Finding Nemo (GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox)
Finding Nemo |
Developer: Traveller's Tales
This page or section needs more images. There's a whole lotta words here, but not enough pictures. Please fix this. |
To do:
Finding Nemo is a game based on the movie of the same name. The game is exclusively set underwater, but that wasn't always the case.
Unused Characters
To do: Try showing the characters in action. |
Nigel the Pelican
The game has three playable characters: Nemo, Marlin and Dory. While there are few differences among them, their gameplay styles are nearly identical; they swim around in a 2D or 3D plane. However, the files show that there were going to be more playable characters with completely different gameplay styles who never made it into the final game. The config.txt file shows all of the characters that were planned to be playable. Judging from what can be found in the files, it seems as though Nigel was going to have two gameplay styles: one where he would have been running and jumping and another where he would have been flying. His model is present within the files however at least in the GameCube version, the textures are incomplete showing that he was cut before he was finished and he has a txt file much like the other playable characters:
radius=0.5 miny=0.0 maxy=0.5 scale=5.5 air_gravity=0 platform_gravity=-9 jump_speed=30 acceleration=3 friction=12 min_speed=10 max_speed=30 walk_speed=10 run_speed=10 takehit_speed=6.0 terminal_velocity=45 stop_speed=0.1 anim_start="land" fpsec=24.0 cycle=off blend_in=0.2 blend_out=0.2 anim_end anim_start="tkhitair" cycle=off fpsec=24.0 blend_in=0.2 blend_out=1.0 anim_end anim_start="takeoff" cycle=off fpsec=24.0 blend_in=0.0 anim_end anim_start="jump" cycle=off fpsec=30.0 blend_in=0.0 anim_end anim_start="JLand" cycle=off fpsec=30.0 blend_in=0.0 anim_end anim_start="walk" fpsec=45.0 effect_start frame=8 sfx="thunk" effect_end effect_start frame=22 sfx="thunk" effect_end anim_end anim_start="fly" effect_start frame=7 sfx="flap" effect_end anim_end
This is unfinished as Nigel has many more animations that are not listed (dive, glide, grab, idle, jglide) which shows that he was probably cut before they finished making him. Underneath his walk and fly animations are sound effects "thunk" and flap". These were never used in the final game as no other character or enemy walks or flies (as the final is entirely set underwater). Nigel is completely absent in the final game and is never mentioned. It is unknown why he is not present although it could have been due to not being able to get his original actor, time or budget constraints or they may have preferred to focus their full attention on the water aspect of the game rather than have an underwater aspect in the game as well. There is also no model for Nigel in the Xbox version.
Unused Death Animations
Nigel has two death animations mentioned in the files: ni_drop.cut and ni_hitob.cut. Unlike other death animations, there's no txt file to accompany these deaths. ni_drop.cut would have probably been used if Nigel went too far offscreen and ni_hitob.cut would have been used if Nigel hit something.
Crush was intended to be a playable character although he has less animations and a shorter txt file so he didn't get as far into development as Nigel. Unlike Nigel, he was going to be played underwater and he did make his way into the final game in East Australian Current (although unplayable).
radius=5 miny=-1 maxy=2.3 scale=0.825 mass=10 acceleration=10.0 friction=1.0 min_speed=4 max_speed=10 move_delay=0.1 air_gravity=-12.0 anim_start="swim" fpsec=24.0 anim_end anim_start="hide" fpsec=30.0 blend_in=0.33 blend_out=0.33 anim_end anim_start="qkhide" fpsec=30.0 blend_in=0.0 blend_out=0.0 cycle=off anim_end
This txt file also has missing animations (idle and surf).
Bubble (not to be confused with "Bubbles") was also intended to be playable as can be seen in the config.txt file although unlike Nigel and Crush, it has no animations. Its txt file is also lacking meaning that it was cut very early on. Bubble is simply a white sphere that looks nothing like any of the Bubbles in the final game or the character "Bubbles". This means that Bubble was likely a test object which may have later become the bubbles used in the final, used to test gameplay very early on in development.
scale=1.75 radius=0.37 air_gravity=-12.0 mass=1.25 stop_speed=0.0125 acceleration=0.8 friction=1 min_speed=2 max_speed=10 takehit_speed=5.0
Unused Stages
This needs some investigation. Discuss ideas and findings on the talk page. Specifically: I heard the PS2 had some graphics and layouts for some levels, try to access them. |
There are multiple levels left in the game's files although the state of them depends on the version. The PlayStation 2 release contain multiple files for each level so they should be fully playable however, nobody has successfully accessed them yet. The Xbox port just has empty files, while the GameCube version only contains the txt files so the levels themselves are unavailable.
All Versions
This was likely some level involving a boat where you play as Nigel (suggested by the line "air_based") however, the txt file is very short and tells us nothing about the level. The PS2 version is the only version that contains collision detection for all of these levels. The Xbox version lacks the txt files for all of these levels.
air_based settings_start=1 farclip=285 nearclip=0.326 fognear=32 fogfar=285 fogr=0 fogg=71 fogb=107 foga=127 hazer=0 hazeg=124 hazeb=100 hazea=0 backr=40 backg=110 backb=90 settings_end playtype=offset camvec_x=-15 camvec_y=20 camvec_z=15 air_based start_x=5.45 start_y=16.41 start_z=65.32
Very similar to boat except you would have been playing in a pier area. Once again, this probably would have been a Nigel level.
playtype=offset settings_x=0 settings_y=0 settings_z=0 farclip=300 fognear=5 fogfar=50 fogr=128 fogg=128 fogb=128 foga=30 hazer=0 hazeg=124 hazeb=100 hazea=0 backr=40 backg=110 backb=90 camvec_x=6.7 camvec_y=10. camvec_z=-6.7 air_based settings2_x=0 settings2_y=0 settings2_z=0 fogr2=0 fogg2=244 fogb2=200 foga2=122 fognear2=1 fogfar2=17
This would have been a Nigel level once again however, the txt file is more complete than the other two levels showing that the level made it further into development. This was probably based on the scene in the movie where the seagulls were chasing Nigel.
settings_start=1 farclip=2700 nearclip=0.38 fognear=160 fogfar=2300 fogr=110 fogg=103 fogb=94 foga=65 hazer=40 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=0 backg_top=23 backb_top=127 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=-108.0 settings_y=0.0 settings_z=-310.0 settings_end settings_start=2 farclip=3000 nearclip=0.42 fognear=300 fogfar=2800 fogr=90 fogg=118 fogb=114 foga=75 hazer=40 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=0 backg_top=23 backb_top=127 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=-150.0 settings_y=20.0 settings_z=-830.0 settings_end settings_start=3 farclip=2800 nearclip=0.42 fognear=300 fogfar=2750 fogr=90 fogg=118 fogb=110 foga=74 hazer=40 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=115 backg_top=122 backb_top=200 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=150.0 settings_y=20.0 settings_z=-220.0 settings_end settings_start=4 farclip=2900 nearclip=0.38 fognear=600 fogfar=1500 fogr=100 fogg=99 fogb=97 foga=60 hazer=40 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=115 backg_top=122 backb_top=200 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=-410.0 settings_y=10.0 settings_z=-510.0 settings_end settings_start=5 farclip=2700 nearclip=0.38 fognear=140 fogfar=1700 fogr=122 fogg=121 fogb=123 foga=63 hazer=40 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=115 backg_top=122 backb_top=200 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=-450.0 settings_y=50.0 settings_z=-730.0 settings_end settings_start=6 farclip=2900 nearclip=0.38 fognear=170 fogfar=2750 fogr=100 fogg=133 fogb=148 foga=76 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=115 backg_top=122 backb_top=200 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=-450.0 settings_y=136.0 settings_z=-1000.0 settings_end settings_start=7 farclip=2000 nearclip=0.38 fognear=70 fogfar=1600 fogr=123 fogg=119 fogb=112 foga=60 hazer=40 hazeg=40 hazeb=40 hazea=19 backr_top=115 backg_top=122 backb_top=200 backr_bottom=0 backg_bottom=23 backb_bottom=127 settings_x=-65.0 settings_y=130.0 settings_z=-900.0 settings_end sock_start=00 playtype=sidewalk mid_force=xz mid_range_inner=1.5 mid_range_outer=3 link_duration=6.0 sock_end sock_start=01 cam_look_ratio=0.5 link_duration=6.0 mid_range_inner=7 mid_range_outer=11 current_speed=25 playtype=out sock_end sock_start=02 playtype=sidewalk mid_force=xz mid_range_inner=1.5 mid_range_outer=3 link_duration=6.0 sock_end sock_start=03 cam_look_ratio=0.5 mid_range_inner=7 mid_range_outer=11 current_speed=25 playtype=out sock_end obstacle_start=01 obj="cylinderroll1" obstacle_end obstacle_start=02 obj="dooropen1" obstacle_end air_based
The sidewalk playtype was never used in any of the final levels (side, in, out and boing are the playtypes in the final) and this was likely the playtype where Nigel would have been running around, jumping.
To do: The GameCube release has several backup files for some levels (e.g. ToSchool). Check to see if they are interchangeable with the retail ones and document. |
This was probably a test level used to test collision detection and puzzles. The config.txt file shows that any character could be used in the level. This level is not found in the PS2 or Xbox versions. The model and collision detection are found in the folder for East Australian Current strangely enough while the txt file is found in its own separate folder called test. Unfortunately, the file size for the model is way too big to swap with the other levels (16.3MB) so it is currently inaccessible.
pause_r=0 pause_g=0 pause_b=255 pause_a=32 shadow_intensity=0.075 cam_ahead=0.35 settings_start=1 farclip=140 nearclip=0.208 fognear=1 fogfar=134 fogr=0 fogg=7 fogb=7 foga=0 hazer=138 hazeg=152 hazeb=148 hazea=109 backr=74 backg=77 backb=120 fogr_x=0 fogg_x=7 fogb_x=7 foga_x=127 hazer_x=138 hazeg_x=152 hazeb_x=148 hazea_x=109 backr_x=0 backg_x=7 backb_x=7 fogdensity=0.040 settings_end sock_start=00 playtype=side mid_force=xz mid_range_inner=0.01 mid_range_outer=0.2 link_duration=2.0 cutlinkin current_speed=0.0 ai_clip_range=25.0 sock_end obstacle_start name="button1" obj="button_01_ball" obj="button_01",no_collision obj="door_02",no_collision camera_spline="doorcam_01" cam_start_time=0.0 cam_end_time=2.5 obstacle_end obstacle_start name="button2" obj="button_02_ball" obj="button_02",no_collision obj="door_04",no_collision camera_spline="doorcam_02" cam_start_time=0.0 cam_end_time=2.5 obstacle_end obstacle_start obj="chain_01_ball",rightonly obj="chain_01",no_collision obj="chain_03",no_collision obj="chain_04",no_collision obj="chain_05",no_collision obj="chain_06",no_collision camera_spline="doorcam_03" cam_start_time=0.0 cam_end_time=2.5 obstacle_end obstacle_start obj="button_03_ball" obj="button_03",no_collision obj="door_05",no_collision camera_spline="doorcam_04" cam_start_time=0.0 cam_end_time=2.5 obstacle_end obstacle_start name="hatch" block_puzzle obj="button_04_ball" obj="button_04",no_collision obj="door_07",no_collision camera_spline="doorcam_05" cam_start_time=0.0 cam_end_time=2.5 obstacle_end
Start contains graphics, however all of the files in the folder are empty. It is completely unknown what this level was supposed to be as a result.
An earlier version of "Submarine" can be found within the files for the submarine level. This version of the level contains less files than the final version of the level although as the level hasn't been accessed yet, it is currently unknown how it differs to the final level. It is the only unused level in the Xbox version that has collision detection and files that are not empty.
Unused Animations
To do: Replace videos with gifs of the animations. At least get rid of the Bandicam watermark (and don't crop the videos to do so). |
Apart from Nigel having a lot of unused animations, Nemo also has a couple of animations listed in a separate sub folder compared to the rest of his animations. swimfast and walk are both present within the files. It is unknown why swimfast was removed, although walk would have been removed for more obvious reasons. Nemo is a fish and has no legs, so it would have made no sense for him to walk. The animation probably exists as it was a simple animation to use to test animation very early on in development.
During the swimfast animation, you can only do it during the level. When you move Nemo you will get an error on it. If you click ok multiple times while moving Nemo, you will see Nemo glitching a bit and moving a tiny bit in a single frame per second.
During the Walk animation, you can still see Nemo moving frame to frame during the error on it, clicking multiple times will allow Nemo to see what his walk animation is.
You can only load this idle animation on the loading screen, as the game crashes if you do it during the levels.
There is also an unused walking animation, which can only be loaded while on the loading screen.
Nigel was going to use this fly animation in the pier level, where the seagulls was going to chase him.
Probably used in the seagull level when you get hit.
Unused Models
To do: Replace video with model renders. There are a lot more unused models as well. |
There are unused models for the game, including one for the seagull. This model would have been used in the "seagull" level.
Unused Graphics
The "stuff" folder in the PS2 and Xbox versions contain some unused graphics.
ariel32 is a leftover from Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex which was one of the games developed by Traveller's Tales, so it would have probably had the same purpose as in that game.
envtxt is a bunch of random colors.
Spectxtf is a bright light with no clear purpose. Both of these graphics differ from the ones found in Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex with the same names. The Xbox version also contains oldspectxtf which shows a bunch of grey diamonds separated by black diagonal lines.
particle.raw is a bunch of leftover textures from Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex, one of the textures which is a stained glass texture featuring Dr. Neo Cortex also appears in LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game which Traveller's Tales also developed, albeit much more darker.
nemo_old.ico is a leftover PS2 save icon from Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex which, again, was one of the games developed by Traveller's Tales.
This was probably used as a placeholder save icon.
XBOX is an image of the interior of Microsoft's building and is once again a leftover from Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex.
Unused Cutscenes
Intro.xmv can only be found in the US Xbox release. It is actually an unfinished version of the movie's intro taken from a workprint dated January 2003. It was most likely a placeholder that was used before Pixar sent Traveller's Tales all of the finalized movie clips for the game's cutscenes.
mfbout.cut can be found in all versions. It is a cutscene in Minefield where Marlin, Dory and Bruce swim around. The animations in the cutscene are incomplete as the characters do not move their mouths when they should be speaking. There is also no audio file for the cutscene.
Unused Voices
Present only in the GameCube and Xbox ports is the placeholder voice file audio\english\gts_intr. It has two developers role-playing Nemo and Marlin for the “Going to School” level.
Unused Gameplay Styles
Config.txt shows all of the gameplay styles that were planned to be in the final game. Side, in, out and boing were all used in the final game but many other styles are listed. "Default" is listed to have direction controls. You can move left, right, forwards or backwards but not up or down. This mode is used in any "Out of Bounds" areas. "sidewalk” shows the camera from a sideview (Was going to be used in the Nigel levels). "offset" had the camera with a fixed offset from the player. "down" would have had the player travelling down from the y axis. "free" was going to be a free roaming mode where you could swim anywhere (there are too many invisible walls in the final to allow you to do so however so you don't have much freedom). Next to the description for "free", the devs left in the message (aaaaaarrrrrgggghhh.....!!!!) showing that they had a super hard time implementing this mode. Any of these can be added to any of the final levels although as the levels weren't designed for these gameplay modes, the controls can be glitchy for certain modes. The huge abundance of invisible walls makes it difficult to use these modes and you have zero freedom. Even if you do bypass any walls and get out of bounds, the game will put you in "default" control and depending on where you went out of bounds, there may be no way back. water_based and air_based are also mentioned meaning that the whole level would be designed for out of water or underwater. water_based isn't in the txt file for any level as all levels in the final are water based and air_based can be added to any of the final level's txt files to make the level air based. You can swim above water although once you swim high enough, the game will try and force you into the default playstyle with no way back down in some situations.
Unused Text
Config.txt can be found within the files which explains everything about the game including the playable characters, graphics, gameplay styles, cutscenes, dialogue and much more. This is from the GameCube version. The Xbox version also contains config.txt with a couple of differences such as including the level select code at the start of the text file (for the PS2 version for some reason). It does not appear to be read by the game, as the executables do not reference it and modifying the file has no effect on gameplay.
********************************************** * COMMAND-LINE PARAMATERS (CASE-INSENSITIVE) * ********************************************** RECORD - When the level starts the game will record up to 1 minute of pad 1's input. - In NTSC, the file saved is a ".pad" (60Hz), in PAL a ".ppd" (50Hz). - Press START to save the file while recording. PLAY - Will play back the last recorded pad input. NOFMV - Game will not run movies, even text placeholders. TBSYSTEM - Will run with the SYSTEM timing bars active. TBGAME - Will run with the GAME timing bars active. TBPLAYER - Will run with the PLAYER timing bars active. TBDRAW - Will run with the DRAW timing bars active. DRAWSOCK - Will run with the option to draw the player's current sock volume turned on. NOSOCKERRORS - Will turn off sock error message list. Cam be toggled in-game from "Debug Options" menu. PATH - Will set an alternative data path, the default being "\\primary\drive\projects\nemo". LOADEROFF - Turns off animated loading screen LEVEL - Will bypass all front end stuff, going straight to the level in question. - Any component of the level's name may be used, ie. "level qua" will take you to the AQUARIUM. - Do not include spaces of the level name, ie. "whale chase" will be treated as "whale". DRAWTERRAIN - The game will draw the terrain. Can be turned off from the pause menu in-game. DRAWSPLINES - The game will draw all current scene splines, cycling the colours to indicate direction. DRAWCOLLISIONSPHERES - The game will draw all collision spheres. Can be turned off from the pause menu in-game. CHEAT - Activates the cheat menu in the map area, and all cheats in said menu. INVINCIBLE - The player's invinciblility cheat will be ON. Can be toggled in the MAP level or Debug Options menu. OPENLEVELS - All levels are available from the start, rather than locked as if in final game. NOBACKUPS - Stops the editor system automatically making file backups before writing new data. TESTCHAR - Sets the playable character for the 'Test' level. Choose from... - NEMO - FATHER - DORY - NIGEL - CRUSH - BUBBLE DRAWSOUNDMEM - Draws the sound memory bar on-screen (can be turned off from Debug Options) NOMUSIC - Sets the music volume to zero at the start of the game RUMBLEOFF - Turns off controller-vibration at the start of the game ************************************************************** ************************************************ * LEVEL CONFIG - ALL VALUES GIVEN ARE DEFAULTS * ************************************************ fog=new // default - use new fog system fog=old // use old fog system playtype=default // level is played with the default mechanism (directional controls) =down // level is played down the y-axis =side // level is played from a side-view =in // level is played into the screen, ie. away from the camera =out // level is played out of the screen, ie. towards the camera =free // level is free-roaming (aaaaaarrrrrgggghhh.....!!!!) =offset // level is played with the camera a fixed offset from the player =boing // level is played by bouncing around fixed points =sidewalk // level is played from a side-view platforming perspective camvec_x=0.0 // offset in x from player to camera camvec_y=5.0 // offset in y from player to camera camvec_z=-2.5 // offset in z from player to camera height=1.0 // general-purpose, ie. player's height above terrain in "levtype=offset" levels swoopcam_time=30.0 // time taken for swoopcam to travel along rail cam_ahead=1.0 // general-purpose look-ahead distance, ie. particularly for 'side' levels air_based // all in-game stuff is by default above water in this level water_based // all in-game stuff is by default under water in this level current_speed=0.0 // minimum speed at which player is forced through the level start_x=0.0f // override start-position spline point by changing the x component start_y=0.0f // override start-position spline point by changing the y component start_z=0.0f // override start-position spline point by changing the z component finish_x=0.0f // override finish-position spline point by changing the x component finish_y=0.0f // override finish-position spline point by changing the y component finish_z=0.0f // override finish-position spline point by changing the z component checkpoint_reset=on // objects, AI etc. will re-activate if ahead of last checkpoint when player dies checkpoint_reset=off // objects, AI etc. will stay as they are when player dies and goes back to a checkpoint notes=1,2,3 // sequence of up to 10 musical notes to play (choose from 1, 2 or 3). shadow_intensity=0.125 // darkness of shadow - 1.0 = black, 0.0 = invisible (0.125 = 1/8th) shadow_length=4.0 // distance complex-shadow primitives will be cast from objects ring_boost=0.2 // multiplier of dart_speed to apply when player goes through a (bonus) ring. boing_radius=2.0 // boing range while in level ai_clip_range=25.0 // range at which AI units clip in/out pause_r=127 // red component of scren-tint when paused pause_g=191 // green component of scren-tint when paused pause_b=255 // blue component of scren-tint when paused pause_a=32 // alpha component of scren-tint when paused (128 = completely opaque) ptwang_range=50.0 // maximum range between ptwang points // Configure draw/fog/haze/background settings - set 1 is the default/master. // If any of these aren't set, they will use the values from the default set 1. settings_start=1 farclip=1000 nearclip=0.15 fognear=0 fogfar=0 fogr=0 fogg=0 fogb=0 foga=0 hazer=0 hazeg=0 hazeb=0 hazea=0 backr=0 // set RGB of whole screen clear backg=0 backb=0 backr_top=0 // set RGB of top of screen clear (copied to bottom settings) backg_top=0 backb_top=0 backr_bottom=0 // set RGB of bottom of screen clear backg_bottom=0 backb_bottom=0 settings_x=0.0 // point with which default settings are associated (will override "settings" spline point) settings_y=0.0 settings_z=0.0 cut_scene_only // these settings will not be used in-game settings_end sock_start=xx // start sock settings block, xx = 00/01/02/03/04/05/06/07 circuit // the end of sock xx loops back to the start (xx = 00/01/02/03/04/05/06/07) playtype=default // sock is played with the default mechanism (directional controls) =down // set sock's play mode (types listed above), overriding that set for the level =side =in =out =free =offset link_duration=3.0 // time taken for player to travel from end of this sock to destination (min = 1.0) cutlinkin // player and camera will cut when starting a link cutlinkout // player and camera will cut at end of a link cutlinkteleport // player and camera will cut immediately to the start of the next sock current_speed=0.0 // forced-scroll speed along this sock (overrides global current_speed) mid_range_inner=0.0 // distance at which player starts to be forced back towards MID rail mid_range_outer=0.0 // distance at which player is forced back with maximum force mid_force=xyz // default (ie. not necessary) - force will be applied in all 3 axes =xz // force will NOT be applied in the y-axis cam_look_ratio=1.0 // fraction of angle looking towards player (from looking along CAM spline) to use. ring_boost=0.2 // multiplier of dart_speed to apply when player goes through a (bonus) ring. boing_radius=2.0 // boing range while in sock (overrides value set for level) cam_ahead=0.0 // camera's look-ahead value - ie. for SIDE sections. campos_seek=5.0 // camera position seek-rate camang_seek=5.0 // camera angles seek-rate ai_clip_range=25.0 // range at which AI units clip in/out mid_force_down // player will be forced down if above MID rail (not valid if 3D MID force is applied) cam_segments_ahead=0 // 'in' socks only - camera's angles are taken from a number of segments ahead ptwang_range=50.0 // maximum range between ptwang points cam_sidemidlock // 'side' socks only - camera will still to the MID rail and not pan up or down cam_lateral_ratio=0 // ratio of player's distance from MID to add to camera's destination coordinate shadow_intensity=0.125 // darkness of shadow - 1.0 = black, 0.0 = invisible (0.125 = 1/8th) shadow_length=4.0 // distance complex-shadow primitives will be cast from objects start_x=0.0f // override generated start-position point by changing the x component start_y=0.0f // override generated start-position point by changing the y component start_z=0.0f // override generated start-position point by changing the z component sock_end // finish sock settings block obstacle_start // start breakable-scenery block obj="name" // list name(s) of scene-object(s) that make up an 'obstacle' ,no_collision // added immediately after end quotes - player will not collide with this object ,leftonly // in 2d sections, can only break obstacle object if facing left ,rightonly // in 2d sections, can only break obstacle object if facing right ,ter_collision // player will not collide with this object's sphere if ter_type is valid nemo_only // only Nemo can break the obstacle father_only // only Father can break the obstacle dory_only // only Dory can break the obstacle left_only // in 2d sections, can only break obstacle if facing left right_only // in 2d sections, can only break obstacle if facing right any_contact // obstacle will activate on contact, ie. no need to dart/spin etc. player_only // only the player can break the obstacle ai_only // only AI units can break the obstacle no_player_collision // player's object will not even bother trying to collide with obstacle objects add_fruit // breaking an obstacle will add collectible fruit into the level name="name" // a signature for this obstacle to identify it easily in the game code block_puzzle // obstacle is indestructible until level's sliding-block puzzle is complete. ter_type=-1 // index of normal terrain type, if not -1 used instead of sphere collision. camera_spline="name" // name of a 2-point spline. While obstacle animates, camera will use these points. cam_start_time=0.0 // time after starting obstacle anims to cut camera to view obstacle. cam_end_time=0.0 // time after starting obstacle anims to cut camera back to game. stop_player // when obstacle breaks, player will stop rather than pass through. route_spline="name" // name of a spline that the player is forced along while obstacle animates. route_duration=0 // length of time taken to move player from start to finish of route spline. obstacle_end // finish breakable-scenery block teleport_start // start teleport block spline="name" // name of spline in=0 // index (from zero) of spline point at which player is turned off out=0 // index of spline point at which player is turned back on again duration=3.0 // total time for teleport sequence nemo_only // only Nemo can use this teleport father_only // only Fater can use this teleport dory_only // only Dory can use this teleport block_puzzle // only available once level's sliding-block puzzle has been completed stop_player // player will stop dead at the end of a teleport, giving enough chance to teleport again range=1.0 // if set, range for player against starting point, else range is derived from player's radius short_cut // teleport is a designated short-cut alternative route long_cut // teleport is a designated long-cut alternative route special=0 // set a general-purpose code (where zero = off) teleport_end // finish teleport block anemone_start // start anemone block spline="name" // name of spline type=spin // default type - bestows player with invincible spin-power =reveal // activates something level-specific anemone_end // finish teleport block ************************************************************** ************************************************************ * CHARACTER CONFIG OPTIONS - ALL VALUES GIVEN ARE DEFAULTS * ************************************************************ mass=1.0 radius=0.5 miny=-0.5 maxy=0.5 scale=1.0 stop_speed=0.0 // speed at which contact with terrain stops the character min_speed=1.0 // move speed with minimum pad input max_speed=3.0 // move speed with maximum pad input walk_speed=2.0 // move speed if walking on the ground run_speed=3.0 // move speed if running on the ground air_gravity=-5.0 // gravity above water water_gravity=0.0 // gravity underwater platform_gravity=-10.0 // gravity when platforming! acceleration=1.0 // force applied to movement with pad input friction=1.0 // force applied to movement without pad input move_delay=0.0 // time after pad input stops before starting idle phase collision_locator=-1 // if not -1, id of locator used as collision-sphere origin instead of object origin max_tilt=45.0 // degrees up or down to which a character's tilt is limited (ie. 'side' levels) if relevant dart_speed=3.0 // move speed when performing 'dart' move dart_anticipate_frame=0.0 // if >1.0, anim-frame at which 'anticipate' phase becomes the 'dart' phase dart_recover_frame=0.0 // if >1.0, anim-frame at which 'dart' phase becomes the 'recover' phase ptwang_speed=3.0 // move speed when player has been 'ptwanged' terminal_velocity=10.0 // maximum speed attainable in any direction, regardless of other speed settings panel_locator=-1 // id of locator used as origin for info above player, ie. '?', '!' etc. panel_scale=1.0 // arbitrary scale of info above player panel_offset=1.0 // distance above player of drawn info takehit_speed=0.0 // speed to move player backwards when taking a hit boing_time=1.0 // time taken to boing on the spot boing_height=1.0 // height character jumps when boinging on the spot boing_jumptime=1.0 // time taken to boing to another point boing_jumpheight=1.0 // height character jumps when boinging to another point layers=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7 // Set model layers available spin_friction=1.0 // force applied to movement if spinning thought_offset=1.0 // distance in y to position origin of thought-bubble object thought_scale=1.0 // scale at which to render thought-bubble object thought_text_offset=1.0 // distance in y to position origin of thought-bubble text thought_text_scale=1.0 // scale at which to render thought-bubble text pipe_blow_frame=0.0 // if >1.0, anim-frame at which character actually starts blowing pipe_out_frame=0.0 // if >1.0, anim-frame at which character finishes blowing ****************************** * CHARACTER ANIMATION CONFIG * ****************************** anim_start="swim" // Start anim settings block. fpsec=30.0 // Anim playback rate (frames/second). Use a negative value to play backwards blend_in=0.2 // Time (seconds) taken to blend into anim blend_out=0.2 // Time (seconds) taken to blend into anim speedmul_speed=0.0 // If > 0.0, pad-input speed at which anim will play at fpsec speedmul_maxfps=0.0 // If > 0.0, maximum playback rate if anim is speed-scaled cycle=on // Anim will repeat cycle=off // Anim will not repeat minreps=0 // If >0, minimum no. of times idle anim will play maxreps=0 // If >0 and >minreps, maximum no. of times idle anim will play sfx="parp" // Anim is associated with the sample that has this name in the list or the filename type=normal // Default - not needed unless re-setting type while testing =idle // Anim is a one-off idle (but NOT a default cycling idle). =move // Anim is one of a set of anims to choose from when moving normally. effect_start // Start of effect description - must go within anim_start and anim_end timing=constant // Effect will be added every frame for the duration of the anim =between // Added between frame and frame2 - if frame2 is not set, added from frame to the end frame=1.0 // Sets main anim-frame - under normal circumstances, effect will occur at this frame only frame2=1.0 // Optional - sets secondary frame deb_name="POO" // Case-insensitive - name of debris effect to add num_particles=1 // number of particles of named debris effect to add - if not set, whole effect is added locators=0,1,2,3 // locator IDs to use for this effect - can be used in different ways (see other settings) random=0.0 // 0...1 - if greater than zero, this is the chance of the effect occuring rumble=0.0 // 0...1 - if greater than zero, time (and strength) of pad's main rumble motor buzz=0.0 // 0...? - if greater than zero, time of pad's buzz motor judder= // +/- If non-zero, sets time and magnitude of camera judder sfx="bwip" // name or file-name of sound effect to play if all conditions are satisfied sfx_2d // by default, a sound will be played in 3D - this will override it to played in 2d condition=on_ground // if set, object being tested must be touching (or very close to) the ground =under_water // if set, object being tested must be under-water =above_water // OR, if this is set instead, object being tested must be above-water =intersect_water // OR object'collision spheroid must be intersecting the water layer surfaces=non_solid // if set, effect will only be added if object is on or above 'dusty' surfaces at_ter_surface // effect will be added at surface directly under object being tested at_ter_layer // effect will be added at layer coordinate (ie. water surface) at_obj_bottom // effect will be added at base of object's collision primitive at_locator_average // effect will be added at the average of all locators being considered, if any min_mode=xz_speed // when testing min value, treat it as a speed in the xz plane =xyz_speed // when testing min value, treat it as a speed in 3d space max_mode=xz_speed // when testing max value, treat it as a speed in the xz plane =xyz_speed // when testing max value, treat it as a speed in 3d space min_val=0.0 // set min value for testing depending on mode max_val=0.0 // set min value for testing depending on mode side_only // effect will only be added if current play-type is _SIDE or _SIDEWALK in_only // effect will only be added if current play-type is _IN not_in // effect will only be added if current play-type is not _IN player_only // only add effect to player's object, not any object using that character model at_obj_speed // effect particles are added at momentum of object effect_end // End of effect description - must go within anim_start and anim_end anim_end // End anim settings block. ************************************************************************ * CUT-SCENE CONFIG OPTIONS - ALL VALUES GIVEN ARE DEFAULTS OR EXAMPLES * ************************************************************************ fpsec=30.0 // Animation frame-rate of cut-scene actor="nemo" // List characters that appear in this cut-scene (use cut-scene group name) ="father" ="dory" set_player_pos=on // Set in-game player coordinate from equivalent cut-scene model when cut-scene ends set_player_pos=off // Turn above setting off for this cut-scene skippable=off // Cut-scene can never be skipped (not valid for bonus or death sequences) skippable=on // Useful only in debug builds to change above setting back while testing lock_fog // Use last in-game fog settings for duration of cut-scene no_fog=on no_fog=off // Turn off fog during the cut-scene fog_settings=1 // Use ONLY the specified set of fog settings during the cut-scene line_start // Start dialogue-line settings block character=nemo // Optional - name of character that says this line (useful for colours, sfx etc.) start=1.0 // Frame of cut-scene at which dialogue-line starts end=1.0 // Frame of cut-scene at which dialogue-line ends english="Dialogue..." // English dialogue text french="Dialogue..." // French dialogue text german="Dialogue..." // German dialogue text italian="Dialogue..." // Italian dialogue text spanish="Dialogue..." // Spanish dialogue text dutch="Dialogue..." // Dutch dialogue text japanese="Dialogue..." // Japanese dialogue text korean="Dialogue..." // Korean dialogue text line_end // End dialogue-line settings block ************************************************************************* * VOICE-OVER CONFIG OPTIONS - ALL VALUES GIVEN ARE DEFAULTS OR EXAMPLES * ************************************************************************* duration=3.0 // Duration of audio file line_start // Start dialogue-line settings block character=nemo // Optional - name of character that says this line (useful for colours, sfx etc.) start=0.0 // If >1 line, time from start of audio (0.0s) at which this dialogue-line starts. end=0.0 // If >1 line, time from start of audio (0.0s) at which this dialogue-line ends. english="Dialogue..." // English dialogue text french="Dialogue..." // French dialogue text german="Dialogue..." // German dialogue text italian="Dialogue..." // Italian dialogue text spanish="Dialogue..." // Spanish dialogue text dutch="Dialogue..." // Dutch dialogue text japanese="Dialogue..." // Japanese dialogue text korean="Dialogue..." // Korean dialogue text line_end // End dialogue-line settings block ************************************************************** ***************** * TERRAIN TYPES * ***************** terrain type extra terrain type SURFACES Default 0 0 Burrow 1 0 Non-sandy 2 0 Pebble pad 3 0 Clam 4 0 Non-sandy bumpy 5 0 Kill 6 0 Pop 7 0
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File: (info)
Throughout the files of the Xbox port are several logs relating to when raw assets were converted to the formats used by the game.
Revisional Differences
Miscellaneous Differences
- Each version has different options. The GameCube and Xbox versions set stereo or mono audio based on the system setting. The GameCube and PS2 versions have a toggle for Surround sound. The PS2 version has an option for adjusting the screen position.
- The Xbox version has Dolby Digital 5.1 support and has an option for headphones.
- Curiously, the Xbox version has a "Press Start to Resume" text when the game is paused.
- The rolling demos that play when left idle at the title screen are different. The PS2 and Xbox versions have gameplay demos, but each version has slightly different sequences that are featured. The GameCube version has flythroughs of a few levels.
- Graphically, the Xbox version has a shinier bloom effect while the GameCube version is the weakest, suffering from worse overall graphics (poor color and darker areas) and performance. The PS2 sits in between, with better frame rate but less shiny graphics.
GameCube Version
Two different versions were released for the GameCube version. Version 1.00 was released in North America and Europe and had the following issues:
- Drastically longer load times, ranging up to about a minute.
- Some missing sound effects, such as when the seashell counter lands in the ground in the level select after finishing the level with a new high score.
These issues were fixed in Version 1.01, which was released in Japan, Korea and later in North America.
The Finding Nemo series
| |
GameCube, PlayStation 2, Xbox | Finding Nemo |
Game Boy Advance | Finding Nemo |
Nintendo DS | Escape to the Big Blue |
Nintendo 3DS | Escape to the Big Blue Special Edition |
Windows, Mac OS Classic | Nemo's Underwater World of Fun |
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- Finding Nemo series
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Games > Games by release date > Games released in December > Games released on December 6
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Games > Games by series > Finding Nemo series