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Hamster Club: Awasete Chuu

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Title Screen

Hamster Club: Awasete Chuu

Developer: Nekogumi
Publisher: Jorudan
Platform: Game Boy Color
Released in JP: September 22, 2000

GraphicsIcon.png This game has unused graphics.
DebugIcon.png This game has debugging material.

Aww yiss!

Unused Lemmings Data

For whatever reason, there are a bunch of graphic and data banks (taking up roughly half of the entire ROM) that are copied from Lemmings & Oh No! More Lemmings. This seems to be some sort of prototype version of the game; possibly a localization build, as there are aspects of both the English and Japanese versions present. If bytes 084000 to 100000 of the Awasete Chuu code are applied to the Lemmings code in the same area, the remaining code will be able to run.

Awasete Chuu code Final build (JP) code
Hamster-club-awasete-lemmings-title-screen.png LemGBCJPTitle.png

There is a noticeable difference on the title screen: the 1-player selection says "Start Game" instead of "1P Game".

Error Screens


Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu J GBC PROC ERROR.png

Game Genie code 017-0BD-C4E will start the game in a program load (procedure event) error screen. This happens because game is attempting to load an invalid file.


Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu J GBC ERROR 2.png

Game Genie code 01C-109-B3A will display a chain error upon entering the main menu.


Hamster Club - Awasete Chuu J GBC ERROR 3.png

Game Genie code 2AC-109-B3A will display a general error handler screen upon entering the main menu. Game Genie code 647-0BD-C4E will also start the game in a different crash reporting screen.

(Source: nensondubois)