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Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle

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Title Screen

Galactic Wrestling: Featuring Ultimate Muscle

Also known as: Kinnikuman Generations (JP)
Developer: AKI
Publisher: Bandai
Platform: PlayStation 2
Released in JP: April 22, 2004, February 24, 2005 (PlayStation 2 the Best)
Released in US: June 30, 2004

CodeIcon.png This game has unused code.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

The sequel to Kinnikuman Nisei: Legends vs. New Generation. This game features many more characters, but loses the story mode and the create-a-wrestler features. Still, it's a fun game with simple gameplay.

Debug Information Display

Galactic Wrestling Featuring Ultimate Muscle - Debugdisplay.png

Applying the below code will enable some debug information.

USA code:

Enable Debug Info
201BFF44 00000000
00422098 00000001
(Source: Punk7890)

Unused Memory Card Test Screen

Galactic Wrestling Featuring Ultimate Muscle - UnusedMenu.png

Applying the below code will change the Options screen to an unused memory card test screen.

USA code:

Options Menu = Memory Card Test Screen
203F4AA8 001002A0
(Source: Punk7890)

Regional Differences

Licensed Music

The Japanese release uses songs from the Kinnikuman and Kinnikuman Nisei anime series. The opening cinematic plays "Kinnikuman Go Fight," the menu plays "Hustle Muscle," and the end credits plays "Kinnikuman of Flames." These tracks are replaced with generic music in the US version.

(Source: Krendall2006)

Title Screen

The US version uses a different title screen when a completely new game is started. Once all characters are unlocked, it switches to the Japanese title screen (but keeps the American title and logo). Interestingly, the voiceover for the US game says, "Ultimate Muscle Generations," which implies the title change came late into production.

Japan US
Gsdx 20240202195417.png Gsdx 20240202172442.png
(Source: Krendall2006)

Default Roster

The default characters are different between the two versions. The US version has 24 characters locked while the Japanese version only has 15.

Japan US
Gsdx 20240202195259.png Gsdx 20240202172534.png
(Source: Krendall2006)

Name Changes

Many character names changed between the Japanese and US releases of the game. If this also included attack names and the names of characters only listed in the kinkeshi figures, the list would be insane.

Japanese US
Akuma Shogun Rogue Shogun
Ashuraman Shivano
Big the Budo Big Budo
Canadianman Manitoban
Chairman Vance McMadd
First Kinnikuman Great Lord Muscle
Gazelleman Dik Dik Van Dik
Geronimo Beetlebomb
Goldman Gold Rogue
Ilioukhine Comrade Turbinski
Jade Jaeger
Kenkaman Street Scrapper
Kinkotsuman Skullduggery
Kinniku Mantarou Kid Muscle
Kinniku Mantarou New Costume Chojin Kid
Kinniku Mayumi Grandpa
Kinnikuman King Muscle
Kinnikuman Battle Style Commander King Muscle
Kuroé Lord Flash
Mongolman Lomeinman
Neptune King Poseidon
New Sunshine Sunshine Supreme
The Ninja Ninja Ned
Pentagon Starface
Prince Kamehame Prince Lou Ow
Scarface Eskara
Second Kinnikuman Great Lord Wrangler
Seiuchin Wally Tusket
Taken Over Buffaloman Buffalo Rampage
Terry the Kid Terry "The Grand" Kenyon
Wolfman Sosumi
(Source: Krendall2006)