Fortnite: Battle Royale (Windows, Mac OS X)/Unused objects
- 1 durrables durr burger
- 2 durrables fries
- 3 durrables drink
- 4 durrables hotsauce
- 5 The pricklypear/ hurtnheal
- 6 early shopping cart
- 7 Honey comb
- 8 Athena target dummy
- 9 Healing totem
- 10 dev item spawner
- 11 Helios Fire pit
- 12 Deployed party rift
- 13 early creative island selector
- 14 Crucible Target
- 15 Early zipline objects
- 16 Early Winter Battle bus
durrables durr burger
added in 3.0 and lasting until at least 4.0 the durrables durr burger was the first of 3 unused forged items these were the first ever added to the files the forged durrburger seems to be a early version of the forged apple but it heals 10 hp instead of 5 the most likely reason this was scrapped is because it probably would only spawn in one location that being greasy grove
durrables fries
added in 2.4.2 and later replaced by the scrapped durrable hotsauce the durrable fries have no function you can eat em thats it but it does have fx when eaten along side a sound and anim so very finished
durrables drink
added in 2.4.2-4.0 the durrables drink is part of the trio of durrables forged items the durrable drink is a early version of the shield mushroom but instead of giving 5 shield it gives 10 shield it also plays the drink animation when consumed
durrables hotsauce
added in 3.0-4.0 the durrables hot sauce is the last of the trio of scrapped durrables forged items the durrables hotsauce is a early version of the pepper forged item but with dfferent vfx and effect time
The pricklypear/ hurtnheal
the hurtnheal is a unused forged item that would do somthing we dont quite know cause it just uses the apples functionatly so it heals but doesn't hurt i know wtf epic games i want my money back lol but we have gameplay of it and it was added in 5.21 and removed in 5.30 and added right back in 5.40 with some additons to its mesh
early shopping cart
added to the files in 3.0 added officially in 4.3 the shopping cart has a lot of early versions this is the first version of the shopping cart every version from 3.0 to 4.2 has a early shopping cart
Honey comb
In 12.60-Current a unused Forged item was added to the files labeled as honey comb it functions exactly like the forged coconut item healing 5 hp or shield it also plays the old shield drink anim when consumed
Athena target dummy
for some reason there is a obj that is a target dummy perhaps it was used in testing
Healing totem
The healing totem was a object that would spawn in stw and any heal any nearby husks the only way to stop it would to go up to it and sabotage it.
dev item spawner
This was used at sompoint for testing items but now seems to be no longer functional
Helios Fire pit
a unused fire pit object is found with the files of the chapter 5 map
Deployed party rift
Theres a scrapped emote called Deploy party rift and its projectile would spawn in this object
early creative island selector
In the files there is a early version of the creative island selector
Crucible Target
in the files there is a object labeled as a crucible target notably this seems to be based off the athena target dummy object. also the post its on is similar to the creative targets.
Early zipline objects
in 5.21 the zipline had some objs added to the files when summoned via console command it would play line from ray from stw
Early Winter Battle bus
in version 1.10 a lot early assets for the upcoming winter season were added including the early winter battle bus sporting a red desgin with the yule rangers hat and snow vfx that would travel around it. it seemed to be a lastminute change.