Fortnite: Battle Royale (Windows, Mac OS X)/Unused Weapons
This is a sub-page of Fortnite: Battle Royale (Windows, Mac OS X).
- 1 Unused Weapons
- 2 Unused Items
- 3 Unused Consumables
- 3.1 Backpack
- 3.2 Beehive Grenade
- 3.3 Big Poppy
- 3.4 Bounce Pad Plant Spwaner
- 3.5 Burst Squad Heal
- 3.6 C4
- 3.7 Chain Grenade
- 3.8 Concussion Mine
- 3.9 Durr Burger Helmet
- 3.10 Glow Torches
- 3.11 Pod Plant Spawner
- 3.12 Purple Stuff
- 3.13 M80
- 3.14 Quick Heal
- 3.15 Shield Aura
- 3.16 Signal Grenades
- 3.17 Wheel Grenade
- 3.18 Ceiling Drop Trap
Unused Weapons
There are a ton of test/old weapons in the files. Most of these are just Mythic weapons from old seasons (most of them got reused in the Arsenal LTM), collab weapons that don't work anymore (like Thanos's gauntlet and the Marvel superheroes' items), or scrapped/test weapons such as a Gnome Gun (that shoots gnomes), a Charge rocket, a Shotgod, "ElephantGarlic" (a weird device that shoots electric projectiles, apparently used for Battle Lab), and a Tinstack weapon, that functions similar to Fuse's Ultimate from Apex Legends.
Air Strike Laser
A explosive weapon that shoots down a raining airstrike on your opponents.
Backpack Minigun
A Rare minigun with no start up time, when shot it has no ammo cost and 100% accuracy when aiming.
Chain Grenade Launcher
Wierd launcher which shoots Chain Grenades. Uses the Proximity Grenade Launcher's Icon and model when dropped but uses the Grenade Launchers model when being fired.
One of the multiple weapons planned for Battle Royale, but never made it in. The Hammercrush only has one shot and reloads incredibly fast compared to it's Save the World counterpart.
Another weapon planned for Battle Royale from Save the World. The Monsoon has 25 shots and no charge time compared to its Save the World counterpart.
Mystique's Dual Auto Pistols
A fast firing set of Pistols meant for the "Mystique" Outfit added in the v14.60 Update and removed in the v15.00 Update.
MK-Alpha Assault Rifle
There is an unused version of this rifle which has a different name.
Another weapon planned for Battle Royale from Save the World. The Nailer has less recoil and a tighter bloom compared to it's Save the World counterpart.
Splinter Bow
An unused Battle Royale Bow. It was meant for the Alloy and Lara Croft LTM but is unfinished and never used.
Triple Tap
Yet another weapon planned for Battle Royale. The Triple Tap only seems to shot once, unlike the 3-round-burst that it's Save the World counterpart does.
WIP Mythic Red Dot AR
In the files exists a unused mythic MK-Seven Assault Rifle Identical to The Foundation's MK-Seven Assault Rifle.
WIP Mythic Red Dot AR | The Foundation's MK-Seven Assault Rifle |
Zap Zapp
Another planned Battle Royale weapon. The Zap Zapp has 1 shot, and uses Light Ammo instead of Energy Cells.
Unused Items
Multiple Backpacks
After the release of the v4.20 content update and the addition of the Jetpack, many other "Backpacks" were leaked.
Eye of the Storm Tracker
With the release of the v4.20 update, an unfinished item called the "Eye of the Storm Tracker" was added to the files, and subsequently mistakenly added to the loot pool in place of the Jetpack.
On the ground, the item had the appearance of the (then unreleased) "Skirmish" Back Bling, which was released along with the "Rose Team Leader" Outfit in Chapter 1: Season 5 as a reward for purchasing a Founder's Pack.
Upon picking up the item, it would replace the player's current Back Bling with the item, similar to how Jetpacks work.
In the inventory, the item used the icon for the (also then unreleased) "Vintage" Back Bling, which released in the Item Shop during Chapter 1: Season 5 as a part of the "Buckled" bundle.
The item would show where the next storm circle was on the map and mini-map as a yellow-tinted circle.
Noticing their mistake, the item was removed from the loot pool and replaced with the Jetpack within 30 minutes of the update releasing, making it one of the fastest item removals in Fortnite history.[1]
The concept of the item was repurposed as the "Storm Scout Sniper Rifle", which was initially released in Chapter 1: Season 9. An Exotic version of the weapon released as the "Storm Scout" in Chapter 2: Season 5, functioning identically to its normal counterpart. Additionally, players were able to purchase the ability to see the next Storm circle from NPCs starting in Chapter 2: Season 5.
Medic Pack
An item named the "Medic Pack" was leaked in the same update. While the exact effect this item would have given is unknown, it was likely intended to give players the ability to self-revive and / or revive their teammates faster. Visually, the item appeared to be a semi-futuristic medical backpack. Unlike the Eye of the Storm Tracker, the item had no usable code attached to it, meaning it was very early in development.
Fire Extinguisher
Supposed to put out fires, but is broken. Movement is also broken entirely while holding it. It has been hacked into creative some time ago and it has a really big hitbox.
Unused Consumables
To do: Add various unused consumable items showcased by LostOfFortnite |
An unused Battle Royale Consumable. It gives the player more inventory space and gives you a back bling.
Beehive Grenade
An unused Battle Royale Consumable. It throws down a beehive which would have done 15 damage every second to enemy players, similar to the Bee Lobbers in Fortnite: Save the World.
Big Poppy
An unused Battle Royale Consumable. Throw down a balloon which destroys structures and grows to large sizes!
Bounce Pad Plant Spwaner
A test item which spawns the Hop Flower
Burst Squad Heal
An unused Battle Royale Consumable. It heals the player for 75 health and has a 3 minute cooldown and as it says, heals your squad. It has an unused model and the Adrenline Rush icon from Fortnite: Save the World.
2 unused versions of C4 Works the same as Remote Explosives but look a bit different.
Rare C4 | Remote Explosives |
Uncommon C4 | Remote Explosives |
Chain Grenade
Wierd "grenade" which uses the clinger's model but when used creates an untextured chain with physics. It gives the player a new one every 2 seconds until it reaches the stack limit of 100.
Concussion Mine
The first planned mythic fortnite item. The Concussion mine would function similar to the Proximity Mine where if a player gets near it explodes.
Durr Burger Helmet
An unused item which would have protected your head from getting headshot. It would have replaced your head with a Durr Burger head and only takes 1 shot and takes 2 seconds to apply.
Glow Torches
There are 6 versions of the glow torch all with different colours, being Yellow, Purple, Green, White, Orange and Blue.
Pod Plant Spawner
A Test item by Epic Games to spawn in the Stink Flower.
Purple Stuff
An unused old version of Slurp Juice found in v1.7.2. It functions exactly like old slurp juice before it was changed in v5.10. Noticeable differences are the different icon and rarity.
Purple Stuff | Slurp Juice |
An unused Battle Royale variant of the Save the World M80. It explodes on impact with players, and does no structure damage.
Quick Heal
An unused Battle Royale Consumable. It heals the player for 15 health and gives them a speed boost for a short duration. Uses the pepper model and icon.
Shield Aura
An unused Battle Royale Backpack. It heals the player for 1 shield per second for a maximum of 50 shield and uses the BackTracker Icon and Model.
Signal Grenades
3 unused Creative Mode variant of the Signal Remotes. It explodes after 3 seconds after being thrown and would probably do the same thing as a Signal Remote.
Wheel Grenade
Useless Wheel Grenades which use the model of the clinger. Both recharge and stack until 100 every 2 seconds.
Ceiling Drop Trap
In earlier Battle Royale builds of the game, there was an unused BR variant of the Ceiling Drop Trap. It has the model of the ceiling gas trap and some debug boxes showing where you need to go to trigger it.