) #define SEQ_90 90 /カモメ音階 G(Low) #define SEQ_91 91 /カモメ音階 Db #define SEQ_92 92 /カモメ音階 C(High) #define SEQ_93 93 /カモメ音階 D(High) #define SEQ_94 94 /カモメ音階 E(High) #define SEQ_95 95 /カモメ音階 F(High) #define SEQ_96 96 /カモメ音階 A(Low) // BGM #define SEQ_201 201 // Title #define SEQ_202 202 // World Map #define SEQ_203 203 // Main Menu #define SEQ_204 204 // Sub Menu #define SEQ_205 205 // Game Over #define SEQ_206 206 // Game Clear #define SEQ_207 207 // Mini game 01 Buggy mode #define SEQ_208 208 // Mini game 02 Nigel * #define SEQ_209 209 // Mini game 03 お絵かき * #define SEQ_210 210 // Mini game 04 Peach * #define SEQ_211 211 // Mini game 05 大ジャンプ * #define SEQ_212 212 // Mini game 06 潜水艦から脱出 * #define SEQ_213 213 // Mini game 07 バレーボール #define SEQ_214 214 // Mini game 08 水雷をとめろ * #define SEQ_215 215 // Mini game 09 歯医者 * #define SEQ_216 216 // Mini game 10 ロープで救出 (旧)絵合わせ * #define SEQ_217 217 // Mini game 11 ブロートを弾く (旧)記憶ゲーム * #define SEQ_218 218 // Mini game 12 危険なウニ地帯 * #define SEQ_219 219 // Mini game 13 タコ叩き * #define SEQ_220 220 // Mini game 14 泡割り #define SEQ_221 221 // Mini game 15 リングくぐり * #define SEQ_222 222 // Mini game 16 かくれんぼ **** #define SEQ_223 223 // Mini game 17 ダンスゲーム * #define SEQ_224 224 // Mini game 18 流れから脱出 (旧)目印探し * #define SEQ_225 225 // Mini game 19 トンネル * #define SEQ_226 226 // Mini game 20 Floを助けろ * #define SEQ_227 227 // Mini game 21 海溝渡り * #define SEQ_228 228 // Mini game 22 くらげバウンド * #define SEQ_229 229 // Mini game 23 Nemoパズル (旧)ボーリング * #define SEQ_230 230 // Mini game 24 真珠入れ #define SEQ_231 231 // Mini game 25 エアホッケー #define SEQ_232 232 // Mini game 26 通信用1 * #define SEQ_233 233 // Interactive reef用 * #define SEQ_234 234 // Opening * #define SEQ_235 235 // 演出1 * #define SEQ_236 236 // 演出2 * #define SEQ_237 237 // Ending * #define SEQ_238 238 // Credits * #define SEQ_239 239 // Music Game Karaoke * #define SEQ_240 240 // Mini game 26 通信用2 * #define SEQ_241 241 // 演出3 #define SEQ_242 242 // 演出4 #define SEQ_243 243 // 演出5 #define SEQ_244 244 // #define SEQ_245 245 // #define SEQ_246 246 // //</SEQ> //<END>
A translation follows below.
/* _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ | | SoundDefine.nbsd | SOUND constant definition file for SOUND EDITOR compatibility + ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | <Notes> | 1 <----> ← Do not delete comments enclosed in these tags; the TOOL will not work. | 2 Comments /* are not supported; use // for comments instead. | 3 Please don't do anything overly unconventional. | </Notes> + _/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/_/ */ //<WAVE> // ----------- WAVE DEFINE -------------- // Sound effects #define WAVE_0 0 // Cursor movement #define WAVE_1 1 // Start, select #define WAVE_2 2 // Pause #define WAVE_3 3 // Damage when touching enemy #define WAVE_4 4 // Player movement 1, water running; buggy water running loop handled programmatically #define WAVE_5 5 // Player movement 2 #define WAVE_6 6 // Splash, damage upon touching enemy #define WAVE_7 7 // No life remaining #define WAVE_8 8 // Player respawn sound #define WAVE_9 9 // Item pickup 1 #define WAVE_10 10 // Item pickup 2; also used for life recovery #define WAVE_11 11 // Item pickup 3 #define WAVE_12 12 // Colliding with obstacles, hitting walls #define WAVE_13 13 // Breaking obstacles, destroying debris, wall destruction #define WAVE_14 14 // Bubble sound, small bubble single burst #define WAVE_15 15 // Bubble pop sound, small bubble single burst #define WAVE_16 16 // Success sound when correctly popping bubbles, life-up obtained, success #define WAVE_17 17 // Miss sound, cancel, failure #define WAVE_18 18 // Underwater environment sound, bubble medium #define WAVE_19 19 // Underwater environment sound, bubble large #define WAVE_20 20 // Underwater environment sound, continuous bubbles (Loop) #define WAVE_21 21 // Underwater environment sound, fast continuous bubbles (Loop) #define WAVE_22 22 // Underwater environment sound, calm flow (Loop) #define WAVE_23 23 // Underwater environment sound, moderately fast flow (Loop) #define WAVE_24 24 // Underwater environment sound, fast flow (Loop) #define WAVE_25 25 // Throwing stones, falling into holes #define WAVE_26 26 // Swinging, throwing objects #define WAVE_27 27 // Swing hit (hitting pearls) #define WAVE_28 28 // Target hit, being run over by vehicle, landing; Buggy landing also used #define WAVE_29 29 // Mission clear, bonus #define WAVE_30 30 // Jump #define WAVE_31 31 // Big jump #define WAVE_32 32 // Acceleration effect #define WAVE_33 33 // Energy charging (Loop) #define WAVE_34 34 // Environment sound (car driving noise) (Loop) #define WAVE_35 35 // Water spray (Loop) #define WAVE_36 36 // Dirt driving, dragging sound; Buggy dirt driving loop handled programmatically #define WAVE_37 37 // Driving sound (grass); loop handled programmatically #define WAVE_38 38 // Shark passing sound #define WAVE_39 39 // Bite sound (barracuda bite) #define WAVE_40 40 // Seagull sound (occasional) (Loop) #define WAVE_41 41 // Jellyfish contact #define WAVE_42 42 // Air hockey high-power puck return sound #define WAVE_43 43 // Air hockey wall hit sound, also used for hitting squid #define WAVE_44 44 // Shooting impact sound #define WAVE_45 45 // Pufferfish inflating sound #define WAVE_46 46 // Pufferfish deflating sound #define WAVE_47 47 // Claw snapping sound #define WAVE_48 48 // Flapping wings; try tapping multiple times in sync with movement #define WAVE_49 49 // Box opening sound #define WAVE_50 50 // Collision sound (success) #define WAVE_51 51 // Collision sound (failure) #define WAVE_52 52 // Cheer sound (Loop) #define WAVE_53 53 // Cushion sound #define WAVE_54 54 // Save Flo! item pickup sound (old); knocking pins down #define WAVE_55 55 // Gauge increasing/decreasing #define WAVE_56 56 // Pufferfish moving sound #define WAVE_57 57 // Cutting objects sound #define WAVE_58 58 // Explosion sounds (small), (medium explosion sound played twice), (large explosion sound played thrice) #define WAVE_59 59 // Seagull single burst sound #define WAVE_60 60 // Bonus sound #define WAVE_61 61 // Drawing line sound #define WAVE_62 62 // Water slashing sound #define WAVE_63 63 // Drawing line sound #define WAVE_64 64 // Water slashing sound #define WAVE_65 65 // Miss sound #define WAVE_66 66 // Scale note Bb(Low) #define WAVE_67 67 // Scale note C #define WAVE_68 68 // Scale note D #define WAVE_69 69 // Scale note Eb #define WAVE_70 70 // Scale note F #define WAVE_71 71 // Scale note G #define WAVE_72 72 // Scale note Ab #define WAVE_73 73 // Scale note Bb(High) #define WAVE_74 74 // Seagull scale note Bb(Low) #define WAVE_75 75 // Seagull scale note C #define WAVE_76 76 // Seagull scale note D #define WAVE_77 77 // Seagull scale note Eb #define WAVE_78 78 // Seagull scale note F #define WAVE_79 79 // Seagull scale note G #define WAVE_80 80 // Seagull scale note Ab #define WAVE_81 81 // Seagull scale note Bb(High) #define WAVE_82 82 // Environment sound (seafloor) #define WAVE_83 83 // Environment sound (sea roaring) #define WAVE_84 84 // Air sound #define WAVE_85 85 // Area change, goal #define WAVE_86 86 // Area change, start #define WAVE_87 87 // Seagull scale note E #define WAVE_88 88 // Seagull scale note A(High) #define WAVE_89 89 // Seagull scale note B(Low) #define WAVE_90 90 // Seagull scale note G(Low) #define WAVE_91 91 // Seagull scale note Db #define WAVE_92 92 // Seagull scale note C(High) #define WAVE_93 93 // Seagull scale note D(High) #define WAVE_94 94 // Seagull scale note E(High) #define WAVE_95 95 // Seagull scale note F(High) #define WAVE_96 96 // Seagull scale note A(Low) // BGM #define WAVE_201 201 // GAME BGM //</WAVE> //<BANK> // ----------- BANK DEFINE -------------- // Sound effects #define BANK_0 0 // Cursor movement #define BANK_1 1 // Start, confirm #define BANK_2 2 // Pause #define BANK_3 3 // Enemy contact, damage #define BANK_4 4 // Player movement 1, water running (buggy water running looped in code) #define BANK_5 5 // Player movement 2 #define BANK_6 6 // Splash, enemy contact #define BANK_7 7 // No life sound #define BANK_8 8 // Player revival sound #define BANK_9 9 // Item pickup 1 #define BANK_10 10 // Item pickup 2, life recovery combined #define BANK_11 11 // Item pickup 3 #define BANK_12 12 // Collision with obstacles, hitting walls #define BANK_13 13 // Breaking obstacles, breaking dirt blocks, breaking walls #define BANK_14 14 // Bubbles sound, small bubbles, single burst #define BANK_15 15 // Bubble breaking sound, small bubbles, single burst #define BANK_16 16 // Successful sound when correctly breaking bubbles, life-up acquired, success #define BANK_17 17 // Mistake sound, cancel, fail #define BANK_18 18 // Underwater environment sound, small bubbles (loop) #define BANK_19 19 // Underwater environment sound, large bubbles (loop) #define BANK_20 20 // Underwater environment sound, continuous bubbles, normal speed (loop) #define BANK_21 21 // Underwater environment sound, fast continuous bubbles (loop) #define BANK_22 22 // Underwater environment sound, quiet flow (loop) #define BANK_23 23 // Underwater environment sound, moderately fast flow (loop) #define BANK_24 24 // Underwater environment sound, fast flow (loop) #define BANK_25 25 // Throwing stones, falling into holes #define BANK_26 26 // Swinging, throwing objects #define BANK_27 27 // Swing hit (hitting pearls) #define BANK_28 28 // Target hit, hit by vehicle, landing (buggy landing combined) #define BANK_29 29 // Mission complete, bonus #define BANK_30 30 // Jump #define BANK_31 31 // Big jump #define BANK_32 32 // Speed boost effect #define BANK_33 33 // Charging energy (loop) #define BANK_34 34 // Environmental sound (car driving sound) (loop) #define BANK_35 35 // Water spout (loop) #define BANK_36 36 // Dirt running, dragging sound (buggy dirt running looped in code) #define BANK_37 37 // Running sound (grass) (looped in code) #define BANK_38 38 // Shark passing sound #define BANK_39 39 // Teeth sound (barracuda biting) #define BANK_40 40 // Seagull sound (few times) (loop) #define BANK_41 41 // Jellyfish contact sound #define BANK_42 42 // Air hockey big puck hit sound #define BANK_43 43 // Air hockey wall hit sound, also used for hitting octopuses #define BANK_44 44 // Shooting sound, bullet hit #define BANK_45 45 // Pufferfish inflating sound #define BANK_46 46 // Pufferfish deflating sound #define BANK_47 47 // Snapping sound (claws) #define BANK_48 48 // Flapping sound, hitting multiple times with motion #define BANK_49 49 // Box opening sound #define BANK_50 50 // Collision sound (success) #define BANK_51 51 // Collision sound (failure) #define BANK_52 52 // Cheer sound (loop) #define BANK_53 53 // Cushion sound #define BANK_54 54 // Pin knocking sound #define BANK_55 55 // Gauge increase/decrease sound #define BANK_56 56 // Pufferfish moving sound #define BANK_57 57 // Cutting object sound #define BANK_58 58 // Explosion sound (small), explosion sound (medium, twice), explosion sound (large, thrice) #define BANK_59 59 // Seagull sound (single) #define BANK_60 60 // Bonus sound #define BANK_61 61 // Drawing line sound #define BANK_62 62 // Water slapping sound #define BANK_63 63 // Drawing line sound #define BANK_64 64 // Water slapping sound #define BANK_65 65 // Miss sound #define BANK_66 66 // Note sound Bb (low) #define BANK_67 67 // Note sound C #define BANK_68 68 // Note sound D #define BANK_69 69 // Note sound Eb #define BANK_70 70 // Note sound F #define BANK_71 71 // Note sound G #define BANK_72 72 // Note sound Ab #define BANK_73 73 // Note sound Bb (high) #define BANK_74 74 // Seagull note sound Bb (low) #define BANK_75 75 // Seagull note sound C #define BANK_76 76 // Seagull note sound D #define BANK_77 77 // Seagull note sound Eb #define BANK_78 78 // Seagull note sound F #define BANK_79 79 // Seagull note sound G #define BANK_80 80 // Seagull note sound Ab #define BANK_81 81 // Seagull note sound Bb (high) #define BANK_82 82 // Environmental sound (underwater) #define BANK_83 83 // Environmental sound (ocean waves) #define BANK_84 84 // Air sound #define BANK_85 85 // Area change, goal #define BANK_86 86 // Area change, start #define BANK_87 87 // Seagull note sound E #define BANK_88 88 // Seagull note sound A (high) #define BANK_89 89 // Seagull note sound B (low) #define BANK_90 90 // Seagull note sound G (low) #define BANK_91 91 // Seagull note sound Db #define BANK_92 92 // Seagull note sound C (high) #define BANK_93 93 // Seagull note sound D (high) #define BANK_94 94 // Seagull note sound E (high) #define BANK_95 95 // Seagull note sound F (high) #define BANK_96 96 // Seagull note sound A (low) // BGM #define BANK_201 201 // GAME BGM //</BANK> //<SEQ> /* ----------- SEQ DEFINE -------------- */ // Sound Effects #define SEQ_0 0 // Cursor Movement #define SEQ_1 1 // Start, Confirm #define SEQ_2 2 // Pause #define SEQ_3 3 // Collision with enemies, Damage #define SEQ_4 4 // Player movement 1, Water surface running buggy Water surface running is looped by program #define SEQ_5 5 // Player movement 2 #define SEQ_6 6 // Landing, Collision with enemies #define SEQ_7 7 // No life left #define SEQ_8 8 // Player revival sound #define SEQ_9 9 // Item collected 1 #define SEQ_10 10 // Item collected 2 Life recovery #define SEQ_11 11 // Item collected 3 #define SEQ_12 12 // Collision with obstacles, hitting walls #define SEQ_13 13 // Breaking obstacles, breaking dirt mounds, wall destruction #define SEQ_14 14 // Bubbles sound, small bubbles single burst #define SEQ_15 15 // Bubble burst sound, small bubbles single burst #define SEQ_16 16 // Successful bubble burst sound, life increase, success #define SEQ_17 17 // Miss sound, cancel, fail #define SEQ_18 18 // Underwater ambient sound, small bubbles #define SEQ_19 19 // Underwater ambient sound, large bubbles #define SEQ_20 20 // Underwater ambient sound, continuous bubbles normal (Loop) #define SEQ_21 21 // Underwater ambient sound, continuous fast bubbles (Loop) #define SEQ_22 22 // Underwater ambient sound, gentle current (Loop) #define SEQ_23 23 // Underwater ambient sound, moderately fast current (Loop) #define SEQ_24 24 // Underwater ambient sound, fast current (Loop) #define SEQ_25 25 // Throwing rocks, falling into holes #define SEQ_26 26 // Swinging, throwing objects #define SEQ_27 27 // Swing hit (hitting pearls) #define SEQ_28 28 // Hitting targets, getting hit by vehicles, landing Buggy landing combined #define SEQ_29 29 // Mission clear, bonus #define SEQ_30 30 // Jump #define SEQ_31 31 // High jump #define SEQ_32 32 // Acceleration effect #define SEQ_33 33 // Charging energy (Loop) #define SEQ_34 34 // Ambient sound (car driving) (Loop) #define SEQ_35 35 // Water spray (Loop) #define SEQ_36 36 // Dirt driving, dragging sound Buggy dirt driving looped by program #define SEQ_37 37 // Driving sound (grass) looped by program #define SEQ_38 38 // Passing by sharks #define SEQ_39 39 // Barracuda bite sound #define SEQ_40 40 // Seagull sound (low) (Loop) #define SEQ_41 41 // Contact with jellyfish #define SEQ_42 42 // Air hockey high-power puck hit sound #define SEQ_43 43 // Air hockey wall collision sound, combined with hitting octopus #define SEQ_44 44 // Shooting bullet hit sound #define SEQ_45 45 // Puffer fish inflating sound #define SEQ_46 46 // Puffer fish deflating sound #define SEQ_47 47 // Snapping sound #define SEQ_48 48 // Flapping wings Make several flapping sounds according to movement #define SEQ_49 49 // Box opening sound #define SEQ_50 50 // Collision sound (success) #define SEQ_51 51 // Collision sound (failure) #define SEQ_52 52 // Cheers (Loop) #define SEQ_53 53 // Cushion sound #define SEQ_54 54 // Bowling pin knocking down sound #define SEQ_55 55 // Gauge increase/decrease sound #define SEQ_56 56 // Puffer fish movement sound #define SEQ_57 57 // Cutting sound #define SEQ_58 58 // Explosion sound (small), Explosion sound (large) Medium explosion sound is played twice. Large explosion sound is played three times. #define SEQ_59 59 // Seagull sound (single burst) #define SEQ_60 60 // Bonus #define SEQ_61 61 // Drawing line #define SEQ_62 62 // Water swiping #define SEQ_63 63 // Drawing line #define SEQ_64 64 // Water swiping #define SEQ_65 65 // Miss sound #define SEQ_66 66 // Musical note Bb (Low) #define SEQ_67 67 // Musical note C #define SEQ_68 68 // Musical note D #define SEQ_69 69 // Musical note Eb #define SEQ_70 70 // Musical note F #define SEQ_71 71 // Musical note G #define SEQ_72 72 // Musical note Ab #define SEQ_73 73 // Musical note Bb (High) #define SEQ_74 74 // Seagull musical note Bb (Low) #define SEQ_75 75 // Seagull musical note C #define SEQ_76 76 // Seagull musical note D #define SEQ_77 77 // Seagull musical note Eb #define SEQ_78 78 // Seagull musical note F #define SEQ_79 79 // Seagull musical note G #define SEQ_80 80 // Seagull musical note Ab #define SEQ_81 81 // Seagull musical note Bb (High) #define SEQ_82 82 // Ambient sound (underwater) #define SEQ_83 83 // Ambient sound (ocean roar) #define SEQ_84 84 // Air sound #define SEQ_85 85 // Area change, goal #define SEQ_86 86 // Area change, start #define SEQ_87 87 // Seagull musical note E #define SEQ_88 88 // Seagull musical note A (High) #define SEQ_89 89 // Seagull musical note B (Low) #define SEQ_90 90 // Seagull musical note G (Low) #define SEQ_91 91 // Seagull musical note Db #define SEQ_92 92 // Seagull musical note C (High) #define SEQ_93 93 // Seagull musical note D (High) #define SEQ_94 94 // Seagull musical note E (High) #define SEQ_95 95 // Seagull musical note F (High) #define SEQ_96 96 // Seagull musical note A (Low) // BGM #define SEQ_201 201 // Title #define SEQ_202 202 // World Map #define SEQ_203 203 // Main Menu #define SEQ_204 204 // Sub Menu #define SEQ_205 205 // Game Over #define SEQ_206 206 // Game Clear #define SEQ_207 207 // Mini game 01 Buggy mode #define SEQ_208 208 // Mini game 02 Nigel * #define SEQ_209 209 // Mini game 03 Drawing * #define SEQ_210 210 // Mini game 04 Peach * #define SEQ_211 211 // Mini game 05 High Jump * #define SEQ_212 212 // Mini game 06 Escape from Submarine * #define SEQ_213 213 // Mini game 07 Volleyball #define SEQ_214 214 // Mini game 08 Stop the torpedo * #define SEQ_215 215 // Mini game 09 Dentist * #define SEQ_216 216 // Mini game 10 Rope rescue (Old) Matching game * #define SEQ_217 217 // Mini game 11 Deflect Brot (Old) Memory game * #define SEQ_218 218 // Mini game 12 Dangerous sea urchin zone * #define SEQ_219 219 // Mini game 13 Octopus bash * #define SEQ_220 220 // Mini game 14 Bubble pop #define SEQ_221 221 // Mini game 15 Ring challenge * #define SEQ_222 222 // Mini game 16 Hide and seek **** #define SEQ_223 223 // Mini game 17 Dance game * #define SEQ_224 224 // Mini game 18 Escape from the current (Old) Find markers * #define SEQ_225 225 // Mini game 19 Tunnel * #define SEQ_226 226 // Mini game 20 Help Flo * #define SEQ_227 227 // Mini game 21 Deep-sea crossing * #define SEQ_228 228 // Mini game 22 Jelly bounce * #define SEQ_229 229 // Mini game 23 Nemo puzzle (Old) Bowling * #define SEQ_230 230 // Mini game 24 Pearl catch #define SEQ_231 231 // Mini game 25 Air hockey #define SEQ_232 232 // Mini game 26 Communication 1 * #define SEQ_233 233 // Interactive reef * #define SEQ_234 234 // Opening * #define SEQ_235 235 // Scene 1 * #define SEQ_236 236 // Scene 2 * #define SEQ_237 237 // Ending * #define SEQ_238 238 // Credits * #define SEQ_239 239 // Music Game Karaoke * #define SEQ_240 240 // Mini game 26 Communication 2 * #define SEQ_241 241 // Scene 3 #define SEQ_242 242 // Scene 4 #define SEQ_243 243 // Scene 5 #define SEQ_244 244 // #define SEQ_245 245 // #define SEQ_246 246 // //</SEQ> //<END>
The Finding Nemo series
| |
GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox | Finding Nemo |
Game Boy Advance | Finding Nemo |
Nintendo DS | Escape to the Big Blue |
Nintendo 3DS | Escape to the Big Blue Special Edition |
Windows, Mac OS Classic | Nemo's Underwater World of Fun |
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