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Frisky Tom (Arcade)

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Title Screen

Frisky Tom

Developer: Nichibutsu
Publisher: Nichibutsu
Platform: Arcade (custom)
Released internationally: 1981

Carts.png This game has revisional differences.

And you were just a scroll away from being fired too...
Oh dear, I do believe I have the vapors.
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Such as: Naked lady censored by a few bubbles.

Frisky Tom has you trying to stop mice from festering and destroying your irrigation system in order to fill up the water tank for your lovely babe.

Revisional Differences

There are three versions of the game:

  • friskyta (labeled as "Set 2" in MAME), the original version.
  • friskytb (labeled as "Set 3" in MAME), which is mostly the same as the above but has some minor differences.
  • friskyt (labeled as "Set 1" in MAME), a much-revised version with a number of gameplay changes, mainly to increase the overall difficulty.


Old Version
(friskyta/Set 2)
New Version
(friskyt/Set 1)

The old version has a scratchy noise for the credit sound. In the new version, this was changed into a ding sound, with the old scratchy noise now used when the mean mouse collides with Tom during gameplay.

This joyful theme from the old version is played when the water tank is full as a signal that you completed the level. Since in the new version the task was changed (see below), this theme was removed.

This alarming theme is played in the new version when the bomb is about to explode. This theme is absent in the old version, where instead it repeats the alarm jingle when pyro mouse will light the bomb fuse.

Difficulty Ranks

The new version adds a difficulty rank system, going from C (the lowest) to A (the highest).


The biggest difference between the old version and the new version is the gameplay:

The object of the game, in the old version, is to prevent the molar mice from damaging the irrigation system in order to fill up the water tank in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

While in the new version the core gameplay is the same, now the damage to the irrigation system drops the bonus counter inside the water tank. If it reaches 0, you fail the level and lose a life.


Old Version New Version
FriskyTomOldVerCutscene.png FriskyTomNewVerCutscene.png

The cutscene of Tom's girlfriend (or wife) taking a bath was altered to give her a red bikini. A bikini-clad version is also present in the Game Boy port.

In the old version, the cutscene plays after every two levels. In the new version, it only appears if the bonus counter in the water tank has more than 1,900 points.