Ghost Master/Cut Missions and Levels
This is a sub-page of Ghost Master.
There are several maps and missions (because maps get reused) that are referenced in parts of the game but not present anymore.
Butler Didn't Do It
Butler Didn't Do It was supposed to be the second part of the Where There's a Will mission, set in the same Gothic Mansion. After playing through Where There's a Will with Carter, The Painter and the dog Buck as mortals you would here be able to release them as a restless spirit. In the final game, Buck is unlocked at the beginning of Act 2 and Carter and the Painter at the beginning of Act 3. The names of the mortals that were supposed to be present in this level are all still mentioned in the English.UT8 file.
Field of Nightmares
The mission Field of Nightmares was supposed to take place on a Baseball Field, likely on the same map as Spooky Hollow judging by a baseball field on a level render on one release' bonus disc. It would have featured the cut Smokin' Joe as a restless spirit as well as Stormtalon, who is instead a secretly recruitable haunter in Spooky Hollow.
To do: Add said render. |
The template for setting up audio files for this mission survived.
# FIELD OF NIGHTMARES SMOKINJOE_FON_WINDOW_1,2D,"sp_smokinjoe_4.snd",0,1,0 SMOKINJOE_FON_WINDOW_2,2D,"null.snd",0,1,0 STORMTALON_LAYTOREST,2D,"sp_stormtalon_1.snd",0,1,16690 STORMTALON_DISPEL,2D,"sp_stormtalon_2.snd",0,1,2780 STORMTALON_BANISH,2D,"sp_stormtalon_3.snd",0,1,5876
Ghost in The Military Machine
Ghost in The Military Machine was supposed to take place in Gravenville's military base, like the Full Mortal Jacket mission. Azrael was a cut restless spirit in this scenario, and judging by the audio template you were also supposed to rescue The Darkling in this scenario.
The template for setting up audio files for this mission survived.
A mission was supposed to take place in a Museum, but was probably scrapped fairly early in development, as there's nothing left in the game data and it's known exclusively through a developer interview and pre-release material for removed ghosts (1, 2, 3).
The Abysmal
The Abysmal was supposed to take place on an old wooden ship, featuring the cut ghost Thorne as a restless spirit and Ladyrose, which is instead given to the player at the beginning of Act 3.
The template for setting up audio files for this mission survived.
# THE ABYSMAL LADYROSE_WINDOW_1,2D,"sp_ladyrose_1.snd",0,1,0 LADYROSE_WINDOW_2,2D,"sp_ladyrose_2.snd",0,1,0 LADYROSE_LAYTOREST,2D,"sp_ladyrose_3.snd",0,1,0 LADYROSE_DISPEL,2D,"sp_ladyrose_4.snd",0,1,2679 LADYROSE_BANISH,2D,"sp_ladyrose_5.snd",0,1,3418 THORNE_WINDOW_1,2D,"sp_thorne_1.snd",0,1,0 THORNE_WINDOW_2,2D,"sp_thorne_2.snd",0,1,0 THORNE_LAYTOREST,2D,"sp_thorne_3.snd",0,1,0 THORNE_DISPEL,2D,"sp_thorne_4.snd",0,1,0 THORNE_BANISH,2D,"sp_thorne_5.snd",0,1,0
The Uninvited
The Uninvited was supposed to take place in the city streets. Not much else about this mission survived except for some of the names of some of the unused mortals that were supposed to appear in the level and some of them still have their bio's mentioned in the English.UT8 file.
TEXT_LAWYER_A_NAME "Michael Markowitz" TEXT_LAWYER_B_NAME "Susan Van Owen" //TEXT_SUSANVANOWEN_CUC_BIO "A former child star, Susan Van Owen is lacking in personality." TEXT_LAWYER_C_NAME "Alan Brackman" TEXT_LAWYER_D_NAME "C. J. Donohoe" //TEXT_CJDONOHOE_CUC_BIO "Footloose and fancy free, C.J. is suprisingly pleasant - for a bloodsucking lawyer." TEXT_LAWYER_E_NAME "Harry Kuzak" TEXT_LAWYER_F_NAME "Corbin Becker" TEXT_WORKER_A_NAME "Dan Goodman" TEXT_WORKER_B_NAME "Jackie Metcalf" TEXT_WORKER_C_NAME "Fred O'Keefe" TEXT_WORKER_D_NAME "Vic Florek" //TEXT_VICFLOREK_CUC_BIO "Vic is a lazy good for nothing." TEXT_WORKER_E_NAME "Grace Butler" //TEXT_GRACEBUTLER_CUC_BIO "Grace is used to being under fire." TEXT_BANK_AGENT_A_NAME "Otto Estevez" //TEXT_OTTOESTEVEZ_CUC_BIO "Otto is thinking of going into repossessions." TEXT_BANK_AGENT_B_NAME "Bud Stanton" //TEXT_BUDSTANTON_CUC_BIO "A veteren at exerting pressure for the banks, Bud left his emotions far behind." TEXT_BANK_AGENT_C_NAME "Leila Barash" TEXT_BANK_AGENT_D_NAME "Napoleon Velez" TEXT_BANK_AGENT_E_NAME "Debbi Balgobin" TEXT_BANK_AGENT_F_NAME "Lite Richardson" TEXT_BANKER_A_NAME "Griffin Midland" TEXT_BANKER_B_NAME "Lloyd T. Esby" TEXT_BANKER_C_NAME "Abigail National" //TEXT_ABIGAILNATIONAL_CUC_BIO "Abigail doesn't think anyone takes her seriously as a banker." TEXT_BANKER_D_NAME "Barclay Picard" TEXT_MR_BIG_A_NAME "Randolph Bellamy" TEXT_MR_BIG_B_NAME "Mortimer Ameche" TEXT_SHAMAN_A_NAME "White Cloud" //TEXT_WHITECLOUD_CUC_BIO "A Native American shaman of the Lakota. He is deeply attuned with the spirit world, and a worthy opponent."
Trainspooking was supposed to take place on a train called Gravenville Express on which the Ghostbreakers were transporting the Ether Bomb. While removed by the developers, stating that "it's no fun haunting on a train because of the narrowness of the playing field", out of all the unused missions, it's definitely the one with the most leftover content.
The game still has a train folder with all the templates set up to have unique sound effects associated with the scenario, but there's nothing in it. Like most of the unused levels though, a template survived.
The English.ut8 file contains several strings pertinent to the scrapped mission, while Italian.ut8 and Spanish.ut8 contain the respective translations.
// Trainspooking TEXT_HC_TS_1 "We are in grave danger. The Ghostbreakers are not as defeated as we had thought. Intending revenge upon you, they have commandeered the Gravenville Express, which carries upon it an experimental Ether Bomb they intend to detonate inside the city limits. #When the mutated tissues within the bomb are stimulated it will produce a massive shockwave of ethereal energy eradicating all astral life in the city." TEXT_TRAINSPOOKING_INTRO "The bomb's timer has already been set… the train must be stopped from reaching the station, and the bomb located and destroyed… before it is too late." TEXT_HC_TS_3 "Locate and destroy the ether bomb, and prevent it from reaching the city." TEXT_HC_TS_4 "The first ward is down - you have a beach head to begin your assault! Now work your way through the other carriages to reach the bomb!" TEXT_HC_TS_5 "The Ether Bomb! Quickly - use your haunters` powers to destroy it!" TEXT_HC_TS_6 "Congratulations, Ghost Master - the Ghostbreakers bomb has been destroyed, their plans lie in ruins and Gravenville lies in trembling apprehension of the powers of the supernatural. Truly your victory is complete." TEXT_HC_TS_7 "All mortals have fled! Congratulate your haunter team, Ghost Master, then move to destroy the ether bomb!"
//// Trainspooking TEXT_FATHERWILLIAMMULCAHY_TS_BIO "The rout at the military base has strengthened Father Mulcahy`s faith. " TEXT_PETERMURRAY_TS_BIO "Laurence`s smug personality has taken a beating, and he is on the brink of a nervous breakdown." TEXT_RAYMONDAKROYD_TS_BIO "Broke and desperate, Raymond nurses a grudge against ghost-kind." TEXT_EGONRAMIS_TS_BIO "The destruction of the Ectoplasmic Storage Device has left Dr. Ramis hungry for revenge."
TEXT_TRAINSPOOKING_HELP "Though the superiority of the dead to the living is without question, mortal cunning may hold surprises. Do not assume that every form of mortal defence can be nullified - some mortal ploys must be worked around."
// Trainspooking TEXT_HC_TS_1 "Siamo in grave pericolo. I Ghostbreaker non sono sconfitti come pensavamo. Vogliono vendicarsi di te e hanno requisito il Gravenville Express: trasporta una Bomba Eterea sperimentale che vogliono far esplodere dentro il perimetro della città. #Quando verranno stimolati i tessuti mutati all'interno della bomba, si produrrà una massiccia onda d'urto di energia eterea che distruggerà tutta la vita astrale della città." TEXT_TRAINSPOOKING_INTRO "Il timer della bomba è già stato attivato… bisogna impedire che il treno raggiunga la stazione, e la bomba dev'essere localizzata e distrutta... prima che sia troppo tardi." TEXT_HC_TS_3 "Localizza e distruggi la Bomba Eterea, e impediscile di raggiungere la città." TEXT_HC_TS_4 "Il primo reparto non è utilizzabile - hai una testa di ponte per iniziare il tuo assalto! Adesso fatti strada attraverso le altre carrozze per raggiungere la bomba!" TEXT_HC_TS_5 "La Bomba Eterea! Veloce! Usa i poteri degli infestatori per distruggerla!" TEXT_HC_TS_6 "Congratulazioni, Ghost Master! La bomba dei Ghostbreaker è stata distrutta, i loro piani non sono altro che brutti ricordi e Gravenville ancora trema per paura del soprannaturale. Adesso sì che la tua vittoria è definitiva." TEXT_HC_TS_7 "Tutti i mortali sono fuggiti! Congratulati con il tuo team di infestatori, Ghost Master, e mettiti in azione per distruggere la Bomba Eterea!"
// Trainspooking TEXT_FATHERWILLIAMMULCAHY_TS_BIO "La sconfitta alla base militare ha rafforzato la fede di Padre Mulcahy." TEXT_PETERMURRAY_TS_BIO "La sua fiera personalità ha preso una bella batosta e adesso Laurence è sull'orlo di un collasso nervoso." TEXT_RAYMONDAKROYD_TS_BIO "Distrutto e disperato, Raymond nutre del rancore verso la razza fantasma." TEXT_EGONRAMIS_TS_BIO "Dopo la distruzione del Dispositivo di Immagazzinamento Ectoplasmico il dottor Ramis è in cerca di vendetta."
TEXT_TRAINSPOOKING_HELP "Anche se la superiorità dei morti sui vivi è indiscutibile, l'astuzia umana può presentare qualche sorpresa. Non dare per scontato che tutte le forme di difesa umana possano essere eliminate - dovrai cercare di aggirare alcuni stratagemmi dei mortali."
// Trainspooking TEXT_HC_TS_1 "Estamos en grave peligro. Los Atrapafantasmas no están tan derrotados como creíamos. Con la intención de vengarse de ti, se han apropiado del Gravenville Express, que transporta una bomba de éter experimental, la cual tienen intención de activar dentro de la ciudad. #Cuando los tejidos transformados de la bomba reaccionen producirán una enorme onda expansiva de energía etérea que eliminará toda la vida astral de la ciudad." TEXT_TRAINSPOOKING_INTRO "El temporizador de la bomba ya ha sido activado... Hay que evitar que el tren llegue a la estación, localizar la bomba y destruirla... Antes de que sea demasiado tarde." TEXT_HC_TS_3 "Encuentra y destruye la bomba de éter, e impide que llegue a la ciudad." TEXT_HC_TS_4 "Has superado la primera resistencia. Tienes una cabeza de playa para empezar el asalto. ¡Ahora ábrete camino por los otros vagones para alcanzar la bomba!" TEXT_HC_TS_5 "¡La bomba de éter! ¡Rápido, usa tus poderes sobrenaturales para desactivarla!" TEXT_HC_TS_6 "Felicidades, Ghost Master. Has destruido la bomba de los Atrapafantasmas, has desbaratado sus planes y Gravenville vive ahora del todo atemorizada por los poderes sobrenaturales. La victoria no puede ser más completa." TEXT_HC_TS_7 "¡Todos los mortales han huido! Felicita a tu equipo de fantasmas, Ghost Master, ¡y ponte enseguida a destruir la bomba de éter! "
// Trainspooking TEXT_FATHERWILLIAMMULCAHY_TS_BIO "La derrota de la base militar ha fortalecido la fe del Padre Mulcahy." TEXT_PETERMURRAY_TS_BIO "La personalidad arrogante de Laurence se ha visto sacudida y ahora está al borde de un ataque de nervios." TEXT_RAYMONDAKROYD_TS_BIO "Arruinado y desesperado, Raymond guarda rencor hacia cualquier tipo de ente fanstamal." TEXT_EGONRAMIS_TS_BIO "La destrucción del Dispositivo de Almacenamiento de Ectoplasma ha dejado al Dr. Ramis sediento de venganza."
TEXT_TRAINSPOOKING_HELP "Aunque la superioridad de los espíritus sobre los mortales está fuera de toda duda, la astucia de los vivos puede guardar sorpresas. No asumas que toda forma de defensa mortal puede ser anulada - algunas tretas de los mortales son difíciles de contrarrestar."
Where There's a Will
Where There's a Will was supposed to take place in a Gothic Mansion. This scenario would have been unique - featuring Carter, The Painter and the dog Buck in mortal form and all three as ghosts in Butler Didn't Do It as a second part, set in the same place.
A few strings (called redundant by the author, but nowhere to be found elsewhere) in the English.ut8 are related to this scenario:
// KNOWN REDUNDANT STRINGS. HERE JUST TO SATISFY THE BUILD! "" TEXT_SUPERGHOST "((Superghost))" TEXT_EVOLVEGHOST "((Evolve Ghost))" //TEXT_UV_OLD_MAN_CARTER_BIO "The short tempered patriarch of the Carter family, rich and aloof." //TEXT_UV_PAINTER_BIO "A temperamental and pretentious artist, Vincent has been commissioned to paint Old Man Carter's portrait." //TEXT_UV_MAD_SCIENTIST_BIO "An old friend of the Painter's; talk of the haunted mansion has piqued his interest." //TEXT_UV_COOK_BIO "This gourmet chef has served the Carter family for generations. His chicken is so superb, it has earned him the name 'The Colonel'." //TEXT_UV_HOUSEKEEPER_BIO "Meticulous and clean, Mrs. White is easily irritated." //TEXT_UV_BUTLER_BIO "Butler to the Carter family for decades; a loyal servant." //TEXT_UV_FILM_STUDENT_A_BIO "Heather is dedicated to capturing the spirit world on film, but is none too bright." //TEXT_UV_FILM_STUDENT_B_BIO "Josh is Heather's younger brother. She has persuaded him to be her cameraman, even though he has a less than steady hand." //TEXT_UV_FILM_STUDENT_C_BIO "Mike is Heather's soundman and a close friend of Josh." //TEXT_UV_BUCK_BIO "Buck is a lazy house dog, and none too clean."
The template for setting up audio files for this mission also survived.
# WHERE THERE'S A WILL # Hypnos from The Uninvited BUCK_WINDOW_1,2D,"sp_buck_1.snd",0,1,1378 BUCK_WINDOW_2,2D,"sp_buck_2.snd",0,1,1281 BUCK_LAYTOREST,2D,"sp_buck_3.snd",0,1,1267 BUCK_DISPEL,2D,"sp_buck_4.snd",0,1,3293 BUCK_BANISH,2D,"sp_buck_5.snd",0,1,1779 OLDMANCARTER_WINDOW_1,2D,"sp_carter_1.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_WINDOW_2,2D,"sp_carter_2.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_BUCKLAIDTOREST,2D,"sp_carter_3.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_WINDOW_2_B,2D,"sp_carter_4.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_HUSBANDMANIFEST,2D,"sp_carter_5.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_LAYTOREST,2D,"sp_carter_6.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_DISPEL,2D,"sp_carter_7.snd",0,1,0 OLDMANCARTER_BANISH,2D,"sp_carter_8.snd",0,1,3900 OLDMANCARTER_BENCH,2D,"sp_carter_9.snd",0,1,3421 PAINTER_WINDOW_1,2D,"sp_painter_1.snd",0,1,0 PAINTER_WINDOW_2,2D,"sp_painter_2.snd",0,1,0 PAINTER_HUSBANDINROOM,2D,"sp_painter_3.snd",0,1,0 PAINTER_LAYTOREST,2D,"sp_painter_4.snd",0,1,0 PAINTER_DISPEL,2D,"sp_painter_5.snd",0,1,3348 PAINTER_BANISH,2D,"sp_painter_6.snd",0,1,2247