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Freedom Planet/Debug

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This is a sub-page of Freedom Planet.

Debug Level/Cutscene Select Screen


Found in Black Load (frame number 1), this screen allows you to easily select most of the game's levels and cutscenes. While available in all prototypes, the release versions require the use of memory editing.

(Original TCRF research: Creepario)

Debug Mode


A feature disabled in all release versions. This mode is toggled on/off by left-clicking the upper left part of the HUD; the player is notified of its activation through a health petal sound effect. And if that wasn't obvious enough, the timer is replaced by text that literally reads "DEBUG MODE".

While debug mode is active, all numeric keys get a different use:

  • 0 -> Gives Carol her motorcycle.
  • 1 -> Fills up your energy bar.
  • 2 -> Lets you cycle between the shields (in order: None -> Wood -> Fire -> Metal -> Water -> Earth).
  • 3 -> Fills up your petals.
  • 4 -> Sets the invincibility timer to 600 (10 seconds).
  • 5 -> Sets your amount of lives, cycles between 1 to 5.
  • 6 -> Sets your horizontal speed to the maximum horizontal velocity (15).
  • 7 -> Sets your vertical speed to -15.
  • 8 -> Hurts the player (it doesn't decrease your petals but can still kill you if you have none).
  • 9 -> Sets the petals to 0.

It's possible to leave debug mode by clicking on the upper-left part of the HUD again.

(Original TCRF research: Creepario)

Unused Triggers

All of them are flagged with the additional condition "Never", which means they won't trigger under normal circumstances.


Holding down Ctrl+Shift+D at any point during the frame is meant to warp the player to the Level/Cutscene Select Screen by increasing a value in the Galaxytrail logo object. The function that checks if the value is set and warps the player is disabled.

Aqua Tunnel

  • Aqua Tunnel 2: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the act 2 checkpoint.
  • Aqua Tunnel 4: Pressing "Space" warps the player near the end boss.

Dragon Valley

  • Dragon Valley 2: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the mid-boss checkpoint.
  • Dragon Valley 2: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the act 2 checkpoint.
  • Dragon Valley 4: Pressing "Space" warps the player to above the boss room.
  • Dragon Valley 4: Pressing "Space" reduces the Hunter Snake's HP to 0 as well as destroys all of its scales.

Relic Maze

  • Relic Maze 4: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the next checkpoint.
  • Relic Maze 4: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the player to Spade.
  • Relic Maze 5: Pressing "L" automatically triggers the light switches of the room.
  • Relic Maze 5: Pressing "Space" triggers the Kingdom Stone theft scene, which warps the player next to the end boss.
  • Relic Maze 5: Pressing "K" triggers the Mantalith's defeat.

Fortune Night

  • Fortune Night 3: Pressing "L" warps the player next to the UFO section.
  • Fortune Night 3: Pressing "Space" warps the player next to the mid-boss.
  • Fortune Night 3: Pressing "K" triggers Serpentine's defeat.
  • Fortune Night 5: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the player to Torque and warps him near the Robopanther sequence.
  • Fortune Night 5: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the player to Milla and warps her near the Robopanther sequence.

Sky Battalion

  • Sky Battalion 1: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player next to the mid-boss.

Jade Creek

  • Jade Creek 3: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player next to the mid-boss.
  • Jade Creek 3: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the act 2 checkpoint.
  • Jade Creek 4: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Carol.
  • Jade Creek 5: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Torque and warps him near the end boss.
  • Jade Creek 5: Pressing "Space" warps the player next to the end boss.
  • Jade Creek 5: Pressing "K" will reduce Serpentine's and the Robogunship's HP to 5.

Thermal Base

  • Thermal Base 3: Pressing "Space" warps the player next to the mid-boss.
  • Thermal Base 3: Pressing "K" will trigger the defeat of Syntax's first form.
  • Thermal Base 6: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Milla.
  • Thermal Base 6: Pressing "K" triggers Syntax's defeat.

Pangu Lagoon

  • Pangu Lagoon 6: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player onto the switch that opens the boss room's door.
  • Pangu Lagoon 6: Pressing "Space" triggers the Holodragon's defeat.

Trap Hideout

  • Trap Hideout 3: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player near the boss arena.
  • Trap Hideout 3: Pressing "Space" will cause 3 Biker Ninjas to spawn in the arena, adding 3 more if pressed again with a limit of 18 Biker Ninjas at once. Also sets Spade's boss health to 1.
  • Trap Hideout 3: Pressing "Space" will trigger the cutscene after the boss battle.

Battle Glacier

  • Battle Glacier 4: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the checkpoint after the Absolution mid-boss.
  • Battle Glacier 5: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player near the end of the room, next to the Tao Stone.
  • Battle Glacier 6: Pressing "Space" triggers Prince Dail's defeat.

Final Dreadnought

  • Final Dreadnought 1: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the Tao Stone before the section where Brevon's troops ambush you.
  • Final Dreadnought 2: Pressing "Space" will warp the player to the room before Final Dreadnought Round 1's boss.
  • Final Dreadnought 4: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Milla.
  • Final Dreadnought 4: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player to the Final Dreadnought Round 2 boss.
  • Final Dreadnought 6: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Torque.
  • Final Dreadnought 6: Pressing "Space" will warp the player to the Final Dreadnought Round 3 boss.
  • Final Dreadnought 6: Pressing "K" triggers Mutant Milla's defeat.
  • Final Dreadnought 7: At the "Start of Frame"; warps the player near the end of the room, next to the golden springs at the top.
  • Final Dreadnought 7: Pressing "Space" warps the player to the end of the room without triggering the room transition.
  • Final Dreadnought 8: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Torque.
  • Final Dreadnought 8: At the "Start of Frame"; changes the character to Milla, teleports you into the boss room with the Absolution defeated.
  • Final Dreadnought 8: At the "Start of Frame"; teleports you into the boss room with the Power Suit defeated.
  • Final Dreadnought 8: At the "Start of Frame"; triggers an otherwise unused cutscene called "Ending", consisting of your character walking in and staring at the Kingdom Stone, with Brevon visible on the side of the screen. The game softlocks after this point, as the cutscene is unfinished.
  • Final Dreadnought 8: Pressing "Space" triggers the Power Suit's defeat.

(Original TCRF research: Creepario)