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Front Mission 3/Debug Menus

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This is a sub-page of Front Mission 3.

Debug Menu

Debug Menu
Location: Debug
Stage - Stage selector
Face - Non-functional menu item. Most likely to show characters from the game.
Music - Music player
Sound effect - Non-functional menu item. Most likely to play sound effects from the game. There is another option in DEB2 menu that is a working copy of this.
SSE - Unknown functionality
 | Load
 | Play
City - Non-functional menu item. Most likely to view city maps from the game. There is another menu that has a working copy of this.
SETUP - Standard setup menu for wanzers
Shop - Standard shop found in the game

Combat Debug

Allows changing various aspects of combat. This menu appears after visiting the main debug menu and entering any battle sequence.

Pops up at the start of each battle.
Location: Debug
 | P
 | E
 | ALL
 | -
SETUP - Standard setup menu for wanzers
Rem - Upgrade menu
Mode - Change random event likelihood
 | Skill
   | Happen - Skills always happen
   | Get - New skills are always obtained when possible
   | Chain - Skills always chain when possible
   | AllON - Enable all skill settings
   | AllOFF - Disable skill settings
 | Out
   | OFF, 1, ON
 | HPLost
   | OFF, 1, ON
 | Faint
   | OFF, 1, ON
 | Confuse
   | OFF, 1, ON
 | Missile
   | OFF, ON
 | Light
   | OFF, ON
 | RemLV
   | -, OFF, 4/7
 | Anytime
   | OFF, ON
 | Forum
   | Close, Open
AllRec - Recover all combatants and start the battle
AllNotB1 - All other parts are set to 1HP and start the battle
[empty] - Modify battlefield
R - Start the battle

Unit Debug

Selecting the empty options in the combat debug menu allows the user to select objects around the map and perform various actions to them:

Location: Unit
 | RecParts - Recover part HP to full
 | SetHP1 - Sets all parts to HP1, including pilot
 | BrkB - Breaks body
 | BrkL - Breaks legs
 | BrkAL - Breaks left arm
 | BrkAR - Breaks right arm
 | ResB - Restores body to full HP
 | ResL - Restores legs to full HP
 | Loss - Pilot is surrendering
   | Loss  - Surrender timing?
   | before - Surrender timing?
 | Faint - Pilot faints
 | Confuse - Pilot is confused
 | RecAll - Removes all pilot effects
RecAll - Recovers target's all stats
Height - Move target vertically
 | AR
   | 0 ~ 4
 | AL
   | 0 ~ 4
 | L
   | 0 ~ 4
 | B
   | 0 ~ 4
 | AR
   | 0 ~ 7
 | AL
   | 0 ~ 7
 | L
   | 0 ~ 7
 | B
   | 0 ~ 7
 | 0 ~ 4
Move - Move target around the map
R - Leave menu