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Frogger Beyond/Unused Graphics

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This is a sub-page of Frogger Beyond.


The images below were deleted before the game released, but have been recovered because of a feature in old versions of Windows.
Windows used to have a file called Thumbs.db which would contain previews of all images in a folder.
It was used to allow for faster viewing of images in Windows Explorer.
The images you see below are images which were deleted from game, but have been recovered from Thumbs.db.
They are much lower quality than the original images because they are only previews. Images which were too unclear or used were omitted.

Menu Graphics

Froggerbeyond TITLE PIC02.png
TITLE PIC02.png is an unused version of the title screen with a different logo and "PRESS START" font.

Froggerbeyond optionbak.png
optionbak.png is likely an earlier version of the options menu background.

Old Menu Graphics #1

FroggerBeyond OldMenuGraphics2.png

This texture sheet contains various unused or early graphics used for menus. Most notably, it contains early powerup icons.

Magic Elder Portrait

FroggerBeyond oldhead.png

oldhead.png is a portrait of the Magic Elder. Given its similarity to Lumpy's portrait, it may have been intended to be used for in-game dialogue.

Developer Fonts

abcd_24.bmp abcd_24_n.bmp
FroggerBeyond ColorFont.png FroggerBeyond WhiteFont.png

Various unused fonts can be found in the game's files, including the ones shown above.

Old Item Shop

FroggerBeyond OldItemShop.png

Early graphics for the item shop.

Old Level Clear Graphics

Old Final
FroggerBeyond LevelClearOld.png FroggerBeyond LevelClear.png

Old Powerup Icons

FroggerBeyond StageSelectOldIcons.png

This contains more early designs for powerups.

Unused Difficulty Setting

FroggerBeyond Ps2EOptionsDifficulty.png

This file is used, but it contains unused graphics suggesting the difficulty setting from the Japanese version was planned for the international release as well.

Unused Japanese Title Screens

TITLE_PIC02_J TITLE_PIC02_J_J TITLE_PIC02_J_J_J Final (Screenshot)
FroggerBeyond JPLogo1.png FroggerBeyond JPLogo2.png FroggerBeyond JPLogo3.png FroggerBeyond RealJPTitle.png