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Gakuen Alice: Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken

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Title Screen

Gakuen Alice: Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken

Developer: Rokumendo
Publisher: Kids Station
Platform: Game Boy Advance
Released in JP: November 18, 2004

DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.
SoundtestIcon.png This game has a hidden sound test.
LevelSelectIcon.png This game has a hidden level select.

Debug Menu

Gakuen Alice - Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken J GBA Debug.png Gakuen Alice - Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken J GBA Debug 2.png Gakuen Alice - Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken J GBA Debug 3.png Gakuen Alice - Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken J GBA Debug 4.png

Code 0300341428 will load the debug menu after booting up. You have the ability to warp to any level and screen in the game. ROM text for the debug menu can be found starting at address 0x17460A.

Sound Test

Gakuen Alice - Dokidoki Fushigi Taiken J GBA Sound Test.png

Code 0300341429 will start the game at a sound test. ROM text for the debug menu can be found starting at address 0x18B248.

(Source: nensondubois)